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Example 1 with UnitValueBoxPair

use of soot.toolkits.scalar.UnitValueBoxPair in project soot by Sable.

the class DeadAssignmentEliminator method internalTransform.

 * Eliminates dead code in a linear fashion.  Complexity is linear
 * with respect to the statements.
 * Does not work on grimp code because of the check on the right hand
 * side for side effects.
protected void internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map<String, String> options) {
    boolean eliminateOnlyStackLocals = PhaseOptions.getBoolean(options, "only-stack-locals");
    final Options soptions = Options.v();
    if (soptions.verbose()) {
        logger.debug("[" + b.getMethod().getName() + "] Eliminating dead code...");
    if (soptions.time()) {
    Chain<Unit> units = b.getUnits();
    Deque<Unit> q = new ArrayDeque<Unit>(units.size());
    // Make a first pass through the statements, noting
    // the statements we must absolutely keep.
    boolean isStatic = b.getMethod().isStatic();
    boolean allEssential = true;
    boolean checkInvoke = false;
    Local thisLocal = null;
    for (Iterator<Unit> it = units.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        Unit s =;
        boolean isEssential = true;
        if (s instanceof NopStmt) {
            // Hack: do not remove nop if is is used for a Trap
            // which is at the very end of the code.
            boolean removeNop = it.hasNext();
            if (!removeNop) {
                removeNop = true;
                for (Trap t : b.getTraps()) {
                    if (t.getEndUnit() == s) {
                        removeNop = false;
            if (removeNop) {
        } else if (s instanceof AssignStmt) {
            AssignStmt as = (AssignStmt) s;
            Value lhs = as.getLeftOp();
            Value rhs = as.getRightOp();
            // Stmt is of the form a = a which is useless
            if (lhs == rhs && lhs instanceof Local) {
            if (lhs instanceof Local && (!eliminateOnlyStackLocals || ((Local) lhs).getName().startsWith("$") || lhs.getType() instanceof NullType)) {
                isEssential = false;
                if (!checkInvoke) {
                    checkInvoke = as.containsInvokeExpr();
                if (rhs instanceof CastExpr) {
                    // CastExpr          : can trigger ClassCastException, but null-casts never fail
                    CastExpr ce = (CastExpr) rhs;
                    Type t = ce.getCastType();
                    Value v = ce.getOp();
                    isEssential = !(v instanceof NullConstant && t instanceof RefType);
                } else if (rhs instanceof InvokeExpr || rhs instanceof ArrayRef || rhs instanceof NewExpr || rhs instanceof NewArrayExpr || rhs instanceof NewMultiArrayExpr) {
                    // ArrayRef          : can have side effects (like throwing a null pointer exception)
                    // InvokeExpr        : can have side effects (like throwing a null pointer exception)
                    // NewArrayExpr      : can throw exception
                    // NewMultiArrayExpr : can throw exception
                    // NewExpr           : can trigger class initialization
                    isEssential = true;
                } else if (rhs instanceof FieldRef) {
                    // Can trigger class initialization
                    isEssential = true;
                    if (rhs instanceof InstanceFieldRef) {
                        InstanceFieldRef ifr = (InstanceFieldRef) rhs;
                        if (!isStatic && thisLocal == null) {
                            thisLocal = b.getThisLocal();
                        // Any InstanceFieldRef may have side effects,
                        // unless the base is reading from 'this'
                        // in a non-static method
                        isEssential = (isStatic || thisLocal != ifr.getBase());
                } else if (rhs instanceof DivExpr || rhs instanceof RemExpr) {
                    BinopExpr expr = (BinopExpr) rhs;
                    Type t1 = expr.getOp1().getType();
                    Type t2 = expr.getOp2().getType();
                    // Can trigger a division by zero
                    boolean t2Int = t2 instanceof IntType;
                    isEssential = t2Int || t1 instanceof IntType || t1 instanceof LongType || t2 instanceof LongType || t1 instanceof UnknownType || t2 instanceof UnknownType;
                    if (isEssential && t2Int) {
                        Value v = expr.getOp2();
                        if (v instanceof IntConstant) {
                            IntConstant i = (IntConstant) v;
                            isEssential = (i.value == 0);
                        } else
                            // could be 0, we don't know
                            isEssential = true;
                    if (isEssential && t2 instanceof LongType) {
                        Value v = expr.getOp2();
                        if (v instanceof LongConstant) {
                            LongConstant l = (LongConstant) v;
                            isEssential = (l.value == 0);
                        } else
                            // could be 0, we don't know
                            isEssential = true;
        if (isEssential) {
        allEssential &= isEssential;
    if (checkInvoke || !allEssential) {
        // Add all the statements which are used to compute values
        // for the essential statements, recursively
        final LocalDefs localDefs = LocalDefs.Factory.newLocalDefs(b);
        if (!allEssential) {
            Set<Unit> essential = new HashSet<Unit>(b.getUnits().size());
            while (!q.isEmpty()) {
                Unit s = q.removeFirst();
                if (essential.add(s)) {
                    for (ValueBox box : s.getUseBoxes()) {
                        Value v = box.getValue();
                        if (v instanceof Local) {
                            Local l = (Local) v;
                            List<Unit> defs = localDefs.getDefsOfAt(l, s);
                            if (defs != null)
            // Remove the dead statements
        if (checkInvoke) {
            final LocalUses localUses = LocalUses.Factory.newLocalUses(b, localDefs);
            // Eliminate dead assignments from invokes such as x = f(), where
            // x is no longer used
            List<AssignStmt> postProcess = new ArrayList<AssignStmt>();
            for (Unit u : units) {
                if (u instanceof AssignStmt) {
                    AssignStmt s = (AssignStmt) u;
                    if (s.containsInvokeExpr()) {
                        // Just find one use of l which is essential
                        boolean deadAssignment = true;
                        for (UnitValueBoxPair pair : localUses.getUsesOf(s)) {
                            if (units.contains(pair.unit)) {
                                deadAssignment = false;
                        if (deadAssignment) {
            final Jimple jimple = Jimple.v();
            for (AssignStmt s : postProcess) {
                // Transform it into a simple invoke.
                Stmt newInvoke = jimple.newInvokeStmt(s.getInvokeExpr());
                units.swapWith(s, newInvoke);
                // If we have a callgraph, we need to fix it
                if (Scene.v().hasCallGraph())
                    Scene.v().getCallGraph().swapEdgesOutOf(s, newInvoke);
    if (soptions.time()) {
Also used : Options(soot.options.Options) PhaseOptions(soot.PhaseOptions) LongType(soot.LongType) AssignStmt(soot.jimple.AssignStmt) NewMultiArrayExpr(soot.jimple.NewMultiArrayExpr) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Unit(soot.Unit) IntType(soot.IntType) NopStmt(soot.jimple.NopStmt) AssignStmt(soot.jimple.AssignStmt) Stmt(soot.jimple.Stmt) RefType(soot.RefType) ArrayRef(soot.jimple.ArrayRef) InvokeExpr(soot.jimple.InvokeExpr) CastExpr(soot.jimple.CastExpr) InstanceFieldRef(soot.jimple.InstanceFieldRef) IntConstant(soot.jimple.IntConstant) UnitValueBoxPair(soot.toolkits.scalar.UnitValueBoxPair) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LongConstant(soot.jimple.LongConstant) FieldRef(soot.jimple.FieldRef) InstanceFieldRef(soot.jimple.InstanceFieldRef) Local(soot.Local) NullConstant(soot.jimple.NullConstant) Trap(soot.Trap) LocalUses(soot.toolkits.scalar.LocalUses) LocalDefs(soot.toolkits.scalar.LocalDefs) ArrayDeque(java.util.ArrayDeque) UnknownType(soot.UnknownType) RefType(soot.RefType) Type(soot.Type) UnknownType(soot.UnknownType) IntType(soot.IntType) LongType(soot.LongType) NullType(soot.NullType) DivExpr(soot.jimple.DivExpr) NewArrayExpr(soot.jimple.NewArrayExpr) NopStmt(soot.jimple.NopStmt) RemExpr(soot.jimple.RemExpr) ValueBox(soot.ValueBox) Value(soot.Value) NewExpr(soot.jimple.NewExpr) Jimple(soot.jimple.Jimple) NullType(soot.NullType) BinopExpr(soot.jimple.BinopExpr)

