use of ubic.basecode.dataStructure.CountingMap in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.
the class CoexpressionDaoImpl method getCoexpressionFromCacheOrDbViaExperiments.
* Get links from the cache or the database, querying in experiment-first mode, but constrained to involve the given
* genes. Does not do the trimming step, nor are the results guaranteed to meet the stringency set.
private Map<Long, List<CoexpressionValueObject>> getCoexpressionFromCacheOrDbViaExperiments(Taxon t, Collection<Long> genes, Collection<Long> bas, int stringency, boolean quick) {
assert stringency <= bas.size();
assert !genes.isEmpty();
Map<Long, List<CoexpressionValueObject>> results = new HashMap<>();
* First, check the cache -- if the stringency is >= limit
Collection<Long> genesNeeded = new HashSet<>(genes);
if (stringency >= CoexpressionCache.CACHE_QUERY_STRINGENCY) {
genesNeeded = this.checkCache(genes, results);
if (genesNeeded.isEmpty()) {
return results;
* Get all the data for all the experiments queried, constrained to involve the genes in question.
* This uses the ECL1EFK index, which is of (experiment, gene1, gene2). Note that if there are a lot of genes
* this can get slow ...
Query q = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createQuery(" from " + CoexpressionQueryUtils.getExperimentLinkClassName(t) + " where in (:ees) and firstGene in (:genes)");
// May need to batch over genes...
BatchIterator<Long> it = BatchIterator.batches(bas, CoexpressionDaoImpl.BATCH_SIZE_SMALL);
StopWatch timer = new StopWatch();
List<ExperimentCoexpressionLink> links = new ArrayList<>();
for (; it.hasNext(); ) {
q.setParameterList("ees","genes", genesNeeded);
if (timer.getTime() > 2000) {"Query for coexp for : " + genes.size() + " genes " + " in " + bas.size() + " experiments: " + timer.getTime() + "ms");
* Track the support for the links among the queried data sets as we go over this in experiment-major mode.
// noinspection MismatchedQueryAndUpdateOfCollection // We still need to compare it to stringency
CountingMap<Long> supportCounts = new CountingMap<>();
List<Long> keepers = new ArrayList<>();
for (ExperimentCoexpressionLink link : links) {
assert genes.contains(link.getFirstGene());
if (supportCounts.increment(link.getLinkId()) >= stringency) {
if (keepers.isEmpty()) {
return new HashMap<>();
return this.loadAndConvertLinks(t, keepers, genes, quick);