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Example 11 with SOCGameOption

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class TestI18NGameoptScenStrings method testDescriptionsFile.

 * For {@link #testDescriptionsForNet()}, test one string props file's description strings.
 * @param pfile Full filename to open and test
 * @return True if OK, or prints failed strings and return false
 * @throws Exception if {@code pfile} can't be opened and read
private boolean testDescriptionsFile(File pfile) throws Exception {
    final FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(pfile);
    final PropertyResourceBundle props = new PropertyResourceBundle(fis);
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    boolean allOK = true;
    final TreeSet<String> // use TreeSet for sorted results
    optBadChar = new TreeSet<String>(), scenBadChar = new TreeSet<String>();
    final ArrayList<String> optsStr = new ArrayList<String>(), scenStr = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (final SOCGameOption opt : allOpts.values()) {
        // but if present there the description strings do need to be OK.
        try {
            final String smDesc = props.getString("gameopt." + opt.key);
            if (smDesc != null) {
                if (!SOCMessage.isSingleLineAndSafe(smDesc))
        } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
    for (final SOCScenario sc : allScens.values()) {
        String strKey = sc.key + ".n";
        try {
            final String smDesc = props.getString("gamescen." + strKey);
            if (smDesc != null) {
                if (!SOCMessage.isSingleLineAndSafe(smDesc))
        } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
        final String longDesc = sc.getLongDesc();
        if (longDesc != null) {
            strKey = sc.key + ".d";
            try {
                final String smDesc = props.getString("gamescen." + strKey);
                if (smDesc != null) {
                    if (smDesc.contains(SOCMessage.sep) || !SOCMessage.isSingleLineAndSafe(smDesc, true))
            } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
    if (!optBadChar.isEmpty()) {
        allOK = false;
        System.out.println(pfile.getName() + ": Game opts with gameopt.* strings failing SOCMessage.isSingleLineAndSafe(..): " + optBadChar);
    if (!scenBadChar.isEmpty()) {
        allOK = false;
        System.out.println(pfile.getName() + ": SOCScenario key strings in gamescen.* failing SOCMessage.isSingleLineAndSafe(..): " + scenBadChar);
    // alias for brevity
    final int MAX = Connection.MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE_UTF8;
    String msg = SOCLocalizedStrings.toCmd(SOCLocalizedStrings.TYPE_GAMEOPT, Integer.MAX_VALUE, optsStr);
    int L = msg.getBytes("utf-8").length;
    if (L > MAX) {
        allOK = false;
        System.out.println(pfile.getName() + ": Total length gameopt.* strings too long for SOCLocalizedStrings (" + L + ", max " + MAX + ")");
    msg = SOCLocalizedStrings.toCmd(SOCLocalizedStrings.TYPE_SCENARIO, Integer.MAX_VALUE, scenStr);
    L = msg.getBytes("utf-8").length;
    if (L > MAX) {
        allOK = false;
        System.out.println(pfile.getName() + ": Total length gamescen.* strings too long for SOCLocalizedStrings (" + L + ", max " + MAX + ")");
    return allOK;
Also used : MissingResourceException(java.util.MissingResourceException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException( FileInputStream( PropertyResourceBundle(java.util.PropertyResourceBundle) SOCScenario( TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) SOCGameOption(

Example 12 with SOCGameOption

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCBotJoinGameRequest method parseDataStr.

 * Parse the command String into a BotJoinGameRequest message
 * @param s   the String to parse
 * @return    a BotJoinGameRequest message, or null if the data is garbled
public static SOCBotJoinGameRequest parseDataStr(String s) {
    // the game name
    String ga;
    // the seat number
    int pn;
    String optstr;
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, sep2);
    try {
        ga = st.nextToken();
        pn = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
        // NOT sep2: options may contain ","
        optstr = st.nextToken(sep);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;
    Map<String, SOCGameOption> opts = SOCGameOption.parseOptionsToMap(optstr);
    return new SOCBotJoinGameRequest(ga, pn, opts);
Also used : StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) SOCGameOption(

Example 13 with SOCGameOption

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class ServerGametypeInfo method receiveInfo.

