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Example 1 with SOCSetSpecialItem

use of soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCGameHandler method joinGame.

 * Client has been approved to join game; send JOINGAMEAUTH and the entire state of the game to client.
 * Unless <tt>isTakingOver</tt>, announce {@link SOCJoinGame} client join event to other players.
 * Does not add the client to the game's or server's list of players,
 * that should be done before calling this method.
 * Assumes NEWGAME (or NEWGAMEWITHOPTIONS) has already been sent out.
 * The game's first message<B>*</B> sent to the connecting client is JOINGAMEAUTH, unless isReset.
 * Among other messages, player names are sent via SITDOWN, and pieces on board
 * sent by PUTPIECE.  See comments here for further details.
 * If <tt>isTakingOver</tt>, some details are sent by calling
 * {@link #sitDown_sendPrivateInfo(SOCGame, Connection, int)}.
 * The group of messages sent here ends with GAMEMEMBERS, SETTURN and GAMESTATE.
 * Then, the entire game is sent a JOINGAME for the new game member.
 * *<B>I18N:</B> If the game has a {@link SOCScenario} and the client needs scenario info or localized strings
 * for the scenario name and description, {@link SOCScenarioInfo} or {@link SOCLocalizedStrings} is
 * sent before JOINGAMEAUTH.  This handles i18n and scenarios added or changed between the client's
 * and server's versions.
 * @param gameData Game to join
 * @param c        The connection of joining client
 * @param isReset  Game is a board-reset of an existing game.  This is always false when
 *                 called from SOCServer instead of from inside the SOCGameHandler.
 * @param isTakingOver  Client is re-joining; this connection replaces an earlier one which
 *                      is defunct because of a network problem.
 *                      If <tt>isTakingOver</tt>, don't send anything to other players.
 * @see SOCServer#connectToGame(Connection, String, Map)
 * @see SOCServer#createOrJoinGameIfUserOK(Connection, String, String, String, Map)
public void joinGame(SOCGame gameData, Connection c, final boolean isReset, final boolean isTakingOver) {
    // If game's already started, true if any bot is seated (can be taken over)
    boolean hasRobot = false;
    String gameName = gameData.getName();
    final String cliName = c.getData();
    if (!isReset) {
        // First, send updated scenario info or localized strings if needed
        // (SOCScenarioInfo or SOCLocalizedStrings); checks c.getVersion(), scd.scenariosInfoSent etc.
        final String gameScen = gameData.getGameOptionStringValue("SC");
        if (gameScen != null)
            srv.sendGameScenarioInfo(gameScen, null, c, false);
        // Now, join game
        c.put(SOCStatusMessage.toCmd(SOCStatusMessage.SV_OK, // "Welcome to Java Settlers of Catan!"
    // c.put(SOCGameState.toCmd(gameName, gameData.getGameState()));
    for (int i = 0; i < gameData.maxPlayers; i++) {
         * send them the already-seated player information;
         * if isReset, don't send, because sitDown will
         * be sent from resetBoardAndNotify.
        if (!isReset) {
            SOCPlayer pl = gameData.getPlayer(i);
            String plName = pl.getName();
            if ((plName != null) && !gameData.isSeatVacant(i)) {
                final boolean isRobot = pl.isRobot();
                if (isRobot)
                    hasRobot = true;
                c.put(SOCSitDown.toCmd(gameName, plName, i, isRobot));
         * send the seat lock information
        final SOCGame.SeatLockState sl = gameData.getSeatLock(i);
        if ((sl != SOCGame.SeatLockState.CLEAR_ON_RESET) || (c.getVersion() >= 2000))
            srv.messageToPlayer(c, new SOCSetSeatLock(gameName, i, sl));
            // old client
            srv.messageToPlayer(c, new SOCSetSeatLock(gameName, i, SOCGame.SeatLockState.LOCKED));
     * if game hasn't started yet, each player's potentialSettlements are
     * identical, so send that info once for all players.
     * Otherwise send each player's unique potential settlement list,
     * to populate legal sets before sending any of their PutPieces.
    if ((gameData.getGameState() < SOCGame.START1A) && (c.getVersion() >= SOCPotentialSettlements.VERSION_FOR_PLAYERNUM_ALL)) {
        final HashSet<Integer> psList = gameData.getPlayer(0).getPotentialSettlements();
        // Some boards may have multiple land areas.
        // See also below, and startGame which has very similar code.
        final HashSet<Integer>[] lan;
        final int pan;
        boolean addedPsList = false;
        if (gameData.hasSeaBoard) {
            final SOCBoardLarge bl = (SOCBoardLarge) gameData.getBoard();
            lan = bl.getLandAreasLegalNodes();
            pan = bl.getStartingLandArea();
            if ((lan != null) && (pan != 0) && !lan[pan].equals(psList)) {
                // If potentials != legals[startingLandArea], send as legals[0]
                lan[0] = psList;
                addedPsList = true;
        } else {
            lan = null;
            pan = 0;
        if (lan == null) {
            c.put(SOCPotentialSettlements.toCmd(gameName, -1, new ArrayList<Integer>(psList)));
        } else {
            c.put(SOCPotentialSettlements.toCmd(gameName, -1, pan, lan, SOCBoardAtServer.getLegalSeaEdges(gameData, -1)));
        if (addedPsList)
            // Undo change to game's copy of landAreasLegalNodes
            lan[0] = null;
        if (gameData.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_CLVI))
            c.put(SOCPlayerElement.toCmd(gameName, -1, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.SCENARIO_CLOTH_COUNT, ((SOCBoardLarge) (gameData.getBoard())).getCloth()));
    // individual villages' cloth counts are sent soon below
    } else {
        for (int pn = 0; pn < gameData.maxPlayers; ++pn) {
            final SOCPlayer pl = gameData.getPlayer(pn);
            final HashSet<Integer> psList = pl.getPotentialSettlements();
            // Some boards may have multiple land areas.
