use of ubic.gemma.core.association.phenotype.PhenotypeExceptions.EntityNotFoundException in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.
the class PhenotypeAssociationManagerServiceImpl method findChildrenForEachPhenotype.
* Map query phenotypes given to the set of possible children phenotypes in the database so for example if the user
* search for : cerebral palsy (parent phenotype), this will return all children associated with it that are also
* present in the database(all children of phenotype) : Map<String(parent phenotype), Set<String>(all children of
* phenotype)>
* @param usedPhenotypes the URIs of all phenotypes actually used in the database.
* @param phenotypesValuesUris URIs
* @return map of terms to their children. The term itself is included.
private Map<String, Set<String>> findChildrenForEachPhenotype(Collection<String> phenotypesValuesUris, Collection<String> usedPhenotypes) {
// root corresponds to one value found in phenotypesValuesUri
// root ---> root+children phenotypes
Map<String, Set<String>> parentPheno = new HashMap<>();
// determine all children terms for each other phenotypes
for (String phenoRoot : phenotypesValuesUris) {
if (phenoRoot.isEmpty()) {
OntologyTerm ontologyTermFound;
try {
ontologyTermFound = this.ontologyHelper.findOntologyTermByUri(phenoRoot);
if (ontologyTermFound == null)
} catch (EntityNotFoundException e) {
if (!ontologyHelper.areOntologiesAllLoaded()) {
throw new RuntimeException(PhenotypeAssociationManagerServiceImpl.ERROR_MSG_ONTOLOGIES_NOT_LOADED + " ( " + e.getMessage() + " )");
} else {
throw e;
Collection<OntologyTerm> ontologyChildrenFound = ontologyTermFound.getChildren(false);
Set<String> parentChildren = new HashSet<>();
for (OntologyTerm ot : ontologyChildrenFound) {
if (usedPhenotypes.contains(ot.getUri())) {
parentPheno.put(phenoRoot, parentChildren);
return parentPheno;
use of ubic.gemma.core.association.phenotype.PhenotypeExceptions.EntityNotFoundException in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.
the class EvidenceImporterCLI method doWork.
protected Exception doWork(String[] args) {
Exception err = this.processCommandLine(args);
if (err != null)
return err;
try {
FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter(EvidenceImporterAbstractCLI.WRITE_FOLDER + File.separator + "EvidenceImporter.log");
this.logFileWriter = new BufferedWriter(fstream);"File: " + this.inputFile);"Create in Database: " + this.createInDatabase); = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(this.inputFile));
String typeOfEvidence = this.findTypeOfEvidence();
// take the file received and create the real objects from it
Collection<EvidenceValueObject> evidenceValueObjects = this.file2Objects(typeOfEvidence);
// make sure all pubmed exists
if (!this.errorMessage.isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception("check logs");
if (!this.warningMessage.isEmpty()) {;
if (this.createInDatabase) {
int i = 1;
// for each evidence creates it in Neurocarta
for (EvidenceValueObject e : evidenceValueObjects) {
try {
// create the evidence in neurocarta
} catch (EntityNotFoundException ex) {
this.writeError("went into the exception");
// if a pubmed id was not found dont stop all processes and write to logs
if (ex.getMessage().contains("pubmed id")) {
} else {
throw ex;
} catch (RuntimeException ex1) {
this.writeError("RuntimeException trying to make evidence again 1: " + e.getGeneNCBI());
try {
// something is wrong with the pubmed api, wait it out"tring again 1: waiting 10 sec");
// create the evidence in neurocarta
} catch (RuntimeException ex2) {
this.writeError("RuntimeException trying to make evidence again 2: " + e.getGeneNCBI());
// something is wrong with the pubmed api, wait it out more 5000 seconds, this often run at
// night so make it wait doesn't matter"tring again 2: waiting 100 sec");
try {
} catch (RuntimeException ex3) {
this.writeError("RuntimeException trying to make evidence again 3: " + e.getGeneNCBI());
// something is wrong with the pubmed api, wait it out more 5000 seconds, this often run
// at night so make it wait doesn't matter"tring again 3: waiting 1000 sec");
try {
} catch (RuntimeException ex4) {
this.writeError("RuntimeException trying to make evidence again 4: " + e.getGeneNCBI());
// something is wrong with the pubmed api, wait it out more 4 hours, this often
// run at night so make it wait doesn't matter"tring again 4: waiting 15000 sec");
}"created evidence " + i++);
this.logFileWriter.close();"Import of evidence is finish");
// when we import a file in production we keep a copy of the imported file and keep track of when the file
// was imported in a log file
// createImportLog( evidenceValueObjects.iterator().next() );
} catch (Exception e) {
return e;
return null;
use of ubic.gemma.core.association.phenotype.PhenotypeExceptions.EntityNotFoundException in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.
the class EvidenceImporterCLI method verifyGeneIdExist.
