use of in project openhab1-addons by openhab.
the class KNXCoreTypeMapper method toType.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.openhab.binding.knx.config.KNXTypeMapper#toType(, byte[])
public Type toType(Datapoint datapoint, byte[] data) {
try {
DPTXlator translator = TranslatorTypes.createTranslator(datapoint.getMainNumber(), datapoint.getDPT());
String value = translator.getValue();
String id = translator.getType().getID();
logger.trace("toType datapoint DPT = " + datapoint.getDPT());
int mainNumber = getMainNumber(id);
if (mainNumber == -1) {
logger.debug("toType: couldn't identify mainnumber in dptID: {}.", id);
return null;
int subNumber = getSubNumber(id);
if (subNumber == -1) {
logger.debug("toType: couldn't identify sub number in dptID: {}.", id);
return null;
* Following code section deals with specific mapping of values from KNX to openHAB types were the String
* received from the DPTXlator is not sufficient to set the openHAB type or has bugs
switch(mainNumber) {
case 1:
DPTXlatorBoolean translatorBoolean = (DPTXlatorBoolean) translator;
switch(subNumber) {
case 8:
return translatorBoolean.getValueBoolean() ? UpDownType.DOWN : UpDownType.UP;
case 9:
return translatorBoolean.getValueBoolean() ? OpenClosedType.OPEN : OpenClosedType.CLOSED;
case 10:
return translatorBoolean.getValueBoolean() ? StopMoveType.MOVE : StopMoveType.STOP;
case 19:
return translatorBoolean.getValueBoolean() ? OpenClosedType.OPEN : OpenClosedType.CLOSED;
case 22:
return DecimalType.valueOf(translatorBoolean.getValueBoolean() ? "1" : "0");
return translatorBoolean.getValueBoolean() ? OnOffType.ON : OnOffType.OFF;
case 2:
DPTXlator1BitControlled translator1BitControlled = (DPTXlator1BitControlled) translator;
int decValue = (translator1BitControlled.getControlBit() ? 2 : 0) + (translator1BitControlled.getValueBit() ? 1 : 0);
return new DecimalType(decValue);
case 3:
DPTXlator3BitControlled translator3BitControlled = (DPTXlator3BitControlled) translator;
if (translator3BitControlled.getStepCode() == 0) {
* there is no STOP for a IncreaseDecreaseType, so we are just using an INCREASE.
* It is up to the binding to recognize that a start/stop-dimming is in progress and
* stop the dimming accordingly.
logger.debug("toType: KNX DPT_Control_Dimming: break received.");
return IncreaseDecreaseType.INCREASE;
switch(subNumber) {
case 7:
return translator3BitControlled.getControlBit() ? IncreaseDecreaseType.INCREASE : IncreaseDecreaseType.DECREASE;
case 8:
return translator3BitControlled.getControlBit() ? UpDownType.DOWN : UpDownType.UP;
case 14:
* FIXME: Workaround for a bug in Calimero / Openhab DPTXlator4ByteFloat.makeString(): is using a
* locale when
* translating a Float to String. It could happen the a ',' is used as separator, such as
* 3,14159E20.
* Openhab's DecimalType expects this to be in US format and expects '.': 3.14159E20.
* There is no issue with DPTXlator2ByteFloat since calimero is using a non-localized translation
* there.
