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Example 1 with Identifier

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class RMIGenerator method writeStubMethod.

     * Write the stub method for the remote method with the given "opnum".
private void writeStubMethod(IndentingWriter p, int opnum) throws IOException {
    RemoteClass.Method method = remoteMethods[opnum];
    Identifier methodName = method.getName();
    Type methodType = method.getType();
    Type[] paramTypes = methodType.getArgumentTypes();
    String[] paramNames = nameParameters(paramTypes);
    Type returnType = methodType.getReturnType();
    ClassDeclaration[] exceptions = method.getExceptions();
         * Declare stub method; throw exceptions declared in remote
         * interface(s).
    p.pln("// implementation of " + methodType.typeString(methodName.toString(), true, false));
    p.p("public " + returnType + " " + methodName + "(");
    for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) {
        if (i > 0)
            p.p(", ");
        p.p(paramTypes[i] + " " + paramNames[i]);
    if (exceptions.length > 0) {
        p.p("throws ");
        for (int i = 0; i < exceptions.length; i++) {
            if (i > 0)
                p.p(", ");
         * The RemoteRef.invoke methods throw Exception, but unless this
         * stub method throws Exception as well, we must catch Exceptions
         * thrown from the invocation.  So we must catch Exception and
         * rethrow something we can throw: UnexpectedException, which is a
         * subclass of RemoteException.  But for any subclasses of Exception
         * that we can throw, like RemoteException, RuntimeException, and
         * any of the exceptions declared by this stub method, we want them
         * to pass through unharmed, so first we must catch any such
         * exceptions and rethrow it directly.
         * We have to be careful generating the rethrowing catch blocks
         * here, because javac will flag an error if there are any
         * unreachable catch blocks, i.e. if the catch of an exception class
         * follows a previous catch of it or of one of its superclasses.
         * The following method invocation takes care of these details.
    Vector<ClassDefinition> catchList = computeUniqueCatchList(exceptions);
         * If we need to catch any particular exceptions (i.e. this method
         * does not declare java.lang.Exception), put the entire stub
         * method in a try block.
    if (catchList.size() > 0) {
        p.plnI("try {");
    if (version == STUB_VERSION_FAT) {
        p.plnI("if (useNewInvoke) {");
    if (version == STUB_VERSION_FAT || version == STUB_VERSION_1_2) {
        if (!returnType.isType(TC_VOID)) {
            // REMIND: why $?
            p.p("Object $result = ");
        p.p("ref.invoke(this, " + methodFieldNames[opnum] + ", ");
        if (paramTypes.length > 0) {
            p.p("new java.lang.Object[] {");
            for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) {
                if (i > 0)
                    p.p(", ");
                p.p(wrapArgumentCode(paramTypes[i], paramNames[i]));
        } else {
        p.pln(", " + method.getMethodHash() + "L);");
        if (!returnType.isType(TC_VOID)) {
            p.pln("return " + unwrapArgumentCode(returnType, "$result") + ";");
    if (version == STUB_VERSION_FAT) {
        p.pOlnI("} else {");
    if (version == STUB_VERSION_1_1 || version == STUB_VERSION_FAT) {
        p.pln(idRemoteCall + " call = ref.newCall((" + idRemoteObject + ") this, operations, " + opnum + ", interfaceHash);");
        if (paramTypes.length > 0) {
            p.plnI("try {");
            p.pln(" out = call.getOutputStream();");
            writeMarshalArguments(p, "out", paramTypes, paramNames);
            p.pOlnI("} catch ( e) {");
            p.pln("throw new " + idMarshalException + "(\"error marshalling arguments\", e);");
        if (returnType.isType(TC_VOID)) {
        } else {
            // REMIND: why $?
            p.pln(returnType + " $result;");
            p.plnI("try {");
            p.pln(" in = call.getInputStream();");
            boolean objectRead = writeUnmarshalArgument(p, "in", returnType, "$result");
            p.pOlnI("} catch ( e) {");
            p.pln("throw new " + idUnmarshalException + "(\"error unmarshalling return\", e);");
                 * If any only if readObject has been invoked, we must catch
                 * ClassNotFoundException as well as IOException.
            if (objectRead) {
                p.pOlnI("} catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) {");
                p.pln("throw new " + idUnmarshalException + "(\"error unmarshalling return\", e);");
            p.pOlnI("} finally {");
            p.pln("return $result;");
    if (version == STUB_VERSION_FAT) {
        // end if/else (useNewInvoke) block
         * If we need to catch any particular exceptions, finally write
         * the catch blocks for them, rethrow any other Exceptions with an
         * UnexpectedException, and end the try block.
    if (catchList.size() > 0) {
        for (Enumeration<ClassDefinition> enumeration = catchList.elements(); enumeration.hasMoreElements(); ) {
            ClassDefinition def = enumeration.nextElement();
            p.pOlnI("} catch (" + def.getName() + " e) {");
            p.pln("throw e;");
        p.pOlnI("} catch (java.lang.Exception e) {");
        p.pln("throw new " + idUnexpectedException + "(\"undeclared checked exception\", e);");
        // end try/catch block
    // end stub method
Also used : ClassDefinition( Type( Identifier( ClassDeclaration(

Example 2 with Identifier

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class Main method doCompile.

