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Example 1 with InstructorCourseEnrollResultPage

use of teammates.test.pageobjects.InstructorCourseEnrollResultPage in project teammates by TEAMMATES.

the class InstructorCourseEnrollPageUiTest method testEnrollAction.

private void testEnrollAction() throws Exception {
    /* We test both empty and non-empty courses because the generated
         * enroll result page is slightly different for the two cases.
    String courseId ="CCEnrollUiT.CS2104").getId();
    ______TS("enroll action: existent course, enroll lines with section field");
    AppUrl enrollUrl = createUrl(Const.ActionURIs.INSTRUCTOR_COURSE_ENROLL_PAGE).withUserId(testData.instructors.get("CCEnrollUiT.teammates.test").googleId).withCourseId("CCEnrollUiT.CS2104").getId());
    enrollPage = loginAdminToPage(enrollUrl, InstructorCourseEnrollPage.class);
    String enrollString = "Section | Team | Name | Email | Comments\n" + // Modify team for student within section
    "Section 1| Team 4 | Alice Betsy</textarea><textarea>'\" | alice.b.tmms@gmail.tmt" + " | This comment has been changed\n" + // Modify section and team
    "Section 2| Team 2 | Benny Charles| benny.c.tmms@gmail.tmt |\n" + // A student with no comment
    "Section 3 | Team 3 |Frank Galoe | frank.g.tmms@gmail.tmt |\n" + // A new student with name containing accented characters
    "Section 1 | Team 1|José Gómez | jose.gomez.tmns@gmail.tmt" + " | This student name contains accented characters\n";
    InstructorCourseEnrollResultPage resultsPage = enrollPage.enroll(enrollString);
    // This is the full HTML verification for Instructor Course Enroll Results Page, the rest can all be verifyMainHtml
    // Check 'Edit' link
    enrollPage = resultsPage.clickEditLink();
    enrollPage.verifyContains("Enroll Students for CCEnrollUiT.CS2104");
    assertEquals(enrollString, enrollPage.getEnrollText());
    // Ensure students were actually enrolled
    AppUrl coursesPageUrl = createUrl(Const.ActionURIs.INSTRUCTOR_COURSE_DETAILS_PAGE).withUserId(testData.instructors.get("CCEnrollUiT.teammates.test").googleId).withCourseId(courseId);
    InstructorCoursesDetailsPage detailsPage = loginAdminToPage(coursesPageUrl, InstructorCoursesDetailsPage.class);
    assertEquals(6, detailsPage.getStudentCountForCourse());
    ______TS("enroll action: empty course, enroll lines with header containing empty columns, no sections");
    // Make the course empty
    enrollUrl = createUrl(Const.ActionURIs.INSTRUCTOR_COURSE_ENROLL_PAGE).withUserId(testData.instructors.get("CCEnrollUiT.teammates.test").googleId).withCourseId("CCEnrollUiT.CS2104").getId());
    enrollPage = loginAdminToPage(enrollUrl, InstructorCourseEnrollPage.class);
    enrollString = "| Name | Email | | Team | Comments\n" + "|Alice Betsy</option></td></div>'\" | alice.b.tmms@gmail.tmt ||" + " Team 1</option></td></div>'\" | This comment has been changed\n" + // A student with no comment
    "|Frank Galoe | frank.g.tmms@gmail.tmt || Team 1</option></td></div>'\" |\n" + // A new student with name containing accented characters
    "|José Gómez | jose.gomez.tmns@gmail.tmt || Team 3 | This student name contains accented characters\n";
    resultsPage = enrollPage.enroll(enrollString);
    // Check 'Edit' link
    enrollPage = resultsPage.clickEditLink();
    enrollPage.verifyContains("Enroll Students for CCEnrollUiT.CS2104");
    assertEquals(enrollString, enrollPage.getEnrollText());
    // Ensure students were actually enrolled
    coursesPageUrl = createUrl(Const.ActionURIs.INSTRUCTOR_COURSE_DETAILS_PAGE).withUserId(testData.instructors.get("CCEnrollUiT.teammates.test").googleId).withCourseId(courseId);
    detailsPage = loginAdminToPage(coursesPageUrl, InstructorCoursesDetailsPage.class);
    assertEquals(3, detailsPage.getStudentCountForCourse());
