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Example 1 with PersistentManifold

use of spacegraph.space3d.phys.collision.narrow.PersistentManifold in project narchy by automenta.

the class SequentialImpulseConstrainer method solveGroupCacheFriendlySetup.

public float solveGroupCacheFriendlySetup(Collection<Collidable> bodies, int numBodies, FasterList<PersistentManifold> manifoldPtr, int manifold_offset, int numManifolds, FasterList<TypedConstraint> constraints, int constraints_offset, int numConstraints, ContactSolverInfo infoGlobal) /*,btStackAlloc* stackAlloc*/
    if ((numConstraints + numManifolds) == 0) {
        // printf("empty\n");
        return 0f;
    PersistentManifold manifold = null;
    Collidable colObj0 = null, colObj1 = null;
    // btRigidBody* rb0=0,*rb1=0;
    // BEGIN_PROFILE("refreshManifolds");
    // int i;
    // for (i=0;i<numManifolds;i++)
    // {
    // manifold = manifoldPtr[i];
    // rb1 = (btRigidBody*)manifold->getBody1();
    // rb0 = (btRigidBody*)manifold->getBody0();
    // manifold->refreshContactPoints(rb0->getCenterOfMassTransform(),rb1->getCenterOfMassTransform());
    // }
    // END_PROFILE("refreshManifolds");
    // int sizeofSB = sizeof(btSolverBody);
    // int sizeofSC = sizeof(btSolverConstraint);
    // if (1)
    // if m_stackAlloc, try to pack bodies/constraints to speed up solving
    // btBlock*					sablock;
    // sablock = stackAlloc->beginBlock();
    // int memsize = 16;
    // unsigned char* stackMemory = stackAlloc->allocate(memsize);
    // todo: use stack allocator for this temp memory
    // int minReservation = numManifolds * 2;
    // m_tmpSolverBodyPool.reserve(minReservation);
    // don't convert all bodies, only the one we need so solver the constraints
				for (int i=0;i<numBodies;i++)
				btRigidBody* rb = btRigidBody::upcast(bodies[i]);
				if (rb && 	(rb->getIslandTag() >= 0))
				btAssert(rb->getCompanionId() < 0);
				int solverBodyId = m_tmpSolverBodyPool.size();
				btSolverBody& solverBody = m_tmpSolverBodyPool.expand();
    // m_tmpSolverConstraintPool.reserve(minReservation);
    // m_tmpSolverFrictionConstraintPool.reserve(minReservation);
        int i;
        v3 rel_pos1 = new v3();
        v3 rel_pos2 = new v3();
        v3 pos1 = new v3();
        v3 pos2 = new v3();
        v3 vel = new v3();
        v3 torqueAxis0 = new v3();
        v3 torqueAxis1 = new v3();
        v3 vel1 = new v3();
        v3 vel2 = new v3();
        // Vector3f frictionDir1 = new Vector3f();
        // Vector3f frictionDir2 = new Vector3f();
        v3 vec = new v3();
        Matrix3f tmpMat = new Matrix3f();
        for (i = 0; i < numManifolds; i++) {
            // return array[index];
            manifold = manifoldPtr.get(manifold_offset + i);
            colObj0 = (Collidable) manifold.getBody0();
            colObj1 = (Collidable) manifold.getBody1();
            int solverBodyIdA = -1;
            int solverBodyIdB = -1;
            if (manifold.numContacts() != 0) {
                if (colObj0.tag() >= 0) {
                    if (colObj0.getCompanionId() >= 0) {
                        // body has already been converted
                        solverBodyIdA = colObj0.getCompanionId();
                    } else {
                        solverBodyIdA = tmpSolverBodyPool.size();
                        SolverBody solverBody = new SolverBody();
                        initSolverBody(solverBody, colObj0);
                } else {
                    // create a static body
                    solverBodyIdA = tmpSolverBodyPool.size();
                    SolverBody solverBody = new SolverBody();
                    initSolverBody(solverBody, colObj0);
                if (colObj1.tag() >= 0) {
