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Example 11 with Body

use of soot.Body in project soot by Sable.

the class CFGViewer method internalTransform.

// particular
// methods to print, this is a map
// from method name to the class
// name declaring the method.
protected void internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map<String, String> options) {
    SootMethod meth = b.getMethod();
    if ((methodsToPrint == null) || (meth.getDeclaringClass().getName() == methodsToPrint.get(meth.getName()))) {
        Body body = ir.getBody((JimpleBody) b);
Also used : SootMethod(soot.SootMethod) Body(soot.Body) JimpleBody(soot.jimple.JimpleBody)

Example 12 with Body

use of soot.Body in project soot by Sable.

the class DexMethod method createMethodSource.

protected MethodSource createMethodSource(final Method method) {
    return new MethodSource() {

        public Body getBody(SootMethod m, String phaseName) {
            Body b = Jimple.v().newBody(m);
            try {
                // add the body of this code item
                DexBody dexBody = new DexBody(dexFile, method, declaringClass.getType());
                dexBody.jimplify(b, m);
            } catch (InvalidDalvikBytecodeException e) {
                String msg = "Warning: Invalid bytecode in method " + m + ": " + e;
                logger.debug("" + msg);
                Util.addExceptionAfterUnit(b, "java.lang.RuntimeException", b.getUnits().getLast(), "Soot has detected that this method contains invalid Dalvik bytecode which would have throw an exception at runtime. [" + msg + "]");
            return m.getActiveBody();
Also used : MethodSource(soot.MethodSource) SootMethod(soot.SootMethod) Body(soot.Body)

Example 13 with Body

use of soot.Body in project soot by Sable.

the class RemoveEmptyBodyDefaultConstructor method checkAndRemoveDefault.

public static void checkAndRemoveDefault(SootClass s) {
    debug("\n\nRemoveEmptyBodyDefaultConstructor----" + s.getName());
    List methods = s.getMethods();
    Iterator it = methods.iterator();
    List<SootMethod> constructors = new ArrayList<SootMethod>();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        SootMethod method = (SootMethod);
        debug("method name is" + method.getName());
        if (method.getName().indexOf("<init>") > -1) {
            // constructor add to constructor list
    if (constructors.size() != 1) {
        // cant do anything since there are more than one constructors
        debug("class has more than one constructors cant do anything");
    // only one constructor check its default (no arguments)
    SootMethod constructor = constructors.get(0);
    if (constructor.getParameterCount() != 0) {
        // can only deal with default constructors
        debug("constructor is not the default constructor");
    debug("Check that the body is empty....and call to super contains no arguments and delete");
    if (!constructor.hasActiveBody()) {
        debug("No active body found for the default constructor");
    Body body = constructor.getActiveBody();
    Chain units = ((DavaBody) body).getUnits();
    if (units.size() != 1) {
        debug(" DavaBody AST does not have single root");
    ASTNode AST = (ASTNode) units.getFirst();
    if (!(AST instanceof ASTMethodNode))
        throw new RuntimeException("Starting node of DavaBody AST is not an ASTMethodNode");
    ASTMethodNode methodNode = (ASTMethodNode) AST;
    debug("got methodnode check body is empty and super has nothing in it");
    List<Object> subBodies = methodNode.get_SubBodies();
    if (subBodies.size() != 1) {
        debug("Method node does not have one subBody!!!");
    List methodBody = (List) subBodies.get(0);
    if (methodBody.size() != 0) {
        debug("Method body size is greater than 1 so cant do nothing");
    debug("Method body is empty...check super call is empty");
    if (((DavaBody) body).get_ConstructorExpr().getArgCount() != 0) {
        debug("call to super not empty");
    debug("REMOVE METHOD");
Also used : Chain(soot.util.Chain) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DavaBody(soot.dava.DavaBody) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) ASTNode(soot.dava.internal.AST.ASTNode) SootMethod(soot.SootMethod) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ASTMethodNode(soot.dava.internal.AST.ASTMethodNode) Body(soot.Body) DavaBody(soot.dava.DavaBody)

Example 14 with Body

use of soot.Body in project soot by Sable.

the class DexPrinter method toMethodImplementation.

