use of soot.dava.internal.javaRep.DNewInvokeExpr in project soot by Sable.
the class SuperFirstStmtHandler method createStmtAccordingToType.
public AugmentedStmt createStmtAccordingToType(Type tempType, Value tempVal, Local newLocal, SootMethodRef getMethodRef) {
if (tempType instanceof RefType) {
return createAugmentedStmtToAdd(newLocal, getMethodRef, tempVal);
} else if (tempType instanceof PrimType) {
// The value is a primitive type
// create wrapper object new Integer(tempVal)
PrimType t = (PrimType) tempType;
// create ArgList to be sent to DNewInvokeExpr constructor
ArrayList argList = new ArrayList();
// LongType, ShortType
if (t == BooleanType.v()) {
// create TypeList to be sent to makeMethodRef
ArrayList typeList = new ArrayList();
DNewInvokeExpr argForStore = new DNewInvokeExpr(RefType.v("java.lang.Boolean"), makeMethodRef("Boolean", typeList), argList);
return createAugmentedStmtToAdd(newLocal, getMethodRef, argForStore);
} else if (t == ByteType.v()) {
// create TypeList to be sent to makeMethodRef
ArrayList typeList = new ArrayList();
DNewInvokeExpr argForStore = new DNewInvokeExpr(RefType.v("java.lang.Byte"), makeMethodRef("Byte", typeList), argList);
return createAugmentedStmtToAdd(newLocal, getMethodRef, argForStore);
} else if (t == CharType.v()) {
// create TypeList to be sent to makeMethodRef
ArrayList typeList = new ArrayList();
DNewInvokeExpr argForStore = new DNewInvokeExpr(RefType.v("java.lang.Character"), makeMethodRef("Character", typeList), argList);
return createAugmentedStmtToAdd(newLocal, getMethodRef, argForStore);
} else if (t == DoubleType.v()) {
// create TypeList to be sent to makeMethodRef
ArrayList typeList = new ArrayList();
DNewInvokeExpr argForStore = new DNewInvokeExpr(RefType.v("java.lang.Double"), makeMethodRef("Double", typeList), argList);
return createAugmentedStmtToAdd(newLocal, getMethodRef, argForStore);
} else if (t == FloatType.v()) {
// create TypeList to be sent to makeMethodRef
ArrayList typeList = new ArrayList();
DNewInvokeExpr argForStore = new DNewInvokeExpr(RefType.v("java.lang.Float"), makeMethodRef("Float", typeList), argList);
return createAugmentedStmtToAdd(newLocal, getMethodRef, argForStore);
} else if (t == IntType.v()) {
// create TypeList to be sent to makeMethodRef
ArrayList typeList = new ArrayList();
DNewInvokeExpr argForStore = new DNewInvokeExpr(RefType.v("java.lang.Integer"), makeMethodRef("Integer", typeList), argList);
return createAugmentedStmtToAdd(newLocal, getMethodRef, argForStore);
} else if (t == LongType.v()) {
// create TypeList to be sent to makeMethodRef
ArrayList typeList = new ArrayList();
DNewInvokeExpr argForStore = new DNewInvokeExpr(RefType.v("java.lang.Long"), makeMethodRef("Long", typeList), argList);
return createAugmentedStmtToAdd(newLocal, getMethodRef, argForStore);
} else if (t == ShortType.v()) {
// create TypeList to be sent to makeMethodRef
ArrayList typeList = new ArrayList();
DNewInvokeExpr argForStore = new DNewInvokeExpr(RefType.v("java.lang.Short"), makeMethodRef("Short", typeList), argList);
return createAugmentedStmtToAdd(newLocal, getMethodRef, argForStore);
} else {
throw new DecompilationException("UNHANDLED PRIMTYPE:" + tempType);
} else // end of primitivetypes
throw new DecompilationException("The type:" + tempType + " is neither a reftype or a primtype");
use of soot.dava.internal.javaRep.DNewInvokeExpr in project soot by Sable.
the class DavaBody method javafy_invoke_expr.
