use of sqlite.feature.rx.model.Country in project kripton by xcesco.
the class TestRx method testRunAsync.
public void testRunAsync() {
BindXenoDataSource dataSource = prepareDataSource();
dataSource.execute(new BindXenoDataSource.ObservableTransaction<Country>() {
public TransactionResult onExecute(BindXenoDaoFactory daoFactory, ObservableEmitter<Country> emitter) {
CountryDaoImpl dao = daoFactory.getCountryDao();
List<Country> list = dao.selectAll();
for (Country item : list) {
return TransactionResult.COMMIT;
}).subscribeOn(Schedulers.newThread()).subscribe(new Observer<Country>() {
public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " onSubscribe");
public void onNext(Country t) {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " onNext " +;
public void onError(Throwable e) {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " onNext");
public void onComplete() {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " onComplete");
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Finished");
try {
} catch (Throwable e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
use of sqlite.feature.rx.model.Country in project kripton by xcesco.
the class TestRx method prepareDataSource.
public BindXenoDataSource prepareDataSource() {
BindXenoDataSource dataSource = BindXenoDataSource.instance();
dataSource.executeBatch(new BindXenoDataSource.Batch<Void>() {
public Void onExecute(BindXenoDaoFactory daoFactory) {
CountryDaoImpl dao = daoFactory.getCountryDao();
for (int i = 0; i < COUNTER; i++) {
Country bean = new Country();
bean.code = "code" + i;
bean.callingCode = "" + i; = "name" + i;
// Object bean = new
return null;
// dao.selectAll();
return dataSource;
use of sqlite.feature.rx.model.Country in project kripton by xcesco.
the class TestRx method testRunSyncWithListener.
public void testRunSyncWithListener() {
BindXenoDataSource dataSource = BindXenoDataSource.instance();
dataSource.execute(new BindXenoDataSource.Transaction() {
public TransactionResult onExecute(BindXenoDaoFactory daoFactory) {
CountryDaoImpl dao = daoFactory.getCountryDao();
for (int i = 0; i < COUNTER; i++) {
Country bean = new Country();
bean.code = "code" + i;
bean.callingCode = "" + i; = "name" + i;
// Object bean = new
return TransactionResult.COMMIT;
dataSource.execute(new BindXenoDataSource.Transaction() {
public TransactionResult onExecute(BindXenoDaoFactory daoFactory) {
CountryDaoImpl dao = daoFactory.getCountryDao();
dao.selectAll(new OnReadBeanListener<Country>() {
public void onRead(Country bean, int row, int rowCount) {
System.out.println("onNext" + bean);
return TransactionResult.COMMIT;
use of sqlite.feature.rx.model.Country in project kripton by xcesco.
the class CountryDaoImpl method selectByCallingCode.
* <h2>Select SQL:</h2>
* <pre>SELECT id, area, code, calling_code, region, name, translated_name FROM country WHERE calling_code = ${callingCode}</pre>
* <h2>Projected columns:</h2>
* <dl>
* <dt>id</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>id</strong></dd>
* <dt>area</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>area</strong></dd>
* <dt>code</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>code</strong></dd>
* <dt>calling_code</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>callingCode</strong></dd>
* <dt>region</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>region</strong></dd>
* <dt>name</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>name</strong></dd>
* <dt>translated_name</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>translatedName</strong></dd>
* </dl>
* <h2>Query's parameters:</h2>
* <dl>
* <dt>${callingCode}</dt><dd>is binded to method's parameter <strong>callingCode</strong></dd>
* </dl>
* @param callingCode
* is binded to <code>${callingCode}</code>
* @return selected bean or <code>null</code>.
