use of in project goci by EBISPOT.
the class ChromosomeRenderlet method render.
public void render(RenderletNexus nexus, C context, E entity) {
int position = getPosition();
int height = SVGCanvas.canvasHeight;
int width = SVGCanvas.canvasWidth;
double chromWidth = (double) width / 12;
double chromHeight = (double) height / 2;
double xCoordinate;
double yCoordinate = 0;
if (position < 12) {
xCoordinate = position * chromWidth;
} else {
xCoordinate = (position - 12) * chromWidth;
yCoordinate = (double) height / 2;
InputStream in = null;
try {
in = getSVGFile().openStream();
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
Document chromSVG = db.parse(in);
Element root = chromSVG.getDocumentElement();
Element g = (Element) root.getElementsByTagName("g").item(0).cloneNode(true);
setChromBands(g, nexus);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
g.setAttribute("transform", builder.toString());
g.setAttribute("gwasname", getName());
SVGArea currentArea = new SVGArea(xCoordinate, yCoordinate, chromWidth, chromHeight, 0);
TransformerFactory transFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
Transformer transformer = transFactory.newTransformer();
StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter();
transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes");
transformer.transform(new DOMSource(g), new StreamResult(buffer));
String str = buffer.toString();
RenderingEvent<E> event = new RenderingEvent<E>(entity, str, currentArea, this);
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to read in template chromosome SVG from original resource", e);
} catch (SAXException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to read in template chromosome SVG from original resource", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to render chromosome SVG", e);
} catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to render chromosome SVG", e);
} catch (TransformerException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to render chromosome SVG", e);
} finally {
if (in != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// tried our best!
use of in project goci by EBISPOT.
the class SparqlAssociationRenderlet method getLocationOfPreviousAssociation.
protected SVGArea getLocationOfPreviousAssociation(RenderletNexus nexus, SparqlTemplate sparqlTemplate, URI association) throws DataIntegrityViolationException {
BandInformation band = getBandInformation(sparqlTemplate, association);
if (band != null) {
BandInformation current = band;
boolean done = false;
while (!done) {
BandInformation previousBand = getPreviousBandMap(nexus, sparqlTemplate).get(current);
if (previousBand == null) {
done = true;
return null;
if (!previousBand.getChromosome().equals(current.getChromosome())) {
done = true;
return null;
// now find the traits in the previous band
Set<URI> previousBandAssociations = QueryManager.getCachingInstance().getAssociationsLocatedInCytogeneticBand(sparqlTemplate, previousBand.getBandName(), nexus.getRenderingContext());
// get first not-null location for an association in the previous band
for (URI previousBandAssociation : previousBandAssociations) {
SVGArea prevLocation = nexus.getLocationOfRenderedEntity(previousBandAssociation);
if (prevLocation != null) {
done = true;
return prevLocation;
// if we get to here, no associations are located in the previous region so return null
getLog().trace("Unable to identify any associations in the previous cytogenetic region '" + previousBand.getBandName() + "'");
current = previousBand;
return null;
} else {
throw new DataIntegrityViolationException("Unable to identify the cytogenetic region where association '" + association + "' is located");
use of in project goci by EBISPOT.
the class SparqlAssociationRenderlet method getNumberOfTraitsInPreviousBand.
* For the given association, identifies the previous cytogenetic band to the one this association is located in,
* then identifies the total number of traits located in that cytogenetic band and returns the count
* @param sparqlTemplate the sparqlTemplate
* @param association the association to identify co-located traits for
* @return the number of traits in the same cytogenetic region as this association
* @throws DataIntegrityViolationException
protected int getNumberOfTraitsInPreviousBand(RenderletNexus nexus, SparqlTemplate sparqlTemplate, URI association) throws DataIntegrityViolationException {
BandInformation band = getBandInformation(sparqlTemplate, association);
if (band != null) {
BandInformation current = band;
BandInformation previousBand = null;
boolean done = false;
while (!done) {
previousBand = getPreviousBandMap(nexus, sparqlTemplate).get(current);
// now find the traits in the previous band
Set<URI> previousBandAssociations = QueryManager.getCachingInstance().getAssociationsLocatedInCytogeneticBand(sparqlTemplate, previousBand.getBandName(), nexus.getRenderingContext());
// get first not-null location for an association in the previous band
for (URI previousBandAssociation : previousBandAssociations) {
SVGArea prevLocation = nexus.getLocationOfRenderedEntity(previousBandAssociation);
if (prevLocation != null) {
done = true;
current = previousBand;
Set<URI> previousBandTraits = QueryManager.getCachingInstance().getTraitsLocatedInCytogeneticBand(sparqlTemplate, previousBand.getBandName(), nexus.getRenderingContext());
return previousBandTraits.size();
} else {
throw new DataIntegrityViolationException("Unable to identify the cytogenetic region where association '" + association + "' is located");
use of in project goci by EBISPOT.
the class SparqlTraitRenderlet method getLocationsOfOtherTraitsinBand.