Example 2 with UnitValueBoxPair

use of soot.toolkits.scalar.UnitValueBoxPair in project soot by Sable.

the class DalvikTyper method assignType.

public void assignType(final Body b) {
    // Debug.printDbg("assignTypes: before: \n", b);
    final Set<Unit> todoUnits = new HashSet<Unit>();
    // put constraints:
    for (Unit u : b.getUnits()) {
        StmtSwitch ss = new StmtSwitch() {

            public void caseBreakpointStmt(BreakpointStmt stmt) {
            // nothing

            public void caseInvokeStmt(InvokeStmt stmt) {
                // add constraint

            public void caseAssignStmt(AssignStmt stmt) {
                // add constraint
                Value l = stmt.getLeftOp();
                Value r = stmt.getRightOp();
                // size in new array expression is of tye integer
                if (r instanceof NewArrayExpr) {
                    NewArrayExpr nae = (NewArrayExpr) r;
                    ValueBox sb = nae.getSizeBox();
                    if (sb.getValue() instanceof Local) {
                        DalvikTyper.v().setType(sb, IntType.v(), true);
                // array index is of type integer
                if (stmt.containsArrayRef()) {
                    ArrayRef ar = stmt.getArrayRef();
                    ValueBox sb = ar.getIndexBox();
                    if (sb.getValue() instanceof Local) {
                        DalvikTyper.v().setType(sb, IntType.v(), true);
                if (l instanceof Local && r instanceof Local) {
                    DalvikTyper.v().addConstraint(stmt.getLeftOpBox(), stmt.getRightOpBox());
                if (stmt.containsInvokeExpr()) {
                if (r instanceof Local) {
                    // l NOT local
                    Type leftType = stmt.getLeftOp().getType();
                    if (l instanceof ArrayRef && leftType instanceof UnknownType) {
                        // find type later
                    DalvikTyper.v().setType(stmt.getRightOpBox(), leftType, true);
                if (l instanceof Local) {
                    if (r instanceof UntypedConstant)
                    for (Tag t : stmt.getTags()) {
                        if (r instanceof CastExpr) {
                            // do not check tag, since the tag is for the operand of the cast
                        // Debug.printDbg("assign stmt tag: ", stmt, t);
                        if (t instanceof IntOpTag) {
                            checkExpr(r, IntType.v());
                            DalvikTyper.v().setType(stmt.getLeftOpBox(), IntType.v(), false);
                        } else if (t instanceof FloatOpTag) {
                            checkExpr(r, FloatType.v());
                            DalvikTyper.v().setType(stmt.getLeftOpBox(), FloatType.v(), false);
                        } else if (t instanceof DoubleOpTag) {
                            checkExpr(r, DoubleType.v());
                            DalvikTyper.v().setType(stmt.getLeftOpBox(), DoubleType.v(), false);
                        } else if (t instanceof LongOpTag) {
                            checkExpr(r, LongType.v());
                            DalvikTyper.v().setType(stmt.getLeftOpBox(), LongType.v(), false);
                    Type rightType = stmt.getRightOp().getType();
                    if (r instanceof ArrayRef && rightType instanceof UnknownType) {
                        // find type later
                    } else if (r instanceof CastExpr) {
                        CastExpr ce = (CastExpr) r;
                        Type castType = ce.getCastType();
                        if (castType instanceof PrimType) {
                            // check incoming primitive type
                            for (Tag t : stmt.getTags()) {
                                // Debug.printDbg("assign primitive type from stmt tag: ", stmt, t);
                                if (t instanceof IntOpTag) {
                                    DalvikTyper.v().setType(ce.getOpBox(), IntType.v(), false);
                                } else if (t instanceof FloatOpTag) {
                                    DalvikTyper.v().setType(ce.getOpBox(), FloatType.v(), false);
                                } else if (t instanceof DoubleOpTag) {
                                    DalvikTyper.v().setType(ce.getOpBox(), DoubleType.v(), false);
                                } else if (t instanceof LongOpTag) {
                                    DalvikTyper.v().setType(ce.getOpBox(), LongType.v(), false);
                        } else {
                            // incoming type is object
                            DalvikTyper.v().setType(ce.getOpBox(), RefType.v("java.lang.Object"), false);
                    DalvikTyper.v().setType(stmt.getLeftOpBox(), rightType, false);

