use of soot.jimple.LongConstant in project soot by Sable.
the class DexNumTransformer method replaceWithFloatingPoint.
* Replace 0 with null in the given unit.
* @param u
* the unit where 0 will be replaced with null.
private void replaceWithFloatingPoint(Unit u) {
if (u instanceof AssignStmt) {
AssignStmt s = (AssignStmt) u;
Value v = s.getRightOp();
if ((v instanceof IntConstant)) {
int vVal = ((IntConstant) v).value;
} else if (v instanceof LongConstant) {
long vVal = ((LongConstant) v).value;
use of soot.jimple.LongConstant in project soot by Sable.
the class DexNullTransformer method internalTransform.
protected void internalTransform(final Body body, String phaseName, Map<String, String> options) {
final DexDefUseAnalysis localDefs = new DexDefUseAnalysis(body);
AbstractStmtSwitch checkDef = new // Alex: should also end as
AbstractStmtSwitch() {
// soon as detected as not
// used as an object
public void caseAssignStmt(AssignStmt stmt) {
Value r = stmt.getRightOp();
if (r instanceof FieldRef) {
usedAsObject = isObject(((FieldRef) r).getFieldRef().type());
doBreak = true;
} else if (r instanceof ArrayRef) {
ArrayRef ar = (ArrayRef) r;
if (ar.getType() instanceof UnknownType) {
// isObject
usedAsObject = stmt.hasTag("ObjectOpTag");
// (findArrayType
// (g,
// localDefs,
// localUses,
// stmt));
} else {
usedAsObject = isObject(ar.getType());
doBreak = true;
} else if (r instanceof StringConstant || r instanceof NewExpr || r instanceof NewArrayExpr) {
usedAsObject = true;
doBreak = true;
} else if (r instanceof CastExpr) {
usedAsObject = isObject(((CastExpr) r).getCastType());
doBreak = true;
} else if (r instanceof InvokeExpr) {
usedAsObject = isObject(((InvokeExpr) r).getType());
doBreak = true;
} else if (r instanceof LengthExpr) {
usedAsObject = false;
doBreak = true;
// introduces alias
public void caseIdentityStmt(IdentityStmt stmt) {
if (stmt.getLeftOp() == l) {
usedAsObject = isObject(stmt.getRightOp().getType());
doBreak = true;
AbstractStmtSwitch checkUse = new AbstractStmtSwitch() {
private boolean examineInvokeExpr(InvokeExpr e) {
List<Value> args = e.getArgs();
List<Type> argTypes = e.getMethodRef().parameterTypes();
assert args.size() == argTypes.size();
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
if (args.get(i) == l && isObject(argTypes.get(i))) {
return true;
// check for base
SootMethodRef sm = e.getMethodRef();
if (!sm.isStatic()) {
if (e instanceof AbstractInvokeExpr) {
AbstractInstanceInvokeExpr aiiexpr = (AbstractInstanceInvokeExpr) e;
Value b = aiiexpr.getBase();
if (b == l) {
return true;
return false;
public void caseInvokeStmt(InvokeStmt stmt) {
InvokeExpr e = stmt.getInvokeExpr();
usedAsObject = examineInvokeExpr(e);
doBreak = true;
public void caseAssignStmt(AssignStmt stmt) {
Value left = stmt.getLeftOp();
Value r = stmt.getRightOp();
if (left instanceof ArrayRef) {
ArrayRef ar = (ArrayRef) left;
if (ar.getIndex() == l) {
doBreak = true;
} else if (ar.getBase() == l) {
usedAsObject = true;
doBreak = true;
if (left instanceof InstanceFieldRef) {
InstanceFieldRef ifr = (InstanceFieldRef) left;
if (ifr.getBase() == l) {
usedAsObject = true;
doBreak = true;
// used to assign
if (stmt.getRightOp() == l) {
Value l = stmt.getLeftOp();
if (l instanceof StaticFieldRef && isObject(((StaticFieldRef) l).getFieldRef().type())) {
usedAsObject = true;
doBreak = true;
} else if (l instanceof InstanceFieldRef && isObject(((InstanceFieldRef) l).getFieldRef().type())) {
usedAsObject = true;
doBreak = true;
} else if (l instanceof ArrayRef) {
Type aType = ((ArrayRef) l).getType();
if (aType instanceof UnknownType) {
usedAsObject = stmt.hasTag(// isObject(
// findArrayType(g,
// localDefs,
// localUses,
// stmt));
} else {
usedAsObject = isObject(aType);
doBreak = true;
// is used as value (does not exclude assignment)
if (r instanceof FieldRef) {
// isObject(((FieldRef)
usedAsObject = true;