            // See also above, and startGame which has very similar code.
            final HashSet<Integer>[] lan;
            if (gameData.hasSeaBoard && (pn == 0)) {
                // send this info once, not per-player:
                // Note: Assumes all players have same legal nodes.
                final SOCBoardLarge bl = (SOCBoardLarge) gameData.getBoard();
                lan = bl.getLandAreasLegalNodes();
                if (lan != null)
                    lan[0] = psList;
            } else {
                lan = null;
            if (lan == null) {
                c.put(SOCPotentialSettlements.toCmd(gameName, pn, new ArrayList<Integer>(psList)));
            } else {
                c.put(SOCPotentialSettlements.toCmd(gameName, pn, 0, lan, SOCBoardAtServer.getLegalSeaEdges(gameData, pn)));
                // Undo change to game's copy of landAreasLegalNodes
                lan[0] = null;
     * If normal game play has started:
     * _SC_CLVI: Send updated Cloth counts for any changed villages.
     * _SC_FTRI: Send any changed Special Edges.
    if (gameData.hasSeaBoard && (gameData.getGameState() >= SOCGame.ROLL_OR_CARD)) {
        final SOCBoardLarge bl = (SOCBoardLarge) gameData.getBoard();
        // SC_CLVI:
        final HashMap<Integer, SOCVillage> villages = bl.getVillages();
        if (villages != null)
            for (final SOCVillage vi : villages.values()) {
                final int cl = vi.getCloth();
                if (cl != SOCVillage.STARTING_CLOTH)
                    srv.messageToGame(gameName, new SOCPieceValue(gameName, vi.getCoordinates(), cl, 0));
        // SC_FTRI:
        boolean sendEdgeChanges = bl.hasSpecialEdges();
        if (!sendEdgeChanges) {
            // check the board for any Special Edge layout part
            for (String ap : SOCBoardLarge.SPECIAL_EDGE_LAYOUT_PARTS) {
                if (bl.getAddedLayoutPart(ap) != null) {
                    sendEdgeChanges = true;
        if (sendEdgeChanges)
            joinGame_sendBoardSpecialEdgeChanges(gameData, bl, c);
     * Send the current player number.
     * Before v2.0.00, this wasn't sent so early; was sent
     * just before SOCGameState and the "joined the game" text.
     * This earlier send has been tested against 1.1.07 (released 2009-10-31).
    if (c.getVersion() >= SOCGameElements.MIN_VERSION)
        c.put(new SOCGameElements(gameName, SOCGameElements.CURRENT_PLAYER, gameData.getCurrentPlayerNumber()).toCmd());
        c.put(SOCSetTurn.toCmd(gameName, gameData.getCurrentPlayerNumber()));
     * Send the game's Special Item info, if any, if game has started:
    final String[] gameSITypes;
    if (gameData.getGameState() >= SOCGame.START1A) {
        Set<String> ty = gameData.getSpecialItemTypes();
        gameSITypes = (ty != null) ? ty.toArray(new String[ty.size()]) : null;
    } else {
        gameSITypes = null;
     * Holds any special items shared between game and player. Those must be sent just once, not twice,
     * when per-game and then per-player special item info is sent. Per-player loop should check
     * {@code gameSItoPlayer.get(typeKey)[playerNumber].get(itemIndex)}; unused per-player lists
     * and typeKeys are null, so check each dereference; also check itemIndex versus list length.
    final HashMap<String, ArrayList<SOCSpecialItem>[]> gameSItoPlayer;
    if (gameSITypes == null) {
        gameSItoPlayer = null;
    } else {
        gameSItoPlayer = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<SOCSpecialItem>[]>();
        for (int i = 0; i < gameSITypes.length; ++i) {
            final String tkey = gameSITypes[i];
            ArrayList<SOCSpecialItem> gsi = gameData.getSpecialItems(tkey);
            if (gsi == null)
                // shouldn't happen
            final int L = gsi.size();
            for (// use this loop type to avoid ConcurrentModificationException if locking bug
            int gi = 0; // use this loop type to avoid ConcurrentModificationException if locking bug
            gi < L; // use this loop type to avoid ConcurrentModificationException if locking bug
            ++gi) {
                final SOCSpecialItem si = gsi.get(gi);
                if (si == null) {
                    c.put(new SOCSetSpecialItem(gameName, SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_CLEAR, tkey, gi, -1, -1).toCmd());
                // player index, or -1: if pl != null, must search pl's items for a match
                int pi = -1;
                final SOCPlayer pl = si.getPlayer();
                if (pl != null) {
                    ArrayList<SOCSpecialItem> iList = pl.getSpecialItems(tkey);
                    if (iList != null) {
                        for (int k = 0; k < iList.size(); ++k) {
                            if (si == iList.get(k)) {
                                pi = k;
                c.put(new SOCSetSpecialItem(gameData, SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_SET, tkey, gi, pi, si).toCmd());
                if (pi != -1) {
                    // remember for use when sending per-player info
                    ArrayList<SOCSpecialItem>[] toAllPl = gameSItoPlayer.get(tkey);
                    if (toAllPl == null) {
                        toAllPl = new ArrayList[gameData.maxPlayers];
                        gameSItoPlayer.put(tkey, toAllPl);
                    ArrayList<SOCSpecialItem> iList = toAllPl[pl.getPlayerNumber()];
                    if (iList == null) {
                        iList = new ArrayList<SOCSpecialItem>();
                        toAllPl[pl.getPlayerNumber()] = iList;
                    int iLL = iList.size();
                    while (iLL <= pi) {
                    iList.set(pi, si);
     * send the per-player information
    for (int i = 0; i < gameData.maxPlayers; i++) {
        SOCPlayer pl = gameData.getPlayer(i);
         * send scenario info before any putpiece, so they know their
         * starting land areas and scenario events
        int itm = pl.getSpecialVP();
        if (itm != 0) {
            srv.messageToPlayer(c, new SOCPlayerElement(gameName, i, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.SCENARIO_SVP, itm));
            ArrayList<SOCPlayer.SpecialVPInfo> svpis = pl.getSpecialVPInfo();
            if (svpis != null)
                for (SOCPlayer.SpecialVPInfo svpi : svpis) srv.messageToPlayer(c, new SOCSVPTextMessage(gameName, i, svpi.svp, c.getLocalized(svpi.desc)));
        itm = pl.getScenarioPlayerEvents();
        if (itm != 0)
            srv.messageToPlayer(c, new SOCPlayerElement(gameName, i, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.SCENARIO_PLAYEREVENTS_BITMASK, itm));
        itm = pl.getScenarioSVPLandAreas();
        if (itm != 0)
            srv.messageToPlayer(c, new SOCPlayerElement(gameName, i, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.SCENARIO_SVP_LANDAREAS_BITMASK, itm));
        itm = pl.getStartingLandAreasEncoded();
        if (itm != 0)
            srv.messageToPlayer(c, new SOCPlayerElement(gameName, i, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.STARTING_LANDAREAS, itm));
        itm = pl.getCloth();
        if (itm != 0)
            srv.messageToPlayer(c, new SOCPlayerElement(gameName, i, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.SCENARIO_CLOTH_COUNT, itm));
        // Send piece info even if player has left the game (pl.getName() == null).
