use of in project VanillaSource by TheHollowPlanetMC.
the class MapChunkPacketHandler method rewrite.
public Object rewrite(Object packet, EnginePlayer EnginePlayer, boolean cacheSetting) {
ParallelUniverse universe = EnginePlayer.getUniverse();
if (universe == null)
return packet;
World world = EnginePlayer.getBukkitPlayer().getWorld();
String worldName = world.getName();
ParallelWorld parallelWorld = universe.getWorld(worldName);
try {
int chunkX = a.getInt(packet);
int chunkZ = b.getInt(packet);
ParallelChunk parallelChunk = parallelWorld.getChunk(chunkX, chunkZ);
if (parallelChunk == null)
return packet;
Object cachedPacket = parallelChunk.getCachedMapChunkPacket();
if (cachedPacket != null)
return cachedPacket;
ChunkSnapshot chunkSnapshot = AsyncWorldCache.getChunkCache(worldName, chunkX, chunkZ);
if (chunkSnapshot == null)
return packet;
DataPaletteBlock<IBlockData>[] cachedDataBlocks = (DataPaletteBlock<IBlockData>[]) blockids.get(chunkSnapshot);
ChunkSection[] chunkSections = new ChunkSection[16];
int nonEmptyChunkSections = 0;
boolean edited = false;
for (int index = 0; index < 16; index++) {
ChunkSection chunkSection = Chunk.a;
SectionTypeArray sectionTypeArray = parallelChunk.getSectionTypeArray(index);
if (sectionTypeArray != null) {
DataPaletteBlock<IBlockData> cachedBlockData = cachedDataBlocks[index];
if (cachedBlockData != null) {
final short[] nonEmptyTemp = { 0 };
cachedBlockData.a((iBlockData, i) -> {
Fluid fluid = iBlockData.getFluid();
if (!iBlockData.isAir()) {
nonEmptyTemp[0] = (short) (nonEmptyTemp[0] + i);
if (!fluid.isEmpty()) {
nonEmptyTemp[0] = (short) (nonEmptyTemp[0] + i);
short nonEmpty = nonEmptyTemp[0];
chunkSection = new ChunkSection(index << 4, nonEmpty, (short) 0, (short) 0);
NBTTagCompound data = new NBTTagCompound();
cachedBlockData.a(data, "Palette", "BlockStates");
DataPaletteBlock<IBlockData> blocks = chunkSection.getBlocks();
blocks.a(data.getList("Palette", 10), data.getLongArray("BlockStates"));
if (chunkSection == Chunk.a)
chunkSection = new ChunkSection(index << 4);
ChunkSection finalChunkSection = chunkSection;
boolean notEmpty = sectionTypeArray.threadsafeIteration((x, y, z, iBlockData) -> {
finalChunkSection.setType(x, y, z, (IBlockData) iBlockData);
if (notEmpty)
edited = true;
} else {
if (!chunkSnapshot.isSectionEmpty(index)) {
DataPaletteBlock<IBlockData> dataPaletteBlock = cachedDataBlocks[index];
final short[] nonEmptyTemp = { 0 };
dataPaletteBlock.a((iBlockData, i) -> {
Fluid fluid = iBlockData.getFluid();
if (!iBlockData.isAir()) {
nonEmptyTemp[0] = (short) (nonEmptyTemp[0] + i);
if (!fluid.isEmpty()) {
nonEmptyTemp[0] = (short) (nonEmptyTemp[0] + i);
short nonEmpty = nonEmptyTemp[0];
chunkSection = new ChunkSection(index << 4, nonEmpty, (short) 0, (short) 0);
blockIds.set(chunkSection, dataPaletteBlock);
if (chunkSection != Chunk.a)
nonEmptyChunkSections |= (1 << index);
chunkSections[index] = chunkSection;
if (!edited)
return packet;
Chunk chunk = new Chunk(((CraftWorld) world).getHandle(), new ChunkCoordIntPair(chunkX, chunkZ), null, ChunkConverter.a, TickListEmpty.b(), TickListEmpty.b(), 0L, chunkSections, null);
int cValue = c.getInt(packet);
PacketPlayOutMapChunk newPacket = new PacketPlayOutMapChunk(chunk, nonEmptyChunkSections | cValue);
NBTTagCompound dValue = (NBTTagCompound) d.get(packet);
BiomeStorage eValue = (BiomeStorage) e.get(packet);
List<NBTTagCompound> gValue = (List<NBTTagCompound>) g.get(packet);
boolean hValue = h.getBoolean(packet);
d.set(newPacket, dValue);
e.set(newPacket, eValue);
g.set(newPacket, gValue);
h.set(newPacket, hValue || nonEmptyChunkSections == 65535);
if (cacheSetting)
return newPacket;
} catch (Exception e) {
return packet;
use of in project VanillaSource by TheHollowPlanetMC.