* check that all gene exists in Gemma
private Gene verifyGeneIdExist(String geneId, String geneName) throws IOException {
System.out.println("Problem: gene id " + geneId + " gene name: " + geneName);
Gene g = this.geneService.findByNCBIId(new Integer(geneId));
// we found a gene
if (g != null) {
if (!g.getOfficialSymbol().equalsIgnoreCase(geneName)) {
this.writeWarning("Different Gene name found: file=" + geneName + " Gene name in Gemma=" + g.getOfficialSymbol());
if (!g.getTaxon().getCommonName().equals("human") && !g.getTaxon().getCommonName().equals("mouse") && !g.getTaxon().getCommonName().equals("rat") && !g.getTaxon().getCommonName().equals("fly") && !g.getTaxon().getCommonName().equals("worm") && !g.getTaxon().getCommonName().equals("zebrafish")) {
String speciesFound = g.getTaxon().getCommonName();
// lets try to map it to a human taxon using its symbol
g = this.geneService.findByOfficialSymbol(geneName, taxonService.findByCommonName("human"));
if (g != null) {
this.writeWarning("We found species: " + speciesFound + " on geneId: " + geneId + " and changed to it to the human symbol: " + geneName);
} else {
throw new EntityNotFoundException("The geneId: " + geneId + " using species: " + speciesFound + " exist but couldnt be map to its human symbol using: " + geneName + ", this evidence wont be imported");
} else {
// lets try to map it to a human taxon using its symbol
g = this.geneService.findByOfficialSymbol(geneName, taxonService.findByCommonName("human"));
if (g != null) {
this.writeWarning("We didnt found the geneId: " + geneId + " and changed it to the human symbol: " + geneName);
} else {
throw new EntityNotFoundException("The geneId:" + geneId + " symbol: " + geneName + " was not found in Gemma, this evidence wont be imported");
return g;
use of ubic.gemma.core.association.phenotype.PhenotypeExceptions.EntityNotFoundException in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.
the class PhenotypeAssociationManagerServiceImpl method findAllPhenotypesByTree.
* Using all the phenotypes in the database, builds a tree structure using the Ontology
* @param isAdmin, can see everything
* @param noElectronicAnnotation, if true don't include evidence code IEA
* @param evidenceFilter evidence filter
* @return Collection<TreeCharacteristicValueObject> list of all phenotypes in gemma represented as trees
private Collection<TreeCharacteristicValueObject> findAllPhenotypesByTree(EvidenceFilter evidenceFilter, boolean isAdmin, boolean noElectronicAnnotation) {
StopWatch sw = new StopWatch();
Taxon taxon = null;
boolean showOnlyEditable = false;
Collection<Long> externalDatabaseIds = null;
if (evidenceFilter != null) {
taxon = this.checkAndGetTaxon(evidenceFilter);
showOnlyEditable = evidenceFilter.isShowOnlyEditable();
externalDatabaseIds = evidenceFilter.getExternalDatabaseIds();
Map<String, Set<Integer>> publicPhenotypesGenesAssociations = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Set<Integer>> privatePhenotypesGenesAssociations = new HashMap<>();
Set<String> allPhenotypesGenesAssociations = new HashSet<>();
boolean isUserLoggedIn = SecurityUtil.isUserLoggedIn();
String userName;
Collection<String> groups; note we can't cache this because varies per user.