        // This lets them see "their" pieces before srv.sitDown(), if they rejoin at same position.
        Enumeration<SOCPlayingPiece> piecesEnum = pl.getPieces().elements();
        while (piecesEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
            SOCPlayingPiece piece = piecesEnum.nextElement();
            if (piece.getType() == SOCPlayingPiece.CITY)
                c.put(SOCPutPiece.toCmd(gameName, i, SOCPlayingPiece.SETTLEMENT, piece.getCoordinates()));
            c.put(SOCPutPiece.toCmd(gameName, i, piece.getType(), piece.getCoordinates()));
        // _SC_PIRI: special-case piece not part of getPieces
            final SOCFortress piece = pl.getFortress();
            if (piece != null) {
                final int coord = piece.getCoordinates(), str = piece.getStrength();
                c.put(SOCPutPiece.toCmd(gameName, i, piece.getType(), coord));
                if (str != SOCFortress.STARTING_STRENGTH)
                    c.put(SOCPieceValue.toCmd(gameName, coord, str, 0));
        // _SC_PIRI: for display, send count of warships only after SOCShip pieces are sent
        itm = pl.getNumWarships();
        if (itm != 0)
            srv.messageToPlayer(c, new SOCPlayerElement(gameName, i, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.SCENARIO_WARSHIP_COUNT, itm));
         * send node coord of the last settlement, resources,
         * knight cards played, number of playing pieces in hand
        final int[] counts = new int[(gameData.hasSeaBoard) ? 7 : 6];
        counts[0] = pl.getLastSettlementCoord();
        // will send with SOCPlayerElement.UNKNOWN
        counts[1] = pl.getResources().getTotal();
        counts[2] = pl.getNumKnights();
        counts[3] = pl.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.ROAD);
        counts[4] = pl.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.SETTLEMENT);
        counts[5] = pl.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.CITY);
        if (gameData.hasSeaBoard)
            counts[6] = pl.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.SHIP);
        if (c.getVersion() >= SOCPlayerElements.MIN_VERSION) {
            c.put(new SOCPlayerElements(gameName, i, SOCPlayerElement.SET, (gameData.hasSeaBoard) ? ELEM_JOINGAME_WITH_PIECETYPES_SEA : ELEM_JOINGAME_WITH_PIECETYPES_CLASSIC, counts).toCmd());
        } else {
            c.put(SOCLastSettlement.toCmd(gameName, i, counts[0]));
            // client too old for SOCPlayerElement.LAST_SETTLEMENT_NODE
            for (int j = 1; j < counts.length; ++j) c.put(SOCPlayerElement.toCmd(gameName, i, SOCPlayerElement.SET, ELEM_JOINGAME_WITH_PIECETYPES_CLASSIC[j], counts[j]));
        final int numDevCards = pl.getInventory().getTotal();
        final int unknownType;
        if (c.getVersion() >= SOCDevCardConstants.VERSION_FOR_NEW_TYPES)
            unknownType = SOCDevCardConstants.UNKNOWN;
            unknownType = SOCDevCardConstants.UNKNOWN_FOR_VERS_1_X;
        final String cardUnknownCmd = SOCDevCardAction.toCmd(gameName, i, SOCDevCardAction.ADD_OLD, unknownType);
        for (int j = 0; j < numDevCards; j++) {
        if (gameSITypes != null) {
            for (int j = 0; j < gameSITypes.length; ++j) {
                final String tkey = gameSITypes[j];
                ArrayList<SOCSpecialItem> plsi = pl.getSpecialItems(tkey);
                if (plsi == null)
                    // shouldn't happen
                // pi loop body checks gameSItoPlayer to see if already sent (object shared with game)
                final ArrayList<SOCSpecialItem>[] toAllPl = gameSItoPlayer.get(tkey);
                final ArrayList<SOCSpecialItem> iList = (toAllPl != null) ? toAllPl[i] : null;
                final int L = plsi.size();
                for (// use this loop type to avoid ConcurrentModificationException
                int pi = 0; // use this loop type to avoid ConcurrentModificationException
                pi < L; // use this loop type to avoid ConcurrentModificationException
                ++pi) {
                    final SOCSpecialItem si = plsi.get(pi);
                    if (si == null) {
                        c.put(new SOCSetSpecialItem(gameName, SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_CLEAR, tkey, -1, pi, i).toCmd());
                    if ((iList != null) && (iList.size() > pi) && (iList.get(pi) == si))
                        // already sent (shared with game)
                    c.put(new SOCSetSpecialItem(gameData, SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_SET, tkey, -1, pi, si).toCmd());
        if ((i == 0) && (c.getVersion() < SOCGameElements.MIN_VERSION)) {
            // per-game data, send once; send here only if client is
            // too old to send together with other game elements,
            // otherwise send soon with longest road / largest army
            c.put(SOCFirstPlayer.toCmd(gameName, gameData.getFirstPlayer()));
            c.put(SOCDevCardCount.toCmd(gameName, gameData.getNumDevCards()));
        c.put(SOCChangeFace.toCmd(gameName, i, pl.getFaceId()));
        if (i == 0) {
            // per-game data, send once
            c.put(SOCDiceResult.toCmd(gameName, gameData.getCurrentDice()));
    // /
    // / send dev card count, rounds count, first player, who has longest road and largest army
    // /
    final SOCPlayer lrPlayer = gameData.getPlayerWithLongestRoad(), laPlayer = gameData.getPlayerWithLargestArmy();
    final int lrPlayerNum = (lrPlayer != null) ? lrPlayer.getPlayerNumber() : -1, laPlayerNum = (laPlayer != null) ? laPlayer.getPlayerNumber() : -1;
    if (c.getVersion() < SOCGameElements.MIN_VERSION) {
        c.put(SOCLongestRoad.toCmd(gameName, lrPlayerNum));
        c.put(SOCLargestArmy.toCmd(gameName, laPlayerNum));
    } else {
        c.put(new SOCGameElements(gameName, ELEM_JOINGAME_DEVCARDS_ROUNDS_PLNUMS_FIRST_LONGEST_LARGEST, new int[] { gameData.getNumDevCards(), gameData.getRoundCount(), gameData.getFirstPlayer(), lrPlayerNum, laPlayerNum }).toCmd());
     * If we're rejoining and taking over a seat after a network problem,
     * send our resource and hand information.
