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Example 1 with NormalUnitPrinter

use of soot.NormalUnitPrinter in project soot by Sable.

the class XMLPrinter method printStatementsInBody.

 * Prints the given <code>JimpleBody</code> to the specified <code>PrintWriter</code>.
private void printStatementsInBody(Body body, out) {
    LabeledUnitPrinter up = new NormalUnitPrinter(body);
    Map<Unit, String> stmtToName = up.labels();
    Chain<Unit> units = body.getUnits();
    // UnitGraph unitGraph = new soot.toolkits.graph.BriefUnitGraph( body );
    ExceptionalUnitGraph exceptionalUnitGraph = new soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph(body);
    // include any analysis which will be used in the xml output
    LiveLocals sll = new SimpleLiveLocals(exceptionalUnitGraph);
    // iterate through each statement
    String cleanMethodName = cleanMethod(body.getMethod().getName());
    Iterator<Unit> unitIt = units.iterator();
    Unit currentStmt = null;
    String currentLabel = "default";
    long statementCount = 0;
    long labelCount = 0;
    long labelID = 0;
    // lists
    Vector<String> useList = new Vector<String>();
    Vector<Vector<Long>> useDataList = new Vector<Vector<Long>>();
    Vector<String> defList = new Vector<String>();
    Vector<Vector<Long>> defDataList = new Vector<Vector<Long>>();
    Vector<Vector<String>> paramData = new Vector<Vector<String>>();
    Vector<XMLLabel> xmlLabelsList = new Vector<XMLLabel>();
    long maxStmtCount = 0;
        // for invokes, add a list of potential targets
        if (!Scene.v().hasActiveInvokeGraph()) {

        // build an invoke graph based on class hiearchy analysis
        InvokeGraph igCHA = Scene.v().getActiveInvokeGraph();

