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Example 1 with SOCInventoryItemAction

use of soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCGameHandler method playerEvent.

 * Listener callback for per-player scenario events on the large sea board.
 * For example, there might be an SVP awarded for settlements.
 * Server sends messages to the game to announce it (PLAYERELEMENT,
 * {@link #updatePlayerSVPPendingMessage(SOCGame, SOCPlayer, int, String)}, etc).
 * <em>Threads:</em> The game's treater thread handles incoming client messages and calls
 * game methods that change state. Those same game methods will trigger the scenario events;
 * so, the treater thread will also run this <tt>playerEvent</tt> callback.
 * @param ga  Game
 * @param pl  Player
 * @param evt  Event code
 * @see #gameEvent(SOCGame, SOCScenarioGameEvent, Object)
 * @param flagsChanged  True if this event changed {@link SOCPlayer#getScenarioPlayerEvents()},
 *             {@link SOCPlayer#getSpecialVP()}, or another flag documented for <tt>evt</tt> in
 *             {@link SOCScenarioPlayerEvent}
 * @param obj  Object related to the event, or null; documented for <tt>evt</tt> in {@link SOCScenarioPlayerEvent}.
 *             Example: The {@link SOCVillage} for {@link SOCScenarioPlayerEvent#CLOTH_TRADE_ESTABLISHED_VILLAGE}.
 * @since 2.0.00
public void playerEvent(final SOCGame ga, final SOCPlayer pl, final SOCScenarioPlayerEvent evt, final boolean flagsChanged, final Object obj) {
    // Note: Some SOCGameHandler code assumes that player events are fired only during
    // SOCGameMessageHandler.handlePUTPIECE and handleMOVEPIECE.
    // Most handle* methods don't check pendingMessagesOut before sending game state.
    // If a new player event breaks this assumption, adjust SOCGameHandler.playerEvent(...)
    // and related code; search where SOCGame.pendingMessagesOut is used.
    final String gaName = ga.getName(), plName = pl.getName();
    final int pn = pl.getPlayerNumber();
    boolean sendSVP = true;
    boolean sendPlayerEventsBitmask = true;
    switch(evt) {
                final String newSettleEventStr = (playerEvent_newSettlementIsByShip(ga, (SOCSettlement) obj)) ? // "growing past the main island"
                "event.svp.sc_sany.island" : // "growing to a new area"
                updatePlayerSVPPendingMessage(ga, pl, 1, newSettleEventStr);
                final String newSettleEventStr = (playerEvent_newSettlementIsByShip(ga, (SOCSettlement) obj)) ? // "settling a new island"
                "event.svp.sc_seac.island" : // "settling a new area"
                updatePlayerSVPPendingMessage(ga, pl, 2, newSettleEventStr);
                sendPlayerEventsBitmask = false;
                final int las = pl.getScenarioSVPLandAreas();
                if (las != 0)
                    ga.pendingMessagesOut.add(new SOCPlayerElement(gaName, pn, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.SCENARIO_SVP_LANDAREAS_BITMASK, las));
                sendSVP = false;
                if (!flagsChanged)
                    sendPlayerEventsBitmask = false;
                ga.pendingMessagesOut.add(new UnlocalizedString("event.sc_clvi.established", // "{0} established a trade route with a village."
                if (flagsChanged)
                    srv.messageToPlayerPendingKeyed(pl, gaName, "event.sc_clvi.not.prevented.pirate");
                // "You are no longer prevented from moving the pirate ship."
                // Player gets 1 cloth for establishing trade
                SOCVillage vi = (SOCVillage) obj;
                srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCPieceValue(gaName, vi.getCoordinates(), vi.getCloth(), 0));
                srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCPlayerElement(gaName, pn, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.SCENARIO_CLOTH_COUNT, pl.getCloth()));
                sendPlayerEventsBitmask = false;
                sendSVP = false;
                IntPair edge_cardType = (IntPair) obj;
                Connection c = srv.getConnection(plName);
                ga.pendingMessagesOut.add(new UnlocalizedString("", // "{0} gets a Development Card as a gift from the Lost Tribe."
                srv.messageToPlayer(c, new SOCDevCardAction(gaName, pn, SOCDevCardAction.DRAW, edge_cardType.getB()));
                srv.messageToGameExcept(gaName, c, new SOCDevCardAction(gaName, pn, SOCDevCardAction.DRAW, SOCDevCardConstants.UNKNOWN), true);
                srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCSimpleAction(gaName, -1, SOCSimpleAction.BOARD_EDGE_SET_SPECIAL, edge_cardType.getA(), 0));
                // "a gift from the Lost Tribe"
                updatePlayerSVPPendingMessage(ga, pl, 1, "");
                sendPlayerEventsBitmask = false;
                srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCSimpleAction(gaName, -1, SOCSimpleAction.BOARD_EDGE_SET_SPECIAL, ((Integer) obj).intValue(), 0));
        case REMOVED_TRADE_PORT:
                sendPlayerEventsBitmask = false;
                sendSVP = false;
                IntPair edge_portType = (IntPair) obj;
                final int edge = edge_portType.getA(), portType = edge_portType.getB();
                if ((edge & 0xFF) <= ga.getBoard().getBoardWidth())
                    // announce removal from board, unless (for debugging)
                    // this port wasn't really on the board at clients
                    srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCSimpleAction(gaName, pn, SOCSimpleAction.TRADE_PORT_REMOVED, edge, portType));
                if (ga.getGameState() == SOCGame.PLACING_INV_ITEM) {
                    // Removal happens during ship piece placement, which is followed at server with sendGameState.
                    // When sendGameState gives the new state, client will prompt current player to place now.
                    // We just need to send the client PLACING_EXTRA, for the port type and not-cancelable flag.
                    Connection c = srv.getConnection(plName);
                    srv.messageToPlayer(c, new SOCInventoryItemAction(gaName, pn, SOCInventoryItemAction.PLACING_EXTRA, -portType, false, false, false));
                } else {
                    // port was added to player's inventory;
                    // if this message changes, also update SOCGameHandler.processDebugCommand_scenario
                    srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCInventoryItemAction(gaName, pn, SOCInventoryItemAction.ADD_PLAYABLE, -portType, false, false, true));
            // Suppress warning; not all enum values need a handler here
    if (sendSVP)
        ga.pendingMessagesOut.add(new SOCPlayerElement(gaName, pn, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.SCENARIO_SVP, pl.getSpecialVP()));
    if (sendPlayerEventsBitmask)
        ga.pendingMessagesOut.add(new SOCPlayerElement(gaName, pn, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.SCENARIO_PLAYEREVENTS_BITMASK, pl.getScenarioPlayerEvents()));
Also used : SOCPieceValue(soc.message.SOCPieceValue) SOCInventoryItemAction(soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction) Connection(soc.server.genericServer.Connection) SOCSimpleAction(soc.message.SOCSimpleAction) IntPair(soc.util.IntPair) SOCPlayerElement(soc.message.SOCPlayerElement) SOCDevCardAction(soc.message.SOCDevCardAction)

