use of in project suite by stupidsing.
the class DailyMain method alloc.
private Result alloc(String tag, float fund, BackAllocator backAllocator, Streamlet<Asset> assets) {
TimeRange period = TimeRange.daysBefore(64);
Simulate sim = BackAllocTester.of(cfg, period, assets, backAllocator, log).simulate(fund);
Account account0 = Account.ofPortfolio(cfg.queryHistory().filter(r -> String_.equals(r.strategy, tag)));
Account account1 = sim.account;
Map<String, Integer> assets0 = account0.assets();
Map<String, Integer> assets1 = account1.assets();
Set<String> symbols = Set_.union(assets0.keySet(), assets1.keySet());
Map<String, Float> priceBySymbol = cfg.quote(symbols);
List<Trade> trades = Trade_.diff(Trade.NA, assets0, assets1, priceBySymbol::get).toList();
sb.append("\nstrategy = " + tag + ", " + sim.conclusion());
return new Result(tag, trades);
use of in project suite by stupidsing.
the class WalkForwardAllocTester method tick.
public String tick(Time time, Map<String, Float> priceBySymbol) {
int last = windowSize - 1;
System.arraycopy(times, 0, times, 1, last);
times[last] = time.epochSec();
for (Entry<String, DataSource> e : dsBySymbol.entrySet()) {
String symbol = e.getKey();
float[] prices = e.getValue().prices;
System.arraycopy(prices, 0, prices, 1, last);
prices[last] = priceBySymbol.get(symbol);
AlignKeyDataSource<String> akds = new AlignKeyDataSource<>(times, Read.from2(dsBySymbol));
List<Pair<String, Double>> ratioBySymbol = wfa.allocate(akds, windowSize);
UpdatePortfolio up = Trade_.updatePortfolio(time.ymdHms(), account, ratioBySymbol, assetBySymbol, Read.from2(priceBySymbol).mapValue(Eod::of).toMap());
float valuation_;
valuations.append(valuation_ = up.valuation0);
for (Pair<String, Float> e : up.val0.streamlet()) holdBySymbol.compute(e.t0, (s, h) -> e.t1 / valuation_ + (h != null ? h : 0d));
List<Trade> trades_ = up.trades;
String actions;
if (windowSize <= valuations.size())
actions = play(trades_);
actions = "wait";
return //
time.ymdHms() + ", valuation = " + //
valuation_ + ", portfolio = " + //
account + ", actions = " + actions;
use of in project suite by stupidsing.
the class DailyMain method sellForEarn.
// some orders caused by stupid bugs. need to sell those at suitable times.
private Result sellForEarn(String tag) {
Streamlet<Trade> history = cfg.queryHistory().filter(r -> String_.equals(r.strategy, tag));
Account account = Account.ofPortfolio(history);
Map<String, Float> faceValueBySymbol = //
history.groupBy(record -> record.symbol, //
rs -> (float) Read.from(rs).toDouble(Obj_Dbl.sum(Trade::amount))).toMap();
List<Trade> trades = //
account.portfolio().map((symbol, sell) -> {
double targetPrice = (1d + 3 * Trade_.riskFreeInterestRate) * faceValueBySymbol.get(symbol) / sell;
return Trade.of(-sell, symbol, (float) targetPrice);
return new Result(tag, trades);