use of soot.BriefUnitPrinter in project soot by Sable.
the class GraphComparer method makeUnitPrinter.
* Utility method that returns a {@link LabeledUnitPrinter} for printing
* the {@link Unit}s in graph.
* @param g the graph for which to return a {@link LabeledUnitPrinter}.
* @return A {@link LabeledUnitPrinter} for printing the {@link Unit}s in
* <tt>g</tt> if <tt>g</tt> is a control flow graph. Returns
* <tt>null</tt> if <tt>g</tt> is not a control flow graph.
private static LabeledUnitPrinter makeUnitPrinter(DirectedGraph g) {
Body b = getGraphsBody(g);
if (b == null) {
return null;
} else {
BriefUnitPrinter printer = new BriefUnitPrinter(b);
return printer;