Search in sources :

Example 16 with AllocNode

use of soot.jimple.spark.pag.AllocNode in project soot by Sable.

the class DemandCSPointsTo method findUpContextsForVar.

protected CallingContextSet findUpContextsForVar(AllocAndContext allocAndContext, VarContextAndUp varContextAndUp) {
    final AllocNode alloc = allocAndContext.alloc;
    final ImmutableStack<Integer> allocContext = allocAndContext.context;
    CallingContextSet tmpSet = checkUpContextCache(varContextAndUp, allocAndContext);
    if (tmpSet != null) {
        return tmpSet;
    final CallingContextSet ret = new CallingContextSet();
    upContextCache.get(varContextAndUp).put(allocAndContext, ret);
    if (DEBUG) {
        debugPrint("finding up context for " + varContextAndUp + " to " + alloc + " " + allocContext);
    try {
        final Set<VarAndContext> marked = new HashSet<VarAndContext>();
        final Stack<VarAndContext> worklist = new Stack<VarAndContext>();
        final Propagator<VarAndContext> p = new Propagator<VarAndContext>(marked, worklist);
        class UpContextEdgeHandler extends IncomingEdgeHandler {

            public void handleAlloc(AllocNode allocNode, VarAndContext origVarAndContext) {
                VarContextAndUp contextAndUp = (VarContextAndUp) origVarAndContext;
                if (allocNode == alloc) {
                    if (allocContext.topMatches(contextAndUp.context)) {
                        ImmutableStack<Integer> reverse = contextAndUp.upContext.reverse();
                        ImmutableStack<Integer> toAdd = allocContext.popAll(contextAndUp.context).pushAll(reverse);
                        if (DEBUG) {
                            debugPrint("found up context " + toAdd);
                    } else if (contextAndUp.context.topMatches(allocContext)) {
                        ImmutableStack<Integer> toAdd = contextAndUp.upContext.reverse();
                        if (DEBUG) {
                            debugPrint("found up context " + toAdd);

            public void handleMatchSrc(VarNode matchSrc, PointsToSetInternal intersection, VarNode loadBase, VarNode storeBase, VarAndContext origVarAndContext, SparkField field, boolean refine) {
                VarContextAndUp contextAndUp = (VarContextAndUp) origVarAndContext;
                if (DEBUG) {
                    debugPrint("CHECKING " + alloc);
                PointsToSetInternal tmp = new HybridPointsToSet(alloc.getType(), pag);
                AllocAndContextSet allocContexts = findContextsForAllocs(new VarAndContext(matchSrc, EMPTY_CALLSTACK), tmp);
                // Set allocContexts = Collections.singleton(new Object());
                if (!refine) {
                    if (!allocContexts.isEmpty()) {
                } else {
                    if (!allocContexts.isEmpty()) {
                        for (AllocAndContext t : allocContexts) {
                            ImmutableStack<Integer> discoveredAllocContext = t.context;
                            if (!allocContext.topMatches(discoveredAllocContext)) {
                            ImmutableStack<Integer> trueAllocContext = allocContext.popAll(discoveredAllocContext);
                            AllocAndContextSet allocAndContexts = findContextsForAllocs(new VarAndContext(storeBase, trueAllocContext), intersection);
                            for (AllocAndContext allocAndContext : allocAndContexts) {
                                // CallingContextSet upContexts;
                                if (fieldCheckHeuristic.validFromBothEnds(field)) {
                                    ret.addAll(findUpContextsForVar(allocAndContext, new VarContextAndUp(loadBase, contextAndUp.context, contextAndUp.upContext)));
                                } else {
                                    CallingContextSet tmpContexts = findVarContextsFromAlloc(allocAndContext, loadBase);
                                    // upContexts = new CallingContextSet();
                                    for (ImmutableStack<Integer> tmpContext : tmpContexts) {
                                        if (tmpContext.topMatches(contextAndUp.context)) {
                                            ImmutableStack<Integer> reverse = contextAndUp.upContext.reverse();
                                            ImmutableStack<Integer> toAdd = tmpContext.popAll(contextAndUp.context).pushAll(reverse);