    if (isTakingOver) {
        SOCPlayer cliPl = gameData.getPlayer(cliName);
        if (cliPl != null) {
            int pn = cliPl.getPlayerNumber();
            if ((pn != -1) && !gameData.isSeatVacant(pn))
                sitDown_sendPrivateInfo(gameData, c, pn);
    String membersCommand = null;
     * Almost done; send GAMEMEMBERS as a hint to client that we're almost ready for its input.
     * There's no new data in GAMEMEMBERS, because player names have already been sent by
     * the SITDOWN messages above.
    try {
        Vector<Connection> gameMembers = srv.gameList.getMembers(gameName);
        membersCommand = SOCGameMembers.toCmd(gameName, gameMembers);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        D.ebugPrintln("Exception in SGH.joinGame (gameMembers) - " + e);
    if (membersCommand != null)
    // before v2.0.00, current player number (SETTURN) was sent here,
    // between membersCommand and GAMESTATE.
    c.put(SOCGameState.toCmd(gameName, gameData.getGameState()));
    if (D.ebugOn)
        D.ebugPrintln("*** " + cliName + " joined the game " + gameName + " at " + DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT).format(new Date()));
     * Let everyone else know about the change
    if (isTakingOver) {
    srv.messageToGame(gameName, new SOCJoinGame(cliName, "", "dummyhost", gameName));
    if ((!isReset) && gameData.getGameState() >= SOCGame.START2A) {
        srv.messageToPlayerKeyed(c, gameName, // "This game has started. To play, take over a robot."
        (hasRobot) ? // "This game has started. To play, take over a robot."
        "" : // "This game has started; no new players can sit down."
Also used : SOCSVPTextMessage(soc.message.SOCSVPTextMessage) SOCJoinGame(soc.message.SOCJoinGame) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SOCPlayerElement(soc.message.SOCPlayerElement) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) SOCPieceValue(soc.message.SOCPieceValue) Connection(soc.server.genericServer.Connection) NoSuchElementException(java.util.NoSuchElementException) Date(java.util.Date) SOCSetSeatLock(soc.message.SOCSetSeatLock) SOCPlayerElements(soc.message.SOCPlayerElements) SOCSetSpecialItem(soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem) SOCGameElements(soc.message.SOCGameElements)

Example 2 with SOCSetSpecialItem

use of soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCRobotBrain method run.

 * Here is the run method.  Just keep receiving game events
 * through {@link #gameEventQ} and deal with each one.
 * Remember that we're sent a {@link SOCTimingPing} event once per second,
 * incrementing {@link #counter}.  That allows the bot to wait a certain
 * time for other players before it decides whether to do something.
 * Nearly all bot actions start in this method; the overview of bot structures
 * is in the {@link SOCRobotBrain class javadoc} for prominence.
 * See comments within <tt>run()</tt> for minor details.
 * The brain thread will run until {@link #kill()} has been called or its pinger stops,
 * or it receives a {@link SOCMessage#ROBOTDISMISS} request to exit the game.
public void run() {
    // Thread name for debug
    try {
        Thread.currentThread().setName("robotBrain-" + client.getNickname() + "-" + game.getName());
    } catch (Throwable th) {
    if (pinger != null) {
        while (alive) {
            try {
                // Sleeps until message received
                final SOCMessage mes = gameEventQ.get();
                final int mesType;
                if (mes != null) {
                    // Debug aid: When looking at message contents or setting a per-message breakpoint,
                    // skip the pings; note (mesType != SOCMessage.TIMINGPING) here.
                    mesType = mes.getType();
                    if (mesType != SOCMessage.TIMINGPING)
                    if (D.ebugOn)
                        D.ebugPrintln("mes - " + mes);
                } else {
                    mesType = -1;
                if (waitingForTradeMsg && (counter > 10)) {
                    waitingForTradeMsg = false;
                    counter = 0;
                if (waitingForTradeResponse && (counter > 100)) {
                    // Remember other players' responses, call client.clearOffer,
                    // clear waitingForTradeResponse and counter.
                if (waitingForGameState && (counter > 10000)) {
                    // D.ebugPrintln("counter = "+counter);
                    // D.ebugPrintln("RESEND");
                    counter = 0;
                if (mesType == SOCMessage.GAMESTATE) {
                    handleGAMESTATE(((SOCGameState) mes).getState());
                // clears waitingForGameState, updates oldGameState, calls ga.setGameState
                } else if (mesType == SOCMessage.STARTGAME) {
                    handleGAMESTATE(((SOCStartGame) mes).getGameState());
                // clears waitingForGameState, updates oldGameState, calls ga.setGameState
                } else if (mesType == SOCMessage.TURN) {
                    // Start of a new player's turn.
                    // Update game and reset most of our state fields.
                    // See also below: if ((mesType == SOCMessage.TURN) && ourTurn).
                    handleGAMESTATE(((SOCTurn) mes).getGameState());
                    // clears waitingForGameState, updates oldGameState, calls ga.setGameState
                    game.setCurrentPlayerNumber(((SOCTurn) mes).getPlayerNumber());
                    // remove any expected states
                    expectROLL_OR_CARD = false;
                    expectPLAY1 = false;
                    expectPLACING_ROAD = false;
                    expectPLACING_SETTLEMENT = false;
                    expectPLACING_CITY = false;
                    expectPLACING_SHIP = false;
                    expectPLACING_ROBBER = false;
                    expectPLACING_FREE_ROAD1 = false;
                    expectPLACING_FREE_ROAD2 = false;
                    expectPLACING_INV_ITEM = false;
                    expectDICERESULT = false;
                    expectDISCARD = false;
                    expectMOVEROBBER = false;
                    expectWAITING_FOR_DISCOVERY = false;
                    expectWAITING_FOR_MONOPOLY = false;
                    if (robotParameters.getTradeFlag() == 1) {
                        doneTrading = false;
                    } else {
                        doneTrading = true;
                    waitingForTradeMsg = false;
                    waitingForTradeResponse = false;
                    waitingForPickSpecialItem = null;
                    waitingForSC_PIRI_FortressRequest = false;
                    // check or reset any special-building-phase decisions
                    decidedIfSpecialBuild = false;
                    if (game.getGameState() == SOCGame.SPECIAL_BUILDING) {
                        if (waitingForSpecialBuild && !buildingPlan.isEmpty()) {
                        // Keep the building plan.
