use of in project aws-doc-sdk-examples by awsdocs.
the class PutBatchRecords method addStockTradeData.
// snippet-start:[firehose.java2.put_batch_records.main]
public static void addStockTradeData(FirehoseClient firehoseClient, String streamName) {
List<Record> recordList = new ArrayList<>();
try {
// Repeatedly send stock trades with a 100 milliseconds wait in between
StockTradeGenerator stockTradeGenerator = new StockTradeGenerator();
int index = 100;
// Populate the list with StockTrade data
for (int x = 0; x < index; x++) {
StockTrade trade = stockTradeGenerator.getRandomTrade();
byte[] bytes = trade.toJsonAsBytes();
Record myRecord = Record.builder().data(SdkBytes.fromByteArray(bytes)).build();
System.out.println("Adding trade: " + trade.toString());
PutRecordBatchRequest recordBatchRequest = PutRecordBatchRequest.builder().deliveryStreamName(streamName).records(recordList).build();
PutRecordBatchResponse recordResponse = firehoseClient.putRecordBatch(recordBatchRequest);
System.out.println("The number of records added is: " + recordResponse.requestResponses().size());
// Check the details of all records in this batch operation.
String errorMsg = "";
String errorCode = "";
List<PutRecordBatchResponseEntry> results = recordResponse.requestResponses();
for (PutRecordBatchResponseEntry result : results) {
// Returns null if there is no error.
errorCode = result.errorCode();
if (errorCode == null) {
System.out.println("Record " + result.recordId() + " was successfully added!");
} else {
errorMsg = result.errorMessage();
System.out.println("Error code for record ID : " + result.recordId() + " is " + errorMsg);
} catch (FirehoseException | InterruptedException e) {