use of in project Bytecoder by mirkosertic.
the class GCMParameters method engineToString.
* Returns a formatted string describing the parameters.
protected String engineToString() {
String LINE_SEP = System.getProperty("line.separator");
HexDumpEncoder encoder = new HexDumpEncoder();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(LINE_SEP + " iv:" + LINE_SEP + "[" + encoder.encodeBuffer(iv) + "]");
sb.append(LINE_SEP + "tLen(bits):" + LINE_SEP + tLen * 8 + LINE_SEP);
return sb.toString();
use of in project Bytecoder by mirkosertic.
the class PBEParameters method engineToString.
* Returns a formatted string describing the parameters.
protected String engineToString() {
String LINE_SEP = System.getProperty("line.separator");
String saltString = LINE_SEP + " salt:" + LINE_SEP + "[";
HexDumpEncoder encoder = new HexDumpEncoder();
saltString += encoder.encodeBuffer(salt);
saltString += "]";
return saltString + LINE_SEP + " iterationCount:" + LINE_SEP + Debug.toHexString(BigInteger.valueOf(iCount)) + LINE_SEP;
use of in project Bytecoder by mirkosertic.
the class Debug method printHex.
static void printHex(String prefix, ByteBuffer bb) {
HexDumpEncoder dump = new HexDumpEncoder();
synchronized (System.out) {
try {
dump.encodeBuffer(bb.slice(), System.out);
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
use of in project Bytecoder by mirkosertic.
the class CipherBox method encrypt.
* Encrypts a ByteBuffer block of data, returning the size of the
* resulting block.
* The byte buffers position and limit initially define the amount
* to encrypt. On return, the position and limit are
* set to last position padded/encrypted. The limit may have changed
* because of the added padding bytes.
int encrypt(ByteBuffer bb, int outLimit) {
int len = bb.remaining();
if (cipher == null) {
return len;
int pos = bb.position();
int blockSize = cipher.getBlockSize();
if (cipherType == BLOCK_CIPHER) {
// addPadding adjusts pos/limit
len = addPadding(bb, blockSize);
if (debug != null && Debug.isOn("plaintext")) {
try {
HexDumpEncoder hd = new HexDumpEncoder();
System.out.println("Padded plaintext before ENCRYPTION: len = " + len);
hd.encodeBuffer(bb.duplicate(), System.out);
} catch (IOException e) {
* Encrypt "in-place". This does not add its own padding.
ByteBuffer dup = bb.duplicate();
if (cipherType == AEAD_CIPHER) {
try {
int outputSize = cipher.getOutputSize(dup.remaining());
if (outputSize > bb.remaining()) {
// reserved space for the authentication tag.
if (outLimit < pos + outputSize) {
// unlikely to happen
throw new ShortBufferException("need more space in output buffer");
bb.limit(pos + outputSize);
int newLen = cipher.doFinal(dup, bb);
if (newLen != outputSize) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cipher buffering error in JCE provider " + cipher.getProvider().getName());
return newLen;
} catch (IllegalBlockSizeException | BadPaddingException | ShortBufferException ibse) {
// unlikely to happen
throw new RuntimeException("Cipher error in AEAD mode in JCE provider " + cipher.getProvider().getName(), ibse);
} else {
int newLen;
try {
newLen = cipher.update(dup, bb);
} catch (ShortBufferException sbe) {
// unlikely to happen
throw new RuntimeException("Cipher buffering error " + "in JCE provider " + cipher.getProvider().getName());
if (bb.position() != dup.position()) {
throw new RuntimeException("bytebuffer padding error");
if (newLen != len) {
// catch BouncyCastle buffering error
throw new RuntimeException("Cipher buffering error " + "in JCE provider " + cipher.getProvider().getName());
return newLen;
use of in project Bytecoder by mirkosertic.
the class CipherBox method decrypt.
* Decrypts a block of data, returning the size of the
* resulting block if padding was required.
* For SSLv3 and TLSv1.0, with block ciphers in CBC mode the
* Initialization Vector (IV) for the first record is generated by
* the handshake protocol, the IV for subsequent records is the
* last ciphertext block from the previous record.
* From TLSv1.1, the implicit IV is replaced with an explicit IV to
* protect against CBC attacks.
* Differentiating between bad_record_mac and decryption_failed alerts
* may permit certain attacks against CBC mode. It is preferable to
* uniformly use the bad_record_mac alert to hide the specific type of
* the error.
int decrypt(byte[] buf, int offset, int len, int tagLen) throws BadPaddingException {
if (cipher == null) {
return len;
try {
int newLen;
if (cipherType == AEAD_CIPHER) {
try {
newLen = cipher.doFinal(buf, offset, len, buf, offset);
} catch (IllegalBlockSizeException ibse) {
// unlikely to happen
throw new RuntimeException("Cipher error in AEAD mode in JCE provider " + cipher.getProvider().getName(), ibse);
} else {
newLen = cipher.update(buf, offset, len, buf, offset);
if (newLen != len) {
// catch BouncyCastle buffering error
throw new RuntimeException("Cipher buffering error " + "in JCE provider " + cipher.getProvider().getName());
if (debug != null && Debug.isOn("plaintext")) {
try {
HexDumpEncoder hd = new HexDumpEncoder();
System.out.println("Padded plaintext after DECRYPTION: len = " + newLen);
hd.encodeBuffer(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf, offset, newLen), System.out);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (cipherType == BLOCK_CIPHER) {
int blockSize = cipher.getBlockSize();
newLen = removePadding(buf, offset, newLen, tagLen, blockSize, protocolVersion);
if (protocolVersion.useTLS11PlusSpec()) {
if (newLen < blockSize) {
throw new BadPaddingException("The length after " + "padding removal (" + newLen + ") should be larger " + "than <" + blockSize + "> since explicit IV used");
return newLen;
} catch (ShortBufferException e) {
// unlikely to happen, we should have enough buffer space here
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(e.toString());