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Example 11 with CharType

use of soot.CharType in project soot by soot-oss.

the class Util method emptyBody.

 * Remove all statements except from IdentityStatements for parameters. Return default value (null or zero or nothing
 * depending on the return type).
 * @param jBody
public static void emptyBody(Body jBody) {
    // identity statements
    List<Unit> idStmts = new ArrayList<Unit>();
    List<Local> idLocals = new ArrayList<Local>();
    for (Unit u : jBody.getUnits()) {
        if (u instanceof IdentityStmt) {
            IdentityStmt i = (IdentityStmt) u;
            if (i.getRightOp() instanceof ParameterRef || i.getRightOp() instanceof ThisRef) {
                idLocals.add((Local) i.getLeftOp());
    final LocalGenerator lg = Scene.v().createLocalGenerator(jBody);
    for (Unit u : idStmts) {
    for (Local l : idLocals) {
    Type rType = jBody.getMethod().getReturnType();
    if (rType instanceof VoidType) {
    } else {
        Type t = jBody.getMethod().getReturnType();
        Local l = lg.generateLocal(t);
        AssignStmt ass = null;
        if (t instanceof RefType || t instanceof ArrayType) {
            ass = Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(l, NullConstant.v());
        } else if (t instanceof LongType) {
            ass = Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(l, LongConstant.v(0));
        } else if (t instanceof FloatType) {
            ass = Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(l, FloatConstant.v(0.0f));
        } else if (t instanceof IntType) {
            ass = Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(l, IntConstant.v(0));
        } else if (t instanceof DoubleType) {
            ass = Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(l, DoubleConstant.v(0));
        } else if (t instanceof BooleanType || t instanceof ByteType || t instanceof CharType || t instanceof ShortType) {
            ass = Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(l, IntConstant.v(0));
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("error: return type unknown: " + t + " class: " + t.getClass());
Also used : VoidType(soot.VoidType) LocalGenerator(soot.LocalGenerator) LongType(soot.LongType) AssignStmt(soot.jimple.AssignStmt) ShortType(soot.ShortType) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BooleanType(soot.BooleanType) Local(soot.Local) ByteType(soot.ByteType) Unit(soot.Unit) FloatType(soot.FloatType) IntType(soot.IntType) RefType(soot.RefType) ArrayType(soot.ArrayType) RefType(soot.RefType) DoubleType(soot.DoubleType) FloatType(soot.FloatType) IntType(soot.IntType) ShortType(soot.ShortType) CharType(soot.CharType) LongType(soot.LongType) BooleanType(soot.BooleanType) ByteType(soot.ByteType) ArrayType(soot.ArrayType) Type(soot.Type) VoidType(soot.VoidType) ParameterRef(soot.jimple.ParameterRef) ThisRef(soot.jimple.ThisRef) DoubleType(soot.DoubleType) CharType(soot.CharType) IdentityStmt(soot.jimple.IdentityStmt)

Example 12 with CharType

use of soot.CharType in project soot by soot-oss.

the class TypeAssigner method compareTypings.

/* Returns -1 if a < b, +1 if b < a, 0 if a = b and 3 otherwise. */
private static int compareTypings(JimpleBody a, JimpleBody b) {
    int r = 0;
    Iterator<Local> ib = b.getLocals().iterator();
    for (Local v : a.getLocals()) {
        Type ta = v.getType(), tb =;
        if (, tb)) {
        } else if ((ta instanceof CharType && (tb instanceof ByteType || tb instanceof ShortType)) || (tb instanceof CharType && (ta instanceof ByteType || ta instanceof ShortType))) {
        } else if (, tb)) {
            if (r == -1) {
                return 3;
            } else {
                r = 1;
        } else if (, ta)) {
            if (r == 1) {
                return 3;
            } else {
                r = -1;
        } else {
            return 3;
    return r;
Also used : UnknownType(soot.UnknownType) ShortType(soot.ShortType) CharType(soot.CharType) NullType(soot.NullType) ErroneousType(soot.ErroneousType) ByteType(soot.ByteType) Type(soot.Type) ShortType(soot.ShortType) Local(soot.Local) CharType(soot.CharType) ByteType(soot.ByteType)

Example 13 with CharType

use of soot.CharType in project soot by soot-oss.

the class MethodCallFinder method createDefaultStmt.

