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Example 6 with SOCGameOption

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class NewGameOptionsFrame method showScenarioInfoDialog.

 * Show a popup window with this scenario's description, special rules, and number of victory points to win.
 * Calls {@link EventQueue#invokeLater(Runnable)}.
 * @param sc  A {@link SOCScenario}, or {@code null} to do nothing
 * @param gameOpts  All game options if current game, or null to extract from {@code sc}'s {@link SOCScenario#scOpts}
 * @param vpWinner  Number of victory points to win, or {@link SOCGame#VP_WINNER_STANDARD}.
 * @param cli     Player client interface, required for {@link AskDialog} constructor
 * @param parent  Current game's player interface, or another Frame for our parent window,
 *                or null to look for {@code cli}'s Frame as parent
 * @since 2.0.00
public static void showScenarioInfoDialog(final SOCScenario sc, Map<String, SOCGameOption> gameOpts, final int vpWinner, final GameAwtDisplay cli, final Frame parent) {
    if (sc == null)
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    // "Game Scenario:"
    sb.append(' ');
    final String scLongDesc = sc.getLongDesc();
    if (scLongDesc != null) {
    // Check game for any other _SC_ game opts in effect:
    // "_SC_CLVI"
    final String scenOptName = "_" + sc.key;
    // "Scenarios:"
    final String optDescScenPrefix = strings.get("game.options.scenario.optprefix");
    if ((gameOpts == null) && (sc.scOpts != null))
        gameOpts = SOCGameOption.parseOptionsToMap(sc.scOpts);
    if (gameOpts != null) {
        for (SOCGameOption sgo : gameOpts.values()) {
            if (sgo.key.equals(scenOptName))
                // scenario's dedicated game option; we already showed its name from scDesc
            if (!sgo.key.startsWith("_SC_"))
            String optDesc = sgo.getDesc();
            if (optDesc.startsWith(optDescScenPrefix))
                optDesc = optDesc.substring(optDescScenPrefix.length()).trim();
            // bullet point before option text
            sb.append("\n\u2022 ");
    if (vpWinner != SOCGame.VP_WINNER_STANDARD) {
        sb.append("\n\u2022 ");
        // "Victory Points to win:"
        sb.append(' ');
    final String scenStr = sb.toString();
    NotifyDialog.createAndShow(cli, parent, scenStr, null, true);
Also used : SOCGameOption(

Example 7 with SOCGameOption

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class ServerGametypeInfo method receiveDefaults.

 * Set of default options has been received from the server, examine them.
 * Sets allOptionsReceived, defaultsReceived, optionSet.  If we already have non-null optionSet,
 * merge (update the values) instead of replacing the entire set with servOpts.
 * @param servOpts The allowable {@link SOCGameOption} received from the server.
 *                 Assumes has been parsed already against the locally known opts,
 *                 so ones that we don't know are {@link SOCGameOption#OTYPE_UNKNOWN}.
 * @return null if all are known, or a list of key names for unknown options.
public List<String> receiveDefaults(final Map<String, SOCGameOption> servOpts) {
    if ((optionSet == null) || optionSet.isEmpty()) {
        optionSet = servOpts;
    } else {
        for (String oKey : servOpts.keySet()) {
            SOCGameOption op = servOpts.get(oKey);
            SOCGameOption oldcopy = optionSet.get(oKey);
            if (oldcopy != null)
            // Even OTYPE_UNKNOWN are added
            optionSet.put(oKey, op);
    List<String> unknowns = SOCVersionedItem.findUnknowns(servOpts);
    allOptionsReceived = (unknowns == null);
    defaultsReceived = true;
    return unknowns;
Also used : SOCGameOption(

Example 8 with SOCGameOption

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCDBHelper method saveGameScores.

