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Example 1 with Team

use of spacesettlers.clients.Team in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class DamagePanel method updateData.

public void updateData(SpaceSettlersSimulator simulator, String teamName) {
    Team team = null;
    for (Team curTeam : simulator.getTeams()) {
        if (curTeam.getLadderName().equalsIgnoreCase(teamName)) {
            team = curTeam;
    damageInflicted.setText(team.getTotalDamageInflicted() + "");
    damageReceived.setText(team.getTotalDamageReceived() + "");
    killsInflicted.setText(team.getTotalKillsInflicted() + "");
    killsReceived.setText(team.getTotalKillsReceived() + "");
Also used : Team(spacesettlers.clients.Team)

Example 2 with Team

use of spacesettlers.clients.Team in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class SpaceSettlersSimulator method createTeam.

 * Make the actual team (holds a pointer to the client)
 * @param teamConfig
 * @param teamClient
 * @return
public Team createTeam(HighLevelTeamConfig teamConfig, TeamClient teamClient, TeamClientConfig teamClientConfig) {
    // it succeeded!  Now make the team ships
    int numShips = Math.min(simConfig.getMaximumInitialShipsPerTeam(), teamClientConfig.getNumberInitialShipsInTeam());
    Team team = new Team(teamClient, teamClientConfig.getLadderName(), simConfig.getMaximumShipsPerTeam());
    for (int s = 0; s < numShips; s++) {
        // put the ships in the initial region for the team
        // moved this to ship radius * 4 to keep ships away from each other initially
        Position freeLocation = simulatedSpace.getRandomFreeLocationInRegion(random, Ship.SHIP_RADIUS * 4, teamConfig.getInitialRegionULX(), teamConfig.getInitialRegionULY(), teamConfig.getInitialRegionLRX(), teamConfig.getInitialRegionLRY());
        System.out.println("Starting ship for team " + team.getTeamName() + " in location " + freeLocation);
        Ship ship = new Ship(teamConfig.getTeamName(), team.getTeamColor(), freeLocation);
    return team;
Also used : Position(spacesettlers.utilities.Position) Team(spacesettlers.clients.Team) Ship(spacesettlers.objects.Ship)

Example 3 with Team

use of spacesettlers.clients.Team in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class SpaceSettlersSimulator method initializeSimulation.

