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Example 1 with InfusionRecipe

use of thaumcraft.api.crafting.InfusionRecipe in project PneumaticCraft by MineMaarten.

the class ThaumcraftApi method addInfusionCraftingRecipe.

	 * @param research the research key required for this recipe to work. Leave blank if it will work without research
	 * @param result the recipe output. It can either be an itemstack or an nbt compound tag that will be added to the central item
	 * @param instability a number that represents the N in 1000 chance for the infusion altar to spawn an
	 * 		  instability effect each second while the crafting is in progress
	 * @param aspects the essentia cost per aspect. 
	 * @param aspects input the central item to be infused
	 * @param recipe An array of items required to craft this. Input itemstacks are NBT sensitive. 
	 * 				Infusion crafting components are automatically "fuzzy" and the oredict will be checked for possible matches.
public static InfusionRecipe addInfusionCraftingRecipe(String research, Object result, int instability, AspectList aspects, ItemStack input, ItemStack[] recipe) {
    if (!(result instanceof ItemStack || result instanceof Object[]))
        return null;
    InfusionRecipe r = new InfusionRecipe(research, result, instability, aspects, input, recipe);
    return r;
Also used : InfusionRecipe(thaumcraft.api.crafting.InfusionRecipe) ItemStack(net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)

Example 2 with InfusionRecipe

use of thaumcraft.api.crafting.InfusionRecipe in project ArsMagica2 by Mithion.

the class ThaumcraftApi method addInfusionCraftingRecipe.

	 * @param research the research key required for this recipe to work. Leave blank if it will work without research
	 * @param result the recipe output. It can either be an itemstack or an nbt compound tag that will be added to the central item
	 * @param instability a number that represents the N in 1000 chance for the infusion altar to spawn an
	 * 		  instability effect each second while the crafting is in progress
	 * @param aspects the essentia cost per aspect. 
	 * @param aspects input the central item to be infused
	 * @param recipe An array of items required to craft this. Input itemstacks are NBT sensitive. 
	 * 				Infusion crafting components are automatically "fuzzy" and the oredict will be checked for possible matches.
public static InfusionRecipe addInfusionCraftingRecipe(String research, Object result, int instability, AspectList aspects, ItemStack input, ItemStack[] recipe) {
    if (!(result instanceof ItemStack || result instanceof Object[]))
        return null;
    InfusionRecipe r = new InfusionRecipe(research, result, instability, aspects, input, recipe);
    return r;
Also used : InfusionRecipe(thaumcraft.api.crafting.InfusionRecipe) ItemStack(net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)

Example 3 with InfusionRecipe

use of thaumcraft.api.crafting.InfusionRecipe in project Railcraft by Railcraft.

the class ThaumcraftApi method addInfusionCraftingRecipe.

	 * @param research the research key required for this recipe to work. Leave blank if it will work without research
	 * @param result the recipe output. It can either be an itemstack or an nbt compound tag that will be added to the central item
	 * 		If nbt it needs to be in the format Object[] {"nbttagname", NBT Tag Object}  eg. new Object[] { "mask", new NBTTagInt(1) }
	 * @param instability a number that represents the N in 1000 chance for the infusion altar to spawn an
	 * 		  instability effect each second while the crafting is in progress
	 * @param aspects the essentia cost per aspect. 
	 * @param aspects input the central item to be infused. If string is passed it will look up oredictionary entries
	 * @param recipe An array of items required to craft this. Input itemstacks are NBT sensitive. 
	 * 				If string is passed it will look up oredictionary entries.
public static InfusionRecipe addInfusionCraftingRecipe(String research, Object result, int instability, AspectList aspects, Object input, Object[] recipe) {
    if (!(result instanceof ItemStack || result instanceof Object[]))
        return null;
    InfusionRecipe r = new InfusionRecipe(research, result, instability, aspects, input, recipe);
    return r;
Also used : InfusionRecipe(thaumcraft.api.crafting.InfusionRecipe) ItemStack(net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)

Example 4 with InfusionRecipe

use of thaumcraft.api.crafting.InfusionRecipe in project Railcraft by Railcraft.

the class ThaumcraftApi method getCraftingRecipeKey.

