use of sun.util.calendar.BaseCalendar in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class Date method toGMTString.
* Creates a string representation of this <tt>Date</tt> object of
* the form:
* <blockquote<pre>
* d mon yyyy hh:mm:ss GMT</pre></blockquote>
* where:<ul>
* <li><i>d</i> is the day of the month (<tt>1</tt> through <tt>31</tt>),
* as one or two decimal digits.
* <li><i>mon</i> is the month (<tt>Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul,
* Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec</tt>).
* <li><i>yyyy</i> is the year, as four decimal digits.
* <li><i>hh</i> is the hour of the day (<tt>00</tt> through <tt>23</tt>),
* as two decimal digits.
* <li><i>mm</i> is the minute within the hour (<tt>00</tt> through
* <tt>59</tt>), as two decimal digits.
* <li><i>ss</i> is the second within the minute (<tt>00</tt> through
* <tt>61</tt>), as two decimal digits.
* <li><i>GMT</i> is exactly the ASCII letters "<tt>GMT</tt>" to indicate
* Greenwich Mean Time.
* </ul><p>
* The result does not depend on the local time zone.
* @return a string representation of this date, using the Internet GMT
* conventions.
* @see java.text.DateFormat
* @see java.util.Date#toString()
* @see java.util.Date#toLocaleString()
* @deprecated As of JDK version 1.1,
* replaced by <code>DateFormat.format(Date date)</code>, using a
* GMT <code>TimeZone</code>.
public String toGMTString() {
// d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'
long t = getTime();
BaseCalendar cal = getCalendarSystem(t);
BaseCalendar.Date date = (BaseCalendar.Date) cal.getCalendarDate(getTime(), (TimeZone) null);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32);
// d
CalendarUtils.sprintf0d(sb, date.getDayOfMonth(), 1).append(' ');
// MMM
convertToAbbr(sb, wtb[date.getMonth() - 1 + 2 + 7]).append(' ');
// yyyy
sb.append(date.getYear()).append(' ');
// HH
CalendarUtils.sprintf0d(sb, date.getHours(), 2).append(':');
// mm
CalendarUtils.sprintf0d(sb, date.getMinutes(), 2).append(':');
// ss
CalendarUtils.sprintf0d(sb, date.getSeconds(), 2);
// ' GMT'
sb.append(" GMT");
return sb.toString();
use of sun.util.calendar.BaseCalendar in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class Date method getCalendarDate.
private final BaseCalendar.Date getCalendarDate() {
if (cdate == null) {
BaseCalendar cal = getCalendarSystem(fastTime);
cdate = (BaseCalendar.Date) cal.getCalendarDate(fastTime, TimeZone.getDefaultRef());
return cdate;
use of sun.util.calendar.BaseCalendar in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class GregorianCalendar method setGregorianChange.
private void setGregorianChange(long cutoverTime) {
gregorianCutover = cutoverTime;
gregorianCutoverDate = CalendarUtils.floorDivide(cutoverTime, ONE_DAY) + EPOCH_OFFSET;
// a pure Julian calendar. (See 4167995)
if (cutoverTime == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
BaseCalendar.Date d = getGregorianCutoverDate();
// Set the cutover year (in the Gregorian year numbering)
gregorianCutoverYear = d.getYear();
BaseCalendar jcal = getJulianCalendarSystem();
d = (BaseCalendar.Date) jcal.newCalendarDate(TimeZone.NO_TIMEZONE);
jcal.getCalendarDateFromFixedDate(d, gregorianCutoverDate - 1);
gregorianCutoverYearJulian = d.getNormalizedYear();
if (time < gregorianCutover) {
// The field values are no longer valid under the new
// cutover date.
use of sun.util.calendar.BaseCalendar in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class GregorianCalendar method computeFields.
* This computeFields implements the conversion from UTC
* (millisecond offset from the Epoch) to calendar
* field values. fieldMask specifies which fields to change the
* setting state to COMPUTED, although all fields are set to
* the correct values. This is required to fix 4685354.
* @param fieldMask a bit mask to specify which fields to change
* the setting state.