 * Initialize the simulation given a configuration file.  Creates all the objects.
 * @throws SimulatorException
void initializeSimulation(JSAPResult parserConfig) throws SimulatorException {
    simulatedSpace = new Toroidal2DPhysics(simConfig);
    // place the beacons
    for (int b = 0; b < simConfig.getNumBeacons(); b++) {
        Beacon beacon = new Beacon(simulatedSpace.getRandomFreeLocation(random, Beacon.BEACON_RADIUS * 2));
        // System.out.println("New beacon at " + beacon.getPosition());
    // place any fixed location asteroids
    FixedAsteroidConfig[] fixedAsteroidConfigs = simConfig.getFixedAsteroids();
    if (fixedAsteroidConfigs != null) {
        for (FixedAsteroidConfig fixedAsteroidConfig : fixedAsteroidConfigs) {
            Asteroid asteroid = createNewFixedAsteroid(fixedAsteroidConfig);
    // place the asteroids
    RandomAsteroidConfig randomAsteroidConfig = simConfig.getRandomAsteroids();
    for (int a = 0; a < randomAsteroidConfig.getNumberInitialAsteroids(); a++) {
        Asteroid asteroid = createNewRandomAsteroid(randomAsteroidConfig);
    // create the clients
    for (HighLevelTeamConfig teamConfig : simConfig.getTeams()) {
        // ensure this team isn't a duplicate
        if (clientMap.containsKey(teamConfig.getTeamName())) {
            throw new SimulatorException("Error: duplicate team name " + teamConfig.getTeamName());
        TeamClientConfig teamClientConfig = getTeamClientConfig(teamConfig, parserConfig.getString("configPath"));
        // grab the home base config for this team (to get starting locations as needed)
        BaseConfig thisBaseConfig = null;
        for (BaseConfig baseConfig : simConfig.getBases()) {
            String teamName = baseConfig.getTeamName();
            if (teamName.equalsIgnoreCase(teamConfig.getTeamName())) {
                thisBaseConfig = baseConfig;
        // now either use the base config for the default region radius or the teamConfig file
        if (thisBaseConfig != null && thisBaseConfig.isFixedLocation()) {
            System.out.println("Initial provided for team " + teamConfig.getTeamName() + "UL (x,y) = " + teamConfig.getInitialRegionULX() + ", " + teamConfig.getInitialRegionULY() + " LR (x,y) = " + teamConfig.getInitialRegionLRX() + ", " + teamConfig.getInitialRegionLRY());
        } else {
            // if the team doesn't provide default radiii and bases, create one
            if (teamConfig.getInitialRegionULX() == 0 && teamConfig.getInitialRegionLRX() == 0) {
                teamConfig.setInitialRegionLRX(teamConfig.getInitialRegionULX() + simConfig.getWidth() / 4);
                teamConfig.setInitialRegionLRY(teamConfig.getInitialRegionULX() + simConfig.getHeight() / 4);
                System.out.println("Initial location not provided for team " + teamConfig.getTeamName() + "...generating: UL (x,y) = " + teamConfig.getInitialRegionULX() + ", " + teamConfig.getInitialRegionULY() + " LR (x,y) = " + teamConfig.getInitialRegionLRX() + ", " + teamConfig.getInitialRegionLRY());
        TeamClient teamClient = createTeamClient(teamConfig, teamClientConfig);
        // make the team inside the simulator for this team
        Team team = createTeam(teamConfig, teamClient, teamClientConfig);
        for (Ship ship : team.getShips()) {
        clientMap.put(teamConfig.getTeamName(), teamClient);
    // make sure the base count matches the team count
    if (simConfig.getTeams().length != simConfig.getBases().length) {
        throw new SimulatorException("Error: You specified " + simConfig.getTeams().length + " teams and " + simConfig.getBases().length + " bases.  They must match.");
    // create the bases and ensure there is a base for each team
    for (BaseConfig baseConfig : simConfig.getBases()) {
        String teamName = baseConfig.getTeamName();
        if (!clientMap.containsKey(teamName)) {
            throw new SimulatorException("Error: base is listed as team " + teamName + " but there is no corresponding team");
        TeamClient teamClient = clientMap.get(teamName);
        // find the team config for this team
        HighLevelTeamConfig thisTeamConfig = null;
        for (HighLevelTeamConfig teamConfig : simConfig.getTeams()) {
            if (teamConfig.getTeamName().equalsIgnoreCase(teamName)) {
                thisTeamConfig = teamConfig;
        // make the location based on fixed or random
        Position baseLocation;
        if (baseConfig.isFixedLocation()) {
            baseLocation = new Position(baseConfig.getX(), baseConfig.getY());
        } else {
            // make the base in the region specified for this team
            // ensure bases are not created right next to asteroids (free by 4 * base_radius for now)
            baseLocation = simulatedSpace.getRandomFreeLocationInRegion(random, 4 * Base.BASE_RADIUS, thisTeamConfig.getInitialRegionULX(), thisTeamConfig.getInitialRegionULY(), thisTeamConfig.getInitialRegionLRX(), thisTeamConfig.getInitialRegionLRY());
        // get this team as well as the client
        Team thisTeam = null;
        for (Team team : teams) {
            if (team.getTeamName().equalsIgnoreCase(teamName)) {
                thisTeam = team;
        Base base = new Base(baseLocation, baseConfig.getTeamName(), thisTeam, true);
     * If there are flags specified (presumably for capture the flag games), create them
     * and match their color to their team.  Randomly choose their starting location
     * from the specified set of starting locations.
    if (simConfig.getFlags() != null) {
        for (FlagConfig flagConfig : simConfig.getFlags()) {
            // get the right team to match the flag
            Team thisTeam = null;
            for (Team team : teams) {
                if (team.getTeamName().equalsIgnoreCase(flagConfig.getTeamName())) {
                    thisTeam = team;
            int[] startX = flagConfig.getStartX();
            int[] startY = flagConfig.getStartY();
            Position[] startingPositions = new Position[startX.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < startX.length; i++) {
                startingPositions[i] = new Position(startX[i], startY[i]);
            // System.out.println("Starting Locations are " + startingPositions);
            Position flagPosition = startingPositions[random.nextInt(startingPositions.length)];
            // System.out.println("Chosen location is " + flagPosition);
            Flag flag = new Flag(flagPosition, flagConfig.getTeamName(), thisTeam, startingPositions);
Also used : TeamClient(spacesettlers.clients.TeamClient) Position(spacesettlers.utilities.Position) Flag(spacesettlers.objects.Flag) Base(spacesettlers.objects.Base) Asteroid(spacesettlers.objects.Asteroid) Beacon(spacesettlers.objects.Beacon) Team(spacesettlers.clients.Team) Ship(spacesettlers.objects.Ship)

Example 4 with Team

use of spacesettlers.clients.Team in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class SpaceSettlersSimulator method run.

 * Main control loop of the simulator
 * @throws SimulatorException
public void run() throws SimulatorException {
    if (gui != null) {
    // if the pause is activated, just wait
    for (timestep = 0; timestep < simConfig.getSimulationSteps(); timestep++) {
        while (isPaused()) {
        if (gui != null) {
        if (timestep % 5000 == 0) {
            System.out.println("On time step " + timestep);
            // print out the score every 5000 steps for debugging
            for (Team team : teams) {
                String str = "Team: " + team.getLadderName() + " scored " + team.getScore();
    // update the team info (to send into the space for use by other teams)
    // shutdown all the teams
Also used : Team(spacesettlers.clients.Team)

Example 5 with Team

use of spacesettlers.clients.Team in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class SpaceSettlersSimulator method advanceTime.

