use of soot.dava.internal.AST.ASTNode in project soot by Sable.
the class MethodCallFinder method createChangedBodyPart.
* Given an invoke stmt this method finds the parent of this stmt which
* should always be a StatementSequenceNode Then the sequence is broken into
* three parts. The first part contains stmts till above the invoke stmt.
* The second part contains the body argument which is the body of the
* inlined method and the third part are the stmts below the invoke stmt
public List<ASTStatementSequenceNode> createChangedBodyPart(InvokeStmt s, List body, ASTParentNodeFinder finder) {
// get parent node of invoke stmt
Object parent = finder.getParentOf(s);
if (parent == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("MethodCall FInder: parent of invoke stmt not found");
ASTNode parentNode = (ASTNode) parent;
if (!(parentNode instanceof ASTStatementSequenceNode)) {
throw new RuntimeException("MethodCall FInder: parent node not a stmt seq node");
ASTStatementSequenceNode orignal = (ASTStatementSequenceNode) parentNode;
// copying the stmts till above the inoke stmt into one stmt sequence
// node
List<AugmentedStmt> newInitialNode = new ArrayList<AugmentedStmt>();
Iterator<AugmentedStmt> it = orignal.getStatements().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
AugmentedStmt as =;
Stmt tempStmt = as.get_Stmt();
if (tempStmt != s) {
} else {
// stmt we break
// copy remaining stmts into the AFTER stmt sequence node
List<AugmentedStmt> newSecondNode = new ArrayList<AugmentedStmt>();
while (it.hasNext()) {
List<ASTStatementSequenceNode> toReturn = new ArrayList<ASTStatementSequenceNode>();
if (newInitialNode.size() != 0)
toReturn.add(new ASTStatementSequenceNode(newInitialNode));
// add inline methods body
if (newSecondNode.size() != 0)
toReturn.add(new ASTStatementSequenceNode(newSecondNode));
return toReturn;
use of soot.dava.internal.AST.ASTNode in project soot by Sable.
the class ConstantFieldValueFinder method computeFieldToValuesAssignedList.
* Go through all the methods in the application and make a mapping of className+methodName ---> values assigned
* There can obviously be more than one value assigned to each field
private void computeFieldToValuesAssignedList() {
// go through all the classes
Iterator classIt = appClasses.iterator();
while (classIt.hasNext()) {
SootClass s = (SootClass);
debug("\ncomputeMethodSummaries", "Processing class " + s.getName());
// go though all the methods
Iterator methodIt = s.methodIterator();
while (methodIt.hasNext()) {
SootMethod m = (SootMethod);
DavaBody body = null;
if (m.hasActiveBody()) {
* Added to try to fix the no active body found exception
body = (DavaBody) m.getActiveBody();
} else {
ASTNode AST = (ASTNode) body.getUnits().getFirst();
// find all definitions in the program
AllDefinitionsFinder defFinder = new AllDefinitionsFinder();
Iterator<DefinitionStmt> allDefIt = defFinder.getAllDefs().iterator();
// go through each definition
while (allDefIt.hasNext()) {
DefinitionStmt stmt =;
// debug("DefinitionStmt")
Value left = stmt.getLeftOp();
* Only care if we have fieldRef on the left
if (!(left instanceof FieldRef)) {
// we know definition is to a field
debug("computeMethodSummaries method: " + m.getName(), "Field ref is: " + left);
// Information we want to store is class of field and name of field and the right op
FieldRef ref = (FieldRef) left;
SootField field = ref.getField();
* Only care about fields with primtype
if (!(field.getType() instanceof PrimType))
String fieldName = field.getName();
String declaringClass = field.getDeclaringClass().getName();
debug("\tField Name: " + fieldName);
debug("\tField DeclaringClass: " + declaringClass);
// get the valueList for this class+field combo
String combined = declaringClass + combiner + fieldName;
Object temp = fieldToValues.get(combined);
ArrayList valueList;
if (temp == null) {
// no value of this field was yet assigned
valueList = new ArrayList();
fieldToValues.put(combined, valueList);
} else {
valueList = (ArrayList) temp;
// going through all the definitions
// going through methods of class s
// going through classes
use of soot.dava.internal.AST.ASTNode in project soot by Sable.
the class StructuredAnalysis method process.
