use of in project goci by EBISPOT.
the class TraitRenderlet method render.
public void render(RenderletNexus nexus, C context, E trait) {
getLog().trace("Trait: " + trait);
try {
// collect all the bands for which we need to render this trait, and list all associations in that band
Map<E, Set<E>> bandToAssociationMap = new HashMap<E, Set<E>>();
for (E association : getAssociationsForTrait(nexus, context, trait)) {
try {
// get the band for this association
E band = getBandForAssociation(context, association);
if (!bandToAssociationMap.containsKey(band)) {
bandToAssociationMap.put(band, new HashSet<E>());
} catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
getLog().error("Unable to render trait '" + trait + "' for association '" + association + ": " + e.getMessage());
for (E band : bandToAssociationMap.keySet()) {
try {
// get the location of any traits previously rendered in this band
List<SVGArea> locations = getLocationsOfOtherTraitsinBand(nexus, context, band);
StringBuilder svg = new StringBuilder();
svg.append("<circle ");
// also grab the location of an association (should all be the same for the same band)
E association = bandToAssociationMap.get(band).iterator().next();
SVGArea associationLocation = nexus.getLocationOfRenderedEntity(association);
if (associationLocation != null) {
if (associationLocation.getTransform() != null) {
svg.append("transform='").append(associationLocation.getTransform()).append("' ");
double alength = associationLocation.getWidth();
//0.2 * alength;
double radius = 0.12 * alength;
double ax = associationLocation.getX();
double ay = associationLocation.getY();
double displacement = associationLocation.getHeight();
double cx, cy;
int position = getTraitPosition(nexus, context, trait, band, locations);
int horizontal = position % 10;
int vertical = position / 10;
if (position == 0) {
cx = ax + alength + radius;
} else {
if (vertical % 2 == 0) {
cx = ax + alength + (((2 * horizontal) + 1) * radius);
} else {
cx = ax + alength + (((2 * horizontal) + 2) * radius);
cy = ay + displacement + (vertical * radius);
svg.append("cx='").append(Double.toString(cx)).append("' ");
svg.append("cy='").append(Double.toString(cy)).append("' ");
svg.append("r='").append(Double.toString(radius)).append("' ");
String colour = getTraitColour(context, trait);
svg.append("fill='").append(colour).append("' ");
svg.append("stroke='black' ");
svg.append("stroke-width='0.5' ");
String traitName = getTraitLabel(context, trait);
svg.append("gwasname=\"").append(traitName).append("\" ");
String traitAttribute = getTraitAttribute(context, trait);
getLog().trace("Setting CSS class for trait '" + trait + "' to " + traitAttribute);
svg.append("class='gwas-trait ").append(traitAttribute).append("' ");
svg.append("fading='false' ");
StringBuilder associationAttribute = new StringBuilder();
Iterator<E> associationIt = bandToAssociationMap.get(band).iterator();
while (associationIt.hasNext()) {
if (associationIt.hasNext()) {
getLog().trace("Setting gwasassociation attribute for trait '" + trait + "' to " + associationAttribute.toString());
svg.append("gwasassociation='").append(associationAttribute.toString()).append("' ");
svg.append("priority='").append(vertical).append(// todo - remove this, just for debugging
"' ");
SVGArea currentArea = new SVGArea(cx, cy, 2 * radius, 2 * radius, 0);
// this area is a conjunction of trait + band, so store as a List<OWLNamedIndividual> with 2 elements
RenderingEvent<List<E>> event = new RenderingEvent<List<E>>(Arrays.asList(trait, band), svg.toString(), currentArea, vertical, this);
} else {
getLog().error("Cannot render trait '" + trait + "' for association '" + association + "' - " + "failed to identify the location of this association. " + "This could be due to an earlier error rendering the association.");
} catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
getLog().error("Cannot render trait '" + trait + "' in band '" + band + "'");
} catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
getLog().error("Cannot render trait '" + trait + "'", e);
use of in project goci by EBISPOT.
the class ChromosomeRenderlet method setChromBands.
protected void setChromBands(Element g, RenderletNexus nexus) {
NodeList paths = g.getElementsByTagName("path");
for (int i = 0; i < paths.getLength(); i++) {
Element path = (Element) paths.item(i);
String id = path.getAttribute("id");
String d = path.getAttribute("d");
if (!id.contains("centre") && !id.contains("outline") && !id.contains("satellite") && !id.contains("-o") && !id.contains("centromere")) {
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(d);
ArrayList<String> pathElements = new ArrayList<String>();
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
//bottom left corner of the chromosomal band
String[] xy = pathElements.get(1).split(",");
double x = Double.parseDouble(xy[0]);
double y = Double.parseDouble(xy[1]);
double width;
double height = 0;
//special case for top- and bottom-most bands
if (pathElements.contains("c")) {
//top band: starts bottom left -> br -> arc
if (id.contains("p")) {
double original = y;
String[] w = pathElements.get(2).split(",");
width = Math.abs(Double.parseDouble((w[0])));
for (int k = 3; k < pathElements.size() - 1; k++) {
String element = pathElements.get(k);
if (element.contains("c")) {
while (!pathElements.get(k + 1).contains("l") && !pathElements.get(k + 1).contains("z")) {
k = k + 3;
String point = pathElements.get(k);
String[] coords = point.split(",");
double temp = Double.parseDouble(coords[1]);
if (temp < 0) {
y = y + temp;
} else if (element.contains("l")) {
k = k + 1;
String point = pathElements.get(k);
String[] coords = point.split(",");
double temp = Double.parseDouble(coords[1]);
if (temp < 0) {
y = y + temp;
} else {
String point = pathElements.get(k);
String[] coords = point.split(",");
double temp = Double.parseDouble(coords[1]);
if (temp < 0) {
y = y + temp;
height = original - y;
} else //bottom band: starts top left -> arc -> tr
int last = pathElements.size() - 2;
String[] w = pathElements.get(last).split(",");
width = Math.abs(Double.parseDouble(w[0]));
height = 0;
for (int j = 3; j < pathElements.size() - 1; j++) {
String element = pathElements.get(j);
if (element.contains("c")) {
while (!pathElements.get(j + 1).contains("l")) {
j = j + 3;
String point = pathElements.get(j);
String[] coords = point.split(",");
double temp = Double.parseDouble(coords[1]);
if (temp > 0) {
height = height + temp;
} else if (element.contains("l")) {
j = j + 1;
String point = pathElements.get(j);
String[] coords = point.split(",");
double temp = Double.parseDouble(coords[1]);
if (temp > 0) {
height = height + temp;
} else {
String point = pathElements.get(j);
String[] coords = point.split(",");
double temp = Double.parseDouble(coords[1]);
if (temp > 0) {
height = height + temp;
} else //all the other bands
//width of the band
String[] w = pathElements.get(2).split(",");
width = Math.abs(Double.parseDouble((w[0])));
//height of the band
String[] h = pathElements.get(3).split(",");
height = Math.abs(Double.parseDouble((h[1])));
y = y - height;
// SVG area for the chromosomal bands gives the x&y coordinates for its top left corner, and its width and height
SVGArea band = new SVGArea(x, y, width, height, 0);
String chromName = getName().split(" ")[1];
BandInformation info = new BandInformation(id, chromName);
nexus.renderingEventOccurred(new RenderingEvent<BandInformation>(info, "", band, this));