// r).getFieldRef().type());
doBreak = true;
} else if (r instanceof ArrayRef) {
ArrayRef ar = (ArrayRef) r;
if (ar.getBase() == l) {
usedAsObject = true;
} else {
// used as index
usedAsObject = false;
doBreak = true;
} else if (r instanceof StringConstant || r instanceof NewExpr) {
throw new RuntimeException("NOT POSSIBLE StringConstant or NewExpr at " + stmt);
} else if (r instanceof NewArrayExpr) {
usedAsObject = false;
doBreak = true;
} else if (r instanceof CastExpr) {
usedAsObject = isObject(((CastExpr) r).getCastType());
doBreak = true;
} else if (r instanceof InvokeExpr) {
usedAsObject = examineInvokeExpr((InvokeExpr) stmt.getRightOp());
doBreak = true;
} else if (r instanceof LengthExpr) {
usedAsObject = true;
doBreak = true;
} else if (r instanceof BinopExpr) {
usedAsObject = false;
doBreak = true;
public void caseIdentityStmt(IdentityStmt stmt) {
if (stmt.getLeftOp() == l)
throw new RuntimeException("IMPOSSIBLE 0");
public void caseEnterMonitorStmt(EnterMonitorStmt stmt) {
usedAsObject = stmt.getOp() == l;
doBreak = true;
public void caseExitMonitorStmt(ExitMonitorStmt stmt) {
usedAsObject = stmt.getOp() == l;
doBreak = true;
public void caseReturnStmt(ReturnStmt stmt) {
usedAsObject = stmt.getOp() == l && isObject(body.getMethod().getReturnType());
doBreak = true;
public void caseThrowStmt(ThrowStmt stmt) {
usedAsObject = stmt.getOp() == l;
doBreak = true;
for (Local loc : getNullCandidates(body)) {
usedAsObject = false;
Set<Unit> defs = localDefs.collectDefinitionsWithAliases(loc);
// process normally
doBreak = false;
for (Unit u : defs) {
// put correct local in l
if (u instanceof DefinitionStmt) {
l = (Local) ((DefinitionStmt) u).getLeftOp();
} else if (u instanceof IfStmt) {
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: def can not be something else than Assign or Identity statement! (def: " + u + " class: " + u.getClass() + "");
// check defs
if (doBreak)
// check uses
for (Unit use : localDefs.getUsesOf(l)) {
if (doBreak)
// for uses
if (doBreak)
// change values
if (usedAsObject) {
for (Unit u : defs) {
Set<Value> defLocals = new HashSet<Value>();
for (ValueBox vb : u.getDefBoxes()) defLocals.add(vb.getValue());
Local l = (Local) ((DefinitionStmt) u).getLeftOp();
for (Unit uuse : localDefs.getUsesOf(l)) {
Stmt use = (Stmt) uuse;
// If we have a[x] = 0 and a is an object, we may not conclude 0 -> null
if (!use.containsArrayRef() || !defLocals.contains(use.getArrayRef().getBase()))
// end if
// Check for inlined zero values
AbstractStmtSwitch inlinedZeroValues = new AbstractStmtSwitch() {
final NullConstant nullConstant = NullConstant.v();
public void caseAssignStmt(AssignStmt stmt) {
// Case a = 0 with a being an object
if (isObject(stmt.getLeftOp().getType()) && isConstZero(stmt.getRightOp())) {
// Case a = (Object) 0
if (stmt.getRightOp() instanceof CastExpr) {
CastExpr ce = (CastExpr) stmt.getRightOp();
if (isObject(ce.getCastType()) && isConstZero(ce.getOp())) {
// Case a[0] = 0
if (stmt.getLeftOp() instanceof ArrayRef && isConstZero(stmt.getRightOp())) {
ArrayRef ar = (ArrayRef) stmt.getLeftOp();
if (isObjectArray(ar.getBase(), body) || stmt.hasTag("ObjectOpTag")) {
private boolean isConstZero(Value rightOp) {
if (rightOp instanceof IntConstant && ((IntConstant) rightOp).value == 0)
return true;
if (rightOp instanceof LongConstant && ((LongConstant) rightOp).value == 0)
return true;
return false;
public void caseReturnStmt(ReturnStmt stmt) {
if (stmt.getOp() instanceof IntConstant && isObject(body.getMethod().getReturnType())) {
IntConstant iconst = (IntConstant) stmt.getOp();
assert iconst.value == 0;
public void caseEnterMonitorStmt(EnterMonitorStmt stmt) {
if (stmt.getOp() instanceof IntConstant && ((IntConstant) stmt.getOp()).value == 0)
public void caseExitMonitorStmt(ExitMonitorStmt stmt) {
if (stmt.getOp() instanceof IntConstant && ((IntConstant) stmt.getOp()).value == 0)