            public void caseIdentityStmt(IdentityStmt stmt) {
                DalvikTyper.v().setType(stmt.getLeftOpBox(), stmt.getRightOp().getType(), false);

            public void caseEnterMonitorStmt(EnterMonitorStmt stmt) {
                // add constraint
                DalvikTyper.v().setType(stmt.getOpBox(), RefType.v("java.lang.Object"), true);

            public void caseExitMonitorStmt(ExitMonitorStmt stmt) {
                // add constraint
                DalvikTyper.v().setType(stmt.getOpBox(), RefType.v("java.lang.Object"), true);

            public void caseGotoStmt(GotoStmt stmt) {
            // nothing

            public void caseIfStmt(IfStmt stmt) {
                // add constraint
                Value c = stmt.getCondition();
                if (c instanceof BinopExpr) {
                    BinopExpr bo = (BinopExpr) c;
                    Value op1 = bo.getOp1();
                    Value op2 = bo.getOp2();
                    if (op1 instanceof Local && op2 instanceof Local) {
                        DalvikTyper.v().addConstraint(bo.getOp1Box(), bo.getOp2Box());

            public void caseLookupSwitchStmt(LookupSwitchStmt stmt) {
                // add constraint
                DalvikTyper.v().setType(stmt.getKeyBox(), IntType.v(), true);

            public void caseNopStmt(NopStmt stmt) {
            // nothing

            public void caseRetStmt(RetStmt stmt) {
            // nothing

            public void caseReturnStmt(ReturnStmt stmt) {
                // add constraint
                DalvikTyper.v().setType(stmt.getOpBox(), b.getMethod().getReturnType(), true);

            public void caseReturnVoidStmt(ReturnVoidStmt stmt) {
            // nothing

            public void caseTableSwitchStmt(TableSwitchStmt stmt) {
                // add constraint
                DalvikTyper.v().setType(stmt.getKeyBox(), IntType.v(), true);

            public void caseThrowStmt(ThrowStmt stmt) {
                // add constraint
                DalvikTyper.v().setType(stmt.getOpBox(), RefType.v("java.lang.Object"), true);