* The parameter body contains the body to be analysed It can be an ASTNode,
* a Stmt, an augmentedStmt or a list of ASTNodes The input is any data that
* is gathered plus any info needed for making decisions during the analysis
public DavaFlowSet<E> process(Object body, DavaFlowSet<E> input) {
if (body instanceof ASTNode) {
beforeSets.put(body, input);
DavaFlowSet<E> temp = processASTNode((ASTNode) body, input);
afterSets.put(body, temp);
return temp;
} else if (body instanceof Stmt) {
beforeSets.put(body, input);
DavaFlowSet<E> result = processAbruptStatements((Stmt) body, input);
afterSets.put(body, result);
return result;
} else if (body instanceof AugmentedStmt) {
AugmentedStmt as = (AugmentedStmt) body;
Stmt s = as.get_Stmt();
beforeSets.put(s, input);
DavaFlowSet<E> result = processAbruptStatements(s, input);
afterSets.put(s, result);
return result;
} else if (body instanceof List) {
// this should always be a list of ASTNodes
Iterator it = ((List) body).iterator();
DavaFlowSet<E> result = input;
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object temp =;
if (!(temp instanceof ASTNode))
throw new RuntimeException("Body sent to be processed by " + "StructuredAnalysis contains a list which does not have ASTNodes");
else {
* As we are simply going through a list of ASTNodes The
* output of the previous becomes the input of the next
beforeSets.put(temp, result);
result = processASTNode((ASTNode) temp, result);
afterSets.put(temp, result);
// the List
return result;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Body sent to be processed by " + "StructuredAnalysis is not a valid body");
use of soot.dava.internal.AST.ASTNode in project soot by Sable.
the class IfElseSplitter method bodyTargetsLabel.
* Check that label is non null and the string inside is non null... if yes return false
* Check that the given list (sequeneof ASTNodes have no abrupt edge targeting the label.
public boolean bodyTargetsLabel(SETNodeLabel label, List<Object> body) {
// no SETNodeLabel is good
if (label == null)
return false;
// SETNodeLabel but with no string is also good
if (label.toString() == null)
return false;
final String strLabel = label.toString();
// go through the body use traversal to find whether there is an abrupt stmt targeting this
Iterator<Object> it = body.iterator();
targeted = false;
while (it.hasNext()) {
ASTNode temp = (ASTNode);
temp.apply(new DepthFirstAdapter() {
// set targeted to true if DAbruptStmt targets it
public void inStmt(Stmt s) {
// only interested in abrupt stmts
if (!(s instanceof DAbruptStmt))
DAbruptStmt abrupt = (DAbruptStmt) s;
SETNodeLabel label = abrupt.getLabel();
if (label != null && label.toString() != null && label.toString().equals(strLabel)) {
targeted = true;
if (targeted)
return targeted;
use of soot.dava.internal.AST.ASTNode in project soot by Sable.
the class InterProceduralAnalyses method applyInterProceduralAnalyses.
* Method is invoked by postProcessDava in PackManager
* if the transformations flag is true
* All interproceduralAnalyses should be applied in here
public static void applyInterProceduralAnalyses() {
Chain classes = Scene.v().getApplicationClasses();
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("\n\nInvoking redundantFielduseEliminator");
ConstantFieldValueFinder finder = new ConstantFieldValueFinder(classes);
HashMap<String, Object> constantValueFields = finder.getFieldsWithConstantValues();
if (DEBUG)
* The code above this gathers interprocedural information
* the code below this USES the interprocedural results
Iterator it = classes.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
// go though all the methods
SootClass s = (SootClass);
Iterator methodIt = s.methodIterator();
while (methodIt.hasNext()) {
SootMethod m = (SootMethod);
* Adding try block to handle RuntimeException no active body found
DavaBody body = null;
if (m.hasActiveBody()) {
body = (DavaBody) m.getActiveBody();
} else {
ASTNode AST = (ASTNode) body.getUnits().getFirst();
if (!(AST instanceof ASTMethodNode))
Map options = PhaseOptions.v().getPhaseOptions("db.deobfuscate");
boolean deobfuscate = PhaseOptions.getBoolean(options, "enabled");
// System.out.println("force is "+force);
if (deobfuscate) {
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("\nSTART CP Class:" + s.getName() + " Method: " + m.getName());
CPApplication CPApp = new CPApplication((ASTMethodNode) AST, constantValueFields, finder.getClassNameFieldNameToSootFieldMapping());
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("DONE CP for " + m.getName());
// expression simplification
// SimplifyExpressions.DEBUG=true;
AST.apply(new SimplifyExpressions());
// SimplifyConditions.DEBUG=true;
AST.apply(new SimplifyConditions());
// condition elimination
// EliminateConditions.DEBUG=true;
AST.apply(new EliminateConditions((ASTMethodNode) AST));
// the above should ALWAYS be followed by an unreachable code eliminator
AST.apply(new UnreachableCodeEliminator(AST));
// local variable cleanup
AST.apply(new LocalVariableCleaner(AST));
// VERY EXPENSIVE STAGE of redoing all analyses!!!!
if (deobfuscate) {
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("reinvoking analyzeAST");
UselessLabelFinder.DEBUG = false;
// renaming should be applied as the last stage
options = PhaseOptions.v().getPhaseOptions("db.renamer");
boolean renamer = PhaseOptions.getBoolean(options, "enabled");
// System.out.println("renaming is"+renamer);
if (renamer) {
applyRenamerAnalyses(AST, body);
// remove returns from void methods