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Example 1 with Gap

use of in project openolat by klemens.

the class GapMatchInteractionArchive method writeInteractionData.

public int writeInteractionData(AssessmentItem item, AssessmentResponse response, Interaction interaction, int itemNumber, Row dataRow, int col, OpenXMLWorkbook workbook) {
    List<Gap> gaps = getGaps(interaction);
    if (gaps.size() > 0) {
        GapMatchInteraction gapMatchInteraction = (GapMatchInteraction) interaction;
        Set<String> correctAnswers = CorrectResponsesUtil.getCorrectDirectPairResponses(item, interaction, false);
        String stringuifiedResponse = response == null ? null : response.getStringuifiedResponse();
        List<String> responses = CorrectResponsesUtil.parseResponses(stringuifiedResponse);
        for (Gap gap : gaps) {
            String gapIdentifier = gap.getIdentifier().toString();
            String gapResponse = null;
            for (String r : responses) {
                if (r.endsWith(gapIdentifier)) {
                    gapResponse = r;
            if (gapResponse != null) {
                String[] gapResponsePair = gapResponse.split(" ");
                if (gapResponsePair.length > 1) {
                    String gapResponseAssociation = gapResponsePair[0];
                    Identifier gapResponseIdentifier = Identifier.assumedLegal(gapResponseAssociation);
                    GapChoice choice = gapMatchInteraction.getGapChoice(gapResponseIdentifier);
                    String value = null;
                    if (choice != null) {
                        value = getTextContent(choice);
                    boolean correct = correctAnswers.contains(gapResponse);
                    if (correct) {
                        dataRow.addCell(col++, value, workbook.getStyles().getCorrectStyle());
                    } else {
                        dataRow.addCell(col++, value);
                } else {
            } else {
    } else {
    return col;
Also used : Identifier( GapMatchInteraction( Gap( GapChoice(

Example 2 with Gap

use of in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class GapMatchInteractionArchive method writeInteractionData.

public int writeInteractionData(AssessmentItem item, AssessmentResponse response, Interaction interaction, int itemNumber, Row dataRow, int col, OpenXMLWorkbook workbook) {
    List<Gap> gaps = getGaps(interaction);
    if (gaps.size() > 0) {
        GapMatchInteraction gapMatchInteraction = (GapMatchInteraction) interaction;
        Set<String> correctAnswers = CorrectResponsesUtil.getCorrectDirectPairResponses(item, interaction, false);
        String stringuifiedResponse = response == null ? null : response.getStringuifiedResponse();
        List<String> responses = CorrectResponsesUtil.parseResponses(stringuifiedResponse);
        for (Gap gap : gaps) {
            String gapIdentifier = gap.getIdentifier().toString();
            String gapResponse = null;
            for (String r : responses) {
                if (r.endsWith(gapIdentifier)) {
                    gapResponse = r;
            if (gapResponse != null) {
                String[] gapResponsePair = gapResponse.split(" ");
                if (gapResponsePair.length > 1) {
                    String gapResponseAssociation = gapResponsePair[0];
                    Identifier gapResponseIdentifier = Identifier.assumedLegal(gapResponseAssociation);
                    GapChoice choice = gapMatchInteraction.getGapChoice(gapResponseIdentifier);
                    String value = null;
                    if (choice != null) {
                        value = getTextContent(choice);
                    boolean correct = correctAnswers.contains(gapResponse);
                    if (correct) {
                        dataRow.addCell(col++, value, workbook.getStyles().getCorrectStyle());
                    } else {
                        dataRow.addCell(col++, value);
                } else {
            } else {
    } else {
    return col;
Also used : Identifier( GapMatchInteraction( Gap( GapChoice(

Example 3 with Gap

use of in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class AssessmentObjectComponentRenderer method renderGap.

	  <xsl:template match="qti:gap">
	    <xsl:variable name="gmi" select="ancestor::qti:gapMatchInteraction" as="element(qti:gapMatchInteraction)"/>
	    <xsl:variable name="gaps" select="$gmi//qti:gap" as="element(qti:gap)+"/>
	    <xsl:variable name="thisGap" select="." as="element(qti:gap)"/>
	    <span class="gap" id="qtiworks_id_{$gmi/@responseIdentifier}_{@identifier}">
	      <!-- (Print index of this gap wrt all gaps in the interaction) -->
	      GAP <xsl:value-of select="for $i in 1 to count($gaps) return
	        if ($gaps[$i]/@identifier = $thisGap/@identifier) then $i else ()"/>
private void renderGap(StringOutput sb, Gap gap, ItemSessionState itemSessionState, AssessmentObjectComponent component) {
    GapMatchInteraction interaction = null;
    for (QtiNode parentNode = gap.getParent(); parentNode.getParent() != null; parentNode = parentNode.getParent()) {
        if (parentNode instanceof GapMatchInteraction) {
            interaction = (GapMatchInteraction) parentNode;
    if (interaction != null) {
        List<Gap> gaps =, interaction.getBlockStatics());
        String responseUniqueId = component.getResponseUniqueIdentifier(itemSessionState, interaction);
        sb.append("<span class='gap' id=\"qtiworks_id_").append(responseUniqueId).append("_").append(gap.getIdentifier().toString()).append("\">");
        sb.append("GAP ").append(gaps.indexOf(gap));
Also used : GraphicGapMatchInteraction( GapMatchInteraction( Gap( AssessmentRenderFunctions.contentAsString(org.olat.ims.qti21.ui.components.AssessmