use of soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.genericutil.Propagator in project soot by Sable.
the class DemandCSPointsTo method findContextsForAllocs.
protected AllocAndContextSet findContextsForAllocs(final VarAndContext varAndContext, PointsToSetInternal locs) {
if (contextForAllocsStack.contains(varAndContext)) {
// recursion; check depth
// we're fine for x =
int oldIndex = contextForAllocsStack.indexOf(varAndContext);
if (oldIndex != contextForAllocsStack.size() - 1) {
if (recursionDepth == -1) {
recursionDepth = oldIndex + 1;
if (DEBUG) {
debugPrint("RECURSION depth = " + recursionDepth);
} else if (contextForAllocsStack.size() - oldIndex > 5) {
// just give up
throw new TerminateEarlyException();
final AllocAndContextSet ret = new AllocAndContextSet();
final PointsToSetInternal realLocs = checkContextsForAllocsCache(varAndContext, ret, locs);
if (realLocs.isEmpty()) {
if (DEBUG) {
debugPrint("cached result " + ret);
return ret;
if (DEBUG) {
debugPrint("finding alloc contexts for " + varAndContext);
try {
final Set<VarAndContext> marked = new HashSet<VarAndContext>();
final Stack<VarAndContext> worklist = new Stack<VarAndContext>();
final Propagator<VarAndContext> p = new Propagator<VarAndContext>(marked, worklist);
IncomingEdgeHandler edgeHandler = new IncomingEdgeHandler() {
public void handleAlloc(AllocNode allocNode, VarAndContext origVarAndContext) {
if (realLocs.contains(allocNode)) {
if (DEBUG) {
debugPrint("found alloc " + allocNode);
ret.add(new AllocAndContext(allocNode, origVarAndContext.context));
public void handleMatchSrc(final VarNode matchSrc, PointsToSetInternal intersection, VarNode loadBase, VarNode storeBase, VarAndContext origVarAndContext, SparkField field, boolean refine) {
if (DEBUG) {
debugPrint("handling src " + matchSrc);
debugPrint("intersection " + intersection);
if (!refine) {
p.prop(new VarAndContext(matchSrc, EMPTY_CALLSTACK));
AllocAndContextSet allocContexts = findContextsForAllocs(new VarAndContext(loadBase, origVarAndContext.context), intersection);
if (DEBUG) {
debugPrint("alloc contexts " + allocContexts);
for (AllocAndContext allocAndContext : allocContexts) {
if (DEBUG) {
debugPrint("alloc and context " + allocAndContext);
CallingContextSet matchSrcContexts;
if (fieldCheckHeuristic.validFromBothEnds(field)) {
matchSrcContexts = findUpContextsForVar(allocAndContext, new VarContextAndUp(storeBase, EMPTY_CALLSTACK, EMPTY_CALLSTACK));
} else {
matchSrcContexts = findVarContextsFromAlloc(allocAndContext, storeBase);
for (ImmutableStack<Integer> matchSrcContext : matchSrcContexts) {
// ret
// .add(new Pair<AllocNode,
// ImmutableStack<Integer>>(
// (AllocNode) n,
// matchSrcContext));
// ret.addAll(findContextsForAllocs(matchSrc,
// matchSrcContext, locs));
p.prop(new VarAndContext(matchSrc, matchSrcContext));
Object getResult() {
return ret;
void handleAssignSrc(VarAndContext newVarAndContext, VarAndContext origVarAndContext, AssignEdge assignEdge) {
boolean shouldHandleSrc(VarNode src) {
return realLocs.hasNonEmptyIntersection(src.getP2Set());
processIncomingEdges(edgeHandler, worklist);
// update the cache
if (recursionDepth != -1) {
// if we're beyond recursion, don't cache anything
if (contextForAllocsStack.size() > recursionDepth) {
if (DEBUG) {
debugPrint("REMOVING " + varAndContext);
} else {
assert contextForAllocsStack.size() == recursionDepth : recursionDepth + " " + contextForAllocsStack;
recursionDepth = -1;
if (contextsForAllocsCache.containsKey(varAndContext)) {
} else {
PointsToSetInternal storedSet = new HybridPointsToSet(locs.getType(), pag);
storedSet.addAll(locs, null);
contextsForAllocsCache.put(varAndContext, new Pair<PointsToSetInternal, AllocAndContextSet>(storedSet, ret));
} else {
if (contextsForAllocsCache.containsKey(varAndContext)) {
} else {
PointsToSetInternal storedSet = new HybridPointsToSet(locs.getType(), pag);
storedSet.addAll(locs, null);
contextsForAllocsCache.put(varAndContext, new Pair<PointsToSetInternal, AllocAndContextSet>(storedSet, ret));
return ret;
} catch (CallSiteException e) {
throw e;
} finally {
use of soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.genericutil.Propagator in project soot by Sable.
