use of in project OpenAttestation by OpenAttestation.
the class X509Builder method extKeyUsage.
public X509Builder extKeyUsage(ObjectIdentifier oid) {
try {
if (extendedKeyUsageExtensionList == null) {
extendedKeyUsageExtensionList = new Vector<ObjectIdentifier>();
extendedKeyUsageExtension = new ExtendedKeyUsageExtension(extendedKeyUsageExtensionIsCritical, extendedKeyUsageExtensionList);
if (certificateExtensions == null) {
certificateExtensions = new CertificateExtensions();
certificateExtensions.set(extendedKeyUsageExtension.getExtensionId().toString(), extendedKeyUsageExtension);
info.set(X509CertInfo.EXTENSIONS, certificateExtensions);
} catch (Exception e) {
fault(e, "extKeyUsage(%s)", oid.toString());
return this;
use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class Cert method getTokenFromSubjectAltExt.
private void getTokenFromSubjectAltExt(X509Certificate cert) throws AuthLoginException {
try {
X509CertImpl certImpl = new X509CertImpl(cert.getEncoded());
X509CertInfo cinfo = new X509CertInfo(certImpl.getTBSCertificate());
CertificateExtensions exts = (CertificateExtensions) cinfo.get(X509CertInfo.EXTENSIONS);
SubjectAlternativeNameExtension altNameExt = (SubjectAlternativeNameExtension) exts.get(SubjectAlternativeNameExtension.NAME);
if (altNameExt != null) {
GeneralNames names = (GeneralNames) altNameExt.get(SubjectAlternativeNameExtension.SUBJECT_NAME);
GeneralName generalname = null;
ObjectIdentifier upnoid = new ObjectIdentifier(UPNOID);
Iterator itr = (Iterator) names.iterator();
while ((userTokenId == null) && itr.hasNext()) {
generalname = (GeneralName);
if (generalname != null) {
if (amAuthCert_subjectAltExtMapper.equalsIgnoreCase("UPN") && (generalname.getType() == GeneralNameInterface.NAME_ANY)) {
OtherName othername = (OtherName) generalname.getName();
if (upnoid.equals((Object) (othername.getOID()))) {
byte[] nval = othername.getNameValue();
DerValue derValue = new DerValue(nval);
userTokenId = derValue.getData().getUTF8String();
} else if (amAuthCert_subjectAltExtMapper.equalsIgnoreCase("RFC822Name") && (generalname.getType() == GeneralNameInterface.NAME_RFC822)) {
RFC822Name email = (RFC822Name) generalname.getName();
userTokenId = email.getName();
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("Certificate - " + "Error in getTokenFromSubjectAltExt = ", e);
throw new AuthLoginException(amAuthCert, "CertNoReg", null);
use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class NotPreferredMech method main.
public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {
// Generates a NegTokenInit mechTypes field, with an
// unsupported mech as the preferred.
DerOutputStream mech = new DerOutputStream();
mech.write(new Oid("").getDER());
DerOutputStream mechTypeList = new DerOutputStream();
mechTypeList.write(DerValue.tag_Sequence, mech);
// Generates a NegTokenInit mechToken field for mech
GSSHeader h1 = new GSSHeader(new ObjectIdentifier(""), 1);
ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
bout.write(new byte[1]);
// Generates the NegTokenInit token
Constructor<NegTokenInit> ctor = NegTokenInit.class.getDeclaredConstructor(byte[].class, BitArray.class, byte[].class, byte[].class);
NegTokenInit initToken = ctor.newInstance(mechTypeList.toByteArray(), new BitArray(0), bout.toByteArray(), null);
Method m = Class.forName("").getDeclaredMethod("getEncoded");
byte[] spnegoToken = (byte[]) m.invoke(initToken);
// and wraps it into a GSSToken
GSSHeader h = new GSSHeader(new ObjectIdentifier(GSSUtil.GSS_SPNEGO_MECH_OID.toString()), spnegoToken.length);
bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] token = bout.toByteArray();
// and feeds it to a GSS acceptor
GSSManager man = GSSManager.getInstance();
GSSContext ctxt = man.createContext((GSSCredential) null);
token = ctxt.acceptSecContext(token, 0, token.length);
NegTokenTarg targ = new NegTokenTarg(token);
// Make sure it's a GO-ON message
Method m2 = NegTokenTarg.class.getDeclaredMethod("getNegotiatedResult");
int negResult = (int) m2.invoke(targ);
if (negResult != 1) /* ACCEPT_INCOMPLETE */
throw new Exception("Not a continue");
use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class S11N method out.