final NullConstant nullConstant = NullConstant.v();
for (Unit u : body.getUnits()) {
if (u instanceof Stmt) {
Stmt stmt = (Stmt) u;
if (stmt.containsInvokeExpr()) {
InvokeExpr invExpr = stmt.getInvokeExpr();
for (int i = 0; i < invExpr.getArgCount(); i++) if (isObject(invExpr.getMethodRef().parameterType(i)))
if (invExpr.getArg(i) instanceof IntConstant) {
IntConstant iconst = (IntConstant) invExpr.getArg(i);
assert iconst.value == 0;
invExpr.setArg(i, nullConstant);
use of soot.jimple.LongConstant in project soot by Sable.
the class DexNullTransformer method getNullCandidates.
* Collect all the locals which are assigned a IntConstant(0) or are used
* within a zero comparison.
* @param body
* the body to analyze
private Set<Local> getNullCandidates(Body body) {
Set<Local> candidates = null;
for (Unit u : body.getUnits()) {
if (u instanceof AssignStmt) {
AssignStmt a = (AssignStmt) u;
if (!(a.getLeftOp() instanceof Local))
Local l = (Local) a.getLeftOp();
Value r = a.getRightOp();
if ((r instanceof IntConstant && ((IntConstant) r).value == 0) || (r instanceof LongConstant && ((LongConstant) r).value == 0)) {
if (candidates == null)
candidates = new HashSet<Local>();
} else if (u instanceof IfStmt) {
ConditionExpr expr = (ConditionExpr) ((IfStmt) u).getCondition();
if (isZeroComparison(expr) && expr.getOp1() instanceof Local) {
if (candidates == null)
candidates = new HashSet<Local>();
candidates.add((Local) expr.getOp1());
return candidates == null ? Collections.<Local>emptySet() : candidates;
use of soot.jimple.LongConstant in project soot by Sable.
the class SimplifyExpressions method getResult.
public NumericConstant getResult(BinopExpr binop) {
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("Binop expr" + binop);
Value leftOp = binop.getOp1();
Value rightOp = binop.getOp2();
int op = 0;
if (binop instanceof AddExpr) {
op = 1;
} else if (binop instanceof SubExpr || binop instanceof DCmpExpr || binop instanceof DCmpgExpr || binop instanceof DCmplExpr) {
op = 2;
} else if (binop instanceof MulExpr) {
op = 3;
if (op == 0) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("not add sub or mult");
return null;
NumericConstant constant = null;
if (leftOp instanceof LongConstant && rightOp instanceof LongConstant) {
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("long constants!!");
if (op == 1)
constant = ((LongConstant) leftOp).add((LongConstant) rightOp);
else if (op == 2)
constant = ((LongConstant) leftOp).subtract((LongConstant) rightOp);
else if (op == 3)
constant = ((LongConstant) leftOp).multiply((LongConstant) rightOp);
} else if (leftOp instanceof DoubleConstant && rightOp instanceof DoubleConstant) {
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("double constants!!");
if (op == 1)
constant = ((DoubleConstant) leftOp).add((DoubleConstant) rightOp);
else if (op == 2)
constant = ((DoubleConstant) leftOp).subtract((DoubleConstant) rightOp);
else if (op == 3)
constant = ((DoubleConstant) leftOp).multiply((DoubleConstant) rightOp);
} else if (leftOp instanceof FloatConstant && rightOp instanceof FloatConstant) {
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("Float constants!!");
if (op == 1)
constant = ((FloatConstant) leftOp).add((FloatConstant) rightOp);
else if (op == 2)
constant = ((FloatConstant) leftOp).subtract((FloatConstant) rightOp);
else if (op == 3)
constant = ((FloatConstant) leftOp).multiply((FloatConstant) rightOp);
} else if (leftOp instanceof IntConstant && rightOp instanceof IntConstant) {
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("Integer constants!!");
if (op == 1)
constant = ((IntConstant) leftOp).add((IntConstant) rightOp);
else if (op == 2)
constant = ((IntConstant) leftOp).subtract((IntConstant) rightOp);
else if (op == 3)
constant = ((IntConstant) leftOp).multiply((IntConstant) rightOp);
return constant;
use of soot.jimple.LongConstant in project soot by Sable.