                        // Will ask during loop body to build.
                        } else {
                        // We have no plan, but will call planBuilding()
                        // during the loop body.  If buildingPlan still empty,
                        // bottom of loop will end our Special Building turn,
                        // just as it would in gamestate PLAY1.  Otherwise,
                        // will ask to build after planBuilding.
                    } else {
                        // reset any plans we had
                    // swap the message-history queues
                        Vector<SOCMessage> oldPrev = turnEventsPrev;
                        turnEventsPrev = turnEventsCurrent;
                        turnEventsCurrent = oldPrev;
                    turnExceptionCount = 0;
                if (game.getCurrentPlayerNumber() == ourPlayerNumber) {
                    ourTurn = true;
                    waitingForSpecialBuild = false;
                } else {
                    ourTurn = false;
                if ((mesType == SOCMessage.TURN) && ourTurn) {
                    waitingForOurTurn = false;
                    // Clear some per-turn variables.
                    // For others, see above: if (mesType == SOCMessage.TURN)
                    whatWeFailedToBuild = null;
                    failedBuildingAttempts = 0;
                    rejectedPlayDevCardType = -1;
                    rejectedPlayInvItem = null;
                 * Handle some message types early.
                 * When reading the main flow of this method, skip past here;
                 * search for "it's time to decide to build or take other normal actions".
                switch(mesType) {
                    case SOCMessage.PLAYERELEMENT:
                        // If this during the ROLL_OR_CARD state, also updates the
                        // negotiator's is-selling flags.
                        // If our player is losing a resource needed for the buildingPlan,
                        // clear the plan if this is for the Special Building Phase (on the 6-player board).
                        // In normal game play, we clear the building plan at the start of each turn.
                        handlePLAYERELEMENT((SOCPlayerElement) mes);
                    case SOCMessage.PLAYERELEMENTS:
                        // Multiple PLAYERELEMENT updates;
                        // see comment above for actions taken.
                        handlePLAYERELEMENTS((SOCPlayerElements) mes);
                    case SOCMessage.RESOURCECOUNT:
                        handlePLAYERELEMENT(null, ((SOCResourceCount) mes).getPlayerNumber(), SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.RESOURCE_COUNT, ((SOCResourceCount) mes).getCount());
                    case SOCMessage.DICERESULT:
                        game.setCurrentDice(((SOCDiceResult) mes).getResult());
                    case SOCMessage.PUTPIECE:
                        handlePUTPIECE_updateGameData((SOCPutPiece) mes);
                        // For initial roads, also tracks their initial settlement in SOCPlayerTracker.
                    case SOCMessage.MOVEPIECE:
                            SOCMovePiece mpm = (SOCMovePiece) mes;
                            SOCShip sh = new SOCShip(game.getPlayer(mpm.getPlayerNumber()), mpm.getFromCoord(), null);
                            game.moveShip(sh, mpm.getToCoord());
                    case SOCMessage.CANCELBUILDREQUEST:
                        handleCANCELBUILDREQUEST((SOCCancelBuildRequest) mes);
                    case SOCMessage.MOVEROBBER:
                            // Note: Don't call ga.moveRobber() because that will call the
                            // functions to do the stealing.  We just want to set where
                            // the robber moved, without seeing if something was stolen.
                            // MOVEROBBER will be followed by PLAYERELEMENT messages to
                            // report the gain/loss of resources.
                            moveRobberOnSeven = false;
                            final int newHex = ((SOCMoveRobber) mes).getCoordinates();
                            if (newHex >= 0)
                                game.getBoard().setRobberHex(newHex, true);
                                ((SOCBoardLarge) game.getBoard()).setPirateHex(-newHex, true);
                    case SOCMessage.MAKEOFFER:
                        if (robotParameters.getTradeFlag() == 1)
                            handleMAKEOFFER((SOCMakeOffer) mes);
                    case SOCMessage.CLEAROFFER:
                        if (robotParameters.getTradeFlag() == 1) {
                            final int pn = ((SOCClearOffer) mes).getPlayerNumber();
                            if (pn != -1) {
                            } else {
                                for (int i = 0; i < game.maxPlayers; ++i) game.getPlayer(i).setCurrentOffer(null);
                    case SOCMessage.ACCEPTOFFER:
                        if (waitingForTradeResponse && (robotParameters.getTradeFlag() == 1)) {
                            if ((ourPlayerNumber == (((SOCAcceptOffer) mes).getOfferingNumber())) || (ourPlayerNumber == ((SOCAcceptOffer) mes).getAcceptingNumber())) {
                                waitingForTradeResponse = false;
                    case SOCMessage.REJECTOFFER:
                        if (robotParameters.getTradeFlag() == 1)
                            handleREJECTOFFER((SOCRejectOffer) mes);
                    case SOCMessage.DEVCARDACTION:
                            SOCDevCardAction dcMes = (SOCDevCardAction) mes;
                            if (dcMes.getAction() != SOCDevCardAction.CANNOT_PLAY) {
                            } else {
                                // rejected by server, can't play our requested card
                                rejectedPlayDevCardType = dcMes.getCardType();
                                waitingForGameState = false;
                                expectPLACING_FREE_ROAD1 = false;
                                expectWAITING_FOR_DISCOVERY = false;
                                expectWAITING_FOR_MONOPOLY = false;
                                expectPLACING_ROBBER = false;
                    case SOCMessage.SIMPLEREQUEST:
                        if (ourTurn && waitingForSC_PIRI_FortressRequest) {
                            final SOCSimpleRequest rqMes = (SOCSimpleRequest) mes;
                            if ((rqMes.getRequestType() == SOCSimpleRequest.SC_PIRI_FORT_ATTACK) && (rqMes.getPlayerNumber() == -1)) {
                                // Attack request was denied: End our turn now.