public AugmentedStmt createDefaultStmt(Object field) {
    Value ref = null;
    Type fieldType = null;
    if (field instanceof SootField) {
        // have to make a static field ref
        SootFieldRef tempFieldRef = ((SootField) field).makeRef();
        fieldType = ((SootField) field).getType();
        if (((SootField) field).isStatic()) {
            ref = new DStaticFieldRef(tempFieldRef, true);
        } else {
            ref = new DInstanceFieldRef(new JimpleLocal("this", fieldType), tempFieldRef, new HashSet<Object>());
    } else if (field instanceof Local) {
        ref = (Local) field;
        fieldType = ((Local) field).getType();
    GAssignStmt assignStmt = null;
    if (fieldType instanceof RefType) {
        assignStmt = new GAssignStmt(ref, NullConstant.v());
    } else if (fieldType instanceof DoubleType) {
        assignStmt = new GAssignStmt(ref, DoubleConstant.v(0));
    } else if (fieldType instanceof FloatType) {
        assignStmt = new GAssignStmt(ref, FloatConstant.v(0));
    } else if (fieldType instanceof LongType) {
        assignStmt = new GAssignStmt(ref, LongConstant.v(0));
    } else if (fieldType instanceof IntType || fieldType instanceof ByteType || fieldType instanceof ShortType || fieldType instanceof CharType || fieldType instanceof BooleanType) {
        assignStmt = new GAssignStmt(ref, DIntConstant.v(0, fieldType));
    if (assignStmt != null) {
        // System.out.println("AssignStmt is"+assignStmt);
        AugmentedStmt as = new AugmentedStmt(assignStmt);
        return as;
    } else {
        return null;
Also used : GAssignStmt(soot.grimp.internal.GAssignStmt) LongType(soot.LongType) DInstanceFieldRef(soot.dava.internal.javaRep.DInstanceFieldRef) ShortType(soot.ShortType) BooleanType(soot.BooleanType) JimpleLocal(soot.jimple.internal.JimpleLocal) Local(soot.Local) ByteType(soot.ByteType) AugmentedStmt(soot.dava.internal.asg.AugmentedStmt) SootFieldRef(soot.SootFieldRef) JimpleLocal(soot.jimple.internal.JimpleLocal) FloatType(soot.FloatType) IntType(soot.IntType) RefType(soot.RefType) RefType(soot.RefType) DoubleType(soot.DoubleType) FloatType(soot.FloatType) IntType(soot.IntType) ShortType(soot.ShortType) CharType(soot.CharType) LongType(soot.LongType) BooleanType(soot.BooleanType) ByteType(soot.ByteType) Type(soot.Type) DoubleType(soot.DoubleType) Value(soot.Value) SootField(soot.SootField) DStaticFieldRef(soot.dava.internal.javaRep.DStaticFieldRef) CharType(soot.CharType) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 14 with CharType

use of soot.CharType in project soot by soot-oss.

the class CP method createInitialInput.