                    if (colObj1.getCompanionId() >= 0) {
                        solverBodyIdB = colObj1.getCompanionId();
                    } else {
                        solverBodyIdB = tmpSolverBodyPool.size();
                        SolverBody solverBody = new SolverBody();
                        initSolverBody(solverBody, colObj1);
                } else {
                    // create a static body
                    solverBodyIdB = tmpSolverBodyPool.size();
                    SolverBody solverBody = new SolverBody();
                    initSolverBody(solverBody, colObj1);
            float relaxation;
            for (int j = 0; j < manifold.numContacts(); j++) {
                ManifoldPoint cp = manifold.getContactPoint(j);
                if (cp.distance1 <= 0f) {
                    rel_pos1.sub(pos1, colObj0.transform);
                    rel_pos2.sub(pos2, colObj1.transform);
                    relaxation = 1f;
                    float rel_vel;
                    int frictionIndex = tmpSolverConstraintPool.size();
                    SolverConstraint solverConstraint = new SolverConstraint();
                    Body3D rb0 = Body3D.ifDynamic(colObj0);
                    Body3D rb1 = Body3D.ifDynamic(colObj1);
                    solverConstraint.solverBodyIdA = solverBodyIdA;
                    solverConstraint.solverBodyIdB = solverBodyIdB;
                    solverConstraint.constraintType = SolverConstraint.SolverConstraintType.SOLVER_CONTACT_1D;
                    solverConstraint.originalContactPoint = cp;
                    torqueAxis0.cross(rel_pos1, cp.normalWorldOnB);
                    if (rb0 != null) {
                    } else {
                        solverConstraint.angularComponentA.set(0f, 0f, 0f);
                    torqueAxis1.cross(rel_pos2, cp.normalWorldOnB);
                    if (rb1 != null) {
                    } else {
                        solverConstraint.angularComponentB.set(0f, 0f, 0f);
                    // #ifdef COMPUTE_IMPULSE_DENOM
                    // btScalar denom0 = rb0->computeImpulseDenominator(pos1,cp.m_normalWorldOnB);
                    // btScalar denom1 = rb1->computeImpulseDenominator(pos2,cp.m_normalWorldOnB);
                    // #else
                    float denom0 = 0f;
                    float denom1 = 0f;
                    if (rb0 != null) {
                        vec.cross(solverConstraint.angularComponentA, rel_pos1);
                        denom0 = rb0.getInvMass() +;
                    if (rb1 != null) {
                        vec.cross(solverConstraint.angularComponentB, rel_pos2);
                        denom1 = rb1.getInvMass() +;
                    // #endif //COMPUTE_IMPULSE_DENOM
                    float denom = relaxation / (denom0 + denom1);
                    solverConstraint.jacDiagABInv = denom;
                    solverConstraint.relpos1CrossNormal.cross(rel_pos1, cp.normalWorldOnB);
                    solverConstraint.relpos2CrossNormal.cross(rel_pos2, cp.normalWorldOnB);
                    if (rb0 != null) {
                        rb0.getVelocityInLocalPoint(rel_pos1, vel1);
                    } else {
                    if (rb1 != null) {
                        rb1.getVelocityInLocalPoint(rel_pos2, vel2);
                    } else {
                    vel.sub(vel1, vel2);
                    rel_vel =;
                    solverConstraint.penetration = Math.min(cp.distance1 + infoGlobal.linearSlop, 0f);
                    // solverConstraint.m_penetration = cp.getDistance();
                    solverConstraint.friction = cp.combinedFriction;
                    solverConstraint.restitution = restitutionCurve(rel_vel, cp.combinedRestitution);
                    if (solverConstraint.restitution <= 0f) {