// Gets the serialized form for this java
private static byte[] out(String oid) throws Exception {
ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
new ObjectOutputStream(bout).writeObject(new ObjectIdentifier(oid));
return bout.toByteArray();
use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class HumanInputStream method v3extTest.
void v3extTest(String keyAlg) throws Exception {
KeyStore ks;
String simple = "-keystore x.jks -storepass changeit -keypass changeit -noprompt -keyalg " + keyAlg + " ";
String pre = simple + "-genkeypair -dname CN=Olala -alias ";
// Version and SKID
testOK("", pre + "o1");
ks = loadStore("x.jks", "changeit", "JKS");
assertTrue(((X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate("o1")).getVersion() == 3);
assertTrue(((X509CertImpl) ks.getCertificate("o1")).getSubjectKeyIdentifierExtension() != null);
// BC
testOK("", pre + "b1 -ext BC:critical");
testOK("", pre + "b2 -ext BC");
testOK("", pre + "b3 -ext bc");
testOK("", pre + "b4 -ext BasicConstraints");
testOK("", pre + "b5 -ext basicconstraints");
testOK("", pre + "b6 -ext BC=ca:true,pathlen:12");
testOK("", pre + "b7 -ext BC=ca:false");
testOK("", pre + "b8 -ext BC:critical=ca:false");
testOK("", pre + "b9 -ext BC=12");
ks = loadStore("x.jks", "changeit", "JKS");
assertTrue(((X509CertImpl) ks.getCertificate("b1")).getBasicConstraintsExtension().isCritical());
assertTrue(!((X509CertImpl) ks.getCertificate("b2")).getBasicConstraintsExtension().isCritical());
assertTrue(((X509CertImpl) ks.getCertificate("b8")).getBasicConstraintsExtension().isCritical());
assertTrue(((X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate("b1")).getBasicConstraints() == Integer.MAX_VALUE);
assertTrue(((X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate("b2")).getBasicConstraints() == Integer.MAX_VALUE);
assertTrue(((X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate("b3")).getBasicConstraints() == Integer.MAX_VALUE);
assertTrue(((X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate("b4")).getBasicConstraints() == Integer.MAX_VALUE);
assertTrue(((X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate("b5")).getBasicConstraints() == Integer.MAX_VALUE);
assertTrue(((X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate("b6")).getBasicConstraints() == 12);
assertTrue(((X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate("b7")).getBasicConstraints() == -1);
assertTrue(((X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate("b9")).getBasicConstraints() == 12);
// KU
testOK("", pre + "ku1 -ext KeyUsage:critical=digitalsignature");
testOK("", pre + "ku2 -ext KU=digitalSignature");
testOK("", pre + "ku3 -ext KU=ds");
testOK("", pre + "ku4 -ext KU=dig");
// ambigous value
testFail("", pre + "ku5 -ext KU=d");
// cRLSign cannot be cs
testFail("", pre + "ku6 -ext KU=cs");
testOK("", pre + "ku11 -ext KU=nr");
// ke also means keyAgreement
testFail("", pre + "ku12 -ext KU=ke");
testOK("", pre + "ku12 -ext KU=keyE");
// de also means decipherOnly
testFail("", pre + "ku13 -ext KU=de");
testOK("", pre + "ku13 -ext KU=dataE");
testOK("", pre + "ku14 -ext KU=ka");
testOK("", pre + "ku15 -ext KU=kcs");
testOK("", pre + "ku16 -ext KU=crls");
testOK("", pre + "ku17 -ext KU=eo");
testOK("", pre + "ku18 -ext KU=do");
testOK("", pre + "ku19 -ext KU=cc");
testOK("", pre + "ku017 -ext KU=ds,cc,eo");