   * constant fields added with KNOWN CONSTANT VALUE formals added with TOP locals added with 0 other fields IGNORED
public void createInitialInput() {
    initialInput = new ArrayList<CPTuple>();
    // adding constant fields
    // String className =
    // analyze.getDavaBody().getMethod().getDeclaringClass().getName();
    // adding formals
    formals = new ArrayList<CPTuple>();
    // System.out.println("Adding following formals: with TOP");
    Collection col = methodNode.getDavaBody().get_ParamMap().values();
    Iterator it = col.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        Object temp =;
        if (temp instanceof Local) {
            Local tempLocal = (Local) temp;
            if (!(tempLocal.getType() instanceof PrimType)) {
            CPVariable newVar = new CPVariable(tempLocal);
            // new tuple set to top since this is a formal and we dont know
            // what value we will get into it
            CPTuple newTuple = new CPTuple(localClassName, newVar, true);
        // System.out.print("\t"+tempLocal.getName());
    // System.out.println();
    // adding locals
    List decLocals = methodNode.getDeclaredLocals();
    it = decLocals.iterator();
    locals = new ArrayList<CPTuple>();
    // System.out.println("Adding following locals with default values:");
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        Object temp =;
        if (temp instanceof Local) {
            Local tempLocal = (Local) temp;
            Type localType = tempLocal.getType();
            if (!(localType instanceof PrimType)) {
            CPVariable newVar = new CPVariable(tempLocal);
            // store the default value into this object
            Object value;
            // depending on its type
            if (localType instanceof BooleanType) {
                value = new Boolean(false);
            } else if (localType instanceof ByteType) {
                value = new Integer(0);
            } else if (localType instanceof CharType) {
                value = new Integer(0);
            } else if (localType instanceof DoubleType) {
                value = new Double(0);
            } else if (localType instanceof FloatType) {
                value = new Float(0);
            } else if (localType instanceof IntType) {
                value = new Integer(0);
            } else if (localType instanceof LongType) {
                value = new Long(0);
            } else if (localType instanceof ShortType) {
                value = new Integer(0);
            } else {
                throw new DavaFlowAnalysisException("Unknown PrimType");
            CPTuple newTuple = new CPTuple(localClassName, newVar, value);
         * Commenting the next line since we dont want initial Input to have any locals in it all locals are considered
         * bottom initially
            // initialInput.add(newTuple);
        // System.out.print("\t"+tempLocal.getName());
    // was a local
// System.out.println();
Also used : LongType(soot.LongType) ShortType(soot.ShortType) BooleanType(soot.BooleanType) Local(soot.Local) ByteType(soot.ByteType) FloatType(soot.FloatType) IntType(soot.IntType) DoubleType(soot.DoubleType) FloatType(soot.FloatType) IntType(soot.IntType) ShortType(soot.ShortType) CharType(soot.CharType) LongType(soot.LongType) BooleanType(soot.BooleanType) ByteType(soot.ByteType) Type(soot.Type) PrimType(soot.PrimType) DavaFlowAnalysisException(soot.dava.DavaFlowAnalysisException) DoubleType(soot.DoubleType) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Collection(java.util.Collection) PrimType(soot.PrimType) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) CharType(soot.CharType)

Example 15 with CharType

use of soot.CharType in project soot by soot-oss.

the class LocalsToBitField method internalTransform.

