use of team.cqr.cqrepoured.item.spear.ItemSpearBase in project ChocolateQuestRepoured by TeamChocoQuest.
the class EntityAIAttackSpecialSpear method stopAttack.
public void stopAttack(AbstractEntityCQR attacker, LivingEntity target) {
Vector3d vec1 = attacker.getEyePosition(1.0F);
double x = target.getX() - vec1.x;
double y = MathHelper.clamp(vec1.y, target.getY(), target.getY() + target.getBbHeight()) - vec1.y;
double z = target.getZ() - vec1.z;
double dist = MathHelper.sqrt(x * x + z * z);
double yaw = MathHelper.atan2(-x, z);
double pitch = MathHelper.atan2(-y, dist);
Vector3d vec2 = Vector3d.directionFromRotation((float) Math.toDegrees(pitch), (float) Math.toDegrees(yaw));
ItemStack stack = attacker.getMainHandItem();
ItemSpearBase item = ((ItemSpearBase) stack.getItem());
double reachDistance = attacker.getBbWidth() + 0.85D + item.getReach() * 2.5D;
BoundingBox bb = new BoundingBox(new Vector3d(-0.25D, -0.25D, 0.0D), new Vector3d(0.25D, 0.25D, reachDistance), yaw, pitch, vec1);
for (LivingEntity entity : BoundingBox.getEntitiesInsideBB(attacker.level, attacker, LivingEntity.class, bb)) {
if (!attacker.getFaction().isAlly(entity)) {
// TODO apply enchantments
entity.hurt(DamageSource.mobAttack(attacker), 1.0F + item.getDamage());
Vector3d vec3 = vec1.add(new Vector3d(-0.4D, -0.5D, 0.0D).xRot((float) -pitch).yRot((float) -yaw));
for (double d = reachDistance; d >= 0.0D; d--) {
Vector3d vec4 = vec3.add(vec2.scale(d));
((ServerWorld) attacker.level).sendParticles(ParticleTypes.SMOKE, vec4.x, vec4.y, vec4.z, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.05);
attacker.level.playSound(null, attacker.getX(), attacker.getY(), attacker.getZ(), SoundEvents.PLAYER_ATTACK_KNOCKBACK, attacker.getSoundSource(), 1.0F, 1.0F);
use of team.cqr.cqrepoured.item.spear.ItemSpearBase in project ChocolateQuestRepoured by TeamChocoQuest.
the class ModelCQRBiped method setupAnim.
* Sets the model's various rotation angles. For bipeds, par1 and par2 are used for animating the movement of arms and
* legs, where par1 represents the time(so
* that arms and legs swing back and forth) and par2 represents how "far" arms and legs
* can swing at most.
public void setupAnim(T pEntity, float pLimbSwing, float pLimbSwingAmount, float pAgeInTicks, float pNetHeadYaw, float pHeadPitch) {
final boolean isSpinToWinActive = (pEntity instanceof AbstractEntityCQR && ((AbstractEntityCQR) pEntity).isSpinToWinActive() && !this.riding);
if (isSpinToWinActive) {
pLimbSwing = 0;
pLimbSwingAmount = 0;
float f = pAgeInTicks * 16.0F;
// GlStateManager.rotate(f, 0F, 1F, 0F);
this.body.yRot = (float) Math.toRadians(f);
if (pEntity.isCrouching()) {
this.bipedCape.y = 2.0F;
} else {
this.bipedCape.y = 0.0F;
// super.setRotationAngles(pLimbSwing, pLimbSwingAmount, pAgeInTicks, pNetHeadYaw, pHeadPitch, scaleFactor, pEntity);
super.setupAnim(pEntity, pLimbSwing, pLimbSwingAmount, pAgeInTicks, pNetHeadYaw, pHeadPitch);
if (pEntity instanceof AbstractEntityCQR) {
AbstractEntityCQR cqrEnt = ((AbstractEntityCQR) pEntity);
if (isSpinToWinActive) {
this.leftArm.zRot = (float) Math.toRadians(-90F);
this.rightArm.zRot = (float) Math.toRadians(90F);
} else if (cqrEnt.isSpellCharging() && cqrEnt.isSpellAnimated()) {
this.renderSpellAnimation(cqrEnt, pAgeInTicks);
} else {
boolean flagSide = cqrEnt.isLeftHanded();
if (cqrEnt.hasAttackTarget() && (cqrEnt.getMainHandItem().getItem() instanceof ItemRevolver || cqrEnt.getMainHandItem().getItem() instanceof ItemHookshotBase) && !(cqrEnt.getMainHandItem().getItem() instanceof ItemMusket)) {
if (flagSide) {
this.leftArm.xRot -= new Float(Math.toRadians(90F));
} else {
this.rightArm.xRot -= new Float(Math.toRadians(90F));
if (cqrEnt.hasAttackTarget() && (cqrEnt.getMainHandItem().getItem() instanceof ItemRevolver || cqrEnt.getMainHandItem().getItem() instanceof ItemHookshotBase) && !(cqrEnt.getMainHandItem().getItem() instanceof ItemMusket)) {
if (flagSide) {
this.rightArm.xRot -= new Float(Math.toRadians(90F));
} else {
this.leftArm.xRot -= new Float(Math.toRadians(90F));
ItemStack stack = ((AbstractEntityCQR) pEntity).getMainHandItem();
if (stack.getItem() instanceof ItemSpearBase) {
if (true && stack.getItem() instanceof ItemGreatSword) {
copyModelAngles(this.leftLeg, this.bipedLeftLegwear);
copyModelAngles(this.rightLeg, this.bipedRightLegwear);
copyModelAngles(this.leftArm, this.bipedLeftArmwear);
copyModelAngles(this.rightArm, this.bipedRightArmwear);
copyModelAngles(this.body, this.bipedBodyWear);
use of team.cqr.cqrepoured.item.spear.ItemSpearBase in project ChocolateQuestRepoured by TeamChocoQuest.
the class AbstractEntityCQR method getAttackReach.
public double getAttackReach(LivingEntity target) {
double reach = ((double) this.getBbWidth() + (double) target.getBbWidth()) * 0.5D + 0.85D;
ItemStack stack = this.getMainHandItem();
if (stack.getItem() instanceof ItemSpearBase) {
reach += ((ItemSpearBase) stack.getItem()).getReach();
return reach;