            public void defaultCase(Object obj) {
                throw new RuntimeException("error: unknown statement: " + obj);
    // < void a(android.os.Bundle,java.lang.String,java.lang.Object)>
    if (!todoUnits.isEmpty()) {
        // propagate array types
        UnitGraph ug = new ExceptionalUnitGraph(b);
        SimpleLocalDefs sld = new SimpleLocalDefs(ug);
        SimpleLocalUses slu = new SimpleLocalUses(b, sld);
        for (Unit u : b.getUnits()) {
            if (u instanceof DefinitionStmt) {
                // Debug.printDbg("U: ", u);
                DefinitionStmt ass = (DefinitionStmt) u;
                Value r = ass.getRightOp();
                if (r instanceof UntypedConstant)
                Type rType = r.getType();
                if (rType instanceof ArrayType && ass.getLeftOp() instanceof Local) {
                    // Debug.printDbg("propagate-array: checking ", u);
                    // propagate array type through aliases
                    Set<Unit> done = new HashSet<Unit>();
                    Set<DefinitionStmt> toDo = new HashSet<DefinitionStmt>();
                    while (!toDo.isEmpty()) {
                        DefinitionStmt currentUnit = toDo.iterator().next();
                        if (done.contains(currentUnit)) {
                        for (UnitValueBoxPair uvbp : slu.getUsesOf(currentUnit)) {
                            Unit use = uvbp.unit;
                            Value l2 = null;
                            Value r2 = null;
                            if (use instanceof AssignStmt) {
                                AssignStmt ass2 = (AssignStmt) use;
                                l2 = ass2.getLeftOp();
                                r2 = ass2.getRightOp();
                                if (!(l2 instanceof Local) || !(r2 instanceof Local || r2 instanceof ArrayRef)) {
                                    // Debug.printDbg("propagate-array: skipping ", use);
                                Type newType = null;
                                if (r2 instanceof Local) {
                                    List<LocalObj> lobjs = local2Obj.get(r2);
                                    newType = lobjs.get(0).t;
                                } else if (r2 instanceof ArrayRef) {
                                    ArrayRef ar = (ArrayRef) r2;
                                    // skip if use is in index
                                    if (ar.getIndex() == currentUnit.getLeftOp()) {
                                        // Debug.printDbg("skipping since local is used as index...");
                                    Local arBase = (Local) ar.getBase();
                                    List<LocalObj> lobjs = local2Obj.get(arBase);
                                    Type baseT = lobjs.get(0).t;
                                    if (baseT.toString().equals(("java.lang.Object"))) {
                                        // look for an array type, because an TTT[] is also an Object...
                                        ArrayType aTypeOtherThanObject = null;
                                        for (LocalObj lo : local2Obj.get(arBase)) {
                                            if (lo.t instanceof ArrayType) {
                                                aTypeOtherThanObject = (ArrayType) lo.t;
                                        if (aTypeOtherThanObject == null) {
                                            throw new RuntimeException("error: did not found array type for base " + arBase + " " + local2Obj.get(arBase) + " \n " + b);
                                        baseT = aTypeOtherThanObject;
                                    ArrayType at = (ArrayType) baseT;
                                    newType = at.getElementType();
                                } else {
                                    throw new RuntimeException("error: expected Local or ArrayRef. Got " + r2);
                                toDo.add((DefinitionStmt) use);
                                DalvikTyper.v().setType(ass2.getLeftOpBox(), newType, true);
        for (Unit u : todoUnits) {
        // Debug.printDbg("todo unit: ", u);
        while (!todoUnits.isEmpty()) {
            Unit u = todoUnits.iterator().next();
            if (!(u instanceof AssignStmt)) {
                throw new RuntimeException("error: expecting assign stmt. Got " + u);
            AssignStmt ass = (AssignStmt) u;
            Value l = ass.getLeftOp();
            Value r = ass.getRightOp();
            ArrayRef ar = null;
            Local loc = null;
            if (l instanceof ArrayRef) {
                ar = (ArrayRef) l;
                loc = (Local) r;
            } else if (r instanceof ArrayRef) {
                ar = (ArrayRef) r;
                loc = (Local) l;
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("error: expecting an array ref. Got " + u);
            Local baselocal = (Local) ar.getBase();
            if (!local2Obj.containsKey(baselocal)) {
                // Debug.printDbg("b: ", b.getMethod(), " \n", b);
                throw new RuntimeException("oups");
            Type baseT = local2Obj.get(baselocal).get(0).t;
            if (baseT.toString().equals(("java.lang.Object"))) {
                // look for an array type, because an TTT[] is also an Object...
                ArrayType aTypeOtherThanObject = null;
                for (LocalObj lo : local2Obj.get(baselocal)) {
                    if (lo.t instanceof ArrayType) {
                        aTypeOtherThanObject = (ArrayType) lo.t;
                if (aTypeOtherThanObject == null) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("did not found array type for base " + baselocal + " " + local2Obj.get(baselocal) + " \n " + b);
                baseT = aTypeOtherThanObject;
            ArrayType basetype = (ArrayType) baseT;
            // Debug.printDbg("v: ", ar, " base:", ar.getBase(), " base type: ", basetype, " type: ", ar.getType());
            Type t = basetype.getElementType();
            if (t instanceof UnknownType) {
            } else {
                DalvikTyper.v().setType(ar == l ? ass.getRightOpBox() : ass.getLeftOpBox(), t, true);
    // throw new RuntimeException("ouppppp");
    // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "list of constraints:");
    List<ValueBox> vbList = b.getUseAndDefBoxes();
    // clear constraints after local splitting and dead code eliminator
    List<Constraint> toRemove = new ArrayList<Constraint>();
    for (Constraint c : constraints) {
        if (!vbList.contains(c.l)) {
            // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "warning: ", c.l, " not in locals! removing...");
        if (!vbList.contains(c.r)) {
            // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "warning: ", c.r, " not in locals! removing...");
    for (Constraint c : toRemove) constraints.remove(c);
    // keep only valid locals
    for (LocalObj lo : localObjList) {
        if (!vbList.contains(lo.vb)) {
            // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "  -- removing vb: ", lo.vb, " with type ", lo.t);
        Local l = lo.getLocal();
        Type t = lo.t;
        if (localTemp.contains(l) && lo.isUse) {
        // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "  /!\\ def already added for local ", l, "! for vb: ", lo.vb);
        } else {
            // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "  * add type ", t, " to local ", l, " for vb: ", lo.vb);
            typed.put(lo.vb, t);
    for (ValueBox vb : typed.keySet()) {
        if (vb.getValue() instanceof Local) {
            Local l = (Local) vb.getValue();
            localTyped.put(l, typed.get(vb));
    for (Constraint c : constraints) // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "  -> constraint: ", c);
    for (ValueBox vb : typed.keySet()) {
    // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "    typed: ", vb, " -> ", typed.get(vb));
    for (Local l : localTyped.keySet()) {
    // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "    localTyped: ", l, " -> ", localTyped.get(l));
    while (!constraints.isEmpty()) {
        boolean update = false;
        for (Constraint c : constraints) {
            // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "current constraint: ", c);
            Value l = c.l.getValue();
            Value r = c.r.getValue();
            if (l instanceof Local && r instanceof Constant) {
                Constant cst = (Constant) r;
                if (!localTyped.containsKey(l))
                Type lt = localTyped.get(l);
                // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "would like to set type ", lt, " to constant: ", c);
                Value newValue = null;
                if (lt instanceof IntType || lt instanceof BooleanType || lt instanceof ShortType || lt instanceof CharType || lt instanceof ByteType) {
                    UntypedIntOrFloatConstant uf = (UntypedIntOrFloatConstant) cst;
                    newValue = uf.toIntConstant();
                } else if (lt instanceof FloatType) {
                    UntypedIntOrFloatConstant uf = (UntypedIntOrFloatConstant) cst;
                    newValue = uf.toFloatConstant();
                } else if (lt instanceof DoubleType) {
                    UntypedLongOrDoubleConstant ud = (UntypedLongOrDoubleConstant) cst;
                    newValue = ud.toDoubleConstant();
                } else if (lt instanceof LongType) {
                    UntypedLongOrDoubleConstant ud = (UntypedLongOrDoubleConstant) cst;
                    newValue = ud.toLongConstant();
                } else {
                    if (cst instanceof UntypedIntOrFloatConstant && ((UntypedIntOrFloatConstant) cst).value == 0) {
                        newValue = NullConstant.v();
                    // Debug.printDbg("new null constant for constraint ", c, " with l type: ", localTyped.get(l));
                    } else {
                        throw new RuntimeException("unknow type for constance: " + lt);
                // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "remove constraint: ", c);
                update = true;
            } else if (l instanceof Local && r instanceof Local) {
                Local leftLocal = (Local) l;
                Local rightLocal = (Local) r;
                if (localTyped.containsKey(leftLocal)) {
                    Type leftLocalType = localTyped.get(leftLocal);
                    if (!localTyped.containsKey(rightLocal)) {
                        // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "set type ", leftLocalType, " to local ", rightLocal);
                        setLocalTyped(rightLocal, leftLocalType);
                    // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "remove constraint: ", c);
                    update = true;
                } else if (localTyped.containsKey(rightLocal)) {
                    Type rightLocalType = localTyped.get(rightLocal);
                    if (!localTyped.containsKey(leftLocal)) {
                        // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "set type ", rightLocalType, " to local ", leftLocal);
                        setLocalTyped(leftLocal, rightLocalType);
                    // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "remove constraint: ", c);
                    update = true;
            } else if (l instanceof ArrayRef && r instanceof Local) {
                Local rightLocal = (Local) r;
                ArrayRef ar = (ArrayRef) l;
                Local base = (Local) ar.getBase();
                // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "index: ", ar.getIndex());
                if (localTyped.containsKey(base)) {
                    Type t = localTyped.get(base);
                    // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "type of local1: ", t, " ", t.getClass());
                    Type elementType = null;
                    if (t instanceof ArrayType) {
                        ArrayType at = (ArrayType) t;
                        elementType = at.getArrayElementType();
                    } else {
                    if (!localTyped.containsKey(rightLocal)) {
                        // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "set type ", elementType, " to local ", r);
                        setLocalTyped(rightLocal, elementType);
                    // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "remove constraint: ", c);
                    update = true;
            } else if (l instanceof Local && r instanceof ArrayRef) {
                Local leftLocal = (Local) l;
                ArrayRef ar = (ArrayRef) r;
                Local base = (Local) ar.getBase();
                if (localTyped.containsKey(base)) {
                    Type t = localTyped.get(base);
                    // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "type of local2: ", t, " ", t.getClass());
                    Type elementType = null;
                    if (t instanceof ArrayType) {
                        ArrayType at = (ArrayType) t;
                        elementType = at.getArrayElementType();
                    } else {
                    if (!localTyped.containsKey(leftLocal)) {
                        // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "set type ", elementType, " to local ", l);
                        setLocalTyped(leftLocal, elementType);
                    // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "remove constraint: ", c);
                    update = true;
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("error: do not handling this kind of constraint: " + c);
        if (!update)
    for (Unit u : b.getUnits()) {
        if (!(u instanceof AssignStmt))
        AssignStmt ass = (AssignStmt) u;
        if (!(ass.getLeftOp() instanceof Local))
        if (!(ass.getRightOp() instanceof UntypedConstant))
        UntypedConstant uc = (UntypedConstant) ass.getRightOp();
    for (Constraint c : constraints) {
        // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "current constraint: ", c);
        Value l = c.l.getValue();
        Value r = c.r.getValue();
        if (l instanceof Local && r instanceof Constant) {
            if (r instanceof UntypedIntOrFloatConstant) {
                UntypedIntOrFloatConstant cst = (UntypedIntOrFloatConstant) r;
                Value newValue = null;
                if (cst.value != 0) {
                    // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "[untyped constaints] set type int to non zero constant: ", c, " = ", cst.value);
                    newValue = cst.toIntConstant();
                } else {
                    // check if used in cast, just in case...
                    for (Unit u : b.getUnits()) {
                        for (ValueBox vb1 : u.getUseBoxes()) {
                            Value v1 = vb1.getValue();
                            if (v1 == l) {
                                // Debug.printDbg("local used in ", u);
                                if (u instanceof AssignStmt) {
                                    AssignStmt a = (AssignStmt) u;
                                    Value right = a.getRightOp();
                                    if (right instanceof CastExpr) {
                                        newValue = NullConstant.v();
                                    } else {
                                        newValue = cst.toIntConstant();
                                } else if (u instanceof IfStmt) {
                                    // TODO check this better
                                    newValue = cst.toIntConstant();
                if (newValue == null) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("error: no type found for local: " + l);
            } else if (r instanceof UntypedLongOrDoubleConstant) {
                // Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "[untyped constaints] set type long to constant: ", c);
                Value newValue = ((UntypedLongOrDoubleConstant) r).toLongConstant();
    // fix untypedconstants which have flown to an array index
    for (Unit u : b.getUnits()) {
        StmtSwitch sw = new StmtSwitch() {