    ______TS("enroll action: fail to enroll as a team cannot be in 2 different sections");
    enrollUrl = createUrl(Const.ActionURIs.INSTRUCTOR_COURSE_ENROLL_PAGE).withUserId(testData.instructors.get("CCEnrollUiT.teammates.test").googleId).withCourseId("CCEnrollUiT.CS2104").getId());
    enrollPage = loginAdminToPage(enrollUrl, InstructorCourseEnrollPage.class);
    enrollString = "Section | Team | Name | Email | Comments\n" + "Different Section | Team 1</option></td></div>'\" | Alice Betsy | alice.b.tmms@gmail.tmt |\n";
    enrollPage.waitForTextsForAllStatusMessagesToUserEquals("The team \"Team 1</option></td></div>'\"\" is in multiple sections. " + "The team ID should be unique across the entire course " + "and a team cannot be spread across multiple sections." + "\nPlease use the enroll page to edit multiple students");
    ______TS("enroll action: fail to enroll due to invalid header");
    enrollString = "Section | Team | Name | Email | Comments | Section\n";
    enrollPage.waitForTextsForAllStatusMessagesToUserEquals("The header row contains repeated fields");
    enrollString = "Section | Name | Email\n";
    enrollPage.waitForTextsForAllStatusMessagesToUserEquals("The following required column names are missing in the header row: Team");
    ______TS("enroll action: fail to enroll as there is no input");
    enrollUrl = createUrl(Const.ActionURIs.INSTRUCTOR_COURSE_ENROLL_PAGE).withUserId(testData.instructors.get("CCEnrollUiT.teammates.test").googleId).withCourseId("CCEnrollUiT.CS2104").getId());
    enrollPage = loginAdminToPage(enrollUrl, InstructorCourseEnrollPage.class);
    enrollString = "";
    enrollPage.waitForTextsForAllStatusMessagesToUserEquals("Please input at least one student detail.");
    ______TS("enroll action: fail to enroll as there is an invalid line");
    enrollString = "Team | Name | Email | Comment" + System.lineSeparator() + // A new student with no email input
    "Team 3 | Frank Hughe" + System.lineSeparator() + // A new student with invalid email input
    "Team 1</option></td></div>'\" | Black Jack | | This student email is invalid" + System.lineSeparator() + // A new student with invalid team name
    StringHelperExtension.generateStringOfLength(FieldValidator.TEAM_NAME_MAX_LENGTH + 1) + " | Robert Downey | rob@email.tmt | This student team name is too long" + System.lineSeparator() + // A new student with invalid name
    "Team 2 | " + StringHelperExtension.generateStringOfLength(FieldValidator.PERSON_NAME_MAX_LENGTH + 1) + " | longname@email.tmt | This student name is too long" + System.lineSeparator();
    ______TS("enroll action: scripts are successfully sanitized");
    // Enroll a student with a script in the name
    String xssScript = "<script>alert(\"was here\");</script>";
    enrollString = "Team | Name | Email | Comments\n" + "Team GreyHats | Mallory " + xssScript + " | mallory.tmms@gmail.tmt |\n";
    // Check that the script does not appear on the InstructorCourseEnrollResult page
    resultsPage = enrollPage.enroll(enrollString);
    // Check that the script does not appear on the InstructorCourseEnroll page either
    enrollPage = resultsPage.clickEditLink();
Also used : InstructorCourseEnrollResultPage(teammates.test.pageobjects.InstructorCourseEnrollResultPage) InstructorCourseEnrollPage(teammates.test.pageobjects.InstructorCourseEnrollPage) AppUrl(teammates.common.util.AppUrl) InstructorCoursesDetailsPage(teammates.test.pageobjects.InstructorCoursesDetailsPage)


AppUrl (teammates.common.util.AppUrl)1 InstructorCourseEnrollPage (teammates.test.pageobjects.InstructorCourseEnrollPage)1 InstructorCourseEnrollResultPage (teammates.test.pageobjects.InstructorCourseEnrollResultPage)1 InstructorCoursesDetailsPage (teammates.test.pageobjects.InstructorCoursesDetailsPage)1