use of tk.ardentbot.rethink.models.TinderMatch in project Ardent by adamint.
the class Tinder method setupSubcommands.
public void setupSubcommands() throws Exception {
subcommands.add(new Subcommand("Match yourself with someone in the server!", "matchme", "matchme") {
public void onCall(Guild guild, MessageChannel channel, User user, Message message, String[] args) throws Exception {
ArrayList<TinderMatch> matches = queryAsArrayList(TinderMatch.class, r.table("tinder_matches").filter(row -> row.g("user_id").eq(user.getId())).run(connection));
User potentialMatch = getPotentialMatch(user, guild, matches);
EmbedBuilder builder = MessageUtils.getDefaultEmbed(user);
String matchMe = "Match me | Tinder";
builder.setAuthor(matchMe, getShard().url, getShard().bot.getAvatarUrl());
StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder();
description.append("**" + matchMe + "**");
description.append("\nTheir name: " + UserUtils.getNameWithDiscriminator(potentialMatch.getId()));
description.append("Swipe right (rightreaction) to connect with this person, or swipe left (left reaction) to pass them " + "by\nType /tinder connect to connect with the people you've swiped right on");
Message sent = sendEmbed(builder.setDescription(description.toString()), channel, user, ":arrow_left:", ":arrow_right:");
interactiveReaction(channel, sent, user, 15, messageReaction -> {
String name = messageReaction.getEmote().getName();
if (name != null) {
if (name.equals("➡")) {
r.table("tinder_matches").insert(r.json(gson.toJson(new TinderMatch(user.getId(), potentialMatch.getId(), true)))).run(connection);
sendEditedTranslation("You swiped right on {0}! Connect with them using /tinder connect", user, channel, potentialMatch.getName());
} else if (name.equals("⬅")) {
r.table("tinder_matches").insert(r.json(gson.toJson(new TinderMatch(user.getId(), potentialMatch.getId(), false)))).run(connection);
sendEditedTranslation("You swiped right on {0} - Don't worry, you can find better!", user, channel, potentialMatch.getName());
} else
sendTranslatedMessage("You reacted with an unexpected emoji :thinking:", channel, user);
subcommands.add(new Subcommand("Connect with the people you've swiped right on", "connect", "connect") {
public void onCall(Guild guild, MessageChannel channel, User user, Message message, String[] args) throws Exception {
String yourMatches = "Discord Tinder | Your Matches";
String swipedRightOnYou = "Swiped right on you";
EmbedBuilder builder = MessageUtils.getDefaultEmbed(user);
builder.setAuthor(yourMatches, getShard().url, getShard().bot.getAvatarUrl());
StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder();
description.append("**" + yourMatches + "**");
ArrayList<TinderMatch> matches = queryAsArrayList(TinderMatch.class, r.table("tinder_matches").filter(r.hashMap("user_id", user.getId()).with("swipedRight", true)).run(connection));
if (matches.size() == 0) {
description.append("\nYou don't have any connections :frowning:");
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) {
String swipedRightWithId = matches.get(i).getPerson_id();
boolean mutual = swipedRightWith(user.getId(), swipedRightWithId);
String yesNo;
if (mutual)
yesNo = EmojiParser.parseToUnicode(":white_check_mark:");
yesNo = EmojiParser.parseToAliases(":x:");
description.append("\n#" + (i + 1) + ": " + UserUtils.getNameWithDiscriminator(swipedRightWithId) + " | " + swipedRightOnYou + ": " + yesNo);
description.append("\n\nUse /tinder message [number on connection list] to message that person. However, they must have " + "swiped right on you as well to be able to contact them");
sendEmbed(builder.setDescription(description), channel, user);
subcommands.add(new Subcommand("Message one of your mutual connections!", "message [number in connection list]", "message") {
public void onCall(Guild guild, MessageChannel channel, User user, Message message, String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length == 2) {
sendTranslatedMessage("Usage: /tinder message [person's number in /tinder connect] [message here]", channel, user);
if (message.getRawContent().split(" ").length == 3) {
sendTranslatedMessage("You need to include a message to send that person!", channel, user);
try {
int number = Integer.parseInt(args[2]) - 1;
if (number < 0)
sendTranslatedMessage("Usage: /tinder message [person's number in /tinder connect] [message here]", channel, user);
else {
ArrayList<TinderMatch> matches = queryAsArrayList(TinderMatch.class, r.table("tinder_matches").filter(r.hashMap("user_id", user.getId()).with("swipedRight", true)).run(connection));
if (number >= matches.size()) {
sendTranslatedMessage("Sorry, but you don't have this many matches!", channel, user);
TinderMatch selected = matches.get(number);
if (!swipedRightWith(user.getId(), selected.getPerson_id())) {
sendTranslatedMessage("That person hasn't swiped right on you!", channel, user);
User toMessage = UserUtils.getUserById(selected.getPerson_id());
try {
toMessage.openPrivateChannel().queue(privateChannel -> privateChannel.sendMessage("One of your Tinder " + "matches, **" + UserUtils.getNameWithDiscriminator(user.getId()) + "**, sent you " + "a message!\n\n**" + user.getName() + "**: " + replace(message.getRawContent(), 3)).queue());
if (!sentTo.contains(toMessage.getId())) {
toMessage.openPrivateChannel().queue(privateChannel -> {
privateChannel.sendMessage("To stop receiving messages from this person, remove them from your match " + "list with /tinder remove [number on the /tinder connect list]\n" + "\n" + "To send a message back to this person, type /tinder message [number on your /tinder connect " + "list] [message here] in a server - meet other tinder savvy people on the Ardent guild (where" + " we have a dedicated Tinder channel)! -").queue();
sendTranslatedMessage("Ok! I sent that person your message :wink:", channel, user);
} catch (Exception e) {
sendTranslatedMessage("I was unable to message that person :frowning:", channel, user);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
sendTranslatedMessage("Usage: /tinder message [person's number in /tinder connect] [message here]", channel, user);
subcommands.add(new Subcommand("Remove one of your connections", "remove [number in connection list]", "remove") {
public void onCall(Guild guild, MessageChannel channel, User user, Message message, String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length == 2) {
sendTranslatedMessage("Usage: /tinder remove [person's number in /tinder connect]", channel, user);
try {
int number = Integer.parseInt(args[2]) - 1;
if (number < 0)
sendTranslatedMessage("Usage: /tinder remove [person's number in /tinder connect]", channel, user);
else {
ArrayList<TinderMatch> matches = queryAsArrayList(TinderMatch.class, r.table("tinder_matches").filter(r.hashMap("user_id", user.getId()).with("swipedRight", true)).run(connection));
if (number >= matches.size()) {
sendTranslatedMessage("Sorry, but you don't have this many matches!", channel, user);
TinderMatch selected = matches.get(number);
r.table("tinder_matches").filter(r.hashMap("user_id", user.getId()).with("person_id", selected.getPerson_id())).delete().run(connection);
sendTranslatedMessage(":ok_hand: Removed that person from your connection list", channel, user);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
sendTranslatedMessage("Usage: /tinder remove [person's number in /tinder connect]", channel, user);