Example 2 with SOCInventoryItemAction

use of soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCGameHandler method forceEndGameTurn.

 * Try to force-end the current player's turn in this game.
 * Alter game state and send messages to players.
 * Will call {@link #endGameTurn(SOCGame, SOCPlayer, boolean)} if appropriate.
 * Will send gameState and current player (turn) to clients.
 * If the current player has lost connection, send the {@link SOCLeaveGame LEAVEGAME}
 * message out <b>before</b> calling this method.
 * Assumes, as {@link #endGameTurn(SOCGame, SOCPlayer, boolean)} does:
 * <UL>
 * <LI> ga.canEndTurn already called, returned false
 * <LI> ga.takeMonitor already called (not the same as {@link SOCGameList#takeMonitorForGame(String)})
 * <LI> gamelist.takeMonitorForGame is NOT called, we do NOT have that monitor
 * </UL>
 * @param ga Game to force end turn
 * @param plName Current player's name. Needed because if they have been disconnected by
 *               {@link #leaveGame(SOCGame, Connection)},
 *               their name within game object is already null.
 * @return true if the turn was ended and game is still active;
 *          false if we find that all players have left and
 *          the gamestate has been changed here to {@link SOCGame#OVER}.
 * @see #endGameTurnOrForce(SOCGame, int, String, Connection, boolean)
 * @see SOCGame#forceEndTurn()
private final boolean forceEndGameTurn(SOCGame ga, final String plName) {
    final String gaName = ga.getName();
    final int cpn = ga.getCurrentPlayerNumber();
    final int endFromGameState = ga.getGameState();
    SOCPlayer cp = ga.getPlayer(cpn);
    if (cp.hasAskedSpecialBuild()) {
        srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCPlayerElement(gaName, cpn, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.ASK_SPECIAL_BUILD, 0));
    final SOCForceEndTurnResult res = ga.forceEndTurn();
    // also could be initial placement (START1A or START2A or START3A).
    if (SOCGame.OVER == ga.getGameState())
        // <--- Early return: All players have left ---
        return false;
     * Report any resources lost or gained.
     * See also forceGamePlayerDiscardOrGain for same reporting code.
    SOCResourceSet resGainLoss = res.getResourcesGainedLost();
    if (resGainLoss != null) {
         * If gold hex or returning resources to player (not discarding), report actual types/amounts.
         * For discard, tell the discarding player's client that they discarded the resources,
         * tell everyone else that the player discarded unknown resources.
        if (!res.isLoss()) {
            if ((endFromGameState == SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_PICK_GOLD_RESOURCE) || (endFromGameState == SOCGame.STARTS_WAITING_FOR_PICK_GOLD_RESOURCE)) {
                // Send SOCPlayerElement messages, "gains" text
                reportRsrcGainGold(ga, cp, cpn, resGainLoss, true, false);
            } else {
                // Send SOCPlayerElement messages
                reportRsrcGainLoss(gaName, resGainLoss, false, false, cpn, -1, null, null);
        } else {
            Connection c = srv.getConnection(plName);
            if ((c != null) && c.isConnected())
                reportRsrcGainLoss(gaName, resGainLoss, true, true, cpn, -1, null, c);
            int totalRes = resGainLoss.getTotal();
            srv.messageToGameExcept(gaName, c, new SOCPlayerElement(gaName, cpn, SOCPlayerElement.LOSE, SOCPlayerElement.UNKNOWN, totalRes, true), true);
            // "{0} discarded {1} resources."
            srv.messageToGameKeyed(ga, true, "action.discarded", plName, totalRes);
     * report any dev-card or item returned to player's hand
    final SOCInventoryItem itemCard = res.getReturnedInvItem();
    SOCInventoryItemAction retItemActionMsg = null;
    if (itemCard != null) {
        Connection c = srv.getConnection(plName);
        if ((c != null) && c.isConnected()) {
            if (itemCard instanceof SOCDevCard) {
                int card = itemCard.itype;
                if ((card == SOCDevCardConstants.KNIGHT) && (c.getVersion() < SOCDevCardConstants.VERSION_FOR_NEW_TYPES))
                    card = SOCDevCardConstants.KNIGHT_FOR_VERS_1_X;