        // build an invoke graph based on variable type analysis
        InvokeGraph igVTA = Scene.v().getActiveInvokeGraph();
        try {
            VariableTypeAnalysis vta = null;
            int VTApasses = 1;
            //Options.getInt( PackManager.v().getPhaseOptions( "jil.igb" ), "VTA-passes" );
            for (int i = 0; i < VTApasses; i++) {
                vta = new VariableTypeAnalysis(igVTA);
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            // this will fail if the --analyze-context flag is not specified
            // logger.debug(""+ "JIL VTA FAILED: " + re );
            igVTA = null;
    // add method node
    XMLNode methodNode = xmlNode.addChild("method", new String[] { "name", "returntype", "class" }, new String[] { cleanMethodName, body.getMethod().getReturnType().toString(), body.getMethod().getDeclaringClass().getName().toString() });
    String declarationStr = body.getMethod().getDeclaration().toString().trim();
    methodNode.addChild("declaration", toCDATA(declarationStr), new String[] { "length" }, new String[] { declarationStr.length() + "" });
    // create references to parameters, locals, labels, stmts nodes
    XMLNode parametersNode = methodNode.addChild("parameters", new String[] { "method" }, new String[] { cleanMethodName });
    XMLNode localsNode = methodNode.addChild("locals");
    XMLNode labelsNode = methodNode.addChild("labels");
    XMLNode stmtsNode = methodNode.addChild("statements");
    // create default label
    XMLLabel xmlLabel = new XMLLabel(labelCount, cleanMethodName, currentLabel);
    labelsNode.addChild("label", new String[] { "id", "name", "method" }, new String[] { (labelCount++) + "", currentLabel, cleanMethodName });
    // for each statement...
    while (unitIt.hasNext()) {
        currentStmt = (Unit);
        // new label
        if (stmtToName.containsKey(currentStmt)) {
            currentLabel = stmtToName.get(currentStmt).toString();
            // fill in the stmt count for the previous label
            // index = xmlLabels.indexOf( "%s" );
            // if( index != -1 )
            // xmlLabels = xmlLabels.substring( 0, index ) + ( labelID ) + xmlLabels.substring( index + 2 );
            // index = xmlLabels.indexOf( "%d" );
            // if( index != -1 )
            // xmlLabels = xmlLabels.substring( 0, index ) + new Float( ( new Float( labelID ).floatValue() / new Float( units.size() ).intValue() ) * 100.0 ).intValue() + xmlLabels.substring( index + 2 );
            xmlLabel.stmtCount = labelID;
            xmlLabel.stmtPercentage = new Float((new Float(labelID).floatValue() / new Float(units.size()).intValue()) * 100.0).longValue();
            if (xmlLabel.stmtPercentage > maxStmtCount)
                maxStmtCount = xmlLabel.stmtPercentage;
            // xmlLabel.clear();
            xmlLabel = new XMLLabel(labelCount, cleanMethodName, currentLabel);
            labelsNode.addChild("label", new String[] { "id", "name", "method" }, new String[] { labelCount + "", currentLabel, cleanMethodName });
            labelID = 0;
        // examine each statement
        XMLNode stmtNode = stmtsNode.addChild("statement", new String[] { "id", "label", "method", "labelid" }, new String[] { statementCount + "", currentLabel, cleanMethodName, labelID + "" });
        XMLNode sootstmtNode = stmtNode.addChild("soot_statement", new String[] { "branches", "fallsthrough" }, new String[] { boolToString(currentStmt.branches()), boolToString(currentStmt.fallsThrough()) });
        // uses for each statement
        int j = 0;
        Iterator<ValueBox> boxIt = currentStmt.getUseBoxes().iterator();
        while (boxIt.hasNext()) {
            ValueBox box = (ValueBox);
            if (box.getValue() instanceof Local) {
                String local = cleanLocal(((Local) box.getValue()).toString());
                sootstmtNode.addChild("uses", new String[] { "id", "local", "method" }, new String[] { j + "", local, cleanMethodName });
                Vector<Long> tempVector = null;
                int useIndex = useList.indexOf(local);
                if (useIndex == -1) {
                    useIndex = useList.indexOf(local);
                if (useDataList.size() > useIndex) {
                    tempVector = useDataList.elementAt(useIndex);
                    if (tempVector == null) {
                        tempVector = new Vector<Long>();
                    tempVector.addElement(new Long(statementCount));
                    useDataList.setElementAt(tempVector, useIndex);
        // defines for each statement
        j = 0;
        boxIt = currentStmt.getDefBoxes().iterator();
        while (boxIt.hasNext()) {
            ValueBox box = (ValueBox);
            if (box.getValue() instanceof Local) {
                String local = cleanLocal(((Local) box.getValue()).toString());
                sootstmtNode.addChild("defines", new String[] { "id", "local", "method" }, new String[] { j + "", local, cleanMethodName });
                Vector<Long> tempVector = null;
                int defIndex = defList.indexOf(local);
                if (defIndex == -1) {
                    defIndex = defList.indexOf(local);
                if (defDataList.size() > defIndex) {
                    tempVector = defDataList.elementAt(defIndex);
                    if (tempVector == null) {
                        tempVector = new Vector<Long>();
                    tempVector.addElement(new Long(statementCount));
                    defDataList.setElementAt(tempVector, defIndex);
            // for invokes, add a list of potential targets
            if (stmtCurrentStmt.containsInvokeExpr()) {
                // default analysis is CHA
                if (igCHA != null) {
                    try {
                        List targets = igCHA.getTargetsOf(stmtCurrentStmt);
                        XMLNode CHAinvoketargetsNode =
                                new String[] { "analysis", "count" },
                                new String[] { "CHA", targets.size() + "" });
                        for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) {
                            SootMethod meth = (SootMethod) targets.get(i);
                                new String[] { "id", "class", "method" },
                                new String[] {
                                    i + "",
                    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
                        //logger.debug(""+ "XML: " + re + " (" + stmtCurrentStmt + ")" );

