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Example 16 with ExceptionalUnitGraph

use of soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph in project soot by Sable.

the class MyMain method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    PackManager.v().getPack("jtp").add(new Transform("jtp.myTransform", new BodyTransformer() {

        protected void internalTransform(Body body, String phase, Map options) {
            new MyAnalysis(new ExceptionalUnitGraph(body));
            // use G.v().out instead of System.out so that Soot can
            // redirect this output to the Eclipse console
Also used : ExceptionalUnitGraph(soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph) BodyTransformer(soot.BodyTransformer) Transform(soot.Transform) Body(soot.Body) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 17 with ExceptionalUnitGraph

use of soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph in project soot by Sable.

the class DexNullArrayRefTransformer method internalTransform.

protected void internalTransform(final Body body, String phaseName, Map<String, String> options) {
    final ExceptionalUnitGraph g = new ExceptionalUnitGraph(body, DalvikThrowAnalysis.v());
    final LocalDefs defs = LocalDefs.Factory.newLocalDefs(g);
    final LocalCreation lc = new LocalCreation(body.getLocals(), "ex");
    boolean changed = false;
    for (Iterator<Unit> unitIt = body.getUnits().snapshotIterator(); unitIt.hasNext(); ) {
        Stmt s = (Stmt);
        if (s.containsArrayRef()) {
            // Check array reference
            Value base = s.getArrayRef().getBase();
            if (isAlwaysNullBefore(s, (Local) base, defs)) {
                createThrowStmt(body, s, lc);
                changed = true;
        } else if (s instanceof AssignStmt) {
            AssignStmt ass = (AssignStmt) s;
            Value rightOp = ass.getRightOp();
            if (rightOp instanceof LengthExpr) {
                // Check lengthof expression
                LengthExpr l = (LengthExpr) ass.getRightOp();
                Value base = l.getOp();
                if (base instanceof IntConstant) {
                    IntConstant ic = (IntConstant) base;
                    if (ic.value == 0) {
                        createThrowStmt(body, s, lc);
                        changed = true;
                } else if (base == NullConstant.v() || isAlwaysNullBefore(s, (Local) base, defs)) {
                    createThrowStmt(body, s, lc);
                    changed = true;
    if (changed)
Also used : ExceptionalUnitGraph(soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph) LocalCreation(soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar.LocalCreation) AssignStmt(soot.jimple.AssignStmt) LengthExpr(soot.jimple.LengthExpr) Value(soot.Value) IntConstant(soot.jimple.IntConstant) Local(soot.Local) Unit(soot.Unit) LocalDefs(soot.toolkits.scalar.LocalDefs) Stmt(soot.jimple.Stmt) AssignStmt(soot.jimple.AssignStmt) DefinitionStmt(soot.jimple.DefinitionStmt)

Example 18 with ExceptionalUnitGraph

use of soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph in project soot by Sable.

the class DexReturnValuePropagator method internalTransform.

protected void internalTransform(Body body, String phaseName, Map<String, String> options) {
    ExceptionalUnitGraph graph = new ExceptionalUnitGraph(body, DalvikThrowAnalysis.v(), true);
    LocalDefs localDefs = LocalDefs.Factory.newLocalDefs(graph);
    LocalUses localUses = null;
    LocalCreation localCreation = null;
    // a copy statement, we take the original operand
    for (Unit u : body.getUnits()) if (u instanceof ReturnStmt) {
        ReturnStmt retStmt = (ReturnStmt) u;
        if (retStmt.getOp() instanceof Local) {
            List<Unit> defs = localDefs.getDefsOfAt((Local) retStmt.getOp(), retStmt);
            if (defs.size() == 1 && defs.get(0) instanceof AssignStmt) {
                AssignStmt assign = (AssignStmt) defs.get(0);
                final Value rightOp = assign.getRightOp();
                final Value leftOp = assign.getLeftOp();
                // Copy over the left side if it is a local
                if (rightOp instanceof Local) {
                    // to return a;
                    if (!isRedefined((Local) rightOp, u, assign, graph))
                } else if (rightOp instanceof Constant) {
                } else // we rename the local to help splitting
                if (rightOp instanceof FieldRef) {
                    if (localUses == null)
                        localUses = LocalUses.Factory.newLocalUses(body, localDefs);
                    if (localUses.getUsesOf(assign).size() == 1) {
                        if (localCreation == null)
                            localCreation = new LocalCreation(body.getLocals(), "ret");
                        Local newLocal = localCreation.newLocal(leftOp.getType());
Also used : ExceptionalUnitGraph(soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph) FieldRef(soot.jimple.FieldRef) LocalCreation(soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar.LocalCreation) AssignStmt(soot.jimple.AssignStmt) Constant(soot.jimple.Constant) Value(soot.Value) Local(soot.Local) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) LocalUses(soot.toolkits.scalar.LocalUses) Unit(soot.Unit) LocalDefs(soot.toolkits.scalar.LocalDefs) ReturnStmt(soot.jimple.ReturnStmt)

Example 19 with ExceptionalUnitGraph

use of soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph in project soot by Sable.

the class TrapMinimizer method internalTransform.