 * After calling receiveDefaults, call this as each GAMEOPTIONGETINFO is received.
 * Updates allOptionsReceived.
 * @param gi  Message from server with info on one parameter
 * @return true if all are known, false if more are unknown after this one
public boolean receiveInfo(SOCGameOptionInfo gi) {
    String oKey = gi.getOptionNameKey();
    SOCGameOption oinfo = gi.getOptionInfo();
    SOCGameOption oldcopy = optionSet.get(oKey);
    if ((oinfo.key.equals("-")) && (oinfo.optType == SOCGameOption.OTYPE_UNKNOWN)) {
        // end-of-list marker: no more options from server.
        // That is end of srv's response to cli sending GAMEOPTIONGETINFOS("-").
        return true;
    } else {
        // remove old, replace with new from server (if any)
        if (oldcopy != null) {
            final SOCGameOption.ChangeListener cl = oldcopy.getChangeListener();
            if (cl != null)
        if (oinfo.optType != SOCGameOption.OTYPE_UNKNOWN)
            optionSet.put(oKey, oinfo);
        return false;
Also used : SOCGameOption(

Example 14 with SOCGameOption

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCBoardAtServer method getBoardSize.

 * Get the board size for
 * {@link BoardFactoryAtServer#createBoard(Map, boolean, int) BoardFactoryAtServer.createBoard}:
 * The default size {@link SOCBoardLarge#BOARDHEIGHT_LARGE BOARDHEIGHT_LARGE} by
 * unless <tt>gameOpts</tt> contains a scenario (<tt>"SC"</tt>) whose layout has a custom height/width.
 * The fallback 6-player layout size is taller,
 * @param gameOpts  Game options, or null
 * @param maxPlayers  Maximum players; must be 4 or 6 (from game option {@code "PL"} &gt; 4 or {@code "PLB"}).
 *     If {@code maxPlayers} == 4 and {@code gameOpts} contains {@code "PL"},
 *     that overrides {@code maxPlayers} using the same logic as in {@link #makeNewBoard(Map)}.
 * @return encoded size (0xRRCC), the same format as game option {@code "_BHW"}
 * @see SOCBoardLarge#getBoardSize(Map, int)
private static int getBoardSize(final Map<String, SOCGameOption> gameOpts, final int maxPlayers) {
    int heightWidth = 0;
    // Always test maxPl for ==6 or < 4 ; actual value may be 6, 4, 3, or 2.
    // Same maxPl initialization as in getBoardShift(opts) and makeNewBoard(..).
    final int maxPl;
    SOCGameOption opt = (gameOpts != null ? gameOpts.get("PL") : null);
    if ((opt == null) || (maxPlayers == 6))
        maxPl = maxPlayers;
    else if (opt.getIntValue() > 4)
        maxPl = 6;
        maxPl = opt.getIntValue();
    SOCGameOption scOpt = null;
    if (gameOpts != null)
        scOpt = gameOpts.get("SC");
    if (scOpt != null) {
        // Check scenario name; not all scenarios have a custom board size.
        final String sc = scOpt.getStringValue();
        if (sc.equals(SOCScenario.K_SC_4ISL)) {
            // 3, 4-player boards have same board size
            heightWidth = FOUR_ISL_BOARDSIZE[(maxPl == 6) ? 1 : 0];
        } else if (sc.equals(SOCScenario.K_SC_FOG)) {
            // 3, 4-player boards have same board size
            heightWidth = FOG_ISL_BOARDSIZE[(maxPl == 6) ? 1 : 0];
        } else if (sc.equals(SOCScenario.K_SC_TTD)) {
            heightWidth = TTDESERT_BOARDSIZE[(maxPl == 6) ? 2 : (maxPl == 4) ? 1 : 0];
        } else if (sc.equals(SOCScenario.K_SC_PIRI)) {
            heightWidth = PIR_ISL_BOARDSIZE[(maxPl == 6) ? 1 : 0];
        } else if (sc.equals(SOCScenario.K_SC_FTRI)) {
            heightWidth = FOR_TRI_BOARDSIZE[(maxPl == 6) ? 1 : 0];
        } else if (sc.equals(SOCScenario.K_SC_CLVI)) {
            heightWidth = CLVI_BOARDSIZE[(maxPl == 6) ? 1 : 0];
        } else if (sc.equals(SOCScenario.K_SC_WOND)) {
            heightWidth = WOND_BOARDSIZE[(maxPl == 6) ? 1 : 0];
        } else if (sc.equals(SOCScenario.K_SC_NSHO)) {
            heightWidth = NSHO_BOARDSIZE[(maxPl == 6) ? 2 : (maxPl == 4) ? 1 : 0];
    if (heightWidth == 0) {
        // No recognized scenario, so use the fallback board.
        heightWidth = FALLBACK_BOARDSIZE[(maxPl == 6) ? 1 : 0];
    return heightWidth;
Also used : SOCGameOption(

Example 15 with SOCGameOption

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCBoardAtServer method getBoardShift.