            Object getResult() {
                return ret;

            void handleAssignSrc(VarAndContext newVarAndContext, VarAndContext origVarAndContext, AssignEdge assignEdge) {
                VarContextAndUp contextAndUp = (VarContextAndUp) origVarAndContext;
                ImmutableStack<Integer> upContext = contextAndUp.upContext;
                ImmutableStack<Integer> newUpContext = upContext;
                if (assignEdge.isParamEdge() && contextAndUp.context.isEmpty()) {
                    if (upContext.size() < ImmutableStack.getMaxSize()) {
                        newUpContext = pushWithRecursionCheck(upContext, assignEdge);
                p.prop(new VarContextAndUp(newVarAndContext.var, newVarAndContext.context, newUpContext));

            boolean shouldHandleSrc(VarNode src) {
                if (src instanceof GlobalVarNode) {
                    // // for now, just give up
                    throw new TerminateEarlyException();
                return src.getP2Set().contains(alloc);
        UpContextEdgeHandler edgeHandler = new UpContextEdgeHandler();
        processIncomingEdges(edgeHandler, worklist);
        // }
        return ret;
    } catch (CallSiteException e) {
        throw e;
Also used : GlobalVarNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.GlobalVarNode) SparkField(soot.jimple.spark.pag.SparkField) AssignEdge(soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.pautil.AssignEdge) Propagator(soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.genericutil.Propagator) ImmutableStack(soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.genericutil.ImmutableStack) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) GlobalVarNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.GlobalVarNode) LocalVarNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.LocalVarNode) VarNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.VarNode) PointsToSetInternal(soot.jimple.spark.sets.PointsToSetInternal) HybridPointsToSet(soot.jimple.spark.sets.HybridPointsToSet) Stack(soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.genericutil.Stack) ImmutableStack(soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.genericutil.ImmutableStack) AllocNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.AllocNode)

Example 17 with AllocNode

use of soot.jimple.spark.pag.AllocNode in project soot by Sable.

the class DemandCSPointsTo method getFlowsToHelper.

protected Set<VarNode> getFlowsToHelper(AllocAndContext allocAndContext) {
    Set<VarNode> ret = new ArraySet<VarNode>();
    try {
        HashSet<VarAndContext> marked = new HashSet<VarAndContext>();
        Stack<VarAndContext> worklist = new Stack<VarAndContext>();
        Propagator<VarAndContext> p = new Propagator<VarAndContext>(marked, worklist);
        AllocNode alloc = allocAndContext.alloc;
        ImmutableStack<Integer> allocContext = allocAndContext.context;
        Node[] newBarNodes = pag.allocLookup(alloc);
        for (int i = 0; i < newBarNodes.length; i++) {
            VarNode v = (VarNode) newBarNodes[i];
            p.prop(new VarAndContext(v, allocContext));
        while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
            VarAndContext curVarAndContext = worklist.pop();
            if (DEBUG) {
                debugPrint("looking at " + curVarAndContext);
            VarNode curVar = curVarAndContext.var;
            ImmutableStack<Integer> curContext = curVarAndContext.context;
            // assign
            Collection<AssignEdge> assignEdges = filterAssigns(curVar, curContext, false, true);
            for (AssignEdge assignEdge : assignEdges) {
                VarNode dst = assignEdge.getDst();
                ImmutableStack<Integer> newContext = curContext;
                if (assignEdge.isReturnEdge()) {
                    if (!curContext.isEmpty()) {
                        if (!callEdgeInSCC(assignEdge)) {
                            assert assignEdge.getCallSite().equals(curContext.peek()) : assignEdge + " " + curContext;
                            newContext = curContext.pop();
                        } else {
                            newContext = popRecursiveCallSites(curContext);
                } else if (assignEdge.isParamEdge()) {
                    if (DEBUG)
                        debugPrint("entering call site " + assignEdge.getCallSite());
                    // if (!isRecursive(curContext, assignEdge)) {
                    // newContext = curContext.push(assignEdge
                    // .getCallSite());
                    // }