                // now try VTA, which will only work if the -a or --analyze-context switch is specified
                if (igVTA != null) {
                    InvokeExpr ie =
                        (InvokeExpr) stmtCurrentStmt.getInvokeExpr();
                    if (!(ie instanceof StaticInvokeExpr)
                        && !(ie instanceof SpecialInvokeExpr)) {
                        try {
                            List targets = igVTA.getTargetsOf(stmtCurrentStmt);
                            XMLNode VTAinvoketargetsNode =
                                    new String[] { "analysis", "count" },
                                    new String[] {
                                        targets.size() + "" });
                            for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) {
                                SootMethod meth = (SootMethod) targets.get(i);
                                    new String[] { "id", "class", "method" },
                                    new String[] {
                                        i + "",
                        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
                            //logger.debug(""+ "XML: " + re + " (" + stmtCurrentStmt + ")" );
        // simple live locals
        List<Local> liveLocalsIn = sll.getLiveLocalsBefore(currentStmt);
        List<Local> liveLocalsOut = sll.getLiveLocalsAfter(currentStmt);
        XMLNode livevarsNode = sootstmtNode.addChild("livevariables", new String[] { "incount", "outcount" }, new String[] { liveLocalsIn.size() + "", liveLocalsOut.size() + "" });
        for (int i = 0; i < liveLocalsIn.size(); i++) {
            livevarsNode.addChild("in", new String[] { "id", "local", "method" }, new String[] { i + "", cleanLocal(liveLocalsIn.get(i).toString()), cleanMethodName });
        for (int i = 0; i < liveLocalsOut.size(); i++) {
            livevarsNode.addChild("out", new String[] { "id", "local", "method" }, new String[] { i + "", cleanLocal(liveLocalsOut.get(i).toString()), cleanMethodName });
        // parameters
        for (int i = 0; i < body.getMethod().getParameterTypes().size(); i++) {
            Vector<String> tempVec = new Vector<String>();
        // parse any info from the statement code
        String jimpleStr = up.toString().trim();
        if (currentStmt instanceof soot.jimple.IdentityStmt && jimpleStr.indexOf("@parameter") != -1) {
            // this line is a use of a parameter
            String tempStr = jimpleStr.substring(jimpleStr.indexOf("@parameter") + 10);
            if (tempStr.indexOf(":") != -1)
                tempStr = tempStr.substring(0, tempStr.indexOf(":")).trim();
            if (tempStr.indexOf(" ") != -1)
                tempStr = tempStr.substring(0, tempStr.indexOf(" ")).trim();
            int paramIndex = new Integer(tempStr).intValue();
            Vector<String> tempVec = paramData.elementAt(paramIndex);
            if (tempVec != null)
            paramData.setElementAt(tempVec, paramIndex);
        // add plain jimple representation of each statement
        sootstmtNode.addChild("jimple", toCDATA(jimpleStr), new String[] { "length" }, new String[] { (jimpleStr.length() + 1) + "" });
        // increment statement counters
    // add count to statments
    stmtsNode.addAttribute("count", statementCount + "");
    // method parameters
    parametersNode.addAttribute("count", body.getMethod().getParameterCount() + "");
    for (int i = 0; i < body.getMethod().getParameterTypes().size(); i++) {
        XMLNode paramNode = parametersNode.addChild("parameter", new String[] { "id", "type", "method", "name" }, new String[] { i + "", body.getMethod().getParameterTypes().get(i).toString(), cleanMethodName, "_parameter" + i });
        XMLNode sootparamNode = paramNode.addChild("soot_parameter");
        Vector<String> tempVec = paramData.elementAt(i);
        for (int k = 0; k < tempVec.size(); k++) {
            sootparamNode.addChild("use", new String[] { "id", "line", "method" }, new String[] { k + "", String.valueOf(tempVec.elementAt(k)) + "", cleanMethodName });
        sootparamNode.addAttribute("uses", tempVec.size() + "");
                index = xmlLabels.indexOf( "%s" );
        if( index != -1 )
                    xmlLabels = xmlLabels.substring( 0, index ) + ( labelID ) + xmlLabels.substring( index + 2 );
        index = xmlLabels.indexOf( "%d" );
        if( index != -1 )			
                    xmlLabels = xmlLabels.substring( 0, index ) + new Float( ( new Float( labelID ).floatValue() / new Float( units.size() ).floatValue() ) * 100.0 ).intValue() + xmlLabels.substring( index + 2 );
    xmlLabel.stmtCount = labelID;
    xmlLabel.stmtPercentage = new Float((new Float(labelID).floatValue() / new Float(units.size()).floatValue()) * 100.0).longValue();
    if (xmlLabel.stmtPercentage > maxStmtCount)
        maxStmtCount = xmlLabel.stmtPercentage;
    // print out locals
    Collection<Local> locals = body.getLocals();
    Iterator<Local> localsIterator = locals.iterator();
    Vector<String> localTypes = new Vector<String>();
    Vector<Vector<XMLNode>> typedLocals = new Vector<Vector<XMLNode>>();
    Vector<Integer> typeCounts = new Vector<Integer>();
    int j = 0;
    int currentType = 0;
    while (localsIterator.hasNext()) {
        int useCount = 0;
        int defineCount = 0;