the class DemandCSPointsTo method findUpContextsForVar.
protected CallingContextSet findUpContextsForVar(AllocAndContext allocAndContext, VarContextAndUp varContextAndUp) {
final AllocNode alloc = allocAndContext.alloc;
final ImmutableStack<Integer> allocContext = allocAndContext.context;
CallingContextSet tmpSet = checkUpContextCache(varContextAndUp, allocAndContext);
if (tmpSet != null) {
return tmpSet;
final CallingContextSet ret = new CallingContextSet();
upContextCache.get(varContextAndUp).put(allocAndContext, ret);
if (DEBUG) {
debugPrint("finding up context for " + varContextAndUp + " to " + alloc + " " + allocContext);
try {
final Set<VarAndContext> marked = new HashSet<VarAndContext>();
final Stack<VarAndContext> worklist = new Stack<VarAndContext>();
final Propagator<VarAndContext> p = new Propagator<VarAndContext>(marked, worklist);
class UpContextEdgeHandler extends IncomingEdgeHandler {
public void handleAlloc(AllocNode allocNode, VarAndContext origVarAndContext) {
VarContextAndUp contextAndUp = (VarContextAndUp) origVarAndContext;
if (allocNode == alloc) {
if (allocContext.topMatches(contextAndUp.context)) {
ImmutableStack<Integer> reverse = contextAndUp.upContext.reverse();
ImmutableStack<Integer> toAdd = allocContext.popAll(contextAndUp.context).pushAll(reverse);
if (DEBUG) {
debugPrint("found up context " + toAdd);
} else if (contextAndUp.context.topMatches(allocContext)) {
ImmutableStack<Integer> toAdd = contextAndUp.upContext.reverse();
if (DEBUG) {
debugPrint("found up context " + toAdd);
public void handleMatchSrc(VarNode matchSrc, PointsToSetInternal intersection, VarNode loadBase, VarNode storeBase, VarAndContext origVarAndContext, SparkField field, boolean refine) {
VarContextAndUp contextAndUp = (VarContextAndUp) origVarAndContext;
if (DEBUG) {
debugPrint("CHECKING " + alloc);
PointsToSetInternal tmp = new HybridPointsToSet(alloc.getType(), pag);
AllocAndContextSet allocContexts = findContextsForAllocs(new VarAndContext(matchSrc, EMPTY_CALLSTACK), tmp);
// Set allocContexts = Collections.singleton(new Object());
if (!refine) {
if (!allocContexts.isEmpty()) {
} else {
if (!allocContexts.isEmpty()) {
for (AllocAndContext t : allocContexts) {
ImmutableStack<Integer> discoveredAllocContext = t.context;
if (!allocContext.topMatches(discoveredAllocContext)) {
ImmutableStack<Integer> trueAllocContext = allocContext.popAll(discoveredAllocContext);
AllocAndContextSet allocAndContexts = findContextsForAllocs(new VarAndContext(storeBase, trueAllocContext), intersection);
for (AllocAndContext allocAndContext : allocAndContexts) {
// CallingContextSet upContexts;
if (fieldCheckHeuristic.validFromBothEnds(field)) {
ret.addAll(findUpContextsForVar(allocAndContext, new VarContextAndUp(loadBase, contextAndUp.context, contextAndUp.upContext)));
} else {
CallingContextSet tmpContexts = findVarContextsFromAlloc(allocAndContext, loadBase);
// upContexts = new CallingContextSet();
for (ImmutableStack<Integer> tmpContext : tmpContexts) {
if (tmpContext.topMatches(contextAndUp.context)) {