                    newContext = pushWithRecursionCheck(curContext, assignEdge);
                if (assignEdge.isReturnEdge() && curContext.isEmpty() && csInfo.isVirtCall(assignEdge.getCallSite())) {
                    Set<SootMethod> targets = refineCallSite(assignEdge.getCallSite(), newContext);
                    if (!targets.contains(((LocalVarNode) assignEdge.getDst()).getMethod())) {
                if (dst instanceof GlobalVarNode) {
                    newContext = EMPTY_CALLSTACK;
                p.prop(new VarAndContext(dst, newContext));
            // putfield_bars
            Set<VarNode> matchTargets = vMatches.vMatchLookup(curVar);
            Node[] pfTargets = pag.storeLookup(curVar);
            for (int i = 0; i < pfTargets.length; i++) {
                FieldRefNode frNode = (FieldRefNode) pfTargets[i];
                final VarNode storeBase = frNode.getBase();
                SparkField field = frNode.getField();
                // FieldRefNode>(curVar, frNode);
                for (Pair<VarNode, VarNode> load : fieldToLoads.get(field)) {
                    final VarNode loadBase = load.getO2();
                    final PointsToSetInternal loadBaseP2Set = loadBase.getP2Set();
                    final PointsToSetInternal storeBaseP2Set = storeBase.getP2Set();
                    final VarNode matchTgt = load.getO1();
                    if (matchTargets.contains(matchTgt)) {
                        if (DEBUG) {
                            debugPrint("match source " + matchTgt);
                        PointsToSetInternal intersection = SootUtil.constructIntersection(storeBaseP2Set, loadBaseP2Set, pag);
                        boolean checkField = fieldCheckHeuristic.validateMatchesForField(field);
                        if (checkField) {
                            AllocAndContextSet sharedAllocContexts = findContextsForAllocs(new VarAndContext(storeBase, curContext), intersection);
                            for (AllocAndContext curAllocAndContext : sharedAllocContexts) {
                                CallingContextSet upContexts;
                                if (fieldCheckHeuristic.validFromBothEnds(field)) {
                                    upContexts = findUpContextsForVar(curAllocAndContext, new VarContextAndUp(loadBase, EMPTY_CALLSTACK, EMPTY_CALLSTACK));
                                } else {
                                    upContexts = findVarContextsFromAlloc(curAllocAndContext, loadBase);
                                for (ImmutableStack<Integer> upContext : upContexts) {
                                    p.prop(new VarAndContext(matchTgt, upContext));
                        } else {
                            p.prop(new VarAndContext(matchTgt, EMPTY_CALLSTACK));
                    // h.handleMatchSrc(matchSrc, intersection,
                    // storeBase,
                    // loadBase, varAndContext, checkGetfield);
                    // if (h.terminate())
                    // return;
        return ret;
    } catch (CallSiteException e) {
        throw e;
Also used : GlobalVarNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.GlobalVarNode) FieldRefNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.FieldRefNode) GlobalVarNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.GlobalVarNode) LocalVarNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.LocalVarNode) Node(soot.jimple.spark.pag.Node) VarNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.VarNode) AllocNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.AllocNode) AssignEdge(soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.pautil.AssignEdge) SparkField(soot.jimple.spark.pag.SparkField) Propagator(soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.genericutil.Propagator) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) GlobalVarNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.GlobalVarNode) LocalVarNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.LocalVarNode) VarNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.VarNode) ArraySet(soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.genericutil.ArraySet) PointsToSetInternal(soot.jimple.spark.sets.PointsToSetInternal) Stack(soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.genericutil.Stack) ImmutableStack(soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.genericutil.ImmutableStack) FieldRefNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.FieldRefNode) AllocNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.AllocNode) SootMethod(soot.SootMethod) LocalVarNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.LocalVarNode)