* @param tzMask a bit mask to specify which time zone offset
* fields to be used for time calculations
* @return a new field mask that indicates what field values have
* actually been set.
private int computeFields(int fieldMask, int tzMask) {
int zoneOffset = 0;
TimeZone tz = getZone();
if (zoneOffsets == null) {
zoneOffsets = new int[2];
if (tz instanceof ZoneInfo) {
zoneOffset = ((ZoneInfo) tz).getOffsets(time, zoneOffsets);
} else {
zoneOffset = tz.getOffset(time);
zoneOffsets[0] = tz.getRawOffset();
zoneOffsets[1] = zoneOffset - zoneOffsets[0];
if (tzMask != 0) {
if (isFieldSet(tzMask, ZONE_OFFSET)) {
zoneOffsets[0] = internalGet(ZONE_OFFSET);
if (isFieldSet(tzMask, DST_OFFSET)) {
zoneOffsets[1] = internalGet(DST_OFFSET);
zoneOffset = zoneOffsets[0] + zoneOffsets[1];
// By computing time and zoneOffset separately, we can take
// the wider range of time+zoneOffset than the previous
// implementation.
long fixedDate = zoneOffset / ONE_DAY;
int timeOfDay = zoneOffset % (int) ONE_DAY;
fixedDate += time / ONE_DAY;
timeOfDay += (int) (time % ONE_DAY);
if (timeOfDay >= ONE_DAY) {
timeOfDay -= ONE_DAY;
} else {
while (timeOfDay < 0) {
timeOfDay += ONE_DAY;
fixedDate += EPOCH_OFFSET;
int era = CE;
int year;
if (fixedDate >= gregorianCutoverDate) {
// Handle Gregorian dates.
assert cachedFixedDate == Long.MIN_VALUE || gdate.isNormalized() : "cache control: not normalized";
assert cachedFixedDate == Long.MIN_VALUE || gcal.getFixedDate(gdate.getNormalizedYear(), gdate.getMonth(), gdate.getDayOfMonth(), gdate) == cachedFixedDate : "cache control: inconsictency" + ", cachedFixedDate=" + cachedFixedDate + ", computed=" + gcal.getFixedDate(gdate.getNormalizedYear(), gdate.getMonth(), gdate.getDayOfMonth(), gdate) + ", date=" + gdate;
// See if we can use gdate to avoid date calculation.
if (fixedDate != cachedFixedDate) {
gcal.getCalendarDateFromFixedDate(gdate, fixedDate);
cachedFixedDate = fixedDate;
year = gdate.getYear();
if (year <= 0) {
year = 1 - year;
era = BCE;
calsys = gcal;
cdate = gdate;
assert cdate.getDayOfWeek() > 0 : "dow=" + cdate.getDayOfWeek() + ", date=" + cdate;
} else {
// Handle Julian calendar dates.
calsys = getJulianCalendarSystem();
cdate = (BaseCalendar.Date) jcal.newCalendarDate(getZone());
jcal.getCalendarDateFromFixedDate(cdate, fixedDate);
Era e = cdate.getEra();
if (e == jeras[0]) {
era = BCE;
year = cdate.getYear();
// Always set the ERA and YEAR values.
internalSet(ERA, era);
internalSet(YEAR, year);
int mask = fieldMask | (ERA_MASK | YEAR_MASK);
// 0-based
int month = cdate.getMonth() - 1;
int dayOfMonth = cdate.getDayOfMonth();
// Set the basic date fields.
if ((fieldMask & (MONTH_MASK | DAY_OF_MONTH_MASK | DAY_OF_WEEK_MASK)) != 0) {
internalSet(MONTH, month);
internalSet(DAY_OF_MONTH, dayOfMonth);
internalSet(DAY_OF_WEEK, cdate.getDayOfWeek());
if (timeOfDay != 0) {
int hours = timeOfDay / ONE_HOUR;
internalSet(HOUR_OF_DAY, hours);
// Assume AM == 0
internalSet(AM_PM, hours / 12);
internalSet(HOUR, hours % 12);
int r = timeOfDay % ONE_HOUR;
internalSet(MINUTE, r / ONE_MINUTE);
internalSet(SECOND, r / ONE_SECOND);
} else {
internalSet(HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
internalSet(AM_PM, AM);
internalSet(HOUR, 0);
internalSet(MINUTE, 0);
internalSet(SECOND, 0);
internalSet(MILLISECOND, 0);
if ((fieldMask & (ZONE_OFFSET_MASK | DST_OFFSET_MASK)) != 0) {
internalSet(ZONE_OFFSET, zoneOffsets[0]);
internalSet(DST_OFFSET, zoneOffsets[1]);
int normalizedYear = cdate.getNormalizedYear();
long fixedDateJan1 = calsys.getFixedDate(normalizedYear, 1, 1, cdate);
int dayOfYear = (int) (fixedDate - fixedDateJan1) + 1;
long fixedDateMonth1 = fixedDate - dayOfMonth + 1;
int cutoverGap = 0;
int cutoverYear = (calsys == gcal) ? gregorianCutoverYear : gregorianCutoverYearJulian;
int relativeDayOfMonth = dayOfMonth - 1;
// If we are in the cutover year, we need some special handling.
