use of soot.ErroneousType in project soot by Sable.
the class LocalNameStandardizer method internalTransform.
protected void internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map<String, String> options) {
boolean onlyStackName = PhaseOptions.getBoolean(options, "only-stack-locals");
boolean sortLocals = PhaseOptions.getBoolean(options, "sort-locals");
final BooleanType booleanType = BooleanType.v();
final ByteType byteType = ByteType.v();
final ShortType shortType = ShortType.v();
final CharType charType = CharType.v();
final IntType intType = IntType.v();
final LongType longType = LongType.v();
final DoubleType doubleType = DoubleType.v();
final FloatType floatType = FloatType.v();
final ErroneousType erroneousType = ErroneousType.v();
final UnknownType unknownType = UnknownType.v();
final StmtAddressType stmtAddressType = StmtAddressType.v();
final NullType nullType = NullType.v();
// Change the names to the standard forms now.
int objectCount = 0;
int intCount = 0;
int longCount = 0;
int floatCount = 0;
int doubleCount = 0;
int addressCount = 0;
int errorCount = 0;
int nullCount = 0;
/* The goal of this option is to ensure that local ordering remains
* consistent between different iterations of soot. This helps to ensure
* things like stable string representations of instructions and stable
* jimple representations of a methods body when soot is used to load
* the same code in different iterations.
* First sorts the locals alphabetically by the string representation of
* their type. Then if there are two locals with the same type, it uses
* the only other source of structurally stable information (i.e. the
* instructions themselves) to produce an ordering for the locals
* that remains consistent between different soot instances. It achieves
* this by determining the position of a local's first occurrence in the
* instruction's list of definition statements. This position is then used
* to sort the locals with the same type in an ascending order.
* The only times that this may not produce a consistent ordering for the
* locals between different soot instances is if a local is never defined in
* the instructions or if the instructions themselves are changed in some way
* that effects the ordering of the locals. In the first case, if a local is
* never defined, the other jimple body phases will remove this local as it is
* unused. As such, all we have to do is rerun this LocalNameStandardizer after
* all other jimple body phases to eliminate any ambiguity introduced by these
* phases and by the removed unused locals. In the second case, if the instructions
* themselves changed then the user would have had to intentionally told soot to
* modify the instructions of the code. Otherwise, the instructions would not have
* changed because we assume the instructions to always be structurally stable
* between different instances of soot. As such, in this instance, the user should
* not be expecting soot to produce the same output as the input and thus the
* ordering of the locals does not matter.
if (sortLocals) {
Chain<Local> locals = body.getLocals();
final List<ValueBox> defs = body.getDefBoxes();
ArrayList<Local> sortedLocals = new ArrayList<Local>(locals);
Collections.sort(sortedLocals, new Comparator<Local>() {
private Map<Local, Integer> firstOccuranceCache = new HashMap<Local, Integer>();
public int compare(Local arg0, Local arg1) {
int ret = arg0.getType().toString().compareTo(arg1.getType().toString());
if (ret == 0) {
ret =, getFirstOccurance(arg1));
return ret;
private int getFirstOccurance(Local l) {
Integer cur = firstOccuranceCache.get(l);
if (cur != null) {
return cur;
} else {
int count = 0;
int first = -1;
for (ValueBox vb : defs) {
Value v = vb.getValue();
if (v instanceof Local && v.equals(l)) {
first = count;
firstOccuranceCache.put(l, first);
return first;
for (Local l : body.getLocals()) {
String prefix = "";
if (l.getName().startsWith("$"))
prefix = "$";
else {
if (onlyStackName)
final Type type = l.getType();
if (type.equals(booleanType))
l.setName(prefix + "z" + intCount++);
else if (type.equals(byteType))
l.setName(prefix + "b" + longCount++);
else if (type.equals(shortType))
l.setName(prefix + "s" + longCount++);
else if (type.equals(charType))
l.setName(prefix + "c" + longCount++);
else if (type.equals(intType))
l.setName(prefix + "i" + longCount++);
else if (type.equals(longType))
l.setName(prefix + "l" + longCount++);
else if (type.equals(doubleType))
l.setName(prefix + "d" + doubleCount++);
else if (type.equals(floatType))
l.setName(prefix + "f" + floatCount++);
else if (type.equals(stmtAddressType))
l.setName(prefix + "a" + addressCount++);
else if (type.equals(erroneousType) || type.equals(unknownType)) {
l.setName(prefix + "e" + errorCount++);
} else if (type.equals(nullType))
l.setName(prefix + "n" + nullCount++);
l.setName(prefix + "r" + objectCount++);