ImmutableStack<Integer> reverse = contextAndUp.upContext.reverse();
ImmutableStack<Integer> toAdd = tmpContext.popAll(contextAndUp.context).pushAll(reverse);
Object getResult() {
return ret;
void handleAssignSrc(VarAndContext newVarAndContext, VarAndContext origVarAndContext, AssignEdge assignEdge) {
VarContextAndUp contextAndUp = (VarContextAndUp) origVarAndContext;
ImmutableStack<Integer> upContext = contextAndUp.upContext;
ImmutableStack<Integer> newUpContext = upContext;
if (assignEdge.isParamEdge() && contextAndUp.context.isEmpty()) {
if (upContext.size() < ImmutableStack.getMaxSize()) {
newUpContext = pushWithRecursionCheck(upContext, assignEdge);
p.prop(new VarContextAndUp(newVarAndContext.var, newVarAndContext.context, newUpContext));
boolean shouldHandleSrc(VarNode src) {
if (src instanceof GlobalVarNode) {
// // for now, just give up
throw new TerminateEarlyException();
return src.getP2Set().contains(alloc);
UpContextEdgeHandler edgeHandler = new UpContextEdgeHandler();
processIncomingEdges(edgeHandler, worklist);
// }
return ret;
} catch (CallSiteException e) {
throw e;
use of soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.genericutil.Propagator in project soot by Sable.
the class DemandCSPointsTo method nodesPropagatedThrough.
protected Set<VarNode> nodesPropagatedThrough(final VarNode source, final PointsToSetInternal allocs) {
final Set<VarNode> marked = new HashSet<VarNode>();
final Stack<VarNode> worklist = new Stack<VarNode>();
Propagator<VarNode> p = new Propagator<VarNode>(marked, worklist);
while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
VarNode curNode = worklist.pop();
Node[] assignSources = pag.simpleInvLookup(curNode);
for (int i = 0; i < assignSources.length; i++) {
VarNode assignSrc = (VarNode) assignSources[i];
if (assignSrc.getP2Set().hasNonEmptyIntersection(allocs)) {
Set<VarNode> matchSources = vMatches.vMatchInvLookup(curNode);
for (VarNode matchSrc : matchSources) {
if (matchSrc.getP2Set().hasNonEmptyIntersection(allocs)) {
return marked;
use of soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.genericutil.Propagator in project soot by Sable.
the class DemandCSPointsTo method getFlowsToHelper.
protected Set<VarNode> getFlowsToHelper(AllocAndContext allocAndContext) {
Set<VarNode> ret = new ArraySet<VarNode>();
try {
HashSet<VarAndContext> marked = new HashSet<VarAndContext>();
Stack<VarAndContext> worklist = new Stack<VarAndContext>();
Propagator<VarAndContext> p = new Propagator<VarAndContext>(marked, worklist);
AllocNode alloc = allocAndContext.alloc;
ImmutableStack<Integer> allocContext = allocAndContext.context;
Node[] newBarNodes = pag.allocLookup(alloc);
for (int i = 0; i < newBarNodes.length; i++) {
VarNode v = (VarNode) newBarNodes[i];
p.prop(new VarAndContext(v, allocContext));
while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
VarAndContext curVarAndContext = worklist.pop();
if (DEBUG) {
debugPrint("looking at " + curVarAndContext);
VarNode curVar = curVarAndContext.var;