                                // Reset method sets waitingForGameState, which will bypass
                                // any further actions in the run() loop body.
                                waitingForSC_PIRI_FortressRequest = false;
                        // else, from another player; we can ignore it
                    case SOCMessage.SIMPLEACTION:
                        switch(((SOCSimpleAction) mes).getActionType()) {
                            case SOCSimpleAction.SC_PIRI_FORT_ATTACK_RESULT:
                                if (ourTurn && waitingForSC_PIRI_FortressRequest) {
                                    // Our player has won or lost an attack on a pirate fortress.
                                    // When we receive this message, other messages have already
                                    // been sent to update related game state. End our turn now.
                                    // Reset method sets waitingForGameState, which will bypass
                                    // any further actions in the run() loop body.
                                    waitingForSC_PIRI_FortressRequest = false;
                                // client.endTurn not needed; making the attack implies sending endTurn
                    case SOCMessage.INVENTORYITEMACTION:
                        if (((SOCInventoryItemAction) mes).action == SOCInventoryItemAction.CANNOT_PLAY) {
                            final List<SOCInventoryItem> itms = ourPlayerData.getInventory().getByStateAndType(SOCInventory.PLAYABLE, ((SOCInventoryItemAction) mes).itemType);
                            if (itms != null)
                                // any item of same type# is similar enough here
                                rejectedPlayInvItem = itms.get(0);
                            waitingForGameState = false;
                            // in case was rejected placement (SC_FTRI gift port, etc)
                            expectPLACING_INV_ITEM = false;
                // switch(mesType)
                if ((game.getGameState() == SOCGame.ROLL_OR_CARD) && !waitingForGameState) {
                // On our turn, ask client to roll dice or play a knight;
                // on other turns, update flags to expect dice result.
                // Clears expectROLL_OR_CARD to false.
                // Sets either expectDICERESULT, or expectPLACING_ROBBER and waitingForGameState.
                if (ourTurn && (game.getGameState() == SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_ROBBER_OR_PIRATE) && !waitingForGameState) {
                    // TODO handle moving the pirate too
                    // For now, always decide to move the robber.
                    // Once we move the robber, will also need to deal with state WAITING_FOR_ROB_CLOTH_OR_RESOURCE.
                    expectPLACING_ROBBER = true;
                    waitingForGameState = true;
                    counter = 0;
                    client.choosePlayer(game, SOCChoosePlayer.CHOICE_MOVE_ROBBER);
                } else if ((game.getGameState() == SOCGame.PLACING_ROBBER) && !waitingForGameState) {
                    expectPLACING_ROBBER = false;
                    if ((!waitingForOurTurn) && ourTurn) {
                        if (!((expectROLL_OR_CARD || expectPLAY1) && (counter < 4000))) {
                            if (moveRobberOnSeven) {
                                // robber moved because 7 rolled on dice
                                moveRobberOnSeven = false;
                                waitingForGameState = true;
                                counter = 0;
                                expectPLAY1 = true;
                            } else {
                                waitingForGameState = true;
                                counter = 0;
                                if (oldGameState == SOCGame.ROLL_OR_CARD) {
                                    // robber moved from playing knight card before dice roll
                                    expectROLL_OR_CARD = true;
                                } else if (oldGameState == SOCGame.PLAY1) {
                                    // robber moved from playing knight card after dice roll
                                    expectPLAY1 = true;
                            counter = 0;
                if ((game.getGameState() == SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_DISCOVERY) && !waitingForGameState) {
                    expectWAITING_FOR_DISCOVERY = false;
                    if ((!waitingForOurTurn) && ourTurn) {
                        if (!(expectPLAY1) && (counter < 4000)) {
                            waitingForGameState = true;
                            expectPLAY1 = true;
                            counter = 0;
                            client.pickResources(game, resourceChoices);
                if ((game.getGameState() == SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_MONOPOLY) && !waitingForGameState) {
                    expectWAITING_FOR_MONOPOLY = false;
                    if ((!waitingForOurTurn) && ourTurn) {
                        if (!(expectPLAY1) && (counter < 4000)) {
                            waitingForGameState = true;
                            expectPLAY1 = true;
                            counter = 0;
                            client.pickResourceType(game, monopolyStrategy.getMonopolyChoice());
                if (ourTurn && (!waitingForOurTurn) && (game.getGameState() == SOCGame.PLACING_INV_ITEM) && (!waitingForGameState)) {
                    // choose and send a placement location
                if (waitingForTradeMsg && (mesType == SOCMessage.BANKTRADE) && (((SOCBankTrade) mes).getPlayerNumber() == ourPlayerNumber)) {
                    // This is the bank/port trade confirmation announcement we've been waiting for
                    waitingForTradeMsg = false;
                if (waitingForDevCard && (mesType == SOCMessage.SIMPLEACTION) && (((SOCSimpleAction) mes).getPlayerNumber() == ourPlayerNumber) && (((SOCSimpleAction) mes).getActionType() == SOCSimpleAction.DEVCARD_BOUGHT)) {
                    // This is the "dev card bought" message we've been waiting for
                    waitingForDevCard = false;
                 * Planning: If our turn and not waiting for something,
                 * it's time to decide to build or take other normal actions.
                if (((game.getGameState() == SOCGame.PLAY1) || (game.getGameState() == SOCGame.SPECIAL_BUILDING)) && !(waitingForGameState || waitingForTradeMsg || waitingForTradeResponse || waitingForDevCard || expectPLACING_ROAD || expectPLACING_SETTLEMENT || expectPLACING_CITY || expectPLACING_SHIP || expectPLACING_FREE_ROAD1 || expectPLACING_FREE_ROAD2 || expectPLACING_ROBBER || expectWAITING_FOR_DISCOVERY || expectWAITING_FOR_MONOPOLY || waitingForSC_PIRI_FortressRequest || (waitingForPickSpecialItem != null))) {
                    expectPLAY1 = false;
                    // during other players' turns.
                    if ((!ourTurn) && waitingForOurTurn && gameIs6Player && (!decidedIfSpecialBuild) && (!expectPLACING_ROBBER)) {
                        decidedIfSpecialBuild = true;
                        if (buildingPlan.empty() && (ourPlayerData.getResources().getTotal() > 1) && (failedBuildingAttempts < MAX_DENIED_BUILDING_PER_TURN)) {
                            if (!buildingPlan.empty()) {
                                // If we have the resources right now, ask to Special Build
                                final SOCPossiblePiece targetPiece = buildingPlan.peek();
                                final SOCResourceSet targetResources = targetPiece.getResourcesToBuild();
                                if ((ourPlayerData.getResources().contains(targetResources))) {
                                    // Ask server for the Special Building Phase.
