use of soot.dava.DavaBody in project soot by Sable.
the class SootMethod method getDavaDeclaration.
* TODO: Nomair A. Naeem .... 8th Feb 2006 This is really messy coding So
* much for modularization!! Should some day look into creating the
* DavaDeclaration from within DavaBody
public String getDavaDeclaration() {
if (getName().equals(staticInitializerName))
return "static";
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
// modifiers
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(Modifier.toString(this.getModifiers()));
if (st.hasMoreTokens())
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) buffer.append(" " + st.nextToken());
if (buffer.length() != 0)
buffer.append(" ");
if (getName().equals(constructorName))
else {
Type t = this.getReturnType();
String tempString = t.toString();
* Added code to handle RuntimeExcepotion thrown by getActiveBody
if (hasActiveBody()) {
DavaBody body = (DavaBody) getActiveBody();
IterableSet<String> importSet = body.getImportList();
if (!importSet.contains(tempString)) {
tempString = RemoveFullyQualifiedName.getReducedName(importSet, tempString, t);
buffer.append(tempString + " ");
// parameters
Iterator<Type> typeIt = this.getParameterTypes().iterator();
int count = 0;
while (typeIt.hasNext()) {
Type t =;
String tempString = t.toString();
* Nomair A. Naeem 7th Feb 2006 It is nice to remove the fully
* qualified type names of parameters if the package they belong to
* have been imported javax.swing.ImageIcon should be just ImageIcon
* if javax.swing is imported If not imported WHY NOT..import it!!
if (hasActiveBody()) {
DavaBody body = (DavaBody) getActiveBody();
IterableSet<String> importSet = body.getImportList();
if (!importSet.contains(tempString)) {
tempString = RemoveFullyQualifiedName.getReducedName(importSet, tempString, t);
buffer.append(tempString + " ");
buffer.append(" ");
if (hasActiveBody()) {
buffer.append(((DavaBody) getActiveBody()).get_ParamMap().get(new Integer(count++)));
} else {
if (t == BooleanType.v())
buffer.append("z" + count++);
else if (t == ByteType.v())
buffer.append("b" + count++);
else if (t == ShortType.v())
buffer.append("s" + count++);
else if (t == CharType.v())
buffer.append("c" + count++);
else if (t == IntType.v())
buffer.append("i" + count++);
else if (t == LongType.v())
buffer.append("l" + count++);
else if (t == DoubleType.v())
buffer.append("d" + count++);
else if (t == FloatType.v())
buffer.append("f" + count++);
else if (t == StmtAddressType.v())
buffer.append("a" + count++);
else if (t == ErroneousType.v())
buffer.append("e" + count++);
else if (t == NullType.v())
buffer.append("n" + count++);
buffer.append("r" + count++);
if (typeIt.hasNext())
buffer.append(", ");
// Print exceptions
if (exceptions != null) {
Iterator<SootClass> exceptionIt = this.getExceptions().iterator();
if (exceptionIt.hasNext()) {
buffer.append(" throws " +;
while (exceptionIt.hasNext()) {
buffer.append(", " +;
return buffer.toString().intern();
use of soot.dava.DavaBody in project soot by Sable.
the class LocalVariableCleaner method outASTMethodNode.
* Get all locals declared in the method
* If the local is never defined (and hence never used) remove it
* If the local is defined BUT never used then you may remove it IF AND ONLY IF
* The definition is either a copy stmt or an assignment of a constant (i.e. no side effects)
public void outASTMethodNode(ASTMethodNode node) {
boolean redo = false;
// create the uD and dU chains
useDefs = new ASTUsesAndDefs(AST);
// get all local variables declared in this method
Iterator decIt = node.getDeclaredLocals().iterator();
ArrayList<Local> removeList = new ArrayList<Local>();
while (decIt.hasNext()) {
// going through each local declared
Local var = (Local);
List<DefinitionStmt> defs = getDefs(var);
// if defs is 0 it means var never got defined
if (defs.size() == 0) {
// var is never defined and hence is certainly not used anywhere
} else {
// if a var is defined but not used then in some conditions we can remove it
// check that each def is removable
Iterator<DefinitionStmt> defIt = defs.iterator();
while (defIt.hasNext()) {
DefinitionStmt ds =;
if (canRemoveDef(ds)) {
// if removeStmt is successful since something change we need to redo
// everything hoping something else might be removed....
// in this case method returns true
redo = removeStmt(ds);
// while going through defs
// end else defs was not zero
// going through each stmt
// go through the removeList and remove all locals
Iterator<Local> remIt = removeList.iterator();
while (remIt.hasNext()) {
Local removeLocal =;
// retrieve DavaBody
if (AST instanceof ASTMethodNode) {
// this should always be true but whatever
DavaBody body = ((ASTMethodNode) AST).getDavaBody();
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("body information");
System.out.println("Control local is: " + body.get_ControlLocal());
System.out.println("his locals are: " + body.get_ThisLocals());
System.out.println("Param Map is: " + body.get_ParamMap());
System.out.println("Locals are:" + body.getLocals());
Collection<Local> localChain = body.getLocals();
if (removeLocal != null && localChain != null)
} else
throw new DecompilationException("found AST which is not a methodNode");
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("Removed" + removeLocal);
redo = true;
if (redo) {
// redo the whole function