                        solverConstraint.restitution = 0f;
                    float penVel = -solverConstraint.penetration / infoGlobal.timeStep;
                    if (solverConstraint.restitution > penVel) {
                        solverConstraint.penetration = 0f;
                    v3 tmp = new v3();
                    // warm starting (or zero if disabled)
                    if ((infoGlobal.solverMode & SolverMode.SOLVER_USE_WARMSTARTING) != 0) {
                        solverConstraint.appliedImpulse = cp.appliedImpulse * infoGlobal.warmstartingFactor;
                        if (rb0 != null) {
                            tmp.scale(rb0.getInvMass(), solverConstraint.contactNormal);
                            // return array[index];
                            tmpSolverBodyPool.get(solverConstraint.solverBodyIdA).internalApplyImpulse(tmp, solverConstraint.angularComponentA, solverConstraint.appliedImpulse);
                        if (rb1 != null) {
                            tmp.scale(rb1.getInvMass(), solverConstraint.contactNormal);
                            // return array[index];
                            tmpSolverBodyPool.get(solverConstraint.solverBodyIdB).internalApplyImpulse(tmp, solverConstraint.angularComponentB, -solverConstraint.appliedImpulse);
                    } else {
                        solverConstraint.appliedImpulse = 0f;
                    solverConstraint.appliedPushImpulse = 0f;
                    solverConstraint.frictionIndex = tmpSolverFrictionConstraintPool.size();
                    if (!cp.lateralFrictionInitialized) {
                        cp.lateralFrictionDir1.scale(rel_vel, cp.normalWorldOnB);
                        cp.lateralFrictionDir1.sub(vel, cp.lateralFrictionDir1);
                        float lat_rel_vel = cp.lateralFrictionDir1.lengthSquared();
                        if (// 0.0f)
                        lat_rel_vel > BulletGlobals.FLT_EPSILON) {
                            cp.lateralFrictionDir1.scale(1f / (float) Math.sqrt(lat_rel_vel));
                            addFrictionConstraint(cp.lateralFrictionDir1, solverBodyIdA, solverBodyIdB, frictionIndex, cp, rel_pos1, rel_pos2, colObj0, colObj1, relaxation);
                            cp.lateralFrictionDir2.cross(cp.lateralFrictionDir1, cp.normalWorldOnB);
                            // ??
                            addFrictionConstraint(cp.lateralFrictionDir2, solverBodyIdA, solverBodyIdB, frictionIndex, cp, rel_pos1, rel_pos2, colObj0, colObj1, relaxation);
                        } else {
                            // re-calculate friction direction every frame, todo: check if this is really needed
                            TransformUtil.planeSpace1(cp.normalWorldOnB, cp.lateralFrictionDir1, cp.lateralFrictionDir2);
                            addFrictionConstraint(cp.lateralFrictionDir1, solverBodyIdA, solverBodyIdB, frictionIndex, cp, rel_pos1, rel_pos2, colObj0, colObj1, relaxation);
                            addFrictionConstraint(cp.lateralFrictionDir2, solverBodyIdA, solverBodyIdB, frictionIndex, cp, rel_pos1, rel_pos2, colObj0, colObj1, relaxation);
                        cp.lateralFrictionInitialized = true;
                    } else {
                        addFrictionConstraint(cp.lateralFrictionDir1, solverBodyIdA, solverBodyIdB, frictionIndex, cp, rel_pos1, rel_pos2, colObj0, colObj1, relaxation);
                        addFrictionConstraint(cp.lateralFrictionDir2, solverBodyIdA, solverBodyIdB, frictionIndex, cp, rel_pos1, rel_pos2, colObj0, colObj1, relaxation);
                    // return array[index];
                    SolverConstraint frictionConstraint1 = tmpSolverFrictionConstraintPool.get(solverConstraint.frictionIndex);