public Country selectByCallingCode(String callingCode) {
KriptonContentValues _contentValues = contentValues();
// query SQL is statically defined
// add where arguments
_contentValues.addWhereArgs((callingCode == null ? "" : callingCode));
String[] _sqlArgs = _contentValues.whereArgsAsArray();
// log section BEGIN
if (_context.isLogEnabled()) {
// manage log;
// log for where parameters -- BEGIN
int _whereParamCounter = 0;
for (String _whereParamItem : _contentValues.whereArgs()) {"==> param%s: '%s'", (_whereParamCounter++), StringUtils.checkSize(_whereParamItem));
// log for where parameters -- END
// log section END
try (Cursor _cursor = database().rawQuery(_sql, _sqlArgs)) {
// log section BEGIN
if (_context.isLogEnabled()) {"Rows found: %s", _cursor.getCount());
// log section END
Country resultBean = null;
if (_cursor.moveToFirst()) {
int index0 = _cursor.getColumnIndex("id");
int index1 = _cursor.getColumnIndex("area");
int index2 = _cursor.getColumnIndex("code");
int index3 = _cursor.getColumnIndex("calling_code");
int index4 = _cursor.getColumnIndex("region");
int index5 = _cursor.getColumnIndex("name");
int index6 = _cursor.getColumnIndex("translated_name");
resultBean = new Country(); = _cursor.getLong(index0);
if (!_cursor.isNull(index1)) {
resultBean.area = _cursor.getLong(index1);
resultBean.code = _cursor.getString(index2);
resultBean.callingCode = _cursor.getString(index3);
if (!_cursor.isNull(index4)) {
resultBean.region = _cursor.getString(index4);
} = _cursor.getString(index5);
if (!_cursor.isNull(index6)) {
resultBean.translatedName = CountryTable.parseTranslatedName(_cursor.getBlob(index6));
return resultBean;
use of sqlite.feature.rx.model.Country in project kripton by xcesco.
the class CountryDaoImpl method selectByCountry.
* <h2>Select SQL:</h2>
* <pre>SELECT id, area, code, calling_code, region, name, translated_name FROM country WHERE code = ${code}</pre>
* <h2>Projected columns:</h2>
* <dl>
* <dt>id</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>id</strong></dd>
* <dt>area</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>area</strong></dd>
* <dt>code</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>code</strong></dd>
* <dt>calling_code</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>callingCode</strong></dd>
* <dt>region</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>region</strong></dd>
* <dt>name</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>name</strong></dd>
* <dt>translated_name</dt><dd>is associated to bean's property <strong>translatedName</strong></dd>
* </dl>
* <h2>Query's parameters:</h2>
* <dl>
* <dt>${code}</dt><dd>is binded to method's parameter <strong>code</strong></dd>
* </dl>
* @param code
* is binded to <code>${code}</code>
* @return selected bean or <code>null</code>.
public Country selectByCountry(String code) {
KriptonContentValues _contentValues = contentValues();
// query SQL is statically defined
String _sql = SELECT_BY_COUNTRY_SQL10;
// add where arguments
_contentValues.addWhereArgs((code == null ? "" : code));
String[] _sqlArgs = _contentValues.whereArgsAsArray();
// log section BEGIN
if (_context.isLogEnabled()) {
// manage log;
// log for where parameters -- BEGIN
int _whereParamCounter = 0;
for (String _whereParamItem : _contentValues.whereArgs()) {"==> param%s: '%s'", (_whereParamCounter++), StringUtils.checkSize(_whereParamItem));
// log for where parameters -- END
// log section END
try (Cursor _cursor = database().rawQuery(_sql, _sqlArgs)) {
// log section BEGIN
if (_context.isLogEnabled()) {"Rows found: %s", _cursor.getCount());
// log section END
Country resultBean = null;
if (_cursor.moveToFirst()) {
int index0 = _cursor.getColumnIndex("id");
int index1 = _cursor.getColumnIndex("area");
int index2 = _cursor.getColumnIndex("code");
int index3 = _cursor.getColumnIndex("calling_code");
int index4 = _cursor.getColumnIndex("region");
int index5 = _cursor.getColumnIndex("name");
int index6 = _cursor.getColumnIndex("translated_name");
resultBean = new Country(); = _cursor.getLong(index0);
if (!_cursor.isNull(index1)) {
resultBean.area = _cursor.getLong(index1);
resultBean.code = _cursor.getString(index2);
resultBean.callingCode = _cursor.getString(index3);
if (!_cursor.isNull(index4)) {
resultBean.region = _cursor.getString(index4);
} = _cursor.getString(index5);
if (!_cursor.isNull(index6)) {
resultBean.translatedName = CountryTable.parseTranslatedName(_cursor.getBlob(index6));
return resultBean;