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Example 1 with Queue

use of soc.util.Queue in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCRobotBrain method tradeStuff.

 * do some trading -- this method is obsolete and not called.
 * Instead see {@link #makeOffer(SOCPossiblePiece)}, {@link #considerOffer(SOCTradeOffer)},
 * etc, and the javadoc for {@link #negotiator}.
protected void tradeStuff() {
     * make a tree of all the possible trades that we can
     * make with the bank or ports
    SOCTradeTree treeRoot = new SOCTradeTree(ourPlayerData.getResources(), (SOCTradeTree) null);
    Hashtable<SOCResourceSet, SOCTradeTree> treeNodes = new Hashtable<SOCResourceSet, SOCTradeTree>();
    treeNodes.put(treeRoot.getResourceSet(), treeRoot);
    Queue<SOCTradeTree> queue = new Queue<SOCTradeTree>();
    while (!queue.empty()) {
        SOCTradeTree currentTreeNode = queue.get();
        // D.ebugPrintln("%%% Expanding "+currentTreeNode.getResourceSet());
        expandTradeTreeNode(currentTreeNode, treeNodes);
        Enumeration<SOCTradeTree> childrenEnum = currentTreeNode.getChildren().elements();
        while (childrenEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
            SOCTradeTree child = childrenEnum.nextElement();
            // D.ebugPrintln("%%% Child "+child.getResourceSet());
            if (child.needsToBeExpanded()) {
                 * make a new table entry
                treeNodes.put(child.getResourceSet(), child);
     * find the best trade result and then perform the trades
    SOCResourceSet bestTradeOutcome = null;
    int bestTradeScore = -1;
    Enumeration<SOCResourceSet> possibleTrades = treeNodes.keys();
    while (possibleTrades.hasMoreElements()) {
        SOCResourceSet possibleTradeOutcome = possibleTrades.nextElement();
        // D.ebugPrintln("%%% "+possibleTradeOutcome);
        int score = scoreTradeOutcome(possibleTradeOutcome);
        if (score > bestTradeScore) {
            bestTradeOutcome = possibleTradeOutcome;
            bestTradeScore = score;
     * find the trade outcome in the tree, then follow
     * the chain of parents until you get to the root
     * all the while pushing the outcomes onto a stack.
     * then pop outcomes off of the stack and perfoem
     * the trade to get each outcome
    Stack<SOCTradeTree> stack = new Stack<SOCTradeTree>();
    SOCTradeTree cursor = treeNodes.get(bestTradeOutcome);
    while (cursor != treeRoot) {
        cursor = cursor.getParent();
    SOCResourceSet give = new SOCResourceSet();
    SOCResourceSet get = new SOCResourceSet();
    SOCTradeTree currTreeNode;
    SOCTradeTree prevTreeNode;
    prevTreeNode = treeRoot;
    while (!stack.empty()) {
        currTreeNode = stack.pop();
         * get rid of the negative numbers
        for (int rt = SOCResourceConstants.CLAY; rt <= SOCResourceConstants.WOOD; rt++) {
            if (give.getAmount(rt) < 0) {
                give.setAmount(0, rt);
            if (get.getAmount(rt) < 0) {
                get.setAmount(0, rt);
        // D.ebugPrintln("Making bank trade:");
        // D.ebugPrintln("give: "+give);
        // D.ebugPrintln("get: "+get);
        client.bankTrade(game, give, get);
        prevTreeNode = currTreeNode;
Also used : Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) SOCResourceSet( CappedQueue(soc.util.CappedQueue) Queue(soc.util.Queue) Stack(java.util.Stack)

Example 2 with Queue

use of soc.util.Queue in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCRobotDM method scoreSettlementsForDumb.