        Local localData = (Local);
        String local = cleanLocal((String) localData.toString());
        String localType = localData.getType().toString();
        // collect the local types
        if (!localTypes.contains(localType)) {
            typedLocals.addElement(new Vector<XMLNode>());
            typeCounts.addElement(new Integer(0));
        // create a reference to the local node
        XMLNode localNode = new XMLNode("local", "", new String[] { "id", "method", "name", "type" }, new String[] { j + "", cleanMethodName, local, localType });
        XMLNode sootlocalNode = localNode.addChild("soot_local");
        currentType = 0;
        for (int k = 0; k < localTypes.size(); k++) {
            if (localType.equalsIgnoreCase(localTypes.elementAt(k))) {
                currentType = k;
                Integer tempInt = new Integer(typeCounts.elementAt(k).intValue() + 1);
                typeCounts.setElementAt(tempInt, k);
        // add all uses to this local
        for (int k = 0; k < useList.size(); k++) {
            String query = useList.elementAt(k);
            if (query.equalsIgnoreCase(local)) {
                Vector<Long> tempVector = useDataList.elementAt(useList.indexOf(local));
                for (int i = 0; i < tempVector.size(); i++) {
                    sootlocalNode.addChild("use", new String[] { "id", "line", "method" }, new String[] { i + "", ((Long) tempVector.elementAt(i)).toString(), cleanMethodName });
                useCount = tempVector.size();
        // add all definitions to this local
        for (int k = 0; k < defList.size(); k++) {
            String query = (defList.elementAt(k));
            if (query.equalsIgnoreCase(local)) {
                Vector<Long> tempVector = defDataList.elementAt(defList.indexOf(local));
                for (int i = 0; i < tempVector.size(); i++) {
                    sootlocalNode.addChild("definition", new String[] { "id", "line", "method" }, new String[] { i + "", ((Long) tempVector.elementAt(i)).toString(), cleanMethodName });
                defineCount = tempVector.size();
        // add number of uses and defines to this local
        sootlocalNode.addAttribute("uses", useCount + "");
        sootlocalNode.addAttribute("defines", defineCount + "");
        // create a list of locals sorted by type
        Vector<XMLNode> list = typedLocals.elementAt(currentType);
        typedLocals.setElementAt(list, currentType);
        // add local to locals node
        localsNode.addChild((XMLNode) localNode.clone());
    // add count to the locals node
    localsNode.addAttribute("count", locals.size() + "");
    // add types node to locals node, and each type with each local per type
    XMLNode typesNode = localsNode.addChild("types", new String[] { "count" }, new String[] { localTypes.size() + "" });
    for (int i = 0; i < localTypes.size(); i++) {
        String type = localTypes.elementAt(i);
        XMLNode typeNode = typesNode.addChild("type", new String[] { "id", "type", "count" }, new String[] { i + "", type, typeCounts.elementAt(i) + "" });
        Vector<XMLNode> list = typedLocals.elementAt(i);
        for (j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) {
    // add count attribute to labels node, and stmtcount, and stmtpercentage attributes to each label node
    labelsNode.addAttribute("count", labelCount + "");
    XMLNode current = labelsNode.child;
    for (int i = 0; i < xmlLabelsList.size(); i++) {
        XMLLabel tempLabel = xmlLabelsList.elementAt(i);
        tempLabel.stmtPercentage = new Float((new Float(tempLabel.stmtPercentage).floatValue() / new Float(maxStmtCount).floatValue()) * 100.0).longValue();
        if (current != null) {
            current.addAttribute("stmtcount", tempLabel.stmtCount + "");
            current.addAttribute("stmtpercentage", tempLabel.stmtPercentage + "");
            current =;
    // Print out exceptions
    statementCount = 0;
    XMLNode exceptionsNode = methodNode.addChild("exceptions");
    Iterator<Trap> trapIt = body.getTraps().iterator();
    if (trapIt.hasNext()) {
        while (trapIt.hasNext()) {
            Trap trap =;
            // catch from label0 to label1 with label2;
            XMLNode catchNode = exceptionsNode.addChild("exception", new String[] { "id", "method", "type" }, new String[] { (statementCount++) + "", cleanMethodName, Scene.v().quotedNameOf(trap.getException().getName()) });
            catchNode.addChild("begin", new String[] { "label" }, new String[] { stmtToName.get(trap.getBeginUnit()).toString() });
            catchNode.addChild("end", new String[] { "label" }, new String[] { stmtToName.get(trap.getEndUnit()).toString() });
            catchNode.addChild("handler", new String[] { "label" }, new String[] { stmtToName.get(trap.getHandlerUnit()).toString() });
    exceptionsNode.addAttribute("count", exceptionsNode.getNumberOfChildren() + "");
Also used : LabeledUnitPrinter(soot.LabeledUnitPrinter) Unit(soot.Unit) ExceptionalUnitGraph(soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph) SimpleLiveLocals(soot.toolkits.scalar.SimpleLiveLocals) Vector(java.util.Vector) NormalUnitPrinter(soot.NormalUnitPrinter) Local(soot.Local) Trap(soot.Trap) SimpleLiveLocals(soot.toolkits.scalar.SimpleLiveLocals) LiveLocals(soot.toolkits.scalar.LiveLocals) ValueBox(soot.ValueBox)