if (normalizedYear == cutoverYear) {
// Need to take care of the "missing" days.
if (gregorianCutoverYearJulian <= gregorianCutoverYear) {
// We need to find out where we are. The cutover
// gap could even be more than one year. (One
// year difference in ~48667 years.)
fixedDateJan1 = getFixedDateJan1(cdate, fixedDate);
if (fixedDate >= gregorianCutoverDate) {
fixedDateMonth1 = getFixedDateMonth1(cdate, fixedDate);
int realDayOfYear = (int) (fixedDate - fixedDateJan1) + 1;
cutoverGap = dayOfYear - realDayOfYear;
dayOfYear = realDayOfYear;
relativeDayOfMonth = (int) (fixedDate - fixedDateMonth1);
internalSet(DAY_OF_YEAR, dayOfYear);
internalSet(DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, relativeDayOfMonth / 7 + 1);
int weekOfYear = getWeekNumber(fixedDateJan1, fixedDate);
// ISO8601-style. This creates problems, though.
if (weekOfYear == 0) {
// If the date belongs to the last week of the
// previous year, use the week number of "12/31" of
// the "previous" year. Again, if the previous year is
// the Gregorian cutover year, we need to take care of
// it. Usually the previous day of January 1 is
// December 31, which is not always true in
// GregorianCalendar.
long fixedDec31 = fixedDateJan1 - 1;
long prevJan1 = fixedDateJan1 - 365;
if (normalizedYear > (cutoverYear + 1)) {
if (CalendarUtils.isGregorianLeapYear(normalizedYear - 1)) {
} else if (normalizedYear <= gregorianCutoverYearJulian) {
if (CalendarUtils.isJulianLeapYear(normalizedYear - 1)) {
} else {
BaseCalendar calForJan1 = calsys;
// int prevYear = normalizedYear - 1;
int prevYear = getCalendarDate(fixedDec31).getNormalizedYear();
if (prevYear == gregorianCutoverYear) {
calForJan1 = getCutoverCalendarSystem();
if (calForJan1 == jcal) {
prevJan1 = calForJan1.getFixedDate(prevYear, BaseCalendar.JANUARY, 1, null);
} else {
prevJan1 = gregorianCutoverDate;
calForJan1 = gcal;
} else if (prevYear <= gregorianCutoverYearJulian) {
calForJan1 = getJulianCalendarSystem();
prevJan1 = calForJan1.getFixedDate(prevYear, BaseCalendar.JANUARY, 1, null);
weekOfYear = getWeekNumber(prevJan1, fixedDec31);
} else {
if (normalizedYear > gregorianCutoverYear || normalizedYear < (gregorianCutoverYearJulian - 1)) {
// Regular years
if (weekOfYear >= 52) {
long nextJan1 = fixedDateJan1 + 365;
if (cdate.isLeapYear()) {
long nextJan1st = calsys.getDayOfWeekDateOnOrBefore(nextJan1 + 6, getFirstDayOfWeek());
int ndays = (int) (nextJan1st - nextJan1);
if (ndays >= getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek() && fixedDate >= (nextJan1st - 7)) {
// The first days forms a week in which the date is included.
weekOfYear = 1;
} else {
BaseCalendar calForJan1 = calsys;
int nextYear = normalizedYear + 1;
if (nextYear == (gregorianCutoverYearJulian + 1) && nextYear < gregorianCutoverYear) {
// In case the gap is more than one year.
