use of tasks.AverageCityPopulationCallable in project microservices by pwillhan.
the class AverageCityPopulationCallableExample method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Config conf = new Config();
MapConfig citiesConf = conf.getMapConfig("cities");
citiesConf.addMapIndexConfig(new MapIndexConfig("country", false));
HazelcastInstance hz = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(conf);
IMap<CityKey, City> cities = hz.getMap("cities");
if (cities.isEmpty()) {
cities.put(new CityKey("London", "GB"), new City("London", "GB", 7322403, 2001));
cities.put(new CityKey("Southampton", "GB"), new City("Southampton", "GB", 226698, 2006));
cities.put(new CityKey("Plymouth", "GB"), new City("Plymouth", "GB", 244037, 2004));
cities.put(new CityKey("York", "GB"), new City("York", "GB", 195070, 2010));
cities.put(new CityKey("Paris", "FR"), new City("Paris", "FR", 2268265, 2013));
ExecutorService exec = hz.getExecutorService("exec");
Future<Integer> avgTask = exec.submit(new AverageCityPopulationCallable("GB"));
Integer avgPop = avgTask.get();
System.err.println("Average GB city population: " + avgPop);