     * Do the compile with the switches and files already supplied
public boolean doCompile() {
    // Create batch environment
    BatchEnvironment env = getEnv();
    env.flags |= flags;
    // Set the classfile version numbers
    // Compat and 1.1 stubs must retain the old version number.
    env.majorVersion = 45;
    env.minorVersion = 3;
    // Preload the "out of memory" error string just in case we run
    // out of memory during the compile.
    String noMemoryErrorString = getText("");
    String stackOverflowErrorString = getText("rmic.stack.overflow");
    try {
        /** Load the classes on the command line
             * Replace the entries in classes with the ClassDefinition for the class
        for (int i = classes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            Identifier implClassName = Identifier.lookup(classes.elementAt(i));
                 * Fix bugid 4049354: support using '.' as an inner class
                 * qualifier on the command line (previously, only mangled
                 * inner class names were understood, like "pkg.Outer$Inner").
                 * The following method, also used by "javap", resolves the
                 * given unmangled inner class name to the appropriate
                 * internal identifier.  For example, it translates
                 * "pkg.Outer.Inner" to "pkg.Outer. Inner".
            implClassName = env.resolvePackageQualifiedName(implClassName);
                 * But if we use such an internal inner class name identifier
                 * to load the class definition, the Java compiler will notice
                 * if the impl class is a "private" inner class and then deny
                 * skeletons (needed unless "-v1.2" is used) the ability to
                 * cast to it.  To work around this problem, we mangle inner
                 * class name identifiers to their binary "outer" class name:
                 * "pkg.Outer. Inner" becomes "pkg.Outer$Inner".
            implClassName = Names.mangleClass(implClassName);
            ClassDeclaration decl = env.getClassDeclaration(implClassName);
            try {
                ClassDefinition def = decl.getClassDefinition(env);
                for (int j = 0; j < generators.size(); j++) {
                    Generator gen = generators.elementAt(j);
                    gen.generate(env, def, destDir);
            } catch (ClassNotFound ex) {
                env.error(0, "rmic.class.not.found", implClassName);
        // compile all classes that need compilation
        if (!nocompile) {
    } catch (OutOfMemoryError ee) {
        // The compiler has run out of memory.  Use the error string
        // which we preloaded.
        return false;
    } catch (StackOverflowError ee) {
        return false;
    } catch (Error ee) {
        // compiler more robust in the face of bad error recovery.
        if (env.nerrors == 0 || env.dump()) {
            env.error(0, "fatal.error");
            ee.printStackTrace(out instanceof PrintStream ? (PrintStream) out : new PrintStream(out, true));
    } catch (Exception ee) {
        if (env.nerrors == 0 || env.dump()) {
            env.error(0, "fatal.exception");
            ee.printStackTrace(out instanceof PrintStream ? (PrintStream) out : new PrintStream(out, true));
    boolean status = true;
    if (env.nerrors > 0) {
        String msg = "";
        if (env.nerrors > 1) {
            msg = getText("rmic.errors", env.nerrors);
        } else {
            msg = getText("rmic.1error");
        if (env.nwarnings > 0) {
            if (env.nwarnings > 1) {
                msg += ", " + getText("rmic.warnings", env.nwarnings);
            } else {
                msg += ", " + getText("rmic.1warning");
        status = false;
    } else {
        if (env.nwarnings > 0) {
            if (env.nwarnings > 1) {
                output(getText("rmic.warnings", env.nwarnings));
            } else {
    // last step is to delete generated source files
    if (!keepGenerated) {
    // We're done
    if (env.verbose()) {
        tm = System.currentTimeMillis() - tm;
        output(getText("rmic.done_in", Long.toString(tm)));
    // Shutdown the environment object and release our resources.
    // Note that while this is unneccessary when rmic is invoked
    // the command line, there are environments in which rmic
    // from is invoked within a server process, so resource
    // reclamation is important...
    sourcePathArg = null;
    sysClassPathArg = null;
    extDirsArg = null;
    classPathString = null;
    destDir = null;
    classes = null;
    generatorArgs = null;
    generators = null;
    environmentClass = null;
    program = null;
    out = null;
    return status;
Also used : PrintStream( ClassDefinition( MissingResourceException(java.util.MissingResourceException) IOException( FileNotFoundException( Identifier( ClassDeclaration( ClassNotFound(

Example 3 with Identifier

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class RemoteClass method computeInterfaceHash.