"Starting loading phenotype tree");
if (isUserLoggedIn) {
userName = this.userManager.getCurrentUsername();
// groups the user belong to
groups = this.userManager.findGroupsForUser(userName);
// show only my annotation was chosen
if (showOnlyEditable) {
// show public owned by the user
publicPhenotypesGenesAssociations = this.phenoAssocService.findPublicPhenotypesGenesAssociations(taxon, null, userName, groups, true, externalDatabaseIds, noElectronicAnnotation);
// show all private owned by the user or shared by a group
privatePhenotypesGenesAssociations = this.phenoAssocService.findPrivatePhenotypesGenesAssociations(taxon, null, userName, groups, true, externalDatabaseIds, noElectronicAnnotation);
} else {
// logged in, but not filtered. all public evidences
publicPhenotypesGenesAssociations = this.phenoAssocService.findPublicPhenotypesGenesAssociations(taxon, null, null, groups, false, externalDatabaseIds, noElectronicAnnotation);
if (isAdmin) {
// show all private since admin
privatePhenotypesGenesAssociations = this.phenoAssocService.findPrivatePhenotypesGenesAssociations(taxon, null, null, null, false, externalDatabaseIds, noElectronicAnnotation);
} else {
// show all private owned by the user or shared by a group
privatePhenotypesGenesAssociations = this.phenoAssocService.findPrivatePhenotypesGenesAssociations(taxon, null, userName, groups, false, externalDatabaseIds, noElectronicAnnotation);
} else if (!showOnlyEditable) {
// anonymous user
publicPhenotypesGenesAssociations = this.phenoAssocService.findPublicPhenotypesGenesAssociations(taxon, null, null, null, false, externalDatabaseIds, noElectronicAnnotation);
// map to help the placement of elements in the tree, used to find quickly the position to add subtrees
Map<String, TreeCharacteristicValueObject> phenotypeFoundInTree = new HashMap<>();
// represents each phenotype and children found in the Ontology, TreeSet used to order trees [why do we need a
// TreeSet? Can't we just sort at the end?]
TreeSet<TreeCharacteristicValueObject> treesPhenotypes = new TreeSet<>();
// creates the tree structure
for (String valueUri : allPhenotypesGenesAssociations) {
// don't create the tree if it is already present in an other [another what?]
if (phenotypeFoundInTree.containsKey(valueUri)) {
// flag the node as phenotype found in database [when does this happen? It seems useless, since we don't
// use this]
} else {
try {
// find the ontology term using the valueURI
OntologyTerm ontologyTerm = this.ontologyHelper.findOntologyTermByUri(valueUri);
// we don't show obsolete terms
if (ontologyTerm.isTermObsolete()) {
PhenotypeAssociationManagerServiceImpl.log.warn("A valueUri found in the database is obsolete: " + valueUri);
} else {
// transform an OntologyTerm and his children to a TreeCharacteristicValueObject
TreeCharacteristicValueObject treeCharacteristicValueObject = TreeCharacteristicValueObject.ontology2TreeCharacteristicValueObjects(ontologyTerm, phenotypeFoundInTree);
// set flag that this node represents a phenotype used in the database
// add tree to the phenotypes found in ontology
phenotypeFoundInTree.put(ontologyTerm.getUri(), treeCharacteristicValueObject);
if (!treesPhenotypes.add(treeCharacteristicValueObject)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Add failed for " + ontologyTerm);
if (PhenotypeAssociationManagerServiceImpl.log.isDebugEnabled())
PhenotypeAssociationManagerServiceImpl.log.debug("Added: " + ontologyTerm);
} catch (EntityNotFoundException entityNotFoundException) {
if (this.ontologyHelper.areOntologiesAllLoaded()) {
if (PhenotypeAssociationManagerServiceImpl.log.isDebugEnabled())
PhenotypeAssociationManagerServiceImpl.log.debug(// this ends up being pretty verbose.
"A valueUri in the database was not found in the ontology; DB out of date?; valueUri: " + valueUri);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(PhenotypeAssociationManagerServiceImpl.ERROR_MSG_ONTOLOGIES_NOT_LOADED + " ( " + entityNotFoundException.getMessage() + " )");
TreeSet<TreeCharacteristicValueObject> finalTreesWithRoots = new TreeSet<>();
for (TreeCharacteristicValueObject tc : treesPhenotypes) {
this.findParentRoot(tc, finalTreesWithRoots, phenotypeFoundInTree);
treesPhenotypes = finalTreesWithRoots;
// set the public count
for (TreeCharacteristicValueObject tc : treesPhenotypes) {
}"Done total time=" + sw.getTime() + "ms");
return treesPhenotypes;
use of ubic.gemma.core.association.phenotype.PhenotypeExceptions.EntityNotFoundException in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.
the class PhenotypeAssoOntologyHelperImpl method valueUri2Characteristic.
public Characteristic valueUri2Characteristic(String valueUri) {
try {
OntologyTerm o = findOntologyTermByUri(valueUri);
if (o == null)
return null;
VocabCharacteristic myPhenotype = VocabCharacteristic.Factory.newInstance();
return myPhenotype;
} catch (EntityNotFoundException e) {
return null;