the class ConstraintChecker method caseIfStmt.
public void caseIfStmt(IfStmt stmt) {
ConditionExpr cond = (ConditionExpr) stmt.getCondition();
BinopExpr expr = cond;
Value lv = expr.getOp1();
Value rv = expr.getOp2();
TypeNode lop = null;
TypeNode rop = null;
// ******** LEFT ********
if (lv instanceof Local) {
if (((Local) lv).getType() instanceof IntegerType) {
lop = ClassHierarchy.v().typeNode(((Local) lv).getType());
} else if (lv instanceof DoubleConstant) {
} else if (lv instanceof FloatConstant) {
} else if (lv instanceof IntConstant) {
int value = ((IntConstant) lv).value;
if (value < -32768) {
lop = ClassHierarchy.v().INT;
} else if (value < -128) {
lop = ClassHierarchy.v().SHORT;
} else if (value < 0) {
lop = ClassHierarchy.v().BYTE;
} else if (value < 2) {
lop = ClassHierarchy.v().R0_1;
} else if (value < 128) {
lop = ClassHierarchy.v().R0_127;
} else if (value < 32768) {
lop = ClassHierarchy.v().R0_32767;
} else if (value < 65536) {
lop = ClassHierarchy.v().CHAR;
} else {
lop = ClassHierarchy.v().INT;
} else if (lv instanceof LongConstant) {
} else if (lv instanceof NullConstant) {
} else if (lv instanceof StringConstant) {
} else if (lv instanceof ClassConstant) {
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled binary expression left operand type: " + lv.getClass());
// ******** RIGHT ********
if (rv instanceof Local) {
if (((Local) rv).getType() instanceof IntegerType) {
rop = ClassHierarchy.v().typeNode(((Local) rv).getType());
} else if (rv instanceof DoubleConstant) {
} else if (rv instanceof FloatConstant) {
} else if (rv instanceof IntConstant) {
int value = ((IntConstant) rv).value;
if (value < -32768) {
rop = ClassHierarchy.v().INT;
} else if (value < -128) {
rop = ClassHierarchy.v().SHORT;
} else if (value < 0) {
rop = ClassHierarchy.v().BYTE;
} else if (value < 2) {
rop = ClassHierarchy.v().R0_1;
} else if (value < 128) {
rop = ClassHierarchy.v().R0_127;
} else if (value < 32768) {
rop = ClassHierarchy.v().R0_32767;
} else if (value < 65536) {
rop = ClassHierarchy.v().CHAR;
} else {
rop = ClassHierarchy.v().INT;
} else if (rv instanceof LongConstant) {
} else if (rv instanceof NullConstant) {
} else if (rv instanceof StringConstant) {
} else if (rv instanceof ClassConstant) {
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled binary expression right operand type: " + rv.getClass());
if (lop != null && rop != null) {
if (lop.lca_1(rop) == ClassHierarchy.v().TOP) {
if (fix) {
if (!lop.hasAncestor_1(ClassHierarchy.v().INT)) {
expr.setOp1(insertCast(expr.getOp1(), getTypeForCast(lop), getTypeForCast(rop), stmt));
if (!rop.hasAncestor_1(ClassHierarchy.v().INT)) {
expr.setOp2(insertCast(expr.getOp2(), getTypeForCast(rop), getTypeForCast(lop), stmt));
} else {
error("Type Error(17)");