protected void internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map<String, String> options) {
    // If we have less then two traps, there's nothing to do here
    if (b.getTraps().size() == 0)
    ExceptionalUnitGraph eug = new ExceptionalUnitGraph(b, DalvikThrowAnalysis.v(), Options.v().omit_excepting_unit_edges());
    Set<Unit> unitsWithMonitor = getUnitsWithMonitor(eug);
    Map<Trap, List<Trap>> replaceTrapBy = new HashMap<Trap, List<Trap>>(b.getTraps().size());
    boolean updateTrap = false;
    for (Trap tr : b.getTraps()) {
        // will contain the new
        List<Trap> newTraps = new ArrayList<Trap>();
        // traps
        // points to the first unit
        Unit firstTrapStmt = tr.getBeginUnit();
        // in the trap
        // true if there is an edge from the
        boolean goesToHandler = false;
        // unit to the handler of the
        // current trap
        updateTrap = false;
        for (Unit u = tr.getBeginUnit(); u != tr.getEndUnit(); u = b.getUnits().getSuccOf(u)) {
            if (goesToHandler) {
                goesToHandler = false;
            } else {
                // if the previous unit has no exceptional edge to the
                // handler,
                // update firstTrapStmt to point to the current unit
                firstTrapStmt = u;
            // active monitor, we need to keep the block
            if (tr.getException().getName().equals("java.lang.Throwable") && unitsWithMonitor.contains(u))
                goesToHandler = true;
            // handler
            if (!goesToHandler)
                if (DalvikThrowAnalysis.v().mightThrow(u).catchableAs(tr.getException().getType())) {
                    // to be inside the new minimized catch block.
                    for (ExceptionDest<Unit> ed : eug.getExceptionDests(u)) {
                        if (ed.getTrap() == tr) {
                            goesToHandler = true;
            if (!goesToHandler) {
                // if the current unit does not have an edge to the current
                // trap's handler,
                // add a new trap starting at firstTrapStmt ending at the
                // unit before the
                // current unit 'u'.
                updateTrap = true;
                if (// do not add an empty trap, but set
                firstTrapStmt == u)
                    // updateTrap to true
                Trap t = Jimple.v().newTrap(tr.getException(), firstTrapStmt, u, tr.getHandlerUnit());
            } else {
                // next unit is outside the current trap.
                if (b.getUnits().getSuccOf(u) == tr.getEndUnit() && updateTrap) {
                    Trap t = Jimple.v().newTrap(tr.getException(), firstTrapStmt, tr.getEndUnit(), tr.getHandlerUnit());
        // cannot throw any exceptions)
        if (updateTrap) {
            replaceTrapBy.put(tr, newTraps);
    // replace traps where necessary
    for (Trap k : replaceTrapBy.keySet()) {
        // we must keep
        b.getTraps().insertAfter(replaceTrapBy.get(k), k);
        // the order
Also used : ExceptionalUnitGraph(soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph) ExceptionDest(soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalGraph.ExceptionDest) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Trap(soot.Trap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) Unit(soot.Unit)

Example 20 with ExceptionalUnitGraph

use of soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph in project soot by Sable.

the class RemoveRedundantPushStores method internalTransform.

protected void internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map<String, String> options) {
    // removes all redundant load-stores
    boolean changed = true;
    PatchingChain<Unit> units = b.getUnits();
    while (changed) {
        changed = false;
        Unit prevprevprev = null, prevprev = null, prev = null;
        ExceptionalUnitGraph eug = new ExceptionalUnitGraph(b);
        Iterator<Unit> it = units.snapshotIterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Unit u =;
            if (prev != null && prev instanceof PushInst && u instanceof StoreInst) {
                if (prevprev != null && prevprev instanceof StoreInst && prevprevprev != null && prevprevprev instanceof PushInst) {
                    Local lprev = ((StoreInst) prevprev).getLocal();
                    Local l = ((StoreInst) u).getLocal();
                    if (l == lprev && eug.getSuccsOf(prevprevprev).size() == 1 && eug.getSuccsOf(prevprev).size() == 1) {
                        fixJumps(prevprevprev, prev, b.getTraps());
                        fixJumps(prevprev, u, b.getTraps());
                        changed = true;
            prevprevprev = prevprev;
            prevprev = prev;
            prev = u;
// end while changes have been made
Also used : ExceptionalUnitGraph(soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph)


ExceptionalUnitGraph (soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph)22 Unit (soot.Unit)14 Local (soot.Local)10 List (java.util.List)8 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 Value (soot.Value)7 Stmt (soot.jimple.Stmt)6 ValueBox (soot.ValueBox)5 AssignStmt (soot.jimple.AssignStmt)5 Trap (soot.Trap)4 DefinitionStmt (soot.jimple.DefinitionStmt)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)3 NullConstant (soot.jimple.NullConstant)3 UnitGraph (soot.toolkits.graph.UnitGraph)3 LocalDefs (soot.toolkits.scalar.LocalDefs)3 BitSet (java.util.BitSet)2 Body (soot.Body)2 NormalUnitPrinter (soot.NormalUnitPrinter)2