public static Object[] getCraftingRecipeKey(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack stack) {
    int[] key = new int[] { Item.getIdFromItem(stack.getItem()), stack.getItemDamage() };
    if (keyCache.containsKey(key)) {
        if (keyCache.get(key) == null)
            return null;
        if (ResearchHelper.isResearchComplete(player.getName(), (String) (keyCache.get(key))[0]))
            return keyCache.get(key);
            return null;
    for (ResearchCategoryList rcl : ResearchCategories.researchCategories.values()) {
        for (ResearchItem ri : rcl.research.values()) {
            if (ri.getPages() == null)
            for (int a = 0; a < ri.getPages().length; a++) {
                ResearchPage page = ri.getPages()[a];
                if (page.recipe != null && page.recipe instanceof CrucibleRecipe[]) {
                    CrucibleRecipe[] crs = (CrucibleRecipe[]) page.recipe;
                    for (CrucibleRecipe cr : crs) {
                        if (cr.getRecipeOutput().isItemEqual(stack)) {
                            keyCache.put(key, new Object[] { ri.key, a });
                            if (ResearchHelper.isResearchComplete(player.getName(), ri.key))
                                return new Object[] { ri.key, a };
                } else if (page.recipe != null && page.recipe instanceof InfusionRecipe[]) {
                    InfusionRecipe[] crs = (InfusionRecipe[]) page.recipe;
                    for (InfusionRecipe cr : crs) {
                        if (cr.getRecipeOutput() instanceof ItemStack && ((ItemStack) cr.getRecipeOutput()).isItemEqual(stack)) {
                            keyCache.put(key, new Object[] { ri.key, a });
                            if (ResearchHelper.isResearchComplete(player.getName(), ri.key))
                                return new Object[] { ri.key, a };
                } else if (page.recipe != null && page.recipe instanceof IRecipe[]) {
                    IRecipe[] crs = (IRecipe[]) page.recipe;
                    for (IRecipe cr : crs) {
                        if (cr.getRecipeOutput().isItemEqual(stack)) {
                            keyCache.put(key, new Object[] { ri.key, a });
                            if (ResearchHelper.isResearchComplete(player.getName(), ri.key))
                                return new Object[] { ri.key, a };
                } else if (page.recipeOutput != null && stack != null && (page.recipeOutput instanceof ItemStack && ((ItemStack) page.recipeOutput).isItemEqual(stack)) || (page.recipeOutput instanceof String && ThaumcraftApiHelper.containsMatch(true, new ItemStack[] { stack }, OreDictionary.getOres((String) page.recipeOutput)))) {
                    keyCache.put(key, new Object[] { ri.key, a });
                    if (ResearchHelper.isResearchComplete(player.getName(), ri.key))
                        return new Object[] { ri.key, a };
                        return null;
    keyCache.put(key, null);
    return null;
Also used : IRecipe(net.minecraft.item.crafting.IRecipe) CrucibleRecipe(thaumcraft.api.crafting.CrucibleRecipe) ResearchPage(thaumcraft.api.research.ResearchPage) ResearchItem(thaumcraft.api.research.ResearchItem) ResearchCategoryList(thaumcraft.api.research.ResearchCategoryList) InfusionRecipe(thaumcraft.api.crafting.InfusionRecipe) ItemStack(net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)

Example 5 with InfusionRecipe

use of thaumcraft.api.crafting.InfusionRecipe in project Railcraft by Railcraft.

the class ThaumcraftApi method addInfusionCraftingRecipe.

	 * @param research the research keys required for this recipe to work. Leave blank if it will work without research
	 * @param result the recipe output. It can either be an itemstack or an nbt compound tag that will be added to the central item
	 * 		If nbt it needs to be in the format Object[] {"nbttagname", NBT Tag Object}  eg. new Object[] { "mask", new NBTTagInt(1) }
	 * @param instability a number that represents the N in 1000 chance for the infusion altar to spawn an
	 * 		  instability effect each second while the crafting is in progress
	 * @param aspects the essentia cost per aspect. 
	 * @param aspects input the central item to be infused. If string is passed it will look up oredictionary entries
	 * @param recipe An array of items required to craft this. Input itemstacks are NBT sensitive. 
	 * 				If string is passed it will look up oredictionary entries.
public static InfusionRecipe addInfusionCraftingRecipe(String[] research, Object result, int instability, AspectList aspects, Object input, Object[] recipe) {
    if (!(result instanceof ItemStack || result instanceof Object[]))
        return null;
    InfusionRecipe r = new InfusionRecipe(research, result, instability, aspects, input, recipe);
    return r;
Also used : InfusionRecipe(thaumcraft.api.crafting.InfusionRecipe) ItemStack(net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)


ItemStack (net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)5 InfusionRecipe (thaumcraft.api.crafting.InfusionRecipe)5 IRecipe (net.minecraft.item.crafting.IRecipe)1 CrucibleRecipe (thaumcraft.api.crafting.CrucibleRecipe)1 ResearchCategoryList (thaumcraft.api.research.ResearchCategoryList)1 ResearchItem (thaumcraft.api.research.ResearchItem)1 ResearchPage (thaumcraft.api.research.ResearchPage)1