ImmutableStack<Integer> curContext = curVarAndContext.context;
// assign
Collection<AssignEdge> assignEdges = filterAssigns(curVar, curContext, false, true);
for (AssignEdge assignEdge : assignEdges) {
VarNode dst = assignEdge.getDst();
ImmutableStack<Integer> newContext = curContext;
if (assignEdge.isReturnEdge()) {
if (!curContext.isEmpty()) {
if (!callEdgeInSCC(assignEdge)) {
assert assignEdge.getCallSite().equals(curContext.peek()) : assignEdge + " " + curContext;
newContext = curContext.pop();
} else {
newContext = popRecursiveCallSites(curContext);
} else if (assignEdge.isParamEdge()) {
if (DEBUG)
debugPrint("entering call site " + assignEdge.getCallSite());
// if (!isRecursive(curContext, assignEdge)) {
// newContext = curContext.push(assignEdge
// .getCallSite());
// }
newContext = pushWithRecursionCheck(curContext, assignEdge);
if (assignEdge.isReturnEdge() && curContext.isEmpty() && csInfo.isVirtCall(assignEdge.getCallSite())) {
Set<SootMethod> targets = refineCallSite(assignEdge.getCallSite(), newContext);
if (!targets.contains(((LocalVarNode) assignEdge.getDst()).getMethod())) {
if (dst instanceof GlobalVarNode) {
p.prop(new VarAndContext(dst, newContext));
// putfield_bars
Set<VarNode> matchTargets = vMatches.vMatchLookup(curVar);
Node[] pfTargets = pag.storeLookup(curVar);
for (int i = 0; i < pfTargets.length; i++) {
FieldRefNode frNode = (FieldRefNode) pfTargets[i];
final VarNode storeBase = frNode.getBase();
SparkField field = frNode.getField();
// FieldRefNode>(curVar, frNode);
for (Pair<VarNode, VarNode> load : fieldToLoads.get(field)) {
final VarNode loadBase = load.getO2();
final PointsToSetInternal loadBaseP2Set = loadBase.getP2Set();
final PointsToSetInternal storeBaseP2Set = storeBase.getP2Set();
final VarNode matchTgt = load.getO1();
if (matchTargets.contains(matchTgt)) {
if (DEBUG) {
debugPrint("match source " + matchTgt);
PointsToSetInternal intersection = SootUtil.constructIntersection(storeBaseP2Set, loadBaseP2Set, pag);
boolean checkField = fieldCheckHeuristic.validateMatchesForField(field);
if (checkField) {
AllocAndContextSet sharedAllocContexts = findContextsForAllocs(new VarAndContext(storeBase, curContext), intersection);
for (AllocAndContext curAllocAndContext : sharedAllocContexts) {
CallingContextSet upContexts;
if (fieldCheckHeuristic.validFromBothEnds(field)) {
upContexts = findUpContextsForVar(curAllocAndContext, new VarContextAndUp(loadBase, EMPTY_CALLSTACK, EMPTY_CALLSTACK));
} else {
upContexts = findVarContextsFromAlloc(curAllocAndContext, loadBase);
for (ImmutableStack<Integer> upContext : upContexts) {
p.prop(new VarAndContext(matchTgt, upContext));
} else {
p.prop(new VarAndContext(matchTgt, EMPTY_CALLSTACK));
// h.handleMatchSrc(matchSrc, intersection,
// storeBase,
// loadBase, varAndContext, checkGetfield);
// if (h.terminate())
// return;
return ret;
} catch (CallSiteException e) {
throw e;
use of soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.genericutil.Propagator in project soot by Sable.
the class DemandCSPointsTo method findVarContextsFromAlloc.
