use of in project cassandre-trading-bot by cassandre-tech.
the class TradeServiceDryModeAOP method createBuyMarketOrder.
@Around(value = "execution(* && args(strategy, currencyPair, amount)", argNames = "pjp, strategy, currencyPair, amount")
public final OrderCreationResultDTO createBuyMarketOrder(final ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, final CassandreStrategy strategy, final CurrencyPairDTO currencyPair, final BigDecimal amount) {
// We check that we have the trade account.
final Optional<AccountDTO> tradeAccount = strategy.getTradeAccount();
if (tradeAccount.isEmpty()) {
throw new DryModeException("Trade account was not found");
// We check if we have enough assets to buy.
// Buying order - we buy ETH with BTC.
// We are buying the following amount: ticker last price * amount
Optional<BalanceDTO> balance = tradeAccount.get().getBalance(currencyPair.getQuoteCurrency());
final Optional<TickerDTO> ticker = strategy.getLastTickerByCurrencyPair(currencyPair);
if (balance.isPresent() && ticker.isPresent()) {
BigDecimal ownedAssets = balance.get().getAvailable();
BigDecimal cost = ticker.get().getLast().multiply(amount);
if (cost.compareTo(ownedAssets) > 0) {
final String errorMessage = "Not enough assets (costs: " + cost + " " + currencyPair.getQuoteCurrency() + " - owned assets: " + ownedAssets + " " + currencyPair.getQuoteCurrency() + ")";
return new OrderCreationResultDTO(errorMessage, new RuntimeException());
} else {
return new OrderCreationResultDTO("No assets (" + currencyPair.getQuoteCurrency() + ")", new RuntimeException());
// We execute the buy.
Object result = null;
try {
result = pjp.proceed();
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
logger.error("Error in Dry mode AOP: {}", throwable.getMessage());
// We update the account.
userService.addToBalance(strategy, CURRENCY_MAPPER.mapToCurrency(currencyPair.getBaseCurrency()), amount);
userService.addToBalance(strategy, CURRENCY_MAPPER.mapToCurrency(currencyPair.getQuoteCurrency()), amount.multiply(ticker.get().getLast()).multiply(new BigDecimal("-1")));
return (OrderCreationResultDTO) result;
use of in project cassandre-trading-bot by cassandre-tech.
the class TradeServiceDryModeAOP method createSellMarketOrder.
@Around(value = "execution(* && args(strategy, currencyPair, amount)", argNames = "pjp, strategy, currencyPair, amount")
public final OrderCreationResultDTO createSellMarketOrder(final ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, final CassandreStrategy strategy, final CurrencyPairDTO currencyPair, final BigDecimal amount) {
// We check that we have the trade account.
final Optional<AccountDTO> tradeAccount = strategy.getTradeAccount();
if (tradeAccount.isEmpty()) {
throw new DryModeException("Trade account was not found");
// Selling order - we sell ETH to buy BTC.
// We are selling the amount
Optional<BalanceDTO> balance = tradeAccount.get().getBalance(currencyPair.getBaseCurrency());
final Optional<TickerDTO> ticker = strategy.getLastTickerByCurrencyPair(currencyPair);
if (balance.isPresent() && ticker.isPresent()) {
BigDecimal ownedAssets = balance.get().getAvailable();
if (amount.compareTo(ownedAssets) > 0) {
final String errorMessage = "Not enough assets (amount: " + amount + " " + currencyPair.getQuoteCurrency() + " - owned assets: " + ownedAssets + " " + currencyPair.getBaseCurrency();
return new OrderCreationResultDTO(errorMessage, new RuntimeException());
} else {
return new OrderCreationResultDTO("No assets (" + currencyPair.getBaseCurrency() + ")", new RuntimeException());
// We execute the sell.
Object result = null;
try {
result = pjp.proceed();
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
logger.error("Error in Dry mode AOP: {}", throwable.getMessage());
// We update the account.
userService.addToBalance(strategy, CURRENCY_MAPPER.mapToCurrency(currencyPair.getBaseCurrency()), amount.multiply(new BigDecimal("-1")));
userService.addToBalance(strategy, CURRENCY_MAPPER.mapToCurrency(currencyPair.getQuoteCurrency()), amount.multiply(ticker.get().getLast()));
return (OrderCreationResultDTO) result;
use of in project cassandre-trading-bot by cassandre-tech.
the class TradeServiceDryModeAOP method createBuyMarketOrder.