nextYear = gregorianCutoverYear;
if (nextYear == gregorianCutoverYear) {
calForJan1 = getCutoverCalendarSystem();
long nextJan1;
if (nextYear > gregorianCutoverYear || gregorianCutoverYearJulian == gregorianCutoverYear || nextYear == gregorianCutoverYearJulian) {
nextJan1 = calForJan1.getFixedDate(nextYear, BaseCalendar.JANUARY, 1, null);
} else {
nextJan1 = gregorianCutoverDate;
calForJan1 = gcal;
long nextJan1st = calForJan1.getDayOfWeekDateOnOrBefore(nextJan1 + 6, getFirstDayOfWeek());
int ndays = (int) (nextJan1st - nextJan1);
if (ndays >= getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek() && fixedDate >= (nextJan1st - 7)) {
// The first days forms a week in which the date is included.
weekOfYear = 1;
internalSet(WEEK_OF_YEAR, weekOfYear);
internalSet(WEEK_OF_MONTH, getWeekNumber(fixedDateMonth1, fixedDate));
return mask;
use of sun.util.calendar.BaseCalendar in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class SimpleTimeZone method getOffset.
* Returns the difference in milliseconds between local time and
* UTC, taking into account both the raw offset and the effect of
* daylight saving, for the specified date and time. This method
* assumes that the start and end month are distinct. It also
* uses a default {@link GregorianCalendar} object as its
* underlying calendar, such as for determining leap years. Do
* not use the result of this method with a calendar other than a
* default <code>GregorianCalendar</code>.
* <p><em>Note: In general, clients should use
* <code>Calendar.get(ZONE_OFFSET) + Calendar.get(DST_OFFSET)</code>
* instead of calling this method.</em>
* @param era The era of the given date.
* @param year The year in the given date.
* @param month The month in the given date. Month is 0-based. e.g.,
* 0 for January.
* @param day The day-in-month of the given date.
* @param dayOfWeek The day-of-week of the given date.
* @param millis The milliseconds in day in <em>standard</em> local time.
* @return The milliseconds to add to UTC to get local time.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException the <code>era</code>,
* <code>month</code>, <code>day</code>, <code>dayOfWeek</code>,
* or <code>millis</code> parameters are out of range
public int getOffset(int era, int year, int month, int day, int dayOfWeek, int millis) {
if (era != GregorianCalendar.AD && era != GregorianCalendar.BC) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal era " + era);
int y = year;
if (era == GregorianCalendar.BC) {
// adjust y with the GregorianCalendar-style year numbering.
y = 1 - y;
// can't be supported by the Java time system.
if (y >= 292278994) {
y = 2800 + y % 2800;
} else if (y <= -292269054) {
// y %= 28 also produces an equivalent year, but positive
// year numbers would be convenient to use the UNIX cal
// command.
y = (int) CalendarUtils.mod((long) y, 28);
// convert year to its 1-based month value
int m = month + 1;
// First, calculate time as a Gregorian date.
BaseCalendar cal = gcal;
BaseCalendar.Date cdate = (BaseCalendar.Date) cal.newCalendarDate(TimeZone.NO_TIMEZONE);
cdate.setDate(y, m, day);
// normalize cdate
long time = cal.getTime(cdate);
// UTC time
time += millis - rawOffset;
// style year numbering (..., -1, 0 (BCE 1), 1, 2, ...).
if (time < GregorianCalendar.DEFAULT_GREGORIAN_CUTOVER) {
cal = (BaseCalendar) CalendarSystem.forName("julian");
cdate = (BaseCalendar.Date) cal.newCalendarDate(TimeZone.NO_TIMEZONE);
cdate.setNormalizedDate(y, m, day);
time = cal.getTime(cdate) + millis - rawOffset;
if ((cdate.getNormalizedYear() != y) || (cdate.getMonth() != m) || (cdate.getDayOfMonth() != day) || // compatibility.
(dayOfWeek < Calendar.SUNDAY || dayOfWeek > Calendar.SATURDAY) || (millis < 0 || millis >= (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (!useDaylight || year < startYear || era != GregorianCalendar.CE) {
return rawOffset;
return getOffset(cal, cdate, y, time);