testOK("", pre + "ku135 -ext KU=nr,dataEncipherment,keyCertSign");
testOK("", pre + "ku246 -ext KU=keyEnc,cRL,keyA");
testOK("", pre + "ku1234 -ext KU=ka,da,keyE,nonR");
ks = loadStore("x.jks", "changeit", "JKS");
class CheckKU {
void check(KeyStore ks, String alias, int... pos) throws Exception {
boolean[] bs = ((X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(alias)).getKeyUsage();
bs = Arrays.copyOf(bs, 9);
for (int i = 0; i < bs.length; i++) {
boolean found = false;
for (int p : pos) {
if (p == i)
found = true;
if (!found ^ bs[i]) {
// OK
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("KU not match at " + i + ": " + found + " vs " + bs[i]);
CheckKU c = new CheckKU();
assertTrue(((X509CertImpl) ks.getCertificate("ku1")).getExtension(PKIXExtensions.KeyUsage_Id).isCritical());
assertTrue(!((X509CertImpl) ks.getCertificate("ku2")).getExtension(PKIXExtensions.KeyUsage_Id).isCritical());
c.check(ks, "ku1", 0);
c.check(ks, "ku2", 0);
c.check(ks, "ku3", 0);
c.check(ks, "ku4", 0);
c.check(ks, "ku11", 1);
c.check(ks, "ku12", 2);
c.check(ks, "ku13", 3);
c.check(ks, "ku14", 4);
c.check(ks, "ku15", 5);
c.check(ks, "ku16", 6);
c.check(ks, "ku17", 7);
c.check(ks, "ku18", 8);
c.check(ks, "ku19", 1);
c.check(ks, "ku11", 1);
c.check(ks, "ku11", 1);
c.check(ks, "ku11", 1);
c.check(ks, "ku017", 0, 1, 7);
c.check(ks, "ku135", 1, 3, 5);
c.check(ks, "ku246", 6, 2, 4);
c.check(ks, "ku1234", 1, 2, 3, 4);
// EKU
testOK("", pre + "eku1 -ext EKU:critical=sa");
testOK("", pre + "eku2 -ext ExtendedKeyUsage=ca");
testOK("", pre + "eku3 -ext EKU=cs");
testOK("", pre + "eku4 -ext EKU=ep");
testOK("", pre + "eku8 -ext EKU=ts");
testFail("", pre + "eku9 -ext EKU=os");
testOK("", pre + "eku9 -ext EKU=ocsps");
testOK("", pre + "eku10 -ext EKU=any");
testOK("", pre + "eku11 -ext EKU=,,ep");
testFail("", pre + "eku12 -ext EKU=c");
testFail("", pre + "eku12 -ext EKU=nothing");
ks = loadStore("x.jks", "changeit", "JKS");
class CheckEKU {
void check(KeyStore ks, String alias, String... pos) throws Exception {
List<String> bs = ((X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(alias)).getExtendedKeyUsage();
int found = 0;
for (String p : pos) {
if (bs.contains(p)) {
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("EKU: not included " + p);
if (found != bs.size()) {
throw new RuntimeException("EKU: more items than expected");
CheckEKU cx = new CheckEKU();
assertTrue(((X509CertImpl) ks.getCertificate("eku1")).getExtension(PKIXExtensions.ExtendedKeyUsage_Id).isCritical());
assertTrue(!((X509CertImpl) ks.getCertificate("eku2")).getExtension(PKIXExtensions.ExtendedKeyUsage_Id).isCritical());
cx.check(ks, "eku1", "");
cx.check(ks, "eku2", "");
cx.check(ks, "eku3", "");
cx.check(ks, "eku4", "");
cx.check(ks, "eku8", "");
cx.check(ks, "eku9", "");
cx.check(ks, "eku10", "");
cx.check(ks, "eku11", "", "", "");
// SAN
testOK("", pre + "san1 -ext");
testOK("", pre + "san2 -ext san=uri:");
testOK("", pre + "san3 -ext");
testOK("", pre + "san4 -ext san=ip:");
testOK("", pre + "san5 -ext san=oid:");
testOK("", pre + "san235 -ext san=uri:,,oid:");
ks = loadStore("x.jks", "changeit", "JKS");
class CheckSAN {
// Please sort items with name type
void check(KeyStore ks, String alias, int type, Object... items) throws Exception {
int pos = 0;
Object[] names = null;
if (type == 0)
names = ((X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(alias)).getSubjectAlternativeNames().toArray();