the class MapChunkPacketHandler method rewrite.
public Object rewrite(Object packet, EnginePlayer EnginePlayer, boolean cacheSetting) {
ParallelUniverse universe = EnginePlayer.getUniverse();
if (universe == null)
return packet;
World world = EnginePlayer.getBukkitPlayer().getWorld();
String worldName = world.getName();
ParallelWorld parallelWorld = universe.getWorld(worldName);
try {
int chunkX = a.getInt(packet);
int chunkZ = b.getInt(packet);
ParallelChunk parallelChunk = parallelWorld.getChunk(chunkX, chunkZ);
if (parallelChunk == null)
return packet;
Object cachedPacket = parallelChunk.getCachedMapChunkPacket();
if (cachedPacket != null)
return cachedPacket;
ChunkSnapshot chunkSnapshot = AsyncWorldCache.getChunkCache(worldName, chunkX, chunkZ);
if (chunkSnapshot == null)
return packet;
DataPaletteBlock<IBlockData>[] cachedDataBlocks = (DataPaletteBlock<IBlockData>[]) blockids.get(chunkSnapshot);
ChunkSection[] chunkSections = new ChunkSection[16];
int nonEmptyChunkSections = 0;
boolean edited = false;
for (int index = 0; index < 16; index++) {
ChunkSection chunkSection = Chunk.a;
SectionTypeArray sectionTypeArray = parallelChunk.getSectionTypeArray(index);
if (sectionTypeArray != null) {
DataPaletteBlock<IBlockData> cachedBlockData = cachedDataBlocks[index];
if (cachedBlockData != null) {
final short[] nonEmptyTemp = { 0 };
cachedBlockData.a((iBlockData, i) -> {
Fluid fluid = iBlockData.getFluid();
if (!iBlockData.isAir()) {
nonEmptyTemp[0] = (short) (nonEmptyTemp[0] + i);
if (!fluid.isEmpty()) {
nonEmptyTemp[0] = (short) (nonEmptyTemp[0] + i);
short nonEmpty = nonEmptyTemp[0];
chunkSection = new ChunkSection(index << 4, nonEmpty, (short) 0, (short) 0);
NBTTagCompound data = new NBTTagCompound();
cachedBlockData.a(data, "Palette", "BlockStates");
DataPaletteBlock<IBlockData> blocks = chunkSection.getBlocks();
blocks.a(data.getList("Palette", 10), data.getLongArray("BlockStates"));
if (chunkSection == Chunk.a)
chunkSection = new ChunkSection(index << 4);
ChunkSection finalChunkSection = chunkSection;
boolean notEmpty = sectionTypeArray.threadsafeIteration((x, y, z, iBlockData) -> {
finalChunkSection.setType(x, y, z, (IBlockData) iBlockData);
if (notEmpty)
edited = true;
} else {
if (!chunkSnapshot.isSectionEmpty(index)) {
DataPaletteBlock<IBlockData> dataPaletteBlock = cachedDataBlocks[index];
final short[] nonEmptyTemp = { 0 };
dataPaletteBlock.a((iBlockData, i) -> {
Fluid fluid = iBlockData.getFluid();
if (!iBlockData.isAir()) {
nonEmptyTemp[0] = (short) (nonEmptyTemp[0] + i);
if (!fluid.isEmpty()) {
nonEmptyTemp[0] = (short) (nonEmptyTemp[0] + i);
short nonEmpty = nonEmptyTemp[0];
chunkSection = new ChunkSection(index << 4, nonEmpty, (short) 0, (short) 0);
blockIds.set(chunkSection, dataPaletteBlock);
if (chunkSection != Chunk.a)
nonEmptyChunkSections |= (1 << index);
chunkSections[index] = chunkSection;
if (!edited)
return packet;
Chunk chunk = new Chunk(((CraftWorld) world).getHandle(), new ChunkCoordIntPair(chunkX, chunkZ), null, ChunkConverter.a, TickListEmpty.b(), TickListEmpty.b(), 0L, chunkSections, null);
int cValue = c.getInt(packet);
PacketPlayOutMapChunk newPacket = new PacketPlayOutMapChunk(chunk, nonEmptyChunkSections | cValue);
NBTTagCompound dValue = (NBTTagCompound) d.get(packet);
Object eValue = e.get(packet);
List<NBTTagCompound> gValue = (List<NBTTagCompound>) g.get(packet);
boolean hValue = h.getBoolean(packet);
d.set(newPacket, dValue);
e.set(newPacket, eValue);
g.set(newPacket, gValue);
h.set(newPacket, hValue || nonEmptyChunkSections == 65535);
if (cacheSetting)
return newPacket;
} catch (Exception e) {
return packet;
use of in project VanillaSource by TheHollowPlanetMC.