                                    // (TODO) if FAST_STRATEGY: Maybe randomly don't ask, to lower opponent difficulty?
                                    waitingForSpecialBuild = true;
                                    client.buildRequest(game, -1);
                    if ((!waitingForOurTurn) && ourTurn) {
                        if (!(expectROLL_OR_CARD && (counter < 4000))) {
                            counter = 0;
                            // D.ebugPrintln("DOING PLAY1");
                            if (D.ebugOn) {
                                client.sendText(game, "================================");
                                // for each player in game:
                                // sendText and debug-prn game.getPlayer(i).getResources()
                             * if we haven't played a dev card yet,
                             * and we have a knight, and we can get
                             * largest army, play the knight.
                             * If we're in SPECIAL_BUILDING (not PLAY1),
                             * can't trade or play development cards.
                             * In scenario _SC_PIRI (which has no robber and
                             * no largest army), play one whenever we have
                             * it, someone else has resources, and we can
                             * convert a ship to a warship.
                            if ((game.getGameState() == SOCGame.PLAY1) && !ourPlayerData.hasPlayedDevCard()) {
                                // might set expectPLACING_ROBBER and waitingForGameState
                             * make a plan if we don't have one,
                             * and if we haven't given up building
                             * attempts this turn.
                            if ((!expectPLACING_ROBBER) && buildingPlan.empty() && (ourPlayerData.getResources().getTotal() > 1) && (failedBuildingAttempts < MAX_DENIED_BUILDING_PER_TURN)) {
                                         * planBuilding takes these actions, sets buildingPlan and other fields
                                         * (see its javadoc):

                                        if (! buildingPlan.empty())
                                            lastTarget = (SOCPossiblePiece) buildingPlan.peek();
                                            negotiator.setTargetPiece(ourPlayerNumber, buildingPlan.peek());
                            // D.ebugPrintln("DONE PLANNING");
                            if ((!expectPLACING_ROBBER) && (!buildingPlan.empty())) {
                                // Time to build something.
                                // Either ask to build a piece, or use trading or development
                                // cards to get resources to build it.  See javadoc for flags set
                                // (expectPLACING_ROAD, etc).  In a future iteration of the run loop
                                // with the expected PLACING_ state, we'll build whatWeWantToBuild
                                // in placeIfExpectPlacing().
                             * see if we're done with our turn
                            if (!(expectPLACING_SETTLEMENT || expectPLACING_FREE_ROAD1 || expectPLACING_FREE_ROAD2 || expectPLACING_ROAD || expectPLACING_CITY || expectPLACING_SHIP || expectWAITING_FOR_DISCOVERY || expectWAITING_FOR_MONOPOLY || expectPLACING_ROBBER || waitingForTradeMsg || waitingForTradeResponse || waitingForDevCard || waitingForGameState || (waitingForPickSpecialItem != null))) {
                                // Any last things for turn from game's scenario?
                                boolean scenActionTaken = false;
                                if (game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_FTRI) || game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_PIRI)) {
                                    // possibly attack pirate fortress
                                    // or place a gift port for better bank trades
                                    scenActionTaken = considerScenarioTurnFinalActions();
                                if (!scenActionTaken) {
                                             * These state fields are reset:
                                            waitingForGameState = true;
                                            counter = 0;
                                            expectROLL_OR_CARD = true;
                                            waitingForOurTurn = true;

                                            doneTrading = (robotParameters.getTradeFlag() != 1);

                                            //D.ebugPrintln("!!! ENDING TURN !!!");
                 * Placement: Make various putPiece calls; server has told us it's OK to buy them.
                 * Call client.putPiece.
                 * Works when it's our turn and we have an expect flag set
                 * (such as expectPLACING_SETTLEMENT, in these game states:
                 * START1A - START2B or - START3B
                if (!waitingForGameState) {
                 * Handle various message types here at bottom of loop.
                switch(mesType) {
                    case SOCMessage.PUTPIECE:
                         * this is for player tracking
                         * For initial placement of our own pieces, also checks
                         * and clears expectPUTPIECE_FROM_START1A,
                         * and sets expectSTART1B, etc.  The final initial putpiece
                         * clears expectPUTPIECE_FROM_START2B and sets expectROLL_OR_CARD.
                            final SOCPutPiece mpp = (SOCPutPiece) mes;
                            final int pn = mpp.getPlayerNumber();
                            final int coord = mpp.getCoordinates();
                            final int pieceType = mpp.getPieceType();
                            handlePUTPIECE_updateTrackers(pn, coord, pieceType);
                    case SOCMessage.MOVEPIECE:
                         * this is for player tracking of moved ships
                            final SOCMovePiece mpp = (SOCMovePiece) mes;
                            final int pn = mpp.getPlayerNumber();
                            final int coord = mpp.getToCoord();
                            final int pieceType = mpp.getPieceType();
                            // TODO what about getFromCoord()?
                            handlePUTPIECE_updateTrackers(pn, coord, pieceType);
                    case SOCMessage.DICERESULT:
                        if (expectDICERESULT) {
                            expectDICERESULT = false;
                            if (((SOCDiceResult) mes).getResult() == 7) {
                                final boolean robWithoutRobber = game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_PIRI);
                                if (!robWithoutRobber)
                                    moveRobberOnSeven = true;
                                if (ourPlayerData.getResources().getTotal() > 7)
                                    expectDISCARD = true;
                                else if (ourTurn) {
                                    if (!robWithoutRobber)
                                        expectPLACING_ROBBER = true;
                                        expectPLAY1 = true;
                            } else {
                                expectPLAY1 = true;
                    case SOCMessage.SIMPLEREQUEST:
                        // These messages can almost always be ignored by bots.