Example 2 with NormalUnitPrinter

use of soot.NormalUnitPrinter in project soot by Sable.

the class RunVeryBusyAnalysis method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    args = new String[] { "testers.VeryBusyClass" };
    if (args.length == 0) {
        System.out.println("Usage: java RunVeryBusyAnalysis class_to_analyse");
    String sep = File.separator;
    String pathSep = File.pathSeparator;
    String path = System.getProperty("java.home") + sep + "lib" + sep + "rt.jar";
    path += pathSep + "." + sep + "tutorial" + sep + "guide" + sep + "examples" + sep + "analysis_framework" + sep + "src";
    SootClass sClass = Scene.v().loadClassAndSupport(args[0]);
    for (SootMethod m : sClass.getMethods()) {
        Body b = m.retrieveActiveBody();
        UnitGraph graph = new ExceptionalUnitGraph(b);
        VeryBusyExpressions vbe = new SimpleVeryBusyExpressions(graph);
        for (Unit u : graph) {
            List<AbstractBinopExpr> before = vbe.getBusyExpressionsBefore(u);
            List<AbstractBinopExpr> after = vbe.getBusyExpressionsAfter(u);
            UnitPrinter up = new NormalUnitPrinter(b);
            System.out.print("Busy in: {");
            sep = "";
            for (AbstractBinopExpr e : before) {
                sep = ", ";
            System.out.print("Busy out: {");
            sep = "";
            for (AbstractBinopExpr e : after) {
                sep = ", ";
Also used : NormalUnitPrinter(soot.NormalUnitPrinter) SimpleVeryBusyExpressions(dk.brics.soot.analyses.SimpleVeryBusyExpressions) SootClass(soot.SootClass) Unit(soot.Unit) SimpleVeryBusyExpressions(dk.brics.soot.analyses.SimpleVeryBusyExpressions) VeryBusyExpressions(dk.brics.soot.analyses.VeryBusyExpressions) ExceptionalUnitGraph(soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph) ExceptionalUnitGraph(soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph) UnitGraph(soot.toolkits.graph.UnitGraph) NormalUnitPrinter(soot.NormalUnitPrinter) UnitPrinter(soot.UnitPrinter) SootMethod(soot.SootMethod) Body(soot.Body)


NormalUnitPrinter (soot.NormalUnitPrinter)2 Unit (soot.Unit)2 ExceptionalUnitGraph (soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph)2 SimpleVeryBusyExpressions (dk.brics.soot.analyses.SimpleVeryBusyExpressions)1 VeryBusyExpressions (dk.brics.soot.analyses.VeryBusyExpressions)1 Vector (java.util.Vector)1 Body (soot.Body)1 LabeledUnitPrinter (soot.LabeledUnitPrinter)1 Local (soot.Local)1 SootClass (soot.SootClass)1 SootMethod (soot.SootMethod)1 Trap (soot.Trap)1 UnitPrinter (soot.UnitPrinter)1 ValueBox (soot.ValueBox)1 UnitGraph (soot.toolkits.graph.UnitGraph)1 LiveLocals (soot.toolkits.scalar.LiveLocals)1 SimpleLiveLocals (soot.toolkits.scalar.SimpleLiveLocals)1