                    if ((infoGlobal.solverMode & SolverMode.SOLVER_USE_WARMSTARTING) != 0) {
                        frictionConstraint1.appliedImpulse = cp.appliedImpulseLateral1 * infoGlobal.warmstartingFactor;
                        if (rb0 != null) {
                            tmp.scale(rb0.getInvMass(), frictionConstraint1.contactNormal);
                            // return array[index];
                            tmpSolverBodyPool.get(solverConstraint.solverBodyIdA).internalApplyImpulse(tmp, frictionConstraint1.angularComponentA, frictionConstraint1.appliedImpulse);
                        if (rb1 != null) {
                            tmp.scale(rb1.getInvMass(), frictionConstraint1.contactNormal);
                            // return array[index];
                            tmpSolverBodyPool.get(solverConstraint.solverBodyIdB).internalApplyImpulse(tmp, frictionConstraint1.angularComponentB, -frictionConstraint1.appliedImpulse);
                    } else {
                        frictionConstraint1.appliedImpulse = 0f;
                    // return array[index];
                    SolverConstraint frictionConstraint2 = tmpSolverFrictionConstraintPool.get(solverConstraint.frictionIndex + 1);
                    if ((infoGlobal.solverMode & SolverMode.SOLVER_USE_WARMSTARTING) != 0) {
                        frictionConstraint2.appliedImpulse = cp.appliedImpulseLateral2 * infoGlobal.warmstartingFactor;
                        if (rb0 != null) {
                            tmp.scale(rb0.getInvMass(), frictionConstraint2.contactNormal);
                            // return array[index];
                            tmpSolverBodyPool.get(solverConstraint.solverBodyIdA).internalApplyImpulse(tmp, frictionConstraint2.angularComponentA, frictionConstraint2.appliedImpulse);
                        if (rb1 != null) {
                            tmp.scale(rb1.getInvMass(), frictionConstraint2.contactNormal);
                            // return array[index];
                            tmpSolverBodyPool.get(solverConstraint.solverBodyIdB).internalApplyImpulse(tmp, frictionConstraint2.angularComponentB, -frictionConstraint2.appliedImpulse);
                    } else {
                        frictionConstraint2.appliedImpulse = 0f;
    // TODO: btContactSolverInfo info = infoGlobal;
    int j;
    for (j = 0; j < numConstraints; j++) {
        constraints.get(constraints_offset + j).buildJacobian();
    // int j;
    // for (j = 0; j < numConstraints; j++) {
    // constraints.get(constraints_offset + j).getInfo2(infoGlobal);
    // }
    int numConstraintPool = tmpSolverConstraintPool.size();
    int numFrictionPool = tmpSolverFrictionConstraintPool.size();
    // todo: use stack allocator for such temporarily memory, same for solver bodies/constraints
    MiscUtil.resize(orderTmpConstraintPool, numConstraintPool, 0);
    MiscUtil.resize(orderFrictionConstraintPool, numFrictionPool, 0);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < numConstraintPool; i++) {
    for (i = 0; i < numFrictionPool; i++) {
    return 0f;
Also used : Collidable(spacegraph.space3d.phys.Collidable) ManifoldPoint(spacegraph.space3d.phys.collision.narrow.ManifoldPoint) PersistentManifold(spacegraph.space3d.phys.collision.narrow.PersistentManifold) Matrix3f(spacegraph.util.math.Matrix3f) Body3D(spacegraph.space3d.phys.Body3D) SolverConstraint(spacegraph.space3d.phys.constraint.SolverConstraint) spacegraph.util.math.v3(spacegraph.util.math.v3) TypedConstraint(spacegraph.space3d.phys.constraint.TypedConstraint) ContactConstraint(spacegraph.space3d.phys.constraint.ContactConstraint) ManifoldPoint(spacegraph.space3d.phys.collision.narrow.ManifoldPoint) SolverConstraint(spacegraph.space3d.phys.constraint.SolverConstraint)