                        // Some request types are handled at the top of the loop body;
                        // search for SOCMessage.SIMPLEREQUEST
                            final SOCSimpleRequest rqMes = (SOCSimpleRequest) mes;
                            switch(rqMes.getRequestType()) {
                                case SOCSimpleRequest.PROMPT_PICK_RESOURCES:
                                    // gold hex
                                    counter = 0;
                                    waitingForGameState = true;
                                    if (game.isInitialPlacement()) {
                                        if (game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_3IP))
                                            expectSTART3B = true;
                                            expectSTART2B = true;
                                    } else {
                                        expectPLAY1 = true;
                    case SOCMessage.DISCARDREQUEST:
                        expectDISCARD = false;
                        // {
                        if ((game.getCurrentDice() == 7) && ourTurn) {
                            if (!game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_PIRI))
                                expectPLACING_ROBBER = true;
                                expectPLAY1 = true;
                        } else {
                            expectPLAY1 = true;
                        counter = 0;
                        client.discard(game, DiscardStrategy.discard(((SOCDiscardRequest) mes).getNumberOfDiscards(), buildingPlan, rand, ourPlayerData, robotParameters, decisionMaker, negotiator));
                        // }
                    case SOCMessage.CHOOSEPLAYERREQUEST:
                            final int choicePl = RobberStrategy.chooseRobberVictim(((SOCChoosePlayerRequest) mes).getChoices(), game, playerTrackers);
                            counter = 0;
                            client.choosePlayer(game, choicePl);
                    case SOCMessage.CHOOSEPLAYER:
                            final int vpn = ((SOCChoosePlayer) mes).getChoice();
                            // Cloth is more valuable.
                            // TODO decide when we should choose resources instead
                            client.choosePlayer(game, -(vpn + 1));
                    case SOCMessage.SETSPECIALITEM:
                        if (waitingForPickSpecialItem != null) {
                            final SOCSetSpecialItem siMes = (SOCSetSpecialItem) mes;
                            if (siMes.typeKey.equals(waitingForPickSpecialItem)) {
                                switch(siMes.op) {
                                    case SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_PICK:
                                        waitingForPickSpecialItem = null;
                                        // Any specific action needed? Not for SC_WOND.
                                    case SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_DECLINE:
                                        waitingForPickSpecialItem = null;
                                        // TODO how to prevent asking again? (similar to whatWeFailedtoBuild)
                    case SOCMessage.ROBOTDISMISS:
                        if ((!expectDISCARD) && (!expectPLACING_ROBBER)) {
                            client.leaveGame(game, "dismiss msg", false, false);
                            alive = false;
                    case SOCMessage.TIMINGPING:
                        // Once-per-second message from the pinger thread
                if (ourTurn && (counter > 15000)) {
                    // We've been waiting too long, must be a bug: Leave the game.
                    // This is a fallback, server has SOCForceEndTurnThread which
                    // should have already taken action.
                    // Before v1.1.20, would leave game even during other (human) players' turns.
                    client.leaveGame(game, "counter 15000", true, false);
                    alive = false;
                if ((failedBuildingAttempts > (2 * MAX_DENIED_BUILDING_PER_TURN)) && game.isInitialPlacement()) {
                    // Apparently can't decide where we can initially place:
                    // Leave the game.
                    client.leaveGame(game, "failedBuildingAttempts at start", true, false);
                    alive = false;
                       if (D.ebugOn) {
                       if (mes != null) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // Print exception; ignore errors due to game reset in another thread
                if (alive && ((game == null) || (game.getGameState() != SOCGame.RESET_OLD))) {
                    // TODO end our turn if too many
                    String eMsg = (turnExceptionCount == 1) ? "*** Robot caught an exception - " + e : "*** Robot caught an exception (" + turnExceptionCount + " this turn) - " + e;
    } else {
        System.out.println("AGG! NO PINGER!");
    // D.ebugPrintln("STOPPING AND DEALLOCATING");
    gameEventQ = null;
    client = null;
    game = null;
    ourPlayerData = null;
    dummyCancelPlayerData = null;
    whatWeWantToBuild = null;
    whatWeFailedToBuild = null;
    rejectedPlayInvItem = null;
    resourceChoices = null;
    ourPlayerTracker = null;
    playerTrackers = null;
    pinger = null;
Also used : SOCShip( SOCMakeOffer(soc.message.SOCMakeOffer) SOCInventoryItem( SOCRejectOffer(soc.message.SOCRejectOffer) SOCResourceSet( SOCMovePiece(soc.message.SOCMovePiece) Vector(java.util.Vector) SOCAcceptOffer(soc.message.SOCAcceptOffer) SOCMessage(soc.message.SOCMessage) SOCBoardLarge( SOCStartGame(soc.message.SOCStartGame) SOCDiscardRequest(soc.message.SOCDiscardRequest) SOCSimpleAction(soc.message.SOCSimpleAction) SOCSetSpecialItem(soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem) SOCClearOffer(soc.message.SOCClearOffer) SOCSimpleRequest(soc.message.SOCSimpleRequest) SOCPutPiece(soc.message.SOCPutPiece) SOCChoosePlayerRequest(soc.message.SOCChoosePlayerRequest) SOCDevCardAction(soc.message.SOCDevCardAction)


SOCSetSpecialItem (soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Date (java.util.Date)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 NoSuchElementException (java.util.NoSuchElementException)1 Vector (java.util.Vector)1 SOCBoardLarge ( SOCInventoryItem ( SOCResourceSet ( SOCShip ( SOCAcceptOffer (soc.message.SOCAcceptOffer)1 SOCChoosePlayerRequest (soc.message.SOCChoosePlayerRequest)1 SOCClearOffer (soc.message.SOCClearOffer)1 SOCDevCardAction (soc.message.SOCDevCardAction)1 SOCDiscardRequest (soc.message.SOCDiscardRequest)1 SOCGameElements (soc.message.SOCGameElements)1 SOCJoinGame (soc.message.SOCJoinGame)1 SOCMakeOffer (soc.message.SOCMakeOffer)1 SOCMessage (soc.message.SOCMessage)1 SOCMovePiece (soc.message.SOCMovePiece)1