            public void caseBreakpointStmt(BreakpointStmt stmt) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            public void caseInvokeStmt(InvokeStmt stmt) {

            public void caseAssignStmt(AssignStmt stmt) {
                if (stmt.getRightOp() instanceof NewArrayExpr) {
                    NewArrayExpr nae = (NewArrayExpr) stmt.getRightOp();
                    if (nae.getSize() instanceof UntypedConstant) {
                        UntypedIntOrFloatConstant uc = (UntypedIntOrFloatConstant) nae.getSize();
                } else if (stmt.getRightOp() instanceof UntypedConstant) {
                    UntypedConstant uc = (UntypedConstant) stmt.getRightOp();
                    Value l = stmt.getLeftOp();
                    Type lType = null;
                    if (l instanceof ArrayRef) {
                        ArrayRef ar = (ArrayRef) l;
                        Local baseLocal = (Local) ar.getBase();
                        ArrayType arrayType = (ArrayType) localTyped.get(baseLocal);
                        lType = arrayType.getElementType();
                    } else {
                        lType = l.getType();
                } else if (stmt.getRightOp() instanceof InvokeExpr) {
                    changeUntypedConstantsInInvoke((InvokeExpr) stmt.getRightOp());
                if (!stmt.containsArrayRef()) {
                ArrayRef ar = stmt.getArrayRef();
                if ((ar.getIndex() instanceof UntypedConstant)) {
                    UntypedIntOrFloatConstant uc = (UntypedIntOrFloatConstant) ar.getIndex();
                if (stmt.getLeftOp() instanceof ArrayRef && stmt.getRightOp() instanceof UntypedConstant) {
                    UntypedConstant uc = (UntypedConstant) stmt.getRightOp();
                    Local baseLocal = (Local) stmt.getArrayRef().getBase();
                    ArrayType lType = (ArrayType) localTyped.get(baseLocal);
                    Type elemType = lType.getElementType();