Example 18 with AllocNode

use of soot.jimple.spark.pag.AllocNode in project soot by Sable.

the class DemandCSPointsTo method dumpPathForLoc.

	 * (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see AAA.summary.Refiner#dumpPathForBadLoc(soot.jimple.spark.pag.VarNode,
	 *      soot.jimple.spark.pag.AllocNode)
protected void dumpPathForLoc(VarNode v, final AllocNode badLoc, String filePrefix) {
    final HashSet<VarNode> visited = new HashSet<VarNode>();
    final DotPointerGraph dotGraph = new DotPointerGraph();
    final class Helper {

        boolean handle(VarNode curNode) {
            assert curNode.getP2Set().contains(badLoc);
            Node[] newEdges = pag.allocInvLookup(curNode);
            for (int i = 0; i < newEdges.length; i++) {
                AllocNode alloc = (AllocNode) newEdges[i];
                if (alloc.equals(badLoc)) {
                    dotGraph.addNew(alloc, curNode);
                    return true;
            for (AssignEdge assignEdge : csInfo.getAssignEdges(curNode)) {
                VarNode other = assignEdge.getSrc();
                if (other.getP2Set().contains(badLoc) && !visited.contains(other) && handle(other)) {
                    if (assignEdge.isCallEdge()) {
                        dotGraph.addCall(other, curNode, assignEdge.getCallSite());
                    } else {
                        dotGraph.addAssign(other, curNode);
                    return true;
            Node[] loadEdges = pag.loadInvLookup(curNode);
            for (int i = 0; i < loadEdges.length; i++) {
                FieldRefNode frNode = (FieldRefNode) loadEdges[i];
                SparkField field = frNode.getField();
                VarNode base = frNode.getBase();
                PointsToSetInternal baseP2Set = base.getP2Set();
                for (Pair<VarNode, VarNode> store : fieldToStores.get(field)) {
                    if (store.getO2().getP2Set().hasNonEmptyIntersection(baseP2Set)) {
                        VarNode matchSrc = store.getO1();
                        if (matchSrc.getP2Set().contains(badLoc) && !visited.contains(matchSrc) && handle(matchSrc)) {
                            dotGraph.addMatch(matchSrc, curNode);
                            return true;
            return false;
    Helper h = new Helper();
    // logger.debug(""+dotGraph.numEdges() + " edges on path");
    dotGraph.dump("tmp/" + filePrefix + v.getNumber() + "_" + badLoc.getNumber() + ".dot");
Also used : GlobalVarNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.GlobalVarNode) LocalVarNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.LocalVarNode) VarNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.VarNode) PointsToSetInternal(soot.jimple.spark.sets.PointsToSetInternal) FieldRefNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.FieldRefNode) GlobalVarNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.GlobalVarNode) LocalVarNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.LocalVarNode) Node(soot.jimple.spark.pag.Node) VarNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.VarNode) AllocNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.AllocNode) AssignEdge(soot.jimple.spark.ondemand.pautil.AssignEdge) SparkField(soot.jimple.spark.pag.SparkField) FieldRefNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.FieldRefNode) AllocNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.AllocNode) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 19 with AllocNode

use of soot.jimple.spark.pag.AllocNode in project soot by Sable.

the class FullSensitiveNode method heap_sensitive_intersection.

public boolean heap_sensitive_intersection(IVarAbstraction qv) {
    int i, j;
    FullSensitiveNode qn;
    SegmentNode p, q, pt[], qt[];
    boolean localToSameMethod;
    qn = (FullSensitiveNode) qv;
    localToSameMethod = (enclosingMethod() == qv.enclosingMethod());
    for (Iterator<AllocNode> it = pt_objs.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        AllocNode an =;
        if (an instanceof ClassConstantNode)
        if (an instanceof StringConstantNode)
        qt = qn.find_points_to(an);
        if (qt == null)
        pt = find_points_to(an);
        for (i = 0; i < GeometricManager.Divisions; ++i) {
            p = pt[i];
            while (p != null) {
                for (j = 0; j < GeometricManager.Divisions; ++j) {
                    q = qt[j];
                    while (q != null) {
                        if (localToSameMethod) {
                            // We can use a more precise alias testing
                            if (p.intersect(q))
                                return true;
                        } else {
                            if (p.projYIntersect(q))
                                return true;
                        q =;
                p =;
    return false;
Also used : AllocNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.AllocNode) StringConstantNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.StringConstantNode) ClassConstantNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.ClassConstantNode) PlainConstraint(soot.jimple.spark.geom.dataRep.PlainConstraint) SegmentNode(soot.jimple.spark.geom.dataRep.SegmentNode)

Example 20 with AllocNode

use of soot.jimple.spark.pag.AllocNode in project soot by Sable.

the class FullSensitiveNode method propagate.