protected CallingContextSet findVarContextsFromAlloc(AllocAndContext allocAndContext, VarNode targetVar) {
CallingContextSet tmpSet = checkAllocAndContextCache(allocAndContext, targetVar);
if (tmpSet != null) {
return tmpSet;
CallingContextSet ret = new CallingContextSet();
allocAndContextCache.get(allocAndContext).put(targetVar, ret);
try {
HashSet<VarAndContext> marked = new HashSet<VarAndContext>();
Stack<VarAndContext> worklist = new Stack<VarAndContext>();
Propagator<VarAndContext> p = new Propagator<VarAndContext>(marked, worklist);
AllocNode alloc = allocAndContext.alloc;
ImmutableStack<Integer> allocContext = allocAndContext.context;
Node[] newBarNodes = pag.allocLookup(alloc);
for (int i = 0; i < newBarNodes.length; i++) {
VarNode v = (VarNode) newBarNodes[i];
p.prop(new VarAndContext(v, allocContext));
while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
VarAndContext curVarAndContext = worklist.pop();
if (DEBUG) {
debugPrint("looking at " + curVarAndContext);
VarNode curVar = curVarAndContext.var;
ImmutableStack<Integer> curContext = curVarAndContext.context;
if (curVar == targetVar) {
// assign
Collection<AssignEdge> assignEdges = filterAssigns(curVar, curContext, false, true);
for (AssignEdge assignEdge : assignEdges) {
VarNode dst = assignEdge.getDst();
ImmutableStack<Integer> newContext = curContext;
if (assignEdge.isReturnEdge()) {
if (!curContext.isEmpty()) {
if (!callEdgeInSCC(assignEdge)) {
assert assignEdge.getCallSite().equals(curContext.peek()) : assignEdge + " " + curContext;
newContext = curContext.pop();
} else {
newContext = popRecursiveCallSites(curContext);
} else if (assignEdge.isParamEdge()) {
if (DEBUG)
debugPrint("entering call site " + assignEdge.getCallSite());
// if (!isRecursive(curContext, assignEdge)) {
// newContext = curContext.push(assignEdge
// .getCallSite());
// }
newContext = pushWithRecursionCheck(curContext, assignEdge);
if (assignEdge.isReturnEdge() && curContext.isEmpty() && csInfo.isVirtCall(assignEdge.getCallSite())) {
Set<SootMethod> targets = refineCallSite(assignEdge.getCallSite(), newContext);
if (!targets.contains(((LocalVarNode) assignEdge.getDst()).getMethod())) {
if (dst instanceof GlobalVarNode) {
p.prop(new VarAndContext(dst, newContext));
// putfield_bars
Set<VarNode> matchTargets = vMatches.vMatchLookup(curVar);
Node[] pfTargets = pag.storeLookup(curVar);
for (int i = 0; i < pfTargets.length; i++) {
FieldRefNode frNode = (FieldRefNode) pfTargets[i];
final VarNode storeBase = frNode.getBase();
SparkField field = frNode.getField();
// FieldRefNode>(curVar, frNode);
for (Pair<VarNode, VarNode> load : fieldToLoads.get(field)) {
final VarNode loadBase = load.getO2();
final PointsToSetInternal loadBaseP2Set = loadBase.getP2Set();
final PointsToSetInternal storeBaseP2Set = storeBase.getP2Set();
final VarNode matchTgt = load.getO1();
if (matchTargets.contains(matchTgt)) {
if (DEBUG) {
debugPrint("match source " + matchTgt);
PointsToSetInternal intersection = SootUtil.constructIntersection(storeBaseP2Set, loadBaseP2Set, pag);
boolean checkField = fieldCheckHeuristic.validateMatchesForField(field);
if (checkField) {
AllocAndContextSet sharedAllocContexts = findContextsForAllocs(new VarAndContext(storeBase, curContext), intersection);
for (AllocAndContext curAllocAndContext : sharedAllocContexts) {
CallingContextSet upContexts;
if (fieldCheckHeuristic.validFromBothEnds(field)) {
upContexts = findUpContextsForVar(curAllocAndContext, new VarContextAndUp(loadBase, EMPTY_CALLSTACK, EMPTY_CALLSTACK));
} else {
upContexts = findVarContextsFromAlloc(curAllocAndContext, loadBase);
for (ImmutableStack<Integer> upContext : upContexts) {
p.prop(new VarAndContext(matchTgt, upContext));
} else {
p.prop(new VarAndContext(matchTgt, EMPTY_CALLSTACK));
// h.handleMatchSrc(matchSrc, intersection,
// storeBase,
// loadBase, varAndContext, checkGetfield);
// if (h.terminate())
// return;
return ret;
} catch (CallSiteException e) {
throw e;