                srv.messageToPlayer(c, new SOCDevCardAction(gaName, cpn, SOCDevCardAction.ADD_OLD, card));
            } else {
                retItemActionMsg = new SOCInventoryItemAction(gaName, cpn, (itemCard.isPlayable() ? SOCInventoryItemAction.ADD_PLAYABLE : SOCInventoryItemAction.ADD_OTHER), itemCard.itype, itemCard.isKept(), itemCard.isVPItem(), itemCard.canCancelPlay);
                srv.messageToPlayer(c, retItemActionMsg);
        // Announce item to game with same retItemActionMsg sent to player?
        boolean announceAsInvItemAction = false;
        // Announce this item to game as an unknown dev card type?
        boolean announceAsUnknown = true;
        if (!(itemCard instanceof SOCDevCard)) {
            // SOCInventoryItem: Add any new kinds here, to announce to all players.
            // If it needs a special message, do so and set announceAsUnknown = false
            // If it's private and doesn't need a special message, set handled = true and let it announce as unknown
            boolean handled = false;
            if (ga.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_FTRI)) {
                // endFromGameState is PLACING_INV_ITEM.
                // "Gift port" item details are public, send return message to whole game:
                handled = true;
                announceAsInvItemAction = true;
                announceAsUnknown = false;
            // Fallback:
            if (!handled)
                System.err.println("forceEndGameTurn: Unhandled inventory item type " + itemCard.itype + " class " + itemCard.getClass());
        if (announceAsInvItemAction) {
            srv.messageToGameExcept(gaName, c, retItemActionMsg, true);
        } else if (announceAsUnknown) {
            if (ga.clientVersionLowest >= SOCDevCardConstants.VERSION_FOR_NEW_TYPES) {
                srv.messageToGameExcept(gaName, c, new SOCDevCardAction(gaName, cpn, SOCDevCardAction.ADD_OLD, SOCDevCardConstants.UNKNOWN), true);
            } else {
                srv.messageToGameForVersionsExcept(ga, -1, SOCDevCardConstants.VERSION_FOR_NEW_TYPES - 1, c, new SOCDevCardAction(gaName, cpn, SOCDevCardAction.ADD_OLD, SOCDevCardConstants.UNKNOWN_FOR_VERS_1_X), true);
                srv.messageToGameForVersionsExcept(ga, SOCDevCardConstants.VERSION_FOR_NEW_TYPES, Integer.MAX_VALUE, c, new SOCDevCardAction(gaName, cpn, SOCDevCardAction.ADD_OLD, SOCDevCardConstants.UNKNOWN), true);
            srv.messageToGameKeyed(ga, true, "forceend.devcard.returned", plName);
        // "{0}''s just-played development card was returned."
     * For initial placements, we don't end turns as normal.
     * (Player number may go forward or backwards, new state isn't ROLL_OR_CARD, etc.)
     * Update clients' gamestate, but don't call endGameTurn.
    final int forceRes = res.getResult();
    if ((forceRes == SOCForceEndTurnResult.FORCE_ENDTURN_SKIP_START_ADV) || (forceRes == SOCForceEndTurnResult.FORCE_ENDTURN_SKIP_START_ADVBACK)) {
        if (res.didUpdateFP() || res.didUpdateLP()) {
            final int fpn = ga.getFirstPlayer();
            final SOCMessage msg = (ga.clientVersionLowest >= SOCGameElements.MIN_VERSION) ? new SOCGameElements(gaName, SOCGameElements.FIRST_PLAYER, fpn) : new SOCFirstPlayer(gaName, fpn);
            // will cause clients to recalculate lastPlayer too
            srv.messageToGame(gaName, msg);
        sendTurn(ga, false);
        // <--- Early return ---
        return true;
     * If the turn can now end, proceed as if player requested it.
     * Otherwise, send current gamestate.  We'll all wait for other
     * players to send discard messages, and afterwards this turn can end.
    if (ga.canEndTurn(cpn))
        // could force gamestate to OVER, if a client leaves
        endGameTurn(ga, null, true);
        sendGameState(ga, false, false);
    return (ga.getGameState() != SOCGame.OVER);
Also used : SOCMessage(soc.message.SOCMessage) SOCInventoryItemAction(soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction) Connection(soc.server.genericServer.Connection) SOCPlayerElement(soc.message.SOCPlayerElement) SOCGameElements(soc.message.SOCGameElements) SOCFirstPlayer(soc.message.SOCFirstPlayer) SOCDevCardAction(soc.message.SOCDevCardAction)