 * The place where you implement the pointer assignment reasoning.
public void propagate(GeomPointsTo ptAnalyzer, IWorklist worklist) {
    int i, j;
    AllocNode obj;
    SegmentNode pts, pe, entry_pts[], entry_pe[];
    GeometricManager gm1, gm2;
    FullSensitiveNode qn, objn;
    boolean added, hasNewPointsTo;
    if (pt_objs.size() == 0)
    // We first build the flow edges that flow in to/out of object fields
    if (complex_cons != null) {
        for (Map.Entry<AllocNode, GeometricManager> entry : new_pts.entrySet()) {
            obj = entry.getKey();
            entry_pts = entry.getValue().getFigures();
            for (PlainConstraint pcons : complex_cons) {
                // For each newly points-to object, construct its instance field
                objn = (FullSensitiveNode) ptAnalyzer.findInstanceField(obj, pcons.f);
                if (objn == null) {
                    // This combination of allocdotfield must be invalid
                    // This expression p.f also renders that p cannot point to obj, so we remove it
                    // We label this event and sweep the garbage later
                    pt_objs.put(obj, (GeometricManager) deadManager);
                    entry.setValue((GeometricManager) deadManager);
                if (objn.willUpdate == false) {
                    // the points-to information of the seed pointers
                qn = (FullSensitiveNode) pcons.otherSide;
                for (i = 0; i < GeometricManager.Divisions; ++i) {
                    pts = entry_pts[i];
                    while (pts != null && pts.is_new == true) {
                        switch(pcons.type) {
                            case Constants.STORE_CONS:
                                // Store, qv -> pv.field
                                if (instantiateStoreConstraint(qn, objn, pts, (pcons.code << 8) | i))
                            case Constants.LOAD_CONS:
                                // Load, pv.field -> qv
                                if (instantiateLoadConstraint(objn, qn, pts, (pcons.code << 8) | i))
                        pts =;
    if (flowto.size() == 0)
    // Next, we process the assignments (e.g. p = q)
    for (Map.Entry<FullSensitiveNode, GeometricManager> entry1 : flowto.entrySet()) {
        added = false;
        qn = entry1.getKey();
        gm1 = entry1.getValue();
        entry_pe = gm1.getFigures();
        // We have new flow-to edges
        if (gm1.isThereUnprocessedFigures()) {
            // Second, we get the points-to shapes
            for (Map.Entry<AllocNode, GeometricManager> entry2 : pt_objs.entrySet()) {
                obj = entry2.getKey();
                gm2 = entry2.getValue();
                // Avoid the garbage
                if (gm2 == deadManager)
                // Type filtering and flow-to-this filtering, a simple approach
                if (!ptAnalyzer.castNeverFails(obj.getType(), qn.getType()))
                entry_pts = gm2.getFigures();
                hasNewPointsTo = gm2.isThereUnprocessedFigures();
                // We pair up all the geometric points-to tuples and flow edges
                for (j = 0; j < GeometricManager.Divisions; ++j) {
                    pe = entry_pe[j];
                    while (pe != null) {
                        if (pe.is_new == false && hasNewPointsTo == false)
                        for (i = 0; i < GeometricManager.Divisions; ++i) {
                            pts = entry_pts[i];
                            while (pts != null && (pts.is_new || pe.is_new)) {
                                // Propagate this object
                                if (reasonAndPropagate(qn, obj, pts, pe, (i << 8) | j))
                                    added = true;
                                pts =;
                        pe =;
        } else {
            for (Map.Entry<AllocNode, GeometricManager> entry2 : new_pts.entrySet()) {
                obj = entry2.getKey();
                gm2 = entry2.getValue();
                // Avoid the garbage
                if (gm2 == deadManager)
                // Type filtering and flow-to-this filtering, a simple approach
                if (!ptAnalyzer.castNeverFails(obj.getType(), qn.getType()))
                entry_pts = gm2.getFigures();
                // We pair up all the geometric points-to tuples and flow edges
                for (i = 0; i < GeometricManager.Divisions; ++i) {
                    pts = entry_pts[i];
                    while (pts != null && pts.is_new == true) {
                        for (j = 0; j < GeometricManager.Divisions; ++j) {
                            pe = entry_pe[j];
                            while (pe != null) {
                                // Propagate this object
                                if (reasonAndPropagate(qn, obj, pts, pe, (i << 8) | j))
                                    added = true;
                                pe =;
                        pts =;
        if (added)
// System.err.println();
Also used : AllocNode(soot.jimple.spark.pag.AllocNode) PlainConstraint(soot.jimple.spark.geom.dataRep.PlainConstraint) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) PlainConstraint(soot.jimple.spark.geom.dataRep.PlainConstraint) SegmentNode(soot.jimple.spark.geom.dataRep.SegmentNode)


AllocNode (soot.jimple.spark.pag.AllocNode)67 Node (soot.jimple.spark.pag.Node)37 VarNode (soot.jimple.spark.pag.VarNode)36 LocalVarNode (soot.jimple.spark.pag.LocalVarNode)28 PointsToSetInternal (soot.jimple.spark.sets.PointsToSetInternal)25 FieldRefNode (soot.jimple.spark.pag.FieldRefNode)22 P2SetVisitor (soot.jimple.spark.sets.P2SetVisitor)19 PlainConstraint (soot.jimple.spark.geom.dataRep.PlainConstraint)18 SegmentNode (soot.jimple.spark.geom.dataRep.SegmentNode)18 SootMethod (soot.SootMethod)17 ClassConstantNode (soot.jimple.spark.pag.ClassConstantNode)17 SparkField (soot.jimple.spark.pag.SparkField)16 RefType (soot.RefType)14 Type (soot.Type)13 AllocDotField (soot.jimple.spark.pag.AllocDotField)13 NewInstanceNode (soot.jimple.spark.pag.NewInstanceNode)11 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)10 GlobalVarNode (soot.jimple.spark.pag.GlobalVarNode)10 StringConstantNode (soot.jimple.spark.pag.StringConstantNode)10 SootClass (soot.SootClass)9