use of tech.pegasys.signers.secp256k1.api.Signature in project signers by ConsenSys.
the class AzureKeyVaultSignerTest method azureWithoutHashingDoesntHashData.
void azureWithoutHashingDoesntHashData() throws SignatureException {
final AzureConfig config = new AzureConfig(keyVaultName, KEY_NAME, "", clientId, clientSecret, tenantId);
final Signer azureNonHashedDataSigner = new AzureKeyVaultSignerFactory(false).createSigner(config);
final BigInteger publicKey = Numeric.toBigInt(EthPublicKeyUtils.toByteArray(azureNonHashedDataSigner.getPublicKey()));
final byte[] dataToSign = "Hello World".getBytes(UTF_8);
// manual hash before sending to remote signing
final byte[] hashedData = Hash.sha3(dataToSign);
final Signature signature = azureNonHashedDataSigner.sign(hashedData);
// Determine if Web3j thinks the signature comes from the public key used (really proves
// that the hashedData isn't hashed a second time).
final SignatureData sigData = new SignatureData(signature.getV().toByteArray(), Numeric.toBytesPadded(signature.getR(), 32), Numeric.toBytesPadded(signature.getS(), 32));
final BigInteger recoveredPublicKey = Sign.signedMessageHashToKey(hashedData, sigData);
use of tech.pegasys.signers.secp256k1.api.Signature in project signers by ConsenSys.
the class AzureKeyVaultSigner method sign.
public Signature sign(byte[] data) {
final AzureKeyVault vault;
try {
vault = createUsingClientSecretCredentials(config.getClientId(), config.getClientSecret(), config.getTenantId(), config.getKeyVaultName());
} catch (final Exception e) {
LOG.error("Failed to connect to vault", e);
throw new SignerInitializationException(INACCESSIBLE_KEY_ERROR, e);
final CryptographyClient cryptoClient = vault.fetchKey(config.getKeyName(), config.getKeyVersion());
final byte[] dataToSign = needsToHash ? Hash.sha3(data) : data;
final SignResult result = cryptoClient.sign(signingAlgo, dataToSign);
final byte[] signature = result.getSignature();
if (signature.length != 64) {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid signature from the key vault signing service, must be 64 bytes long");
// reference: blog by Tomislav Markovski
// The output of this will be a 64 byte array. The first 32 are the value for R and the rest is
// S.
final BigInteger R = new BigInteger(1, Arrays.copyOfRange(signature, 0, 32));
final BigInteger S = new BigInteger(1, Arrays.copyOfRange(signature, 32, 64));
// The Azure Signature MAY be in the "top" of the curve, which is illegal in Ethereum
// thus it must be transposed to the lower intersection.
final ECDSASignature initialSignature = new ECDSASignature(R, S);
final ECDSASignature canonicalSignature = initialSignature.toCanonicalised();
// Now we have to work backwards to figure out the recId needed to recover the signature.
final int recId = recoverKeyIndex(canonicalSignature, dataToSign);
if (recId == -1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not construct a recoverable key. Are your credentials valid?");
final int headerByte = recId + 27;
return new Signature(BigInteger.valueOf(headerByte), canonicalSignature.r, canonicalSignature.s);
use of tech.pegasys.signers.secp256k1.api.Signature in project web3signer by ConsenSys.
the class FcSecpArtifactSignerTest method signsData.
@CsvSource({ "'',E+f4UauYmVPEL7+PUr/GL819Euww2Qy6/WJ2AQd5x8okioQiu8UbhRwUNjtLxw6ukdTBdLKwA3KkkkghqwSgxAA=", "NDI=,4ZDlbvzXtjFnGAnkmnAXImN7KmE+OdW3KbCn+UIHJwY3hEbodjS0VIVBiPUxRWbhJOMao3Sx7GWb4myEsYouJgA=" })
void signsData(final String message, final String expectedSignature) {
final SecpArtifactSignature signature = fcSecpArtifactSigner.sign(Bytes.fromBase64String(message));
final Signature signatureData = signature.getSignatureData();
final Bytes signatureValue = Bytes.concatenate(Bytes32.leftPad(Bytes.wrap(ByteUtils.bigIntegerToBytes(signatureData.getR()))), Bytes32.leftPad(Bytes.wrap(ByteUtils.bigIntegerToBytes(signatureData.getS()))), Bytes.wrap(ByteUtils.bigIntegerToBytes(signatureData.getV())));
use of tech.pegasys.signers.secp256k1.api.Signature in project web3signer by ConsenSys.
the class FcSecpArtifactSigner method sign.
public SecpArtifactSignature sign(final Bytes message) {
final Bytes dataHash = Blake2b.sum256(message);
final Signature ethSignature = signer.sign(dataHash.toArray());
// signer performs an Ethereum signing - thus the "V" value is 27 or 28 (not 0 or 1).
final Signature fcSignature = new Signature(ethSignature.getV().subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(ETHEREUM_V_OFFSET)), ethSignature.getR(), ethSignature.getS());
return new SecpArtifactSignature(fcSignature);
use of tech.pegasys.signers.secp256k1.api.Signature in project web3signer by ConsenSys.
the class EthSecpArtifactSignerTest method signsData.
void signsData() {
final ECKeyPair ecKeyPair = new ECKeyPair(Numeric.toBigInt(PRIVATE_KEY), Numeric.toBigInt(PUBLIC_KEY));
final Credentials credentials = Credentials.create(ecKeyPair);
final EthSecpArtifactSigner ethSecpArtifactSigner = new EthSecpArtifactSigner(new CredentialSigner(credentials));
final Bytes message = Bytes.wrap("Hello, world!".getBytes(UTF_8));
final SecpArtifactSignature signature = ethSecpArtifactSigner.sign(message);
final SignatureData expectedSignature = Sign.signMessage(message.toArrayUnsafe(), ecKeyPair);
final Signature signatureData = signature.getSignatureData();