Example 3 with SOCInventoryItemAction

use of soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCGameHandler method processDebugCommand_scenario.

 * Process any {@code *SCEN*} scenario debug commands.
 *<H5>Currently recognized commands, per scenario:</H5>
 *  <LI> <B>{@link SOCGameOption#K_SC_FTRI SC_FTRI}:</B>
 *    <UL>
 *      <LI> giveport #typenum #placeflag player
 *    </UL>
 * If you add a debug command, also update {@link #SOC_DEBUG_COMMANDS_HELP}.
 * @param c   Connection (client) sending this message
 * @param gaName  Game to which this applies
 * @param args  Debug command string from the user.
 *     Caller must remove prefix {@link #DEBUG_CMD_PFX_SCENARIO} and then {@link String#trim()}.
 * @since 2.0.00
private final void processDebugCommand_scenario(final Connection c, final String gaName, final String argStr) {
    if (argStr.length() == 0)
    final SOCGame ga = srv.gameList.getGameData(gaName);
    if (ga == null)
    if (ga.getGameOptionStringValue("SC") == null) {
        srv.messageToPlayer(c, gaName, "This game has no scenario");
    if (!ga.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_FTRI)) {
        srv.messageToPlayer(c, gaName, "This scenario has no debug commands");
    // Tokenize the command arguments:
    // Don't use string.split("\\s+") because the last argument might be a player name with a space,
    // and "un-splitting" isn't easy
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(argStr);
    if (!st.hasMoreTokens())
        // unlikely: argStr was already trimmed and then checked length != 0
    final String subCmd = st.nextToken();
    // _SC_FTRI debug commands:
    if (subCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("giveport")) {
        // giveport #typenum #placeflag player
        boolean parseOK = false;
        int ptype = 0;
        boolean placeNow = false;
        SOCPlayer pl = null;
        try {
            ptype = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
            int i = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
            placeNow = (i == 1);
            if (// must be 0 or 1
            placeNow || (i == 0)) {
                parseOK = (ptype >= SOCBoard.MISC_PORT) && (ptype <= SOCBoard.WOOD_PORT);
                if (parseOK) {
                    // get all of the rest for player name, by choosing an unlikely delimiter character
                    String plName = st.nextToken(Character.toString((char) 1)).trim();
                    pl = debug_getPlayer(c, ga, plName);
                    if (pl == null)
                        // debug_getPlayer has sent not-found message
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        }// not enough tokens; can occur at name when parseOK.
         catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
            parseOK = false;
        if (!parseOK) {
            srv.messageToPlayer(c, gaName, "### Usage: giveport #typenum #placeflag player");
            srv.messageToPlayer(c, gaName, "### typenum: 0 for 3:1 port, or 1 to 5 (clay, ore, sheep, wheat, wood)");
            srv.messageToPlayer(c, gaName, "### placeflag: 1 to force placement now, 0 to add to inventory");
        // Message-send logic is from playerEvent(..).
        if (placeNow) {
            if ((ga.getCurrentPlayerNumber() != pl.getPlayerNumber()) || (pl.getPortMovePotentialLocations(false) == null)) {
                srv.messageToPlayer(c, gaName, "Player must be current and have a potential location for the port");
            // Fake placement off-board so we can call ga.removePort,
            // which will handle game states and notification, at a
            // vertical edge just past the side of the board: 0x113, 0x115, ...
            final int edge = (ga.getBoard().getBoardWidth() + 2) | 0x101;
            ga.placePort(null, edge, ptype);
            ga.removePort(pl, edge);
            // removePort calls scenarioEventListener.playerEvent(REMOVED_TRADE_PORT),
            // which sends some messages but not GAMESTATE
        } else {
            pl.getInventory().addItem(SOCInventoryItem.createForScenario(ga, -ptype, true, false, false, !placeNow));
            srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCInventoryItemAction(gaName, pl.getPlayerNumber(), SOCInventoryItemAction.ADD_PLAYABLE, -ptype, false, false, true));
    } else {
        srv.messageToPlayer(c, gaName, "Unknown debug command: " + subCmd);
Also used : StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) SOCInventoryItemAction(soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction) NoSuchElementException(java.util.NoSuchElementException)


SOCInventoryItemAction (soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction)3 SOCDevCardAction (soc.message.SOCDevCardAction)2 SOCPlayerElement (soc.message.SOCPlayerElement)2 Connection (soc.server.genericServer.Connection)2 NoSuchElementException (java.util.NoSuchElementException)1 StringTokenizer (java.util.StringTokenizer)1 SOCFirstPlayer (soc.message.SOCFirstPlayer)1 SOCGameElements (soc.message.SOCGameElements)1 SOCMessage (soc.message.SOCMessage)1 SOCPieceValue (soc.message.SOCPieceValue)1 SOCSimpleAction (soc.message.SOCSimpleAction)1 IntPair (soc.util.IntPair)1