names = ((X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(alias)).getIssuerAlternativeNames().toArray();
Arrays.sort(names, new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
int i1 = (Integer) ((List) o1).get(0);
int i2 = (Integer) ((List) o2).get(0);
return i1 - i2;
for (Object o : names) {
List l = (List) o;
for (Object o2 : l) {
if (!items[pos++].equals(o2)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not equals at " + pos + ": " + items[pos - 1] + " vs " + o2);
if (pos != items.length) {
throw new RuntimeException("Extra items, pos is " + pos);
CheckSAN csan = new CheckSAN();
assertTrue(((X509CertImpl) ks.getCertificate("san1")).getSubjectAlternativeNameExtension().isCritical());
assertTrue(!((X509CertImpl) ks.getCertificate("san2")).getSubjectAlternativeNameExtension().isCritical());
csan.check(ks, "san1", 0, 1, "");
csan.check(ks, "san2", 0, 6, "");
csan.check(ks, "san3", 0, 2, "");
csan.check(ks, "san4", 0, 7, "");
csan.check(ks, "san5", 0, 8, "");
csan.check(ks, "san235", 0, 2, "", 6, "", 8, "");
// IAN
testOK("", pre + "ian1 -ext");
testOK("", pre + "ian2 -ext ian=uri:");
testOK("", pre + "ian3 -ext");
testOK("", pre + "ian4 -ext ian=ip:");
testOK("", pre + "ian5 -ext ian=oid:");
testOK("", pre + "ian235 -ext ian=uri:,,oid:");
ks = loadStore("x.jks", "changeit", "JKS");
assertTrue(((X509CertImpl) ks.getCertificate("ian1")).getIssuerAlternativeNameExtension().isCritical());
assertTrue(!((X509CertImpl) ks.getCertificate("ian2")).getIssuerAlternativeNameExtension().isCritical());
csan.check(ks, "ian1", 1, 1, "");
csan.check(ks, "ian2", 1, 6, "");
csan.check(ks, "ian3", 1, 2, "");
csan.check(ks, "ian4", 1, 7, "");
csan.check(ks, "ian5", 1, 8, "");
csan.check(ks, "ian235", 1, 2, "", 6, "", 8, "");
// SIA
testOK("", pre + "sia1 -ext sia=care:uri:ldap://");
testOK("", pre + "sia2 -ext");
testFail("SIA never critical", pre + "sia3 -ext");
ks = loadStore("x.jks", "changeit", "JKS");
class CheckSia {
void check(KeyStore ks, String alias, int type, Object... items) throws Exception {
int pos = 0;
AccessDescription[] ads = null;
if (type == 0) {
SubjectInfoAccessExtension siae = (SubjectInfoAccessExtension) ((X509CertImpl) ks.getCertificate(alias)).getExtension(PKIXExtensions.SubjectInfoAccess_Id);
ads = siae.getAccessDescriptions().toArray(new AccessDescription[0]);
} else {
AuthorityInfoAccessExtension aiae = (AuthorityInfoAccessExtension) ((X509CertImpl) ks.getCertificate(alias)).getExtension(PKIXExtensions.AuthInfoAccess_Id);
ads = aiae.getAccessDescriptions().toArray(new AccessDescription[0]);
Arrays.sort(ads, new Comparator<AccessDescription>() {
public int compare(AccessDescription o1, AccessDescription o2) {
return o1.getAccessMethod().toString().compareTo(o2.getAccessMethod().toString());
for (AccessDescription ad : ads) {
if (!ad.getAccessMethod().equals(items[pos++]) || !new Integer(ad.getAccessLocation().getType()).equals(items[pos++])) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not same type at " + pos);
String name = null;
switch(ad.getAccessLocation().getType()) {
case 1:
name = ((RFC822Name) ad.getAccessLocation().getName()).getName();
case 6:
name = ((URIName) ad.getAccessLocation().getName()).getURI().toString();
throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented: " + ad);
if (!name.equals(items[pos++])) {