            public void caseIdentityStmt(IdentityStmt stmt) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            public void caseEnterMonitorStmt(EnterMonitorStmt stmt) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            public void caseExitMonitorStmt(ExitMonitorStmt stmt) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            public void caseGotoStmt(GotoStmt stmt) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            public void caseIfStmt(IfStmt stmt) {
                Value c = stmt.getCondition();
                if (c instanceof BinopExpr) {
                    BinopExpr be = (BinopExpr) c;
                    Value op1 = be.getOp1();
                    Value op2 = be.getOp2();
                    if (op1 instanceof UntypedConstant || op2 instanceof UntypedConstant) {
                        if (op1 instanceof Local) {
                            Type t = localTyped.get(op1);
                            // Debug.printDbg("if op1 type: ", t);
                            UntypedConstant uc = (UntypedConstant) op2;
                        } else if (op2 instanceof Local) {
                            Type t = localTyped.get(op2);
                            // Debug.printDbg("if op2 type: ", t);
                            UntypedConstant uc = (UntypedConstant) op1;
                        } else if (op1 instanceof UntypedConstant && op2 instanceof UntypedConstant) {
                            if (op1 instanceof UntypedIntOrFloatConstant && op2 instanceof UntypedIntOrFloatConstant) {
                                UntypedIntOrFloatConstant uc1 = (UntypedIntOrFloatConstant) op1;
                                UntypedIntOrFloatConstant uc2 = (UntypedIntOrFloatConstant) op2;
                                // to int or float, it does not matter
                            } else if (op1 instanceof UntypedLongOrDoubleConstant && op2 instanceof UntypedLongOrDoubleConstant) {
                                UntypedLongOrDoubleConstant uc1 = (UntypedLongOrDoubleConstant) op1;
                                UntypedLongOrDoubleConstant uc2 = (UntypedLongOrDoubleConstant) op2;
                                // to long or double, it does not matter
                            } else {
                                throw new RuntimeException("error: expected same type of untyped constants. Got " + stmt);
                        } else if (op1 instanceof UntypedConstant || op2 instanceof UntypedConstant) {
                            if (op1 instanceof UntypedConstant) {
                                UntypedConstant uc = (UntypedConstant) op1;
                            } else if (op2 instanceof UntypedConstant) {
                                UntypedConstant uc = (UntypedConstant) op2;
                        } else {
                            throw new RuntimeException("error: expected local/untyped untyped/local or untyped/untyped. Got " + stmt);
                } else if (c instanceof UnopExpr) {
                } else {
                    throw new RuntimeException("error: expected binop or unop. Got " + stmt);

            public void caseLookupSwitchStmt(LookupSwitchStmt stmt) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            public void caseNopStmt(NopStmt stmt) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            public void caseRetStmt(RetStmt stmt) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            public void caseReturnStmt(ReturnStmt stmt) {
                if (stmt.getOp() instanceof UntypedConstant) {
                    UntypedConstant uc = (UntypedConstant) stmt.getOp();
                    Type type = b.getMethod().getReturnType();

            public void caseReturnVoidStmt(ReturnVoidStmt stmt) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            public void caseTableSwitchStmt(TableSwitchStmt stmt) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            public void caseThrowStmt(ThrowStmt stmt) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            public void defaultCase(Object obj) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
// fix untyped constants remaining
// Debug.printDbg("assignTypes: after: \n", b);
Also used : AssignStmt(soot.jimple.AssignStmt) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) UnopExpr(soot.jimple.UnopExpr) SimpleLocalUses(soot.toolkits.scalar.SimpleLocalUses) ByteType(soot.ByteType) Unit(soot.Unit) LongOpTag(soot.dexpler.tags.LongOpTag) FloatType(soot.FloatType) ArrayType(soot.ArrayType) DoubleOpTag(soot.dexpler.tags.DoubleOpTag) TableSwitchStmt(soot.jimple.TableSwitchStmt) InstanceInvokeExpr(soot.jimple.InstanceInvokeExpr) DynamicInvokeExpr(soot.jimple.DynamicInvokeExpr) InvokeExpr(soot.jimple.InvokeExpr) StaticInvokeExpr(soot.jimple.StaticInvokeExpr) GotoStmt(soot.jimple.GotoStmt) CastExpr(soot.jimple.CastExpr) PrimType(soot.PrimType) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) EnterMonitorStmt(soot.jimple.EnterMonitorStmt) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) ShortType(soot.ShortType) Local(soot.Local) NewArrayExpr(soot.jimple.NewArrayExpr) Value(soot.Value) CharType(soot.CharType) ReturnStmt(soot.jimple.ReturnStmt) ThrowStmt(soot.jimple.ThrowStmt) DefinitionStmt(soot.jimple.DefinitionStmt) BinopExpr(soot.jimple.BinopExpr) SimpleLocalDefs(soot.toolkits.scalar.SimpleLocalDefs) ExitMonitorStmt(soot.jimple.ExitMonitorStmt) LongType(soot.LongType) InvokeStmt(soot.jimple.InvokeStmt) NullConstant(soot.jimple.NullConstant) Constant(soot.jimple.Constant) ReturnVoidStmt(soot.jimple.ReturnVoidStmt) IntOpTag(soot.dexpler.tags.IntOpTag) RetStmt(soot.jimple.RetStmt) BreakpointStmt(soot.jimple.BreakpointStmt) FloatOpTag(soot.dexpler.tags.FloatOpTag) IntType(soot.IntType) ArrayRef(soot.jimple.ArrayRef) ExceptionalUnitGraph(soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph) StmtSwitch(soot.jimple.StmtSwitch) UnitValueBoxPair(soot.toolkits.scalar.UnitValueBoxPair) IdentityStmt(soot.jimple.IdentityStmt) BooleanType(soot.BooleanType) LookupSwitchStmt(soot.jimple.LookupSwitchStmt) UnknownType(soot.UnknownType) RefType(soot.RefType) ShortType(soot.ShortType) BooleanType(soot.BooleanType) ByteType(soot.ByteType) Type(soot.Type) UnknownType(soot.UnknownType) DoubleType(soot.DoubleType) FloatType(soot.FloatType) IntType(soot.IntType) CharType(soot.CharType) LongType(soot.LongType) ArrayType(soot.ArrayType) PrimType(soot.PrimType) ExceptionalUnitGraph(soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph) UnitGraph(soot.toolkits.graph.UnitGraph) IfStmt(soot.jimple.IfStmt) ValueBox(soot.ValueBox) NopStmt(soot.jimple.NopStmt) DoubleType(soot.DoubleType) LongOpTag(soot.dexpler.tags.LongOpTag) Tag(soot.tagkit.Tag) DoubleOpTag(soot.dexpler.tags.DoubleOpTag) IntOpTag(soot.dexpler.tags.IntOpTag) FloatOpTag(soot.dexpler.tags.FloatOpTag)

Example 3 with UnitValueBoxPair

use of soot.toolkits.scalar.UnitValueBoxPair in project soot by Sable.

the class ConstructorFolder method internalTransform.