 * Advance time one step
void advanceTime() {
    // update the team info (to send into the space for use by other teams)
    ExecutorService teamExecutor;
    if (debug) {
        teamExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
    } else {
        teamExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
    Map<Team, Future<Map<UUID, AbstractAction>>> clientActionFutures = new HashMap<Team, Future<Map<UUID, AbstractAction>>>();
    // get the actions from each team
    for (Team team : teams) {
        clientActionFutures.put(team, teamExecutor.submit(new AdvanceTimeCallable(team)));
    for (Team team : teams) {
        Map<UUID, AbstractAction> teamActions;
        try {
            teamActions = clientActionFutures.get(team).get();
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // something went wrong...return empty map
            teamActions = new HashMap<UUID, AbstractAction>();
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            // something went wrong...return empty map
            teamActions = new HashMap<UUID, AbstractAction>();
        // get the actions for each ship
        for (Ship ship : team.getShips()) {
            // if the client forgets to set an action, set it to DoNothing
            if (teamActions == null || !teamActions.containsKey(ship.getId())) {
                teamActions.put(ship.getId(), new DoNothingAction());
    // get the power ups being used on this turn
    Map<UUID, SpaceSettlersPowerupEnum> allPowerups = new HashMap<UUID, SpaceSettlersPowerupEnum>();
    for (Team team : teams) {
        Map<UUID, SpaceSettlersPowerupEnum> powerups = team.getTeamPowerups(simulatedSpace);
        if (powerups != null) {
            for (UUID key : powerups.keySet()) {
                // verify power ups belong to this team
                if (!team.isValidTeamID(key)) {
                // get the object and ensure it can have a power up on it
                AbstractObject swObject = simulatedSpace.getObjectById(key);
                if (!(swObject instanceof AbstractActionableObject)) {
                // verify that the object has the power up associated with it
                AbstractActionableObject actionableObject = (AbstractActionableObject) swObject;
                if (actionableObject.isValidPowerup(powerups.get(key))) {
                    allPowerups.put(key, powerups.get(key));
    // now update the physics on all objects
    simulatedSpace.advanceTime(this.getTimestep(), allPowerups);
    // and end any actions inside the team
    for (Team team : teams) {
    // handle purchases at the end of a turn (so ships will have movements next turn)
    for (Team team : teams) {
        // now get purchases for the team
        Map<UUID, PurchaseTypes> purchases = team.getTeamPurchases(simulatedSpace);
        handlePurchases(team, purchases);
    // cleanup and remove dead weapons
    // cleanup and remove dead cores
    // respawn any objects that died (and that should respawn - this includes Flags)
    final double asteroidMaxVelocity = simConfig.getRandomAsteroids().getMaxInitialVelocity();
    simulatedSpace.respawnDeadObjects(random, asteroidMaxVelocity);
    // spawn new asteroids with a small probability (up to the maximum number allowed)
    int maxAsteroids = simConfig.getRandomAsteroids().getMaximumNumberAsteroids();
    int numAsteroids = simulatedSpace.getAsteroids().size();
    if (numAsteroids < maxAsteroids) {
        if (random.nextDouble() < ASTEROID_SPAWN_PROBABILITY) {
            // System.out.println("Spawning a new asteroid");
            Asteroid asteroid = createNewRandomAsteroid(simConfig.getRandomAsteroids());
// for (Team team : teams) {
// for (Ship ship : team.getShips()) {
// System.out.println("Ship " + ship.getTeamName() + ship.getId() + " has resourcesAvailable " + ship.getMoney());
// }
// }
Also used : AbstractActionableObject(spacesettlers.objects.AbstractActionableObject) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) PurchaseTypes(spacesettlers.actions.PurchaseTypes) SpaceSettlersPowerupEnum(spacesettlers.objects.powerups.SpaceSettlersPowerupEnum) Asteroid(spacesettlers.objects.Asteroid) AbstractObject(spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject) ExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService) Future(java.util.concurrent.Future) Team(spacesettlers.clients.Team) Ship(spacesettlers.objects.Ship) UUID(java.util.UUID) ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException) AbstractAction(spacesettlers.actions.AbstractAction) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) DoNothingAction(spacesettlers.actions.DoNothingAction)


Team (spacesettlers.clients.Team)10 Ship (spacesettlers.objects.Ship)4 LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)2 AbstractObject (spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject)2 Asteroid (spacesettlers.objects.Asteroid)2 Position (spacesettlers.utilities.Position)2 Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)1 IOException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 UUID (java.util.UUID)1 ExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)1 ExecutorService (java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService)1 Future (java.util.concurrent.Future)1 AbstractAction (spacesettlers.actions.AbstractAction)1 DoNothingAction (spacesettlers.actions.DoNothingAction)1 PurchaseTypes (spacesettlers.actions.PurchaseTypes)1 ImmutableTeamInfo (spacesettlers.clients.ImmutableTeamInfo)1 TeamClient (spacesettlers.clients.TeamClient)1 SpacewarGraphics (