Example 2 with PersistentManifold

use of spacegraph.space3d.phys.collision.narrow.PersistentManifold in project narchy by automenta.

the class SequentialImpulseConstrainer method solveGroup.

 * Sequentially applies impulses.
public float solveGroup(Collection<Collidable> bodies, int numBodies, FasterList<PersistentManifold> manifoldPtr, int manifold_offset, int numManifolds, FasterList<TypedConstraint> constraints, int constraints_offset, int numConstraints, ContactSolverInfo infoGlobal, Intersecter intersecter) {
    // TODO: solver cache friendly
    if ((infoGlobal.solverMode & SolverMode.SOLVER_CACHE_FRIENDLY) != 0) {
        // SimpleDynamicsWorld needs to switch off SOLVER_CACHE_FRIENDLY
        assert (bodies != null);
        assert (numBodies != 0);
        float value = solveGroupCacheFriendly(bodies, numBodies, manifoldPtr, manifold_offset, numManifolds, constraints, constraints_offset, numConstraints, infoGlobal);
        return value;
    ContactSolverInfo info = new ContactSolverInfo(infoGlobal);
    int numiter = infoGlobal.numIterations;
    int totalPoints = 0;
    OrderIndex[] gOrder = this.gOrder;
        short j;
        for (j = 0; j < numManifolds; j++) {
            // return array[index];
            PersistentManifold manifold = manifoldPtr.get(manifold_offset + j);
            prepareConstraints(manifold, info);
            // return array[index];
            for (short p = 0; p < manifoldPtr.get(manifold_offset + j).numContacts(); p++) {
                gOrder[totalPoints].manifoldIndex = j;
                gOrder[totalPoints].pointIndex = p;
        int j;
        for (j = 0; j < numConstraints; j++) {
            constraints.get(constraints_offset + j).buildJacobian();
    // should traverse the contacts random order...
    int iteration;
    for (iteration = 0; iteration < numiter; iteration++) {
        int j;
        if ((infoGlobal.solverMode & SolverMode.SOLVER_RANDMIZE_ORDER) != 0) {
            if ((iteration & 7) == 0) {
                for (j = 0; j < totalPoints; ++j) {
                    // JAVA NOTE: swaps references instead of copying values (but that's fine in this context)
                    OrderIndex tmp = gOrder[j];
                    int swapi = randInt2(j + 1);
                    gOrder[j] = gOrder[swapi];
                    gOrder[swapi] = tmp;
        for (j = 0; j < numConstraints; j++) {
            constraints.get(constraints_offset + j).solveConstraint(info.timeStep);
        for (j = 0; j < totalPoints; j++) {
            PersistentManifold manifold = manifoldPtr.get(manifold_offset + gOrder[j].manifoldIndex);
            solve((Body3D) manifold.getBody0(), (Body3D) manifold.getBody1(), manifold.getContactPoint(gOrder[j].pointIndex), info, iteration);
        for (j = 0; j < totalPoints; j++) {
            // return array[index];
            PersistentManifold manifold = manifoldPtr.get(manifold_offset + gOrder[j].manifoldIndex);
            solveFriction((Body3D) manifold.getBody0(), (Body3D) manifold.getBody1(), manifold.getContactPoint(gOrder[j].pointIndex), info, iteration);
    return 0f;
Also used : PersistentManifold(spacegraph.space3d.phys.collision.narrow.PersistentManifold) TypedConstraint(spacegraph.space3d.phys.constraint.TypedConstraint) ContactConstraint(spacegraph.space3d.phys.constraint.ContactConstraint) ManifoldPoint(spacegraph.space3d.phys.collision.narrow.ManifoldPoint) SolverConstraint(spacegraph.space3d.phys.constraint.SolverConstraint)

Example 3 with PersistentManifold

use of spacegraph.space3d.phys.collision.narrow.PersistentManifold in project narchy by automenta.

the class Islands method buildIslands.