protected void internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map<String, String> options) {
    int weight = soot.jbco.Main.getWeight(phaseName, b.getMethod().getSignature());
    if (weight == 0) {
    // build mapping of baf locals to jimple locals
    Chain<Local> bLocals = b.getLocals();
    PatchingChain<Unit> u = b.getUnits();
    Unit first = null;
    List<Value> params = new ArrayList<Value>();
    Iterator<Unit> uit = u.iterator();
    while (uit.hasNext()) {
        Unit unit =;
        if (unit instanceof IdentityInst) {
            IdentityInst ii = (IdentityInst) unit;
            if (ii.getRightOpBox().getValue() instanceof ParameterRef) {
                Value v = ii.getLeftOp();
                if (v instanceof Local) {
                    first = unit;
    // build mapping of baf locals to jimple locals
    Map<Local, Local> bafToJLocals = new HashMap<Local, Local>();
    Iterator<Local> jlocIt = soot.jbco.Main.methods2JLocals.get(b.getMethod()).iterator();
    while (jlocIt.hasNext()) {
        Local jl =;
        Iterator<Local> blocIt = bLocals.iterator();
        while (blocIt.hasNext()) {
            Local bl =;
            if (bl.getName().equals(jl.getName())) {
                bafToJLocals.put(bl, jl);
    List<Local> booleans = new ArrayList<Local>();
    List<Local> bytes = new ArrayList<Local>();
    List<Local> chars = new ArrayList<Local>();
    List<Local> ints = new ArrayList<Local>();
    Map<Local, Integer> sizes = new HashMap<Local, Integer>();
    Iterator<Local> blocs = bLocals.iterator();
    while (blocs.hasNext()) {
        Local bl =;
        if (params.contains(bl)) {
        Local jlocal = bafToJLocals.get(bl);
        if (jlocal != null) {
            Type t = jlocal.getType();
            if (t instanceof PrimType && !(t instanceof DoubleType || t instanceof LongType) && Rand.getInt(10) <= weight) {
                if (t instanceof BooleanType) {
                    sizes.put(bl, 1);
                } else if (t instanceof ByteType) {
                    sizes.put(bl, 8);
                } else if (t instanceof CharType) {
                    // || t instanceof ShortType) {
                    sizes.put(bl, 16);
                } else if (t instanceof IntType) {
                    sizes.put(bl, 32);
    int count = 0;
    Map<Local, Local> bafToNewLocs = new HashMap<Local, Local>();
    int total = booleans.size() + bytes.size() * 8 + chars.size() * 16 + ints.size() * 32;
    Map<Local, Map<Local, Integer>> newLocs = new HashMap<Local, Map<Local, Integer>>();
    while (total >= 32 && booleans.size() + bytes.size() + chars.size() + ints.size() > 2) {
        // soot.jbco.util.Rand.getInt(2) > 0 ?
        Local nloc = Baf.v().newLocal("newDumby" + count++, LongType.v());
        // DoubleType.v() : LongType.v());
        Map<Local, Integer> nlocMap = new HashMap<Local, Integer>();
        boolean done = false;
        int index = 0;
        while (index < 64 && !done) {
            int max = 64 - index;
            max = max > 31 ? 4 : max > 15 ? 3 : max > 7 ? 2 : 1;
            int rand = Rand.getInt(max);
            max = index;
            switch(rand) {
                case 3:
                    if (ints.size() > 0) {
                        Local l = ints.remove(Rand.getInt(ints.size()));
                        nlocMap.put(l, index);
                        index = index + 32;
                        bafToNewLocs.put(l, nloc);
                        index = getNewIndex(index, ints, chars, bytes, booleans);
                case 2:
                    if (chars.size() > 0) {
                        Local l = chars.remove(Rand.getInt(chars.size()));
                        nlocMap.put(l, index);
                        index = index + 16;
                        bafToNewLocs.put(l, nloc);
                        index = getNewIndex(index, ints, chars, bytes, booleans);
                case 1:
                    if (bytes.size() > 0) {
                        Local l = bytes.remove(Rand.getInt(bytes.size()));
                        nlocMap.put(l, index);
                        index = index + 8;
                        bafToNewLocs.put(l, nloc);
                        index = getNewIndex(index, ints, chars, bytes, booleans);
                case 0:
                    if (booleans.size() > 0) {
                        Local l = booleans.remove(Rand.getInt(booleans.size()));
                        nlocMap.put(l, index++);
                        bafToNewLocs.put(l, nloc);
                        index = getNewIndex(index, ints, chars, bytes, booleans);
            // end switch
            if (max == index) {
                done = true;
        newLocs.put(nloc, nlocMap);
        if (first != null) {
            u.insertAfter(Baf.v().newStoreInst(LongType.v(), nloc), first);
            u.insertAfter(Baf.v().newPushInst(LongConstant.v(0)), first);
        } else {
            u.addFirst(Baf.v().newStoreInst(LongType.v(), nloc));
        total = booleans.size() + bytes.size() * 8 + chars.size() * 16 + ints.size() * 32;
    if (bafToNewLocs.size() == 0) {
    Iterator<Unit> it = u.snapshotIterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        Unit unit =;
        if (unit instanceof StoreInst) {
            StoreInst si = (StoreInst) unit;
            Local bafLoc = si.getLocal();
            Local nloc = bafToNewLocs.get(bafLoc);
            if (nloc != null) {
                Local jloc = bafToJLocals.get(bafLoc);
                int index = newLocs.get(nloc).get(bafLoc);
                int size = sizes.get(bafLoc);
                long longmask = ~((size == 1 ? 0x1L : size == 8 ? 0xFFL : size == 16 ? 0xFFFFL : 0xFFFFFFFFL) << index);
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newPrimitiveCastInst(jloc.getType(), LongType.v()), unit);
                if (index > 0) {
