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Example 1 with QuerySolutionMapper

use of in project goci by EBISPOT.

the class SparqlPussycatSession method loadAssociations.

private List<URI> loadAssociations(SparqlTemplate sparqlTemplate, String queryString, List<Filter> filters) {
    List<AssociationLocation> associationLocations = null;
    if (filters.size() == 0) {
        associationLocations = sparqlTemplate.query(queryString, /*had to add this line in to exclude "NR" bands as they break the AssociationLocation bit below
                                                                                    and can't be rendered anyway*/
        new QuerySolutionMapper<AssociationLocation>() {

            public AssociationLocation mapQuerySolution(QuerySolution qs) {
                URI association = URI.create(qs.getResource("association").getURI());
                String bandName = qs.getLiteral("band").getLexicalForm();
                return new AssociationLocation(association, bandName);
    } else if (filters.size() == 1) {
        for (Filter filter : filters) {
            if (filter.getFilteredType().equals(Association.class)) {
                associationLocations = sparqlTemplate.query(queryString, /*had to add this line in to exclude "NR" bands as they break the AssociationLocation bit below
                                                                                    and can't be rendered anyway*/
                new QuerySolutionMapper<AssociationLocation>() {

                    public AssociationLocation mapQuerySolution(QuerySolution qs) {
                        URI association = URI.create(qs.getResource("association").getURI());
                        String bandName = qs.getLiteral("band").getLexicalForm();
                        return new AssociationLocation(association, bandName);
                }, filter.getFilteredValues().get(1), filter.getFilteredValues().get(0));
            } else if (filter.getFilteredType().equals(Study.class)) {
                associationLocations = sparqlTemplate.query(queryString, /*had to add this line in to exclude "NR" bands as they break the AssociationLocation bit below
                                                                                    and can't be rendered anyway*/
                new QuerySolutionMapper<AssociationLocation>() {

                    public AssociationLocation mapQuerySolution(QuerySolution qs) {
                        URI association = URI.create(qs.getResource("association").getURI());
                        String bandName = qs.getLiteral("band").getLexicalForm();
                        return new AssociationLocation(association, bandName);
                }, filter.getFilteredRange().to(), filter.getFilteredRange().from());
    } else {
        Object pval_min = null, pval_max = null, date_min = null, date_max = null;
        for (Filter filter : filters) {
            if (filter.getFilteredType().equals(Association.class)) {
                pval_min = filter.getFilteredValues().get(0);
                pval_max = filter.getFilteredValues().get(1);
            } else if (filter.getFilteredType().equals(Publication.class)) {
                date_min = filter.getFilteredRange().from();
                date_max = filter.getFilteredRange().to();
        associationLocations = sparqlTemplate.query(queryString, /*had to add this line in to exclude "NR" bands as they break the AssociationLocation bit below
                                                                                    and can't be rendered anyway*/
        new QuerySolutionMapper<AssociationLocation>() {

            public AssociationLocation mapQuerySolution(QuerySolution qs) {
                URI association = URI.create(qs.getResource("association").getURI());
                String bandName = qs.getLiteral("band").getLexicalForm();
                return new AssociationLocation(association, bandName);
        }, pval_max, pval_min, date_max, date_min);
    List<URI> associations = new ArrayList<URI>();
    for (AssociationLocation al : associationLocations) {
    return associations;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URI( QuerySolutionMapper( Association( QuerySolution(com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QuerySolution) Filter(


QuerySolution (com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QuerySolution)1 URI ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Association ( Filter ( QuerySolutionMapper (