throw new Exception("Name not same for " + ad + " at pos " + pos);
CheckSia csia = new CheckSia();
assertTrue(!((X509CertImpl) ks.getCertificate("sia1")).getExtension(PKIXExtensions.SubjectInfoAccess_Id).isCritical());
csia.check(ks, "sia1", 0, AccessDescription.Ad_CAREPOSITORY_Id, 6, "ldap://");
csia.check(ks, "sia2", 0, AccessDescription.Ad_TIMESTAMPING_Id, 1, "");
// AIA
testOK("", pre + "aia1 -ext aia=cai:uri:ldap://");
testOK("", pre + "aia2 -ext");
testFail("AIA never critical", pre + "aia3 -ext");
ks = loadStore("x.jks", "changeit", "JKS");
assertTrue(!((X509CertImpl) ks.getCertificate("aia1")).getExtension(PKIXExtensions.AuthInfoAccess_Id).isCritical());
csia.check(ks, "aia1", 1, AccessDescription.Ad_CAISSUERS_Id, 6, "ldap://");
csia.check(ks, "aia2", 1, AccessDescription.Ad_OCSP_Id, 1, "");
// OID
testOK("", pre + "oid1 -ext 1.2.3:critical=0102");
testOK("", pre + "oid2 -ext 1.2.3");
testOK("", pre + "oid12 -ext 1.2.3 -ext 1.2.4=01:02:03");
ks = loadStore("x.jks", "changeit", "JKS");
class CheckOid {
void check(KeyStore ks, String alias, String oid, byte[] value) throws Exception {
int pos = 0;
Extension ex = ((X509CertImpl) ks.getCertificate(alias)).getExtension(new ObjectIdentifier(oid));
if (!Arrays.equals(value, ex.getValue())) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not same content in " + alias + " for " + oid);
CheckOid coid = new CheckOid();
assertTrue(((X509CertImpl) ks.getCertificate("oid1")).getExtension(new ObjectIdentifier("1.2.3")).isCritical());
assertTrue(!((X509CertImpl) ks.getCertificate("oid2")).getExtension(new ObjectIdentifier("1.2.3")).isCritical());
coid.check(ks, "oid1", "1.2.3", new byte[] { 1, 2 });
coid.check(ks, "oid2", "1.2.3", new byte[] {});
coid.check(ks, "oid12", "1.2.3", new byte[] {});
coid.check(ks, "oid12", "1.2.4", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 });
// honored
testOK("", pre + "ca");
testOK("", pre + "a");
// request: BC,KU,1.2.3,1.2.4,1.2.5
testOK("", simple + "-alias a -certreq " + "-ext BC=1 -ext KU=crl " + "-ext 1.2.3=01 -ext 1.2.4:critical=0102 -ext 1.2.5=010203 " + "-rfc -file test.req");
// printcertreq
testOK("", "-printcertreq -file test.req");
// issue: deny KU, change criticality of 1.2.3 and 1.2.4,
// change content of BC, add 2.3.4
testOK("", simple + "-gencert -alias ca -infile test.req -ext " + "honored=all,-KU,1.2.3:critical,1.2.4:non-critical " + "-ext BC=2 -ext 2.3.4=01020304 " + "-debug -rfc -outfile test.cert");
testOK("", simple + "-importcert -file test.cert -alias a");
ks = loadStore("x.jks", "changeit", "JKS");
X509CertImpl a = (X509CertImpl) ks.getCertificate("a");
assertTrue(a.getAuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension() != null);
assertTrue(a.getSubjectKeyIdentifierExtension() != null);
assertTrue(a.getKeyUsage() == null);
assertTrue(a.getExtension(new ObjectIdentifier("1.2.3")).isCritical());
assertTrue(!a.getExtension(new ObjectIdentifier("1.2.4")).isCritical());
assertTrue(!a.getExtension(new ObjectIdentifier("1.2.5")).isCritical());
assertTrue(a.getExtensionValue("1.2.3").length == 3);
assertTrue(a.getExtensionValue("1.2.4").length == 4);
assertTrue(a.getExtensionValue("1.2.5").length == 5);
assertTrue(a.getBasicConstraints() == 2);
assertTrue(!a.getExtension(new ObjectIdentifier("2.3.4")).isCritical());
assertTrue(a.getExtensionValue("2.3.4").length == 6);