DPTXlator4ByteFloat translator4ByteFloat = (DPTXlator4ByteFloat) translator;
Float f = translator4ByteFloat.getValueFloat();
if (Math.abs(f) < 100000) {
value = String.valueOf(f);
} else {
NumberFormat dcf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
if (dcf instanceof DecimalFormat) {
((DecimalFormat) dcf).applyPattern("0.#####E0");
value = dcf.format(f);
case 18:
DPTXlatorSceneControl translatorSceneControl = (DPTXlatorSceneControl) translator;
int decimalValue = translatorSceneControl.getSceneNumber();
if (value.startsWith("learn")) {
decimalValue += 0x80;
value = String.valueOf(decimalValue);
case 19:
DPTXlatorDateTime translatorDateTime = (DPTXlatorDateTime) translator;
if (translatorDateTime.isFaultyClock()) {
// Not supported: faulty clock
logger.debug("toType: KNX clock msg ignored: clock faulty bit set, which is not supported");
return null;
} else if (!translatorDateTime.isValidField(DPTXlatorDateTime.YEAR) && translatorDateTime.isValidField(DPTXlatorDateTime.DATE)) {
// Not supported: "/1/1" (month and day without year)
logger.debug("toType: KNX clock msg ignored: no year, but day and month, which is not supported");
return null;
} else if (translatorDateTime.isValidField(DPTXlatorDateTime.YEAR) && !translatorDateTime.isValidField(DPTXlatorDateTime.DATE)) {
// Not supported: "1900" (year without month and day)
logger.debug("toType: KNX clock msg ignored: no day and month, but year, which is not supported");
return null;
} else if (!translatorDateTime.isValidField(DPTXlatorDateTime.YEAR) && !translatorDateTime.isValidField(DPTXlatorDateTime.DATE) && !translatorDateTime.isValidField(DPTXlatorDateTime.TIME)) {
// Not supported: No year, no date and no time
logger.debug("toType: KNX clock msg ignored: no day and month or year, which is not supported");
return null;
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
if (translatorDateTime.isValidField(DPTXlatorDateTime.YEAR) && !translatorDateTime.isValidField(DPTXlatorDateTime.TIME)) {
// Pure date format, no time information
value = new SimpleDateFormat(DateTimeType.DATE_PATTERN).format(cal.getTime());
return DateTimeType.valueOf(value);
} else if (!translatorDateTime.isValidField(DPTXlatorDateTime.YEAR) && translatorDateTime.isValidField(DPTXlatorDateTime.TIME)) {
// Pure time format, no date information
cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, translatorDateTime.getHour());
cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, translatorDateTime.getMinute());
cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, translatorDateTime.getSecond());
value = new SimpleDateFormat(DateTimeType.DATE_PATTERN).format(cal.getTime());
return DateTimeType.valueOf(value);
} else if (translatorDateTime.isValidField(DPTXlatorDateTime.YEAR) && translatorDateTime.isValidField(DPTXlatorDateTime.TIME)) {
// Date format and time information
value = new SimpleDateFormat(DateTimeType.DATE_PATTERN).format(cal.getTime());
return DateTimeType.valueOf(value);
Class<? extends Type> typeClass = toTypeClass(id);
if (typeClass == null) {
return null;
if (typeClass.equals(PercentType.class)) {
return PercentType.valueOf(value.split(" ")[0]);
if (typeClass.equals(DecimalType.class)) {
return DecimalType.valueOf(value.split(" ")[0]);
if (typeClass.equals(StringType.class)) {
return StringType.valueOf(value);
if (typeClass.equals(DateTimeType.class)) {
String date = formatDateTime(value, datapoint.getDPT());
if ((date == null) || (date.isEmpty())) {
logger.debug("toType: KNX clock msg ignored: date object null or empty {}.", date);
return null;
} else {
return DateTimeType.valueOf(date);
if (typeClass.equals(HSBType.class)) {
// value has format of "r:<red value> g:<green value> b:<blue value>"
int r = Integer.parseInt(value.split(" ")[0].split(":")[1]);
int g = Integer.parseInt(value.split(" ")[1].split(":")[1]);
int b = Integer.parseInt(value.split(" ")[2].split(":")[1]);
Color color = new Color(r, g, b);
return new HSBType(color);
} catch (KNXFormatException kfe) {"Translator couldn't parse data for datapoint type '{}' (KNXFormatException).", datapoint.getDPT());
} catch (KNXIllegalArgumentException kiae) {"Translator couldn't parse data for datapoint type '{}' (KNXIllegalArgumentException).", datapoint.getDPT());
} catch (KNXException e) {
logger.warn("Failed creating a translator for datapoint type '{}'.", datapoint.getDPT(), e);
return null;