the class MultiBlockChangePacketHandler method rewrite.
public Object rewrite(Object packet, EnginePlayer EnginePlayer, boolean cacheSetting) {
ParallelUniverse universe = EnginePlayer.getUniverse();
if (universe == null)
return packet;
String worldName = EnginePlayer.getBukkitPlayer().getWorld().getName();
ParallelWorld parallelWorld = universe.getWorld(worldName);
try {
SectionPosition aValue = (SectionPosition) a.get(packet);
int chunkX = aValue.getX();
int chunkZ = aValue.getZ();
ParallelChunk parallelChunk = parallelWorld.getChunk(chunkX, chunkZ);
if (parallelChunk == null)
return packet;
SectionTypeArray sectionTypeArray = parallelChunk.getSectionTypeArray(aValue.getY());
if (sectionTypeArray == null)
return packet;
short[] bValue = (short[]) b.get(packet);
IBlockData[] cValueClone = ((IBlockData[]) c.get(packet)).clone();
for (int i = 0; i < bValue.length; i++) {
short coord = bValue[i];
int x = coord >> 8;
int y = coord & 0xF;
int z = (coord >> 4) & 0xF;
IBlockData iBlockData = (IBlockData) sectionTypeArray.getType(x, y, z);
if (iBlockData != null) {
cValueClone[i] = iBlockData;
boolean dValue = d.getBoolean(packet);
PacketPlayOutMultiBlockChange newPacket = new PacketPlayOutMultiBlockChange();
a.set(newPacket, aValue);
b.set(newPacket, bValue);
c.set(newPacket, cValueClone);
d.set(newPacket, dValue);
return newPacket;
} catch (Exception e) {
return packet;
use of in project VanillaSource by TheHollowPlanetMC.
the class ImplParallelWorld method setBlockLightLevel.
public void setBlockLightLevel(int blockX, int blockY, int blockZ, int level) {
int chunkX = blockX >> 4;
int chunkZ = blockZ >> 4;
long coord = ChunkUtil.getCoordinateKey(chunkX, chunkZ);
ParallelChunk parallelChunk = chunkMap.computeIfAbsent(coord, c -> new ImplParallelChunk(this, chunkX, chunkZ));
parallelChunk.setBlockLightLevel(blockX, blockY, blockZ, level);
use of in project VanillaSource by TheHollowPlanetMC.
the class PacketManager method createMultiBlockChangePacket.
public static Set<Object> createMultiBlockChangePacket(ParallelWorld parallelWorld, Set<BlockPosition3i> blocks) {
Map<BlockPosition3i, Set<BlockPosition3i>> chunkMap = new HashMap<>();
for (BlockPosition3i bp : blocks) {
chunkMap.computeIfAbsent(new BlockPosition3i(bp.getX() >> 4, bp.getY() >> 4, bp.getZ() >> 4), cp -> new HashSet<>()).add(bp);
Set<Object> packets = new HashSet<>();
for (Map.Entry<BlockPosition3i, Set<BlockPosition3i>> entry : chunkMap.entrySet()) {
BlockPosition3i sectionPosition = entry.getKey();
Set<BlockPosition3i> bps = entry.getValue();
ParallelChunk parallelChunk = parallelWorld.getChunk(sectionPosition.getX(), sectionPosition.getZ());
if (parallelChunk == null)
SectionTypeArray sectionTypeArray = parallelChunk.getSectionTypeArray(sectionPosition.getY());
if (sectionTypeArray == null)
List<Short> coordList = new ArrayList<>();
List<IBlockData> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
for (BlockPosition3i bp : bps) {
IBlockData iBlockData = (IBlockData) sectionTypeArray.getType(bp.getX() & 0xF, bp.getY() & 0xF, bp.getZ() & 0xF);
if (iBlockData == null)
coordList.add((short) ((bp.getX() & 0xF) << 8 | (bp.getZ() & 0xF) << 4 | bp.getY() & 0xF));
short[] coordArray = new short[coordList.size()];
IBlockData[] dataArray = new IBlockData[dataList.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < coordList.size(); i++) {
coordArray[i] = coordList.get(i);
dataArray[i] = dataList.get(i);
try {
PacketPlayOutMultiBlockChange packet = new PacketPlayOutMultiBlockChange();
MultiBlockChangePacketHandler.a.set(packet, SectionPosition.a(sectionPosition.getX(), sectionPosition.getY(), sectionPosition.getZ()));
MultiBlockChangePacketHandler.b.set(packet, coordArray);
MultiBlockChangePacketHandler.c.set(packet, dataArray);
MultiBlockChangePacketHandler.d.setBoolean(packet, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
return packets;