 * This method change all new Obj/<init>(args) pairs to new Obj(args) idioms.
protected void internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options) {
    GrimpBody body = (GrimpBody) b;
    if (Options.v().verbose())
        logger.debug("[" + body.getMethod().getName() + "] Folding constructors...");
    Chain units = body.getUnits();
    List<Unit> stmtList = new ArrayList<Unit>();
    Iterator<Unit> it = stmtList.iterator();
    LocalUses localUses = LocalUses.Factory.newLocalUses(b);
    /* fold in NewExpr's with specialinvoke's */
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        Stmt s = (Stmt);
        if (!(s instanceof AssignStmt))
        /* this should be generalized to ArrayRefs */
        Value lhs = ((AssignStmt) s).getLeftOp();
        if (!(lhs instanceof Local))
        Value rhs = ((AssignStmt) s).getRightOp();
        if (!(rhs instanceof NewExpr))
        /* TO BE IMPLEMENTED LATER: move any copy of the object reference
             for lhs down beyond the NewInvokeExpr, with the rationale
             being that you can't modify the object before the constructor
             call in any case.

             Also, do note that any new's (object creation) without
             corresponding constructors must be dead. */
        List lu = localUses.getUsesOf(s);
        Iterator luIter = lu.iterator();
        boolean MadeNewInvokeExpr = false;
        while (luIter.hasNext()) {
            Unit use = ((UnitValueBoxPair) (;
            if (!(use instanceof InvokeStmt))
            InvokeStmt is = (InvokeStmt) use;
            if (!(is.getInvokeExpr() instanceof SpecialInvokeExpr) || lhs != ((SpecialInvokeExpr) is.getInvokeExpr()).getBase())
            SpecialInvokeExpr oldInvoke = ((SpecialInvokeExpr) is.getInvokeExpr());
            LinkedList invokeArgs = new LinkedList();
            for (int i = 0; i < oldInvoke.getArgCount(); i++) invokeArgs.add(oldInvoke.getArg(i));
            AssignStmt constructStmt = Grimp.v().newAssignStmt((AssignStmt) s);
            constructStmt.setRightOp(Grimp.v().newNewInvokeExpr(((NewExpr) rhs).getBaseType(), oldInvoke.getMethodRef(), invokeArgs));
            MadeNewInvokeExpr = true;
            units.insertBefore(constructStmt, use);
        if (MadeNewInvokeExpr) {
Also used : Chain(soot.util.Chain) InvokeStmt(soot.jimple.InvokeStmt) AssignStmt(soot.jimple.AssignStmt) SpecialInvokeExpr(soot.jimple.SpecialInvokeExpr) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Local(soot.Local) SimpleLocalUses(soot.toolkits.scalar.SimpleLocalUses) LocalUses(soot.toolkits.scalar.LocalUses) Unit(soot.Unit) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) InvokeStmt(soot.jimple.InvokeStmt) Stmt(soot.jimple.Stmt) AssignStmt(soot.jimple.AssignStmt) Value(soot.Value) NewExpr(soot.jimple.NewExpr) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) UnitValueBoxPair(soot.toolkits.scalar.UnitValueBoxPair) GrimpBody(soot.grimp.GrimpBody) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) List(java.util.List)

Example 4 with UnitValueBoxPair

use of soot.toolkits.scalar.UnitValueBoxPair in project soot by Sable.

the class DexTransformer method collectDefinitionsWithAliases.

 * Collect definitions of l in body including the definitions of aliases of
 * l.
 * In this context an alias is a local that propagates its value to l.
 * @param l
 *            the local whose definitions are to collect
 * @param localDefs
 *            the LocalDefs object
 * @param body
 *            the body that contains the local
protected List<Unit> collectDefinitionsWithAliases(Local l, LocalDefs localDefs, LocalUses localUses, Body body) {
    Set<Local> seenLocals = new HashSet<Local>();
    List<Local> newLocals = new ArrayList<Local>();
    List<Unit> defs = new ArrayList<Unit>();
    while (!newLocals.isEmpty()) {
        Local local = newLocals.remove(0);
        for (Unit u : collectDefinitions(local, localDefs)) {
            if (u instanceof AssignStmt) {
                Value r = ((AssignStmt) u).getRightOp();
                if (r instanceof Local && seenLocals.add((Local) r))
                    newLocals.add((Local) r);
            List<UnitValueBoxPair> usesOf = localUses.getUsesOf(u);
            for (UnitValueBoxPair pair : usesOf) {
                Unit unit = pair.getUnit();
                if (unit instanceof AssignStmt) {
                    AssignStmt assignStmt = ((AssignStmt) unit);
                    Value right = assignStmt.getRightOp();
                    Value left = assignStmt.getLeftOp();
                    if (right == local && left instanceof Local && seenLocals.add((Local) left))
                        newLocals.add((Local) left);
    return defs;
Also used : AssignStmt(soot.jimple.AssignStmt) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Value(soot.Value) Local(soot.Local) UnitValueBoxPair(soot.toolkits.scalar.UnitValueBoxPair) Unit(soot.Unit) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 5 with UnitValueBoxPair

use of soot.toolkits.scalar.UnitValueBoxPair in project soot by Sable.

the class Aggregator method internalAggregate.