     * Compute the "interface hash" of the stub/skeleton pair for this
     * remote implementation class.  This is the 64-bit value used to
     * enforce compatibility between a stub and a skeleton using the
     * JDK 1.1 version of the stub/skeleton protocol.
     * It is calculated using the first 64 bits of a SHA digest.  The
     * digest is from a stream consisting of the following data:
     *     (int) stub version number, always 1
     *     for each remote method, in order of operation number:
     *         (UTF) method name
     *         (UTF) method type signature
     *         for each declared exception, in alphabetical name order:
     *             (UTF) name of exception class
private long computeInterfaceHash() {
    long hash = 0;
    ByteArrayOutputStream sink = new ByteArrayOutputStream(512);
    try {
        MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new DigestOutputStream(sink, md));
        for (int i = 0; i < remoteMethods.length; i++) {
            MemberDefinition m = remoteMethods[i].getMemberDefinition();
            Identifier name = m.getName();
            Type type = m.getType();
            // type signatures already use mangled class names
            ClassDeclaration[] exceptions = m.getExceptions(env);
            for (int j = 0; j < exceptions.length; j++) {
        // use only the first 64 bits of the digest for the hash
        byte[] hashArray = md.digest();
        for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(8, hashArray.length); i++) {
            hash += ((long) (hashArray[i] & 0xFF)) << (i * 8);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new Error("unexpected exception computing intetrface hash: " + e);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        throw new Error("unexpected exception computing intetrface hash: " + e);
    return hash;
Also used : DataOutputStream( ByteArrayOutputStream( IOException( NoSuchAlgorithmException( Type( Identifier( ClassDeclaration( DigestOutputStream( MessageDigest( MemberDefinition(

Example 4 with Identifier

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class RMIGenerator method writeSkeletonDispatchCase.

     * Write the case block for the skeleton's dispatch method for
     * the remote method with the given "opnum".
private void writeSkeletonDispatchCase(IndentingWriter p, int opnum) throws IOException {
    RemoteClass.Method method = remoteMethods[opnum];
    Identifier methodName = method.getName();
    Type methodType = method.getType();
    Type[] paramTypes = methodType.getArgumentTypes();
    String[] paramNames = nameParameters(paramTypes);
    Type returnType = methodType.getReturnType();
    p.pOlnI("case " + opnum + ": // " + methodType.typeString(methodName.toString(), true, false));
         * Use nested block statement inside case to provide an independent
         * namespace for local variables used to unmarshal parameters for
         * this remote method.
    if (paramTypes.length > 0) {
             * Declare local variables to hold arguments.
        for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) {
            p.pln(paramTypes[i] + " " + paramNames[i] + ";");
             * Unmarshal arguments from call stream.
        p.plnI("try {");
        p.pln(" in = call.getInputStream();");
        boolean objectsRead = writeUnmarshalArguments(p, "in", paramTypes, paramNames);
        p.pOlnI("} catch ( e) {");
        p.pln("throw new " + idUnmarshalException + "(\"error unmarshalling arguments\", e);");
             * If any only if readObject has been invoked, we must catch
             * ClassNotFoundException as well as IOException.
        if (objectsRead) {
            p.pOlnI("} catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) {");
            p.pln("throw new " + idUnmarshalException + "(\"error unmarshalling arguments\", e);");
        p.pOlnI("} finally {");
    } else {
    if (!returnType.isType(TC_VOID)) {
             * Declare variable to hold return type, if not void.
        // REMIND: why $?
        p.p(returnType + " $result = ");
         * Invoke the method on the server object.
    p.p("server." + methodName + "(");
    for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.length; i++) {
        if (i > 0)
            p.p(", ");
         * Always invoke getResultStream(true) on the call object to send
         * the indication of a successful invocation to the caller.  If
         * the return type is not void, keep the result stream and marshal
         * the return value.
    p.plnI("try {");
    if (!returnType.isType(TC_VOID)) {
        p.p(" out = ");
    if (!returnType.isType(TC_VOID)) {
        writeMarshalArgument(p, "out", returnType, "$result");
    p.pOlnI("} catch ( e) {");
    p.pln("throw new " + idMarshalException + "(\"error marshalling return\", e);");
    // break from switch statement
    // end nested block statement
Also used : Type( Identifier(

Example 5 with Identifier

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class RMIGenerator method writeMethodFieldInitializers.

     * Write code to initialize the static fields for each method
     * using the Java Reflection API.
private void writeMethodFieldInitializers(IndentingWriter p) throws IOException {
    for (int i = 0; i < methodFieldNames.length; i++) {
        p.p(methodFieldNames[i] + " = ");
             * Here we look up the Method object in the arbitrary interface
             * that we find in the RemoteClass.Method object.
             * REMIND: Is this arbitrary choice OK?
             * REMIND: Should this access be part of RemoteClass.Method's
             * abstraction?
        RemoteClass.Method method = remoteMethods[i];
        MemberDefinition def = method.getMemberDefinition();
        Identifier methodName = method.getName();
        Type methodType = method.getType();
        Type[] paramTypes = methodType.getArgumentTypes();
        p.p(def.getClassDefinition().getName() + ".class.getMethod(\"" + methodName + "\", new java.lang.Class[] {");
        for (int j = 0; j < paramTypes.length; j++) {
            if (j > 0)
                p.p(", ");
            p.p(paramTypes[j] + ".class");
Also used : Type( Identifier( MemberDefinition(


Identifier ( Type ( ClassDeclaration ( IOException ( ClassDefinition ( MemberDefinition ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( DataOutputStream ( FileNotFoundException ( PrintStream ( DigestOutputStream ( MessageDigest ( NoSuchAlgorithmException ( MissingResourceException (java.util.MissingResourceException)1 ClassNotFound (