 * Given max players and scenario from {@code gameOpts},
 * get this board's Visual Shift amount if any (layout part "VS").
 * See {@link #getAddedLayoutPart(String)} javadoc for details on "VS".
 * @param gameOpts  Game options, or null.
 *     Looks for {@code "PL"} for max players and {@code "SC"} for scenario name key.
 * @return array with vsDown, vsRight, or {@code null}
private static int[] getBoardShift(final Map<String, SOCGameOption> gameOpts) {
    SOCGameOption opt;
    // Use 3-player or 4-player or 6-player layout?
    // Always test maxPl for ==6 or < 4 ; actual value may be 6, 4, 3, or 2.
    // Same maxPl initialization as in makeNewBoard(opts).
    final int maxPl;
    opt = (gameOpts != null ? gameOpts.get("PLB") : null);
    if ((opt != null) && opt.getBoolValue()) {
        maxPl = 6;
    } else {
        opt = (gameOpts != null ? gameOpts.get("PL") : null);
        if (opt == null)
            maxPl = 4;
        else if (opt.getIntValue() > 4)
            maxPl = 6;
            maxPl = opt.getIntValue();
    // scenario key, such as SOCScenario.K_SC_4ISL, or empty string
    final String scen;
    opt = (gameOpts != null ? gameOpts.get("SC") : null);
    if (opt != null) {
        final String ostr = opt.getStringValue();
        scen = (ostr != null) ? ostr : "";
    } else {
        scen = "";
    // when 1 choice (same VS for all player count): return it directly.
    // otherwise set boardVS and choose below based on maxPl.
    int[][] boardVS = null;
    if (scen.length() == 0)
        boardVS = FALLBACK_VIS_SHIFT;
    else if (scen.equals(SOCScenario.K_SC_NSHO))
        boardVS = NSHO_VIS_SHIFT;
    else if (scen.equals(SOCScenario.K_SC_4ISL))
        return FOUR_ISL_VIS_SHIFT;
    else if (scen.equals(SOCScenario.K_SC_PIRI))
        return PIR_ISL_VIS_SHIFT;
    else if (scen.equals(SOCScenario.K_SC_TTD))
        return TTDESERT_VIS_SHIFT;
    else if (scen.equals(SOCScenario.K_SC_FTRI))
        boardVS = FOR_TRI_VIS_SHIFT;
    else if (scen.equals(SOCScenario.K_SC_CLVI))
        boardVS = CLVI_VIS_SHIFT;
    else if (scen.equals(SOCScenario.K_SC_WOND))
        boardVS = WOND_VIS_SHIFT;
    else if (gameOpts != null) {
        opt = gameOpts.get(SOCGameOption.K_SC_FOG);
        if ((opt != null) && opt.getBoolValue())
            boardVS = FOG_ISL_VIS_SHIFT;
    if (boardVS == null)
        return null;
    final int idx = (boardVS.length == 2) ? // 6-player or 4-player board layout
    ((maxPl > 4) ? 1 : 0) : // 6-player, 4, or 3-player board layout
    ((maxPl > 4) ? 2 : (maxPl > 3) ? 1 : 0);
    // may return null
    return boardVS[idx];
Also used : SOCGameOption(


SOCGameOption ( Checkbox (java.awt.Checkbox)5 TextField (java.awt.TextField)3 MissingResourceException (java.util.MissingResourceException)3 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)3 SOCScenario ( Choice (java.awt.Choice)2 Component (java.awt.Component)2 Label (java.awt.Label)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Test (org.junit.Test)2 FileInputStream ( IOException ( SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)1 Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 PropertyResourceBundle (java.util.PropertyResourceBundle)1 StringTokenizer (java.util.StringTokenizer)1 SOCGame (