 * Record this completed game's time, players, and scores in the database.
 * @param ga  Game that's just completed
 * @param gameLengthSeconds  Duration of game
 * @return true if the save succeeded
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@link SOCGame#getPlayerWithWin() ga.getPlayerWithWin()} is null
 * @throws SQLException if an error occurs
public static boolean saveGameScores(final SOCGame ga, final int gameLengthSeconds) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
    final SOCPlayer winner = ga.getPlayerWithWin();
    if (winner == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("no winner");
    if (checkConnection()) {
        // DB max 6; ga.maxPlayers max 4 or 6
        String[] names = new String[SOCGame.MAXPLAYERS];
        short[] scores = new short[SOCGame.MAXPLAYERS];
        for (int pn = 0; pn < ga.maxPlayers; ++pn) {
            SOCPlayer pl = ga.getPlayer(pn);
            names[pn] = pl.getName();
            scores[pn] = (short) pl.getTotalVP();
        final int db_max_players = (schemaVersion < SCHEMA_VERSION_1200) ? 4 : 6;
        if ((ga.maxPlayers > db_max_players) && !(ga.isSeatVacant(4) && ga.isSeatVacant(5))) {
            // Need to try and fit player 5 and/or player 6
            // into the 4 db slots (backwards-compatibility)
            saveGameScores_fit6pInto4(ga, names, scores);
        try {
            saveGameCommand.setString(1, ga.getName());
            int i = 2;
            for (int pn = 0; pn < db_max_players; ++i, ++pn) saveGameCommand.setString(i, names[pn]);
            for (int pn = 0; pn < db_max_players; ++i, ++pn) if ((scores[pn] != 0) || (names[pn] != null))
                saveGameCommand.setShort(i, scores[pn]);
                saveGameCommand.setNull(i, Types.SMALLINT);
            saveGameCommand.setTimestamp(i, new Timestamp(ga.getStartTime().getTime()));
            if (schemaVersion >= SCHEMA_VERSION_1200) {
                saveGameCommand.setInt(i, gameLengthSeconds);
                saveGameCommand.setString(i, winner.getName());
                final Map<String, SOCGameOption> opts = ga.getGameOptions();
                final String optsStr = (opts == null) ? null : SOCGameOption.packOptionsToString(opts, false);
                saveGameCommand.setString(i, optsStr);
            return true;
        } catch (SQLException sqlE) {
            errorCondition = true;
            throw sqlE;
    return false;
Also used : SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) SOCGameOption( SOCPlayer( Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp)

Example 9 with SOCGameOption

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCServerMessageHandler method handleGAMEOPTIONGETINFOS.

 * process the "game option get infos" message; reply with the info, with
 * one {@link SOCGameOptionInfo GAMEOPTIONINFO} message per option keyname.
 * If client version >= 2.0.00, send any unchanged but localized options using
 * {@link SOCLocalizedStrings}({@link SOCLocalizedStrings#TYPE_GAMEOPT TYPE_GAMEOPT}).
 * Mark the end of the option list with {@link SOCGameOptionInfo GAMEOPTIONINFO}("-").
 * If this list is empty, "-" will be the only GAMEOPTIONGETINFO message sent.
 * We check the default values, not current values, so the list is unaffected by
 * cases where some option values are restricted to newer client versions.
 * Any option where opt.{@link SOCGameOption#minVersion minVersion} is too new for
 * this client's version, is sent as {@link SOCGameOption#OTYPE_UNKNOWN}.
 * If the client is older than {@link SOCGameOption#VERSION_FOR_LONGER_OPTNAMES},
 * options with long names won't be sent.
 * @param c  the connection
 * @param mes  the message
 * @since 1.1.07
private void handleGAMEOPTIONGETINFOS(Connection c, SOCGameOptionGetInfos mes) {
    if (c == null)
    final int cliVers = c.getVersion();
    final SOCClientData scd = (SOCClientData) c.getAppData();
    boolean alreadyTrimmedEnums = false;
    Vector<String> okeys = mes.getOptionKeys();
    // opts to send as SOCGameOptionInfo
    List<SOCGameOption> opts = null;
    // opts to send in a SOCLocalizedStrings instead
    final Map<String, SOCGameOption> optsToLocal;
    // if we don't have game opt localization for client's locale, ignore that request flag.
    if (mes.hasTokenGetI18nDescs() && (c.getI18NLocale() != null))
        scd.wantsI18N = true;
    final boolean wantsLocalDescs = scd.wantsI18N && !SOCServer.i18n_gameopt_PL_desc.equals(c.getLocalized("gameopt.PL"));
    if (wantsLocalDescs) {
        // Gather all game opts we have that we could possibly localize;
        // this list will be narrowed down soon
        optsToLocal = new HashMap<String, SOCGameOption>();
        for (final SOCGameOption opt : SOCGameOption.optionsForVersion(cliVers, null)) optsToLocal.put(opt.key, opt);
    } else {
        optsToLocal = null;
    // Gather requested game option info:
    if (okeys == null) {
        // received "-", look for newer options (cli is older than us).
        // opts will be null if there are no newer ones.
        opts = SOCGameOption.optionsNewerThanVersion(cliVers, false, true, null);
        alreadyTrimmedEnums = true;
        if ((opts != null) && (cliVers < SOCGameOption.VERSION_FOR_LONGER_OPTNAMES)) {
            // Client is older than 2.0.00; we can't send it any long option names.
            Iterator<SOCGameOption> opi = opts.iterator();
            while (opi.hasNext()) {
                final SOCGameOption op =;
                if ((op.key.length() > 3) || op.key.contains("_"))
            if (opts.isEmpty())
                opts = null;
    if ((opts != null) || (okeys != null)) {
        final int L = (opts != null) ? opts.size() : okeys.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < L; ++i) {
            SOCGameOption opt;
            // i18n-localized opt.desc, if wantsLocalDescs
            String localDesc = null;
            if (opts != null) {
                opt = opts.get(i);
                if (opt.minVersion > cliVers) {
                    // OTYPE_UNKNOWN
                    opt = new SOCGameOption(opt.key);
                } else if (wantsLocalDescs) {
                    try {
                        localDesc = c.getLocalized("gameopt." + opt.key);
                    } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
            } else {
                final String okey = okeys.elementAt(i);
                opt = SOCGameOption.getOption(okey, false);
                if (// Don't use dynamic opt.getMinVersion(Map) here
                (opt == null) || (opt.minVersion > cliVers)) {
                    // OTYPE_UNKNOWN
                    opt = new SOCGameOption(okey);
                } else if (wantsLocalDescs) {
                    try {
                        localDesc = c.getLocalized("gameopt." + okey);
                    } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
            if (wantsLocalDescs) {
                // don't send opt's localization info again after GAMEOPTIONINFOs
                if (opt.getDesc().equals(localDesc))
                    // don't send desc if not localized, client already has unlocalized desc string
                    localDesc = null;
            // Enum-type options may have their values restricted by version.
            if ((!alreadyTrimmedEnums) && (opt.enumVals != null) && (opt.optType != SOCGameOption.OTYPE_UNKNOWN) && (opt.lastModVersion > cliVers)) {
                opt = SOCGameOption.trimEnumForVersion(opt, cliVers);
            c.put(new SOCGameOptionInfo(opt, cliVers, localDesc).toCmd());
    // send any opts which are localized but otherwise unchanged between server's/client's version
    if (// empty is OK
    optsToLocal != null) {
        List<String> strs = new ArrayList<String>(2 * optsToLocal.size());
        for (final SOCGameOption opt : optsToLocal.values()) {
            try {
                String localDesc = c.getLocalized("gameopt." + opt.key);
                if (!opt.getDesc().equals(localDesc)) {
            } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
        c.put(new SOCLocalizedStrings(SOCLocalizedStrings.TYPE_GAMEOPT, SOCLocalizedStrings.FLAG_SENT_ALL, strs).toCmd());
    // mark end of list, even if list was empty
Also used : MissingResourceException(java.util.MissingResourceException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SOCGameOption(