private static boolean internalAggregate(StmtBody body, Map<ValueBox, Zone> boxToZone, boolean onlyStackVars) {
    boolean hadAggregation = false;
    Chain<Unit> units = body.getUnits();
    ExceptionalUnitGraph graph = new ExceptionalUnitGraph(body);
    LocalDefs localDefs = LocalDefs.Factory.newLocalDefs(graph);
    LocalUses localUses = LocalUses.Factory.newLocalUses(body, localDefs);
    List<Unit> unitList = new PseudoTopologicalOrderer<Unit>().newList(graph, false);
    for (Unit u : unitList) {
        if (!(u instanceof AssignStmt))
        AssignStmt s = (AssignStmt) u;
        Value lhs = s.getLeftOp();
        if (!(lhs instanceof Local))
        Local lhsLocal = (Local) lhs;
        if (onlyStackVars && !lhsLocal.getName().startsWith("$"))
        List<UnitValueBoxPair> lu = localUses.getUsesOf(s);
        if (lu.size() != 1)
        UnitValueBoxPair usepair = lu.get(0);
        Unit use = usepair.unit;
        ValueBox useBox = usepair.valueBox;
        List<Unit> ld = localDefs.getDefsOfAt(lhsLocal, use);
        if (ld.size() != 1)
        // Check to make sure aggregation pair in the same zone
        if (boxToZone.get(s.getRightOpBox()) != boxToZone.get(usepair.valueBox)) {
        /* we need to check the path between def and use */
        /* to see if there are any intervening re-defs of RHS */
        /* in fact, we should check that this path is unique. */
			 * if the RHS uses only locals, then we know what to do; if RHS has
			 * a method invocation f(a, b, c) or field access, we must ban field
			 * writes, other method calls and (as usual) writes to a, b, c.
        boolean cantAggr = false;
        boolean propagatingInvokeExpr = false;
        boolean propagatingFieldRef = false;
        boolean propagatingArrayRef = false;
        List<FieldRef> fieldRefList = new ArrayList<FieldRef>();
        List<Value> localsUsed = new ArrayList<Value>();
        for (ValueBox vb : s.getUseBoxes()) {
            Value v = vb.getValue();
            if (v instanceof Local) {
            } else if (v instanceof InvokeExpr) {
                propagatingInvokeExpr = true;
            } else if (v instanceof ArrayRef) {
                propagatingArrayRef = true;
            } else if (v instanceof FieldRef) {
                propagatingFieldRef = true;
                fieldRefList.add((FieldRef) v);
        // look for a path from s to use in graph.
        // only look in an extended basic block, though.
        List<Unit> path = graph.getExtendedBasicBlockPathBetween(s, use);
        if (path == null)
        Iterator<Unit> pathIt = path.iterator();
        // skip s.
        if (pathIt.hasNext())
        while (pathIt.hasNext() && !cantAggr) {
            Stmt between = (Stmt) (;
            if (between != use) {
                for (ValueBox vb : between.getDefBoxes()) {
                    Value v = vb.getValue();
                    if (localsUsed.contains(v)) {
                        cantAggr = true;
                    if (propagatingInvokeExpr || propagatingFieldRef || propagatingArrayRef) {
                        if (v instanceof FieldRef) {
                            if (propagatingInvokeExpr) {
                                cantAggr = true;
                            } else if (propagatingFieldRef) {
                                // aliased
                                for (FieldRef fieldRef : fieldRefList) {
                                    if (isSameField((FieldRef) v, fieldRef)) {
                                        cantAggr = true;
                        } else if (v instanceof ArrayRef) {
                            if (propagatingInvokeExpr) {
                                // Cannot aggregate an invoke expr past an
                                // array write
                                cantAggr = true;
                            } else if (propagatingArrayRef) {
                                // cannot aggregate an array read past a
                                // write
                                // this is somewhat conservative
                                // (if types differ they may not be aliased)
                                cantAggr = true;
                // Make sure not propagating past a {enter,exit}Monitor
                if (propagatingInvokeExpr && between instanceof MonitorStmt)
                    cantAggr = true;
            // Check for intervening side effects due to method calls
            if (propagatingInvokeExpr || propagatingFieldRef || propagatingArrayRef) {
                for (final ValueBox box : between.getUseBoxes()) {
                    if (between == use && box == useBox) {
                        // side effects
                    Value v = box.getValue();
                    if (v instanceof InvokeExpr || (propagatingInvokeExpr && (v instanceof FieldRef || v instanceof ArrayRef))) {
                        cantAggr = true;
        // we give up: can't aggregate.
        if (cantAggr) {
        /* assuming that the d-u chains are correct, */
        /* we need not check the actual contents of ld */
        Value aggregatee = s.getRightOp();
        if (usepair.valueBox.canContainValue(aggregatee)) {
            boolean wasSimpleCopy = isSimpleCopy(usepair.unit);
            hadAggregation = true;
            // followed by an invoke, the invoke gets the tags.
            if (wasSimpleCopy) {
                // usepair.unit.removeAllTags();
        } else {
					 * if(Options.v().verbose()) {
					 * logger.debug("[debug] failed aggregation");
					 * logger.debug("[debug] tried to put "+aggregatee+
					 * " into "+usepair.stmt +
					 * ": in particular, "+usepair.valueBox);
					 * logger.debug("[debug] aggregatee instanceof Expr: "
					 * +(aggregatee instanceof Expr)); }
    return hadAggregation;
Also used : FieldRef(soot.jimple.FieldRef) AssignStmt(soot.jimple.AssignStmt) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Local(soot.Local) LocalUses(soot.toolkits.scalar.LocalUses) Unit(soot.Unit) LocalDefs(soot.toolkits.scalar.LocalDefs) MonitorStmt(soot.jimple.MonitorStmt) MonitorStmt(soot.jimple.MonitorStmt) Stmt(soot.jimple.Stmt) AssignStmt(soot.jimple.AssignStmt) DefinitionStmt(soot.jimple.DefinitionStmt) ArrayRef(soot.jimple.ArrayRef) ExceptionalUnitGraph(soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph) InvokeExpr(soot.jimple.InvokeExpr) ValueBox(soot.ValueBox) Value(soot.Value) UnitValueBoxPair(soot.toolkits.scalar.UnitValueBoxPair)


Local (soot.Local)6 Unit (soot.Unit)6 Value (soot.Value)6 AssignStmt (soot.jimple.AssignStmt)6 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 UnitValueBoxPair (soot.toolkits.scalar.UnitValueBoxPair)5 ArrayRef (soot.jimple.ArrayRef)4 InvokeExpr (soot.jimple.InvokeExpr)4 Stmt (soot.jimple.Stmt)4 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 IntType (soot.IntType)3 RefType (soot.RefType)3 Type (soot.Type)3 ValueBox (soot.ValueBox)3 BinopExpr (soot.jimple.BinopExpr)3 CastExpr (soot.jimple.CastExpr)3 FieldRef (soot.jimple.FieldRef)3 InvokeStmt (soot.jimple.InvokeStmt)3 NewArrayExpr (soot.jimple.NewArrayExpr)3 NopStmt (soot.jimple.NopStmt)3