private MethodImplementation toMethodImplementation(SootMethod m) {
    if (m.isAbstract() || m.isNative()) {
        return null;
    Body activeBody = m.retrieveActiveBody();
    // when installing the app
    if (m.getName().contains("<") || m.getName().equals(">"))
        if (!m.getName().equals("<init>") && !m.getName().equals("<clinit>"))
            throw new RuntimeException("Invalid method name: " + m.getName());
    // Switch statements may not be empty in dex, so we have to fix this
    // first
    // Dalvik requires synchronized methods to have explicit monitor calls,
    // so we insert them here. See
    // We cannot place this upon the developer since it is only required
    // for Dalvik, but not for other targets.
    // Tries may not start or end at units which have no corresponding
    // Dalvik
    // instructions such as IdentityStmts. We reduce the traps to start at
    // the
    // first "real" instruction. We could also use a TrapTigthener, but that
    // would be too expensive for what we need here.
    // Look for sequences of array element assignments that we can collapse
    // into bulk initializations
    DexArrayInitDetector initDetector = new DexArrayInitDetector();
    // Split the tries since Dalvik does not supported nested try/catch
    // blocks
    // word count of incoming parameters
    int inWords = SootToDexUtils.getDexWords(m.getParameterTypes());
    if (!m.isStatic()) {
        // extra word for "this"
    // word count of max outgoing parameters
    Collection<Unit> units = activeBody.getUnits();
    // register count = parameters + additional registers, depending on the
    // dex instructions generated (e.g. locals used and constants loaded)
    StmtVisitor stmtV = new StmtVisitor(m, initDetector);
    Chain<Trap> traps = activeBody.getTraps();
    Set<Unit> trapReferences = new HashSet<Unit>(traps.size() * 3);
    for (Trap t : activeBody.getTraps()) {
    toInstructions(units, stmtV, trapReferences);
    int registerCount = stmtV.getRegisterCount();
    if (inWords > registerCount) {
			 * as the Dalvik VM moves the parameters into the last registers, the "in" word
			 * count must be at least equal to the register count. a smaller register count
			 * could occur if soot generated the method body, see e.g. the handling of
			 * phantom refs in SootMethodRefImpl.resolve(StringBuffer): the body has no
			 * locals for the ParameterRefs, it just throws an error.
			 * we satisfy the verifier by just increasing the register count, since calling
			 * phantom refs will lead to an error anyway.
        registerCount = inWords;
    MethodImplementationBuilder builder = new MethodImplementationBuilder(registerCount);
    LabelAssigner labelAssinger = new LabelAssigner(builder);
    List<BuilderInstruction> instructions = stmtV.getRealInsns(labelAssinger);
    fixLongJumps(instructions, labelAssinger, stmtV);
    Map<Local, Integer> seenRegisters = new HashMap<Local, Integer>();
    Map<Instruction, LocalRegisterAssignmentInformation> instructionRegisterMap = stmtV.getInstructionRegisterMap();
    if (Options.v().write_local_annotations()) {
        for (LocalRegisterAssignmentInformation assignment : stmtV.getParameterInstructionsList()) {
            // (at least not if it exists with exactly this name)
            if (assignment.getLocal().getName().equals("this"))
            addRegisterAssignmentDebugInfo(assignment, seenRegisters, builder);
    for (BuilderInstruction ins : instructions) {
        Stmt origStmt = stmtV.getStmtForInstruction(ins);
        // If this is a switch payload, we need to place the label
        if (stmtV.getInstructionPayloadMap().containsKey(ins))
        if (origStmt != null) {
            // Do we need a label here because this a trap handler?
            if (trapReferences.contains(origStmt))
            // Add the label if the statement has one
            String labelName = labelAssinger.getLabelName(origStmt);
            if (labelName != null && !builder.getLabel(labelName).isPlaced())
            // Add the tags
            if (stmtV.getStmtForInstruction(ins) != null) {
                List<Tag> tags = origStmt.getTags();
                for (Tag t : tags) {
                    if (t instanceof LineNumberTag) {
                        LineNumberTag lnt = (LineNumberTag) t;
                    } else if (t instanceof SourceFileTag) {
                        SourceFileTag sft = (SourceFileTag) t;
                        builder.addSetSourceFile(new ImmutableStringReference(sft.getSourceFile()));
        LocalRegisterAssignmentInformation registerAssignmentTag = instructionRegisterMap.get(ins);
        if (registerAssignmentTag != null) {
            // Add start local debugging information: Register -> Local
            // assignment
            addRegisterAssignmentDebugInfo(registerAssignmentTag, seenRegisters, builder);
    for (int registersLeft : seenRegisters.values()) builder.addEndLocal(registersLeft);
    toTries(activeBody.getTraps(), stmtV, builder, labelAssinger);
    // Make sure that all labels have been placed by now
    for (Label lbl : labelAssinger.getAllLabels()) if (!lbl.isPlaced())
        throw new RuntimeException("Label not placed: " + lbl);
    return builder.getMethodImplementation();
Also used : LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) SourceFileTag(soot.tagkit.SourceFileTag) Label(org.jf.dexlib2.builder.Label) Unit(soot.Unit) BuilderOffsetInstruction(org.jf.dexlib2.builder.BuilderOffsetInstruction) BuilderInstruction(org.jf.dexlib2.builder.BuilderInstruction) Instruction(org.jf.dexlib2.iface.instruction.Instruction) NopStmt(soot.jimple.NopStmt) Stmt(soot.jimple.Stmt) IdentityStmt(soot.jimple.IdentityStmt) MonitorStmt(soot.jimple.MonitorStmt) LineNumberTag(soot.tagkit.LineNumberTag) Body(soot.Body) MethodImplementationBuilder(org.jf.dexlib2.builder.MethodImplementationBuilder) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) BuilderInstruction(org.jf.dexlib2.builder.BuilderInstruction) Local(soot.Local) Trap(soot.Trap) ImmutableStringReference(org.jf.dexlib2.immutable.reference.ImmutableStringReference) ConstantValueTag(soot.tagkit.ConstantValueTag) SourceFileTag(soot.tagkit.SourceFileTag) AnnotationDefaultTag(soot.tagkit.AnnotationDefaultTag) VisibilityAnnotationTag(soot.tagkit.VisibilityAnnotationTag) InnerClassTag(soot.tagkit.InnerClassTag) FloatConstantValueTag(soot.tagkit.FloatConstantValueTag) AnnotationTag(soot.tagkit.AnnotationTag) IntegerConstantValueTag(soot.tagkit.IntegerConstantValueTag) EnclosingMethodTag(soot.tagkit.EnclosingMethodTag) VisibilityParameterAnnotationTag(soot.tagkit.VisibilityParameterAnnotationTag) Tag(soot.tagkit.Tag) LineNumberTag(soot.tagkit.LineNumberTag) ParamNamesTag(soot.tagkit.ParamNamesTag) DoubleConstantValueTag(soot.tagkit.DoubleConstantValueTag) LongConstantValueTag(soot.tagkit.LongConstantValueTag) SignatureTag(soot.tagkit.SignatureTag) StringConstantValueTag(soot.tagkit.StringConstantValueTag)

