use of sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class D3DScreenUpdateManager method createGraphics.
* Creates a graphics object for the passed in surface data. If
* the surface is lost, it is restored.
* If the surface wasn't lost or the restoration was successful
* the surface is added to the list of maintained surfaces
* (if it hasn't been already).
* If the updater thread hasn't been created yet , it will be created and
* started.
* @param sd surface data for which to create SunGraphics2D
* @param peer peer associated with the surface data
* @param fgColor fg color to be used in graphics
* @param bgColor bg color to be used in graphics
* @param font font to be used in graphics
* @return a SunGraphics2D object for the surface (or for temp GDI
* surface data)
public Graphics2D createGraphics(SurfaceData sd, WComponentPeer peer, Color fgColor, Color bgColor, Font font) {
if (!done && sd instanceof D3DWindowSurfaceData) {
D3DWindowSurfaceData d3dw = (D3DWindowSurfaceData) sd;
if (!d3dw.isSurfaceLost() || validate(d3dw)) {
return new SunGraphics2D(sd, fgColor, bgColor, font);
// could not restore the d3dw surface, use the cached gdi surface
// instead for this graphics object; note that we do not track
// this new gdi surface, it is only used for this graphics
// object
sd = getGdiSurface(d3dw);
return super.createGraphics(sd, peer, fgColor, bgColor, font);
use of sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class D3DScreenUpdateManager method validate.
* Restores the passed surface if it was lost, resets the lost status.
* @param sd surface to be validated
* @return true if surface wasn't lost or if restoration was successful,
* false otherwise
private boolean validate(D3DWindowSurfaceData sd) {
if (sd.isSurfaceLost()) {
try {
// if succeeded, first fill the surface with bg color
// note: use the non-synch method to avoid incorrect lock order
Color bg = sd.getPeer().getBackgroundNoSync();
SunGraphics2D sg2d = new SunGraphics2D(sd, bg, bg, null);
sg2d.fillRect(0, 0, sd.getBounds().width, sd.getBounds().height);
// now clean the dirty status so that we don't flip it
// next time before it gets repainted; it is safe
// to do without the lock because we will issue a
// repaint anyway so we will not lose any rendering
// since the surface was successfully restored we need to
// repaint whole window to repopulate the back-buffer
} catch (InvalidPipeException ipe) {
return false;
return true;
use of sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class OffScreenImage method createGraphics.
public Graphics2D createGraphics() {
if (c == null) {
GraphicsEnvironment env = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
return env.createGraphics(this);
Color bg = c.getBackground();
if (bg == null) {
bg = SystemColor.window;
Color fg = c.getForeground();
if (fg == null) {
fg = SystemColor.windowText;
Font font = c.getFont();
if (font == null) {
if (defaultFont == null) {
defaultFont = new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12);
font = defaultFont;
return new SunGraphics2D(SurfaceData.getPrimarySurfaceData(this), fg, bg, font);
use of sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class OGLUtilities method invokeWithOGLContextCurrent.
* Invokes the given Runnable on the OGL QueueFlusher thread with the
* OpenGL context corresponding to the given Graphics object made
* current. It is legal for OpenGL code executed in the given
* Runnable to change the current OpenGL context; it will be reset
* once the Runnable completes. No guarantees are made as to the
* state of the OpenGL context of the Graphics object; for
* example, calling code must set the scissor box using the return
* value from {@link #getOGLScissorBox} to avoid drawing
* over other Swing components, and must typically set the OpenGL
* viewport using the return value from {@link #getOGLViewport} to
* make the client's OpenGL rendering appear in the correct place
* relative to the scissor region.
* In order to avoid deadlock, it is important that the given Runnable
* does not attempt to acquire the AWT lock, as that will be handled
* automatically as part of the <code>rq.flushAndInvokeNow()</code> step.
* @param g the Graphics object for the corresponding destination surface;
* if null, the step making a context current to the destination surface
* will be skipped
* @param r the action to be performed on the QFT; cannot be null
* @return true if the operation completed successfully, or false if
* there was any problem making a context current to the surface
* associated with the given Graphics object
public static boolean invokeWithOGLContextCurrent(Graphics g, Runnable r) {
OGLRenderQueue rq = OGLRenderQueue.getInstance();
try {
if (g != null) {
if (!(g instanceof SunGraphics2D)) {
return false;
SurfaceData sData = ((SunGraphics2D) g).surfaceData;
if (!(sData instanceof OGLSurfaceData)) {
return false;
// make a context current to the destination surface
OGLContext.validateContext((OGLSurfaceData) sData);
// invoke the given runnable on the QFT
// invalidate the current context so that the next time we render
// with Java 2D, the context state will be completely revalidated
} finally {
return true;
use of sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class MultiResolutionRenderingHintsTest method getImageColor.
private static Color getImageColor(final Object renderingHint, Image image, double configScale, double graphicsScale) {
int width = image.getWidth(null);
int height = image.getHeight(null);
TestSurfaceData surface = new TestSurfaceData(width, height, configScale);
SunGraphics2D g2d = new SunGraphics2D(surface, Color.BLACK, Color.BLACK, null);
g2d.setRenderingHint(KEY_RESOLUTION_VARIANT, renderingHint);
g2d.scale(graphicsScale, graphicsScale);
g2d.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
return surface.getColor(width / 2, height / 2);