private void javafy_invoke_expr(ValueBox vb) {
InvokeExpr ie = (InvokeExpr) vb.getValue();
String className = ie.getMethodRef().declaringClass().toString();
String packageName = ie.getMethodRef().declaringClass().getJavaPackageName();
String classPackageName = packageName;
if (className.lastIndexOf('.') > 0) {
// 0 doesnt make sense
classPackageName = className.substring(0, className.lastIndexOf('.'));
if (!packageName.equals(classPackageName))
throw new DecompilationException("Unable to retrieve package name for identifier. Please report to developer.");
for (int i = 0; i < ie.getArgCount(); i++) {
Value arg = ie.getArg(i);
if (arg instanceof IntConstant)
ie.getArgBox(i).setValue(DIntConstant.v(((IntConstant) arg).value, ie.getMethodRef().parameterType(i)));
if (ie instanceof InstanceInvokeExpr) {
javafy(((InstanceInvokeExpr) ie).getBaseBox());
if (ie instanceof VirtualInvokeExpr) {
VirtualInvokeExpr vie = (VirtualInvokeExpr) ie;
vb.setValue(new DVirtualInvokeExpr(vie.getBase(), vie.getMethodRef(), vie.getArgs(), thisLocals));
} else if (ie instanceof SpecialInvokeExpr) {
SpecialInvokeExpr sie = (SpecialInvokeExpr) ie;
vb.setValue(new DSpecialInvokeExpr(sie.getBase(), sie.getMethodRef(), sie.getArgs()));
} else if (ie instanceof InterfaceInvokeExpr) {
InterfaceInvokeExpr iie = (InterfaceInvokeExpr) ie;
vb.setValue(new DInterfaceInvokeExpr(iie.getBase(), iie.getMethodRef(), iie.getArgs()));
} else
throw new RuntimeException("InstanceInvokeExpr " + ie + " not javafied correctly");
} else if (ie instanceof StaticInvokeExpr) {
StaticInvokeExpr sie = (StaticInvokeExpr) ie;
if (sie instanceof NewInvokeExpr) {
NewInvokeExpr nie = (NewInvokeExpr) sie;
RefType rt = nie.getBaseType();
className = rt.getSootClass().toString();
packageName = rt.getSootClass().getJavaPackageName();
classPackageName = packageName;
if (className.lastIndexOf('.') > 0) {
// 0 doesnt make sense
classPackageName = className.substring(0, className.lastIndexOf('.'));
if (!packageName.equals(classPackageName))
throw new DecompilationException("Unable to retrieve package name for identifier. Please report to developer.");
vb.setValue(new DNewInvokeExpr((RefType) nie.getType(), nie.getMethodRef(), nie.getArgs()));
} else {
SootMethodRef methodRef = sie.getMethodRef();
className = methodRef.declaringClass().toString();
packageName = methodRef.declaringClass().getJavaPackageName();
classPackageName = packageName;
if (className.lastIndexOf('.') > 0) {
// 0 doesnt make sense
classPackageName = className.substring(0, className.lastIndexOf('.'));
if (!packageName.equals(classPackageName))
throw new DecompilationException("Unable to retrieve package name for identifier. Please report to developer.");
// addPackage(methodRef.declaringClass().getJavaPackageName());
vb.setValue(new DStaticInvokeExpr(methodRef, sie.getArgs()));
} else
throw new RuntimeException("InvokeExpr " + ie + " not javafied correctly");
use of soot.dava.internal.javaRep.DNewInvokeExpr in project soot by Sable.
the class NewStringBufferSimplification method inExprOrRefValueBox.
public void inExprOrRefValueBox(ValueBox argBox) {
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("ValBox is: " + argBox.toString());
Value tempArgValue = argBox.getValue();
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("arg value is: " + tempArgValue);
if (!(tempArgValue instanceof DVirtualInvokeExpr)) {
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("Not a DVirtualInvokeExpr" + tempArgValue.getClass());
// check this is a toString for StringBuffer
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("arg value is a virtual invokeExpr");
DVirtualInvokeExpr vInvokeExpr = ((DVirtualInvokeExpr) tempArgValue);
// need this try catch since DavaStmtHandler expr will not have a "getMethod"
try {
if (!(vInvokeExpr.getMethod().toString().equals("<java.lang.StringBuffer: java.lang.String toString()>")))
} catch (Exception e) {
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("Ends in toString()");
Value base = vInvokeExpr.getBase();
List args = new ArrayList();
while (base instanceof DVirtualInvokeExpr) {
DVirtualInvokeExpr tempV = (DVirtualInvokeExpr) base;
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("base method is " + tempV.getMethod());
if (!tempV.getMethod().toString().startsWith("<java.lang.StringBuffer: java.lang.StringBuffer append")) {
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("Found a virtual invoke which is not a append" + tempV.getMethod());
args.add(0, tempV.getArg(0));
// System.out.println("Append: "+((DVirtualInvokeExpr)base).getArg(0) );
// move to next base
base = ((DVirtualInvokeExpr) base).getBase();
if (!(base instanceof DNewInvokeExpr))
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("New expr is " + ((DNewInvokeExpr) base).getMethod());
if (!((DNewInvokeExpr) base).getMethod().toString().equals("<java.lang.StringBuffer: void <init>()>"))
* The arg is a new invoke expr of StringBuffer and all the appends are present in the args list
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("Found a new StringBuffer.append list in it");
// argBox contains the new StringBuffer
Iterator it = args.iterator();
Value newVal = null;
while (it.hasNext()) {
Value temp = (Value);
if (newVal == null)
newVal = temp;
else {
// create newVal + temp
newVal = new GAddExpr(newVal, temp);
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("New expression for System.out.println is" + newVal);
use of soot.dava.internal.javaRep.DNewInvokeExpr in project soot by Sable.