Example 15 with Body

use of soot.Body in project soot by Sable.

the class TemplatePrinter method printTo.

private void printTo(SootClass c) {
    String templateClassName = c.getName().replace('.', '_') + "_Maker";
    // imports
    println("import java.util.*;");
    println("import soot.*;");
    println("import soot.jimple.*;");
    println("import soot.util.*;");
    // open class
    print("public class ");
    println(" {");
    println("private static Local localByName(Body b, String name) {");
    println("	for(Local l: b.getLocals()) {");
    println("		if(l.getName().equals(name))");
    println("			return l;");
    println("	}");
    println("	throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"No such local: \"+name);");
    // open main method
    println("public void create() {");
    println("SootClass c = new SootClass(\"" + c.getName() + "\");");
    // todo modifiers, extends etc.
    for (int i = 0; i < c.getMethodCount(); i++) {
        println("createMethod" + i + "(c);");
    // close main method
    int i = 0;
    for (SootMethod m : c.getMethods()) {
        newMethod("createMethod" + i);
        // TODO modifiers, types
        println("SootMethod m = new SootMethod(\"" + m.getName() + "\",null,null);");
        println("Body b = Jimple.v().newBody(m);");
        if (!m.hasActiveBody())
        Body b = m.getActiveBody();
        println("Chain<Local> locals = b.getLocals();");
        for (Local l : b.getLocals()) {
            // TODO properly treat primitive types
            println("locals.add(Jimple.v().newLocal(\"" + l.getName() + "\", RefType.v(\"" + l.getType() + "\")));");
        println("Chain<Unit> units = b.getUnits();");
        StmtTemplatePrinter sw = new StmtTemplatePrinter(this, b.getUnits());
        for (Unit u : b.getUnits()) {
        // TODO print traps
    // close class
Also used : SootMethod(soot.SootMethod) Local(soot.Local) Unit(soot.Unit) Body(soot.Body)


Body (soot.Body)57 Unit (soot.Unit)37 SootMethod (soot.SootMethod)32 Local (soot.Local)20 SootClass (soot.SootClass)19 Value (soot.Value)15 InvokeExpr (soot.jimple.InvokeExpr)14 StaticInvokeExpr (soot.jimple.StaticInvokeExpr)13 Type (soot.Type)12 Stmt (soot.jimple.Stmt)12 InstanceInvokeExpr (soot.jimple.InstanceInvokeExpr)11 JimpleBody (soot.jimple.JimpleBody)11 SpecialInvokeExpr (soot.jimple.SpecialInvokeExpr)11 RefType (soot.RefType)10 VoidType (soot.VoidType)10 VirtualInvokeExpr (soot.jimple.VirtualInvokeExpr)10 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)9 SootMethodRef (soot.SootMethodRef)9 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 PrimType (soot.PrimType)8