                    u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newPushInst(IntConstant.v(index)), unit);
                    u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newShlInst(LongType.v()), unit);
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newPushInst(LongConstant.v(~longmask)), unit);
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newAndInst(LongType.v()), unit);
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newLoadInst(LongType.v(), nloc), unit);
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newPushInst(LongConstant.v(longmask)), unit);
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newAndInst(LongType.v()), unit);
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newXorInst(LongType.v()), unit);
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newStoreInst(LongType.v(), nloc), unit);
        } else if (unit instanceof LoadInst) {
            LoadInst li = (LoadInst) unit;
            Local bafLoc = li.getLocal();
            Local nloc = bafToNewLocs.get(bafLoc);
            if (nloc != null) {
                int index = newLocs.get(nloc).get(bafLoc);
                int size = sizes.get(bafLoc);
                long longmask = (size == 1 ? 0x1L : size == 8 ? 0xFFL : size == 16 ? 0xFFFFL : 0xFFFFFFFFL) << index;
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newLoadInst(LongType.v(), nloc), unit);
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newPushInst(LongConstant.v(longmask)), unit);
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newAndInst(LongType.v()), unit);
                if (index > 0) {
                    u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newPushInst(IntConstant.v(index)), unit);
                    u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newShrInst(LongType.v()), unit);
                Type origType = bafToJLocals.get(bafLoc).getType();
                Type t = getType(origType);
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newPrimitiveCastInst(LongType.v(), t), unit);
                if (!(origType instanceof IntType) && !(origType instanceof BooleanType)) {
                    u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newPrimitiveCastInst(t, origType), unit);
        } else if (unit instanceof IncInst) {
            IncInst ii = (IncInst) unit;
            Local bafLoc = ii.getLocal();
            Local nloc = bafToNewLocs.get(bafLoc);
            if (nloc != null) {
                Type jlocType = getType(bafToJLocals.get(bafLoc).getType());
                int index = newLocs.get(nloc).get(bafLoc);
                int size = sizes.get(bafLoc);
                long longmask = (size == 1 ? 0x1L : size == 8 ? 0xFFL : size == 16 ? 0xFFFFL : 0xFFFFFFFFL) << index;
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newPushInst(ii.getConstant()), unit);
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newLoadInst(LongType.v(), nloc), unit);
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newPushInst(LongConstant.v(longmask)), unit);
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newAndInst(LongType.v()), unit);
                if (index > 0) {
                    u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newPushInst(IntConstant.v(index)), unit);
                    u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newShrInst(LongType.v()), unit);
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newPrimitiveCastInst(LongType.v(), ii.getConstant().getType()), unit);
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newAddInst(ii.getConstant().getType()), unit);
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newPrimitiveCastInst(jlocType, LongType.v()), unit);
                if (index > 0) {
                    u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newPushInst(IntConstant.v(index)), unit);
                    u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newShlInst(LongType.v()), unit);
                longmask = ~longmask;
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newLoadInst(LongType.v(), nloc), unit);
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newPushInst(LongConstant.v(longmask)), unit);
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newAndInst(LongType.v()), unit);
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newXorInst(LongType.v()), unit);
                u.insertBefore(Baf.v().newStoreInst(LongType.v(), nloc), unit);
    Iterator<Local> localIterator = bLocals.snapshotIterator();
    while (localIterator.hasNext()) {
        Local l =;
        if (bafToNewLocs.containsKey(l)) {
Also used : LongType(soot.LongType) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ByteType(soot.ByteType) Unit(soot.Unit) IntType(soot.IntType) IdentityInst(soot.baf.IdentityInst) IncInst(soot.baf.IncInst) PrimType(soot.PrimType) StoreInst(soot.baf.StoreInst) BooleanType(soot.BooleanType) Local(soot.Local) DoubleType(soot.DoubleType) IntType(soot.IntType) ShortType(soot.ShortType) CharType(soot.CharType) LongType(soot.LongType) BooleanType(soot.BooleanType) ByteType(soot.ByteType) Type(soot.Type) PrimType(soot.PrimType) ParameterRef(soot.jimple.ParameterRef) DoubleType(soot.DoubleType) Value(soot.Value) CharType(soot.CharType) LoadInst(soot.baf.LoadInst) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map)


ByteType (soot.ByteType)47 CharType (soot.CharType)47 ShortType (soot.ShortType)47 BooleanType (soot.BooleanType)45 IntType (soot.IntType)45 Type (soot.Type)45 LongType (soot.LongType)43 DoubleType (soot.DoubleType)41 FloatType (soot.FloatType)39 Local (soot.Local)25 RefType (soot.RefType)25 Value (soot.Value)23 ArrayType (soot.ArrayType)19 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)16 NullType (soot.NullType)15 List (java.util.List)13 StmtAddressType (soot.StmtAddressType)13 TypeSwitch (soot.TypeSwitch)13 UnknownType (soot.UnknownType)12 Unit (soot.Unit)10