 * For each possible settlement in our {@link SOCPlayerTracker},
 * update its {@link SOCPossiblePiece#getETA() getETA()} and
 * its {@link SOCPossibleSettlement#getRoadPath() getRoadPath()}.
 * Each {@link SOCPossibleSettlement#getRoadPath()} is calculated
 * here by finding the shortest path among its {@link SOCPossibleSettlement#getNecessaryRoads()}.
 * Calculates ETA by using our current {@link SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate} on the resources
 * needed to buy the settlement plus roads/ships for its shortest path's length.
 * @param settlementETA  ETA for building a settlement from now if it doesn't require any roads or ships
 * @param ourBSE  Current building speed estimate, from our {@code SOCPlayer#getNumbers()}
 * @see #scorePossibleSettlements(int, int)
protected void scoreSettlementsForDumb(final int settlementETA, SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate ourBSE) {
    D.ebugPrintln("-- scoreSettlementsForDumb --");
    Queue<Pair<SOCPossibleRoad, List<SOCPossibleRoad>>> queue = new Queue<Pair<SOCPossibleRoad, List<SOCPossibleRoad>>>();
    Iterator<SOCPossibleSettlement> posSetsIter = ourPlayerTracker.getPossibleSettlements().values().iterator();
    while (posSetsIter.hasNext()) {
        SOCPossibleSettlement posSet =;
        if (D.ebugOn) {
            D.ebugPrintln("Estimate speedup of stlmt at " + game.getBoard().nodeCoordToString(posSet.getCoordinates()));
            D.ebugPrintln("***    speedup total = " + posSet.getSpeedupTotal());
        // /
        // / find the shortest path to this settlement
        // /
        final List<SOCPossibleRoad> necRoadList = posSet.getNecessaryRoads();
        if (!necRoadList.isEmpty()) {
            // will use for BFS if needed:
            for (SOCPossibleRoad necRoad : necRoadList) {
                if (D.ebugOn)
                    D.ebugPrintln("-- queuing necessary road at " + game.getBoard().edgeCoordToString(necRoad.getCoordinates()));
                queue.put(new Pair<SOCPossibleRoad, List<SOCPossibleRoad>>(necRoad, null));
            // Do a BFS of the necessary road paths looking for the shortest one.
            boolean pathTooLong = false;
            for (int maxIter = 50; maxIter > 0 && !queue.empty(); --maxIter) {
                Pair<SOCPossibleRoad, List<SOCPossibleRoad>> dataPair = queue.get();
                SOCPossibleRoad curRoad = dataPair.getA();
                final List<SOCPossibleRoad> possRoadsToCur = dataPair.getB();
                if (D.ebugOn)
                    D.ebugPrintln("-- current road at " + game.getBoard().edgeCoordToString(curRoad.getCoordinates()));
                final List<SOCPossibleRoad> necRoads = curRoad.getNecessaryRoads();
                if (necRoads.isEmpty()) {
                    // we have a path
                    D.ebugPrintln("Found a path!");
                    Stack<SOCPossibleRoad> path = new Stack<SOCPossibleRoad>();
                    if (D.ebugOn)
                        D.ebugPrintln("possRoadsToCur = " + possRoadsToCur);
                    if (possRoadsToCur != null)
                        // push to path, iterating from nearest to curRoad until most distant
                        for (int i = possRoadsToCur.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) path.push(possRoadsToCur.get(i));
                    D.ebugPrintln("Done setting path.");
                } else {
                    final List<SOCPossibleRoad> possRoadsAndCur = (possRoadsToCur != null) ? new ArrayList<SOCPossibleRoad>(possRoadsToCur) : new ArrayList<SOCPossibleRoad>();
                    if (queue.size() + necRoads.size() > 40) {
                        // Too many necessary, or dupes led to loop. Bug in necessary road construction?
                        System.err.println("rDM.scoreSettlementsForDumb: Necessary Road Path too long for road/ship 0x" + Integer.toHexString(curRoad.getCoordinates()) + " for settle 0x" + Integer.toHexString(posSet.getCoordinates()));
                        pathTooLong = true;
                    for (SOCPossibleRoad necRoad2 : necRoads) {
                        if (D.ebugOn)
                            D.ebugPrintln("-- queuing necessary road at " + game.getBoard().edgeCoordToString(necRoad2.getCoordinates()));
                        queue.put(new Pair<SOCPossibleRoad, List<SOCPossibleRoad>>(necRoad2, possRoadsAndCur));
            if (!queue.empty()) {
                System.err.println("rDM.scoreSettlementsForDumb: Necessary Road Path length unresolved for settle 0x" + Integer.toHexString(posSet.getCoordinates()));
                pathTooLong = true;
            D.ebugPrintln("Done searching for path.");
            if (pathTooLong) {
            } else {
                SOCResourceSet targetResources = new SOCResourceSet();
                Stack<SOCPossibleRoad> path = posSet.getRoadPath();
                if (path != null) {
                    final int pathLength = path.size();
                    final SOCPossiblePiece pathFirst = (pathLength > 0) ? path.peek() : null;
                    SOCResourceSet rtype = ((pathFirst != null) && (pathFirst instanceof SOCPossibleShip) && // TODO better coastal ETA scoring
                    !((SOCPossibleShip) pathFirst).isCoastalRoadAndShip) ? SOCShip.COST : SOCRoad.COST;
                    for (int i = 0; i < pathLength; i++) targetResources.add(rtype);
                posSet.setETA(ourBSE.calculateRollsFast(ourPlayerData.getResources(), targetResources, 100, ourPlayerData.getPortFlags()));
        } else {
            // no roads are necessary
        D.ebugPrintln("Settlement ETA = " + posSet.getETA());
Also used : Stack(java.util.Stack) SOCResourceSet( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) Queue(soc.util.Queue) Pair(soc.util.Pair)


Stack (java.util.Stack)2 SOCResourceSet ( Queue (soc.util.Queue)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Hashtable (java.util.Hashtable)1 List (java.util.List)1 CappedQueue (soc.util.CappedQueue)1 Pair (soc.util.Pair)1