Example 10 with SOCGameOption

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class TestI18NGameoptScenStrings method testGameoptsText.

 * Test {@link SOCGameOption} text strings.
 * @see soc.server.SOCServer#localizeKnownOptions(java.util.Locale, boolean)
 * @see soc.server.SOCServerMessageHandler#handleGAMEOPTIONGETINFOS(soc.server.genericServer.Connection, soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetInfos)
public void testGameoptsText() {
    boolean allOK = true;
    final TreeSet<String> // use TreeSet for sorted results
    mismatchKeys = new TreeSet<String>(), missingKeys = new TreeSet<String>();
    for (final SOCGameOption opt : allOpts.values()) {
        // but if present there the description strings do need to match.
        try {
            final String smDesc = sm.get("gameopt." + opt.key);
            if (!opt.getDesc().equals(smDesc))
        } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
            if (opt.key.charAt(0) != '_')
    if (!mismatchKeys.isEmpty()) {
        allOK = false;
        System.out.println("Game opts which mismatch against gameopt.* strings: " + mismatchKeys);
    if (!missingKeys.isEmpty()) {
        allOK = false;
        System.out.println("Game opts missing from gameopt.* strings: " + missingKeys);
    assertTrue("SOCGameOption i18n strings", allOK);
Also used : TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) SOCGameOption( MissingResourceException(java.util.MissingResourceException) Test(org.junit.Test)


SOCGameOption ( Checkbox (java.awt.Checkbox)5 TextField (java.awt.TextField)3 MissingResourceException (java.util.MissingResourceException)3 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)3 SOCScenario ( Choice (java.awt.Choice)2 Component (java.awt.Component)2 Label (java.awt.Label)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Test (org.junit.Test)2 FileInputStream ( IOException ( SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)1 Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 PropertyResourceBundle (java.util.PropertyResourceBundle)1 StringTokenizer (java.util.StringTokenizer)1 SOCGame (