public void buildIslands(Intersecter intersecter, List<Collidable> collidables) {
    // System.out.println("builder islands");
    // we are going to sort the unionfind array, and store the element id in the size
    // afterwards, we clean unionfind, to make sure no-one uses it anymore
    int numElem = find.size();
    int endIslandIndex = 1;
    int startIslandIndex;
    // update the sleeping state for bodies, if all are sleeping
    for (startIslandIndex = 0; startIslandIndex < numElem; startIslandIndex = endIslandIndex) {
        int islandId =;
        for (endIslandIndex = startIslandIndex + 1; (endIslandIndex < numElem) && ( == islandId); endIslandIndex++) {
        // int numSleeping = 0;
        boolean allSleeping = true;
        int idx;
        for (idx = startIslandIndex; idx < endIslandIndex; idx++) {
            int i =;
            // return array[index];
            final Collidable colObj0 = collidables.get(i);
            final int tag0 = colObj0.tag();
            if ((tag0 != islandId) && (tag0 != -1)) {
            // assert ((tag0 == islandId) || (tag0 == -1));
            if (tag0 == islandId) {
                int s = colObj0.getActivationState();
                if (s == Collidable.ACTIVE_TAG || s == Collidable.DISABLE_DEACTIVATION) {
                    allSleeping = false;
        if (allSleeping) {
            // int idx;
            for (idx = startIslandIndex; idx < endIslandIndex; idx++) {
                int i =;
                // return array[index];
                final Collidable colObj0 = collidables.get(i);
                int tag0 = colObj0.tag();
                if ((tag0 != islandId) && (tag0 != -1)) {
                if (tag0 == islandId) {
        } else {
            // int idx;
            for (idx = startIslandIndex; idx < endIslandIndex; idx++) {
                int i =;
                // return array[index];
                Collidable colObj0 = collidables.get(i);
                int tag0 = colObj0.tag();
                if ((tag0 != islandId) && (tag0 != -1)) {
                if (tag0 == islandId) {
                    if (colObj0.getActivationState() == Collidable.ISLAND_SLEEPING) {
    int i;
    int maxNumManifolds = intersecter.manifoldCount();
    for (i = 0; i < maxNumManifolds; i++) {
        PersistentManifold manifold = intersecter.manifold(i);
        Collidable colObj0 = (Collidable) manifold.getBody0();
        if (colObj0 != null) {
            Collidable colObj1 = (Collidable) manifold.getBody1();
            if (colObj1 != null) {
                // todo: check sleeping conditions!
                int s0 = colObj0.getActivationState();
                int s1 = colObj1.getActivationState();
                if ((s0 != Collidable.ISLAND_SLEEPING) || (s1 != Collidable.ISLAND_SLEEPING)) {
                    // kinematic objects don't merge islands, but wake up all connected objects
                    if (s0 != Collidable.ISLAND_SLEEPING && colObj0.isKinematicObject()) {
                    if (s1 != Collidable.ISLAND_SLEEPING && colObj1.isKinematicObject()) {
                    // filtering for response
                    if (intersecter.needsResponse(colObj0, colObj1)) {
                // #endif //SPLIT_ISLANDS
Also used : Collidable(spacegraph.space3d.phys.Collidable) PersistentManifold(spacegraph.space3d.phys.collision.narrow.PersistentManifold)

Example 4 with PersistentManifold

use of spacegraph.space3d.phys.collision.narrow.PersistentManifold in project narchy by automenta.

the class DefaultIntersecter method getNewManifold.

public PersistentManifold getNewManifold(Object b0, Object b1) {
    // gNumManifold++;
    // btAssert(gNumManifold < 65535);
    Collidable body0 = (Collidable) b0;
    Collidable body1 = (Collidable) b1;
		void* mem = 0;

		if (m_persistentManifoldPoolAllocator->getFreeCount())
			mem = m_persistentManifoldPoolAllocator->allocate(sizeof(btPersistentManifold));
		} else
			mem = btAlignedAlloc(sizeof(btPersistentManifold),16);

		btPersistentManifold* manifold = new(mem) btPersistentManifold (body0,body1,0);
		manifold->m_index1a = m_manifoldsPtr.size();
    PersistentManifold manifold = new PersistentManifold(BulletGlobals.the.get());
    manifold.init(body0, body1, 0);
    manifold.index1a = manifolds.size();
    return manifold;
Also used : Collidable(spacegraph.space3d.phys.Collidable) PersistentManifold(spacegraph.space3d.phys.collision.narrow.PersistentManifold)


PersistentManifold (spacegraph.space3d.phys.collision.narrow.PersistentManifold)4 Collidable (spacegraph.space3d.phys.Collidable)3 ManifoldPoint (spacegraph.space3d.phys.collision.narrow.ManifoldPoint)2 ContactConstraint (spacegraph.space3d.phys.constraint.ContactConstraint)2 SolverConstraint (spacegraph.space3d.phys.constraint.SolverConstraint)2 TypedConstraint (spacegraph.space3d.phys.constraint.TypedConstraint)2 Body3D (spacegraph.space3d.phys.Body3D)1 Matrix3f (spacegraph.util.math.Matrix3f)1 spacegraph.util.math.v3 (spacegraph.util.math.v3)1