@Around(value = "execution(* && args(strategy, currencyPair, amount)", argNames = "pjp, strategy, currencyPair, amount")
public final OrderCreationResultDTO createBuyMarketOrder(final ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, final GenericCassandreStrategy strategy, final CurrencyPairDTO currencyPair, final BigDecimal amount) {
// We check that we have the trade account.
final Optional<AccountDTO> tradeAccount = strategy.getTradeAccount();
if (tradeAccount.isEmpty()) {
throw new DryModeException("Trade account was not found");
// We check if we have enough assets to buy.
// Buying order - we buy ETH with BTC.
// We are buying the following amount: ticker last price * amount
Optional<BalanceDTO> balance = tradeAccount.get().getBalance(currencyPair.getQuoteCurrency());
final Optional<TickerDTO> ticker = strategy.getLastTickerByCurrencyPair(currencyPair);
if (balance.isPresent() && ticker.isPresent()) {
BigDecimal ownedAssets = balance.get().getAvailable();
BigDecimal cost = ticker.get().getLast().multiply(amount);
if (cost.compareTo(ownedAssets) > 0) {
final String errorMessage = "Not enough assets (costs: " + cost + " " + currencyPair.getQuoteCurrency() + " - owned assets: " + ownedAssets + " " + currencyPair.getQuoteCurrency() + ")";
return new OrderCreationResultDTO(errorMessage, new RuntimeException());
} else {
return new OrderCreationResultDTO("No assets (" + currencyPair.getQuoteCurrency() + ")", new RuntimeException());
// We execute the buy.
Object result = null;
try {
result = pjp.proceed();
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
logger.error("Error in Dry mode AOP: {}", throwable.getMessage());
// We update the account.
userService.addToBalance(strategy, CURRENCY_MAPPER.mapToCurrency(currencyPair.getBaseCurrency()), amount);
userService.addToBalance(strategy, CURRENCY_MAPPER.mapToCurrency(currencyPair.getQuoteCurrency()), amount.multiply(ticker.get().getLast()).multiply(new BigDecimal("-1")));
return (OrderCreationResultDTO) result;
use of in project cassandre-trading-bot by cassandre-tech.
the class TradeServiceDryModeAOP method createSellMarketOrder.
@Around(value = "execution(* && args(strategy, currencyPair, amount)", argNames = "pjp, strategy, currencyPair, amount")
public final OrderCreationResultDTO createSellMarketOrder(final ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, final GenericCassandreStrategy strategy, final CurrencyPairDTO currencyPair, final BigDecimal amount) {
// We check that we have the trade account.
final Optional<AccountDTO> tradeAccount = strategy.getTradeAccount();
if (tradeAccount.isEmpty()) {
throw new DryModeException("Trade account was not found");
// Selling order - we sell ETH to buy BTC.
// We are selling the amount
Optional<BalanceDTO> balance = tradeAccount.get().getBalance(currencyPair.getBaseCurrency());
final Optional<TickerDTO> ticker = strategy.getLastTickerByCurrencyPair(currencyPair);
if (balance.isPresent() && ticker.isPresent()) {
BigDecimal ownedAssets = balance.get().getAvailable();
if (amount.compareTo(ownedAssets) > 0) {
final String errorMessage = "Not enough assets (amount: " + amount + " " + currencyPair.getQuoteCurrency() + " - owned assets: " + ownedAssets + " " + currencyPair.getBaseCurrency();
return new OrderCreationResultDTO(errorMessage, new RuntimeException());
} else {
return new OrderCreationResultDTO("No assets (" + currencyPair.getBaseCurrency() + ")", new RuntimeException());
// We execute the sell.
Object result = null;
try {
result = pjp.proceed();
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
logger.error("Error in Dry mode AOP: {}", throwable.getMessage());
// We update the account.
userService.addToBalance(strategy, CURRENCY_MAPPER.mapToCurrency(currencyPair.getBaseCurrency()), amount.multiply(new BigDecimal("-1")));
userService.addToBalance(strategy, CURRENCY_MAPPER.mapToCurrency(currencyPair.getQuoteCurrency()), amount.multiply(ticker.get().getLast()));
return (OrderCreationResultDTO) result;