protected List<SVGArea> getLocationsOfOtherTraitsinBand(RenderletNexus nexus, SparqlTemplate sparqlTemplate, URI band) throws DataIntegrityViolationException {
Set<URI> allTraits = QueryManager.getCachingInstance().getTraitsLocatedInCytogeneticBand(sparqlTemplate, band, nexus.getRenderingContext());
getLog().trace("Identified " + allTraits.size() + " traits in band '" + band + "'");
List<SVGArea> locations = new ArrayList<SVGArea>();
// fetch the location of all trait + band pairs that have been rendered so far
for (URI nextTrait : allTraits) {
SVGArea location = nexus.getLocationOfRenderedEntity(Arrays.asList(nextTrait, band));
if (location != null) {
// now sort
Collections.sort(locations, new Comparator<SVGArea>() {
public int compare(SVGArea a1, SVGArea a2) {
Double comp;
double dY = a2.getY() - a1.getY();
if (dY == 0) {
double dX = a2.getX() - a1.getX();
comp = dX > 0 ? Math.ceil(dX) : Math.floor(dX);
} else {
comp = dY > 0 ? Math.ceil(dY) : Math.floor(dY);
return comp.intValue();
getLog().trace("Sorted locations for " + allTraits.size() + " traits - " + locations.size() + " have been rendered");
return locations;
use of in project goci by EBISPOT.
the class AssociationRenderlet method render.
public void render(RenderletNexus nexus, C context, E associationEntity) {
getLog().trace("Association: " + associationEntity);
if (!nexus.bandContextExists(context)) {
nexus.setBandContext(context, sortBandsWithData(context));
try {
BandInformation band = getBandInformation(context, associationEntity);
if (!nexus.alreadyRendered(band)) {
// there is no other association in this chromosomal band yet - render
getLog().trace("This is the first association for band '" + band.getBandName() + "', " + "rendering new line");
StringBuilder svg = new StringBuilder();
String transform = getTransformation(band.getChromosome());
svg.append("<g ").append("id='").append(getAssociationID(context, associationEntity)).append("' ").append("transform='").append(transform).append("' ").append("class='gwas-trait'>");
// get rendered svg location of the cytogenetic band
SVGArea location = nexus.getLocationOfRenderedEntity(band);
if (location != null) {
// starting x and y co-ords derived from cytogenetic band
double x1 = location.getX();
double y1 = location.getY() + (location.getHeight() / 2);
double dotRadius = 0.35 * location.getWidth();
// x2 and y2 mark the end of the horizontal line designating the snp location
double x2 = location.getWidth();
double y2 = 0;
// x3 and y3 mark the end of the line - may be fanned to avoid overlaps
//0.75 * location.getWidth();
double x3 = 2 * location.getWidth();
double y3;
// fanning algorithm - calculate diagonal part of the line, if necessary
Map<BandInformation, BandInformation> previousBandMap = nexus.getBandContext(context);
BandInformation previousBand = previousBandMap.get(band);
if (previousBand != null && band.getChromosome().equals(previousBand.getChromosome())) {
SVGArea previousLocation = getLocationOfPreviousAssociation(nexus, context, associationEntity);
if (previousLocation != null) {
double previousY = previousLocation.getY() + previousLocation.getHeight();
// fan up or down?
if (band.getBandName().contains("p")) {
// p arm - we need to know how many traits are in this band
int traitCount = getNumberOfTraitsInSameBand(nexus, context, associationEntity);
int rowCount = ((traitCount - 1) / 10) + 2;
double blockSize = rowCount * dotRadius;
if (y1 + blockSize > previousY) {
// if blockSize takes us down so far it would overlap prevY, move up
y3 = previousY - (y1 + blockSize);
} else {
// otherwise, line can be horizontal
y3 = 0;
} else {
// q arm - we need to know how many traits were in the previous band (ie. the one above)
int traitCount = getNumberOfTraitsInPreviousBand(nexus, context, associationEntity);
int rowCount = ((traitCount - 1) / 10) + 2;
double blockSize = rowCount * dotRadius;
if (previousY + blockSize > y1) {
// if the previous blockSize takes us down so far it would overlap y, move down
y3 = (previousY + blockSize) - y1;
} else {
// otherwise, line can be horizontal
y3 = 0;
} else {
// no previous location, so line can be horizontal
y3 = 0;
} else {
// no previous band, or isn't in the same chromosome, so line can be horizontal
y3 = 0;
StringBuilder d = new StringBuilder();
d.append("m ");
d.append(" ");
d.append(" ");
svg.append("<path ").append("d='").append(d.toString()).append("' ").append("style='fill:none;stroke:#211c1d;stroke-width:1.1;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none'").append(" />");
SVGArea currentArea = new SVGArea(x1, y1, x2 + x3, y2 + y3, transform, 0);
RenderingEvent<E> event = new RenderingEvent<E>(associationEntity, svg.toString(), currentArea, this);
// add band to renderedBands set
nexus.setRenderedBand(band, currentArea);
} else {
getLog().error("Unable to render association '" + associationEntity + "' - " + "no location for band '" + band.getBandName() + "'");
} else {
// we've already rendered the required association line, so we don't need to do it again
// but we do need to log the rendering event for this association individual
getLog().trace("Already rendered an association line to band '" + band.getBandName() + "', " + "logging secondary event for association '" + associationEntity + "'");
SVGArea area = nexus.getRenderedBand(band);
nexus.renderingEventOccurred(new RenderingEvent<E>(associationEntity, "", area, this));
} catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
getLog().error("Cannot render association '" + associationEntity + "'", e);