use of top.hcode.hoj.pojo.vo.JudgeVo in project HOJ by HimitZH.
the class JudgeController method getJudgeList.
* @MethodName getJudgeList
* @Params * @param null
* @Description 通用查询判题记录列表
* @Return CommonResult
* @Since 2020/10/29
@RequestMapping(value = "/submissions", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public CommonResult getJudgeList(@RequestParam(value = "limit", required = false) Integer limit, @RequestParam(value = "currentPage", required = false) Integer currentPage, @RequestParam(value = "onlyMine", required = false) Boolean onlyMine, @RequestParam(value = "problemID", required = false) String searchPid, @RequestParam(value = "status", required = false) Integer searchStatus, @RequestParam(value = "username", required = false) String searchUsername, @RequestParam(value = "completeProblemID", defaultValue = "false") Boolean completeProblemID, HttpServletRequest request) {
// 页数,每页题数若为空,设置默认值
if (currentPage == null || currentPage < 1)
currentPage = 1;
if (limit == null || limit < 1)
limit = 30;
String uid = null;
// 只查看当前用户的提交
if (onlyMine) {
// 需要获取一下该token对应用户的数据(有token便能获取到)
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
UserRolesVo userRolesVo = (UserRolesVo) session.getAttribute("userInfo");
if (userRolesVo == null) {
return CommonResult.errorResponse("当前用户数据为空,请您重新登陆!", CommonResult.STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED);
uid = userRolesVo.getUid();
if (searchPid != null) {
searchPid = searchPid.trim();
if (searchUsername != null) {
searchUsername = searchUsername.trim();
IPage<JudgeVo> commonJudgeList = judgeService.getCommonJudgeList(limit, currentPage, searchPid, searchStatus, searchUsername, uid, completeProblemID);
if (commonJudgeList.getTotal() == 0) {
// 未查询到一条数据
return CommonResult.successResponse(commonJudgeList, "暂无数据");
} else {
return CommonResult.successResponse(commonJudgeList, "获取成功");
use of top.hcode.hoj.pojo.vo.JudgeVo in project HOJ by HimitZH.
the class JudgeEntityServiceImpl method getCommonJudgeList.
public IPage<JudgeVo> getCommonJudgeList(Integer limit, Integer currentPage, String searchPid, Integer status, String username, String uid, Boolean completeProblemID, Long gid) {
// 新建分页
Page<JudgeVo> page = new Page<>(currentPage, limit);
IPage<JudgeVo> commonJudgeList = judgeMapper.getCommonJudgeList(page, searchPid, status, username, uid, completeProblemID, gid);
List<JudgeVo> records = commonJudgeList.getRecords();
if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(records)) {
List<Long> pidList =;
QueryWrapper<Problem> problemQueryWrapper = new QueryWrapper<>();"id", "title").in("id", pidList);
List<Problem> problemList = problemMapper.selectList(problemQueryWrapper);
HashMap<Long, String> storeMap = new HashMap<>(limit);
for (JudgeVo judgeVo : records) {
judgeVo.setTitle(getProblemTitleByPid(judgeVo.getPid(), problemList, storeMap));
return commonJudgeList;