the class SuperFirstStmtHandler method createDavaStoreStmts.
* Create the following code:
* DavaSuperHandler handler; handler = new DavaSuperHandler(); //code to
* evaluate all args in args2
* //evaluate 1st arg in args2 ---------;
* //evaluate 2nd arg in args2 ---------;
* return handler;
private void createDavaStoreStmts() {
List<AugmentedStmt> davaHandlerStmts = new ArrayList<AugmentedStmt>();
// create object of DavaSuperHandler handler
SootClass sootClass = new SootClass("DavaSuperHandler");
Type localType = sootClass.getType();
Local newLocal = new JimpleLocal("handler", localType);
* Create * DavaSuperHandler handler; *
DVariableDeclarationStmt varStmt = null;
varStmt = new DVariableDeclarationStmt(localType, newPreInitDavaBody);
AugmentedStmt as = new AugmentedStmt(varStmt);
* create * handler = new DavaSuperHandler(); *
// create RHS
DNewInvokeExpr invokeExpr = new DNewInvokeExpr(RefType.v(sootClass), makeMethodRef("DavaSuperHandler", new ArrayList()), new ArrayList());
// create LHS
GAssignStmt initialization = new GAssignStmt(newLocal, invokeExpr);
// add to stmts
davaHandlerStmts.add(new AugmentedStmt(initialization));
* create *; *
// best done in a loop for all args
Iterator typeIt = argsTwoTypes.iterator();
Iterator valIt = argsTwoValues.iterator();
// make reference to a method of name store takes one Object arg belongs
// to DavaSuperHandler
ArrayList tempList = new ArrayList();
SootMethod method = Scene.v().makeSootMethod("store", tempList, VoidType.v());
// set the declaring class of new method to be the DavaSuperHandler
// class
SootMethodRef getMethodRef = method.makeRef();
while (typeIt.hasNext() && valIt.hasNext()) {
Type tempType = (Type);
Value tempVal = (Value);
AugmentedStmt toAdd = createStmtAccordingToType(tempType, tempVal, newLocal, getMethodRef);
// sanity check
if (typeIt.hasNext() || valIt.hasNext())
throw new DecompilationException("Error creating DavaHandler stmts");
* code to add defs
List<Local> uniqueLocals = addDefsToLiveVariables();
Iterator<Local> localIt = uniqueLocals.iterator();
while (localIt.hasNext()) {
Local local =;
AugmentedStmt toAdd = createStmtAccordingToType(local.getType(), local, newLocal, getMethodRef);
// set the mustInitialize field to uniqueLocals so that before Y we can
// assign these locals
mustInitialize = uniqueLocals;
* create * return handler; *
GReturnStmt returnStmt = new GReturnStmt(newLocal);
davaHandlerStmts.add(new AugmentedStmt(returnStmt));
// the appropriate dava handler stmts are all in place within
// davaHandlerStmts
// store them in an ASTSTatementSequenceNode
ASTStatementSequenceNode addedNode = new ASTStatementSequenceNode(davaHandlerStmts);
// add to method body
List<Object> subBodies = newASTPreInitMethod.get_SubBodies();
if (subBodies.size() != 1)
throw new CorruptASTException("ASTMethodNode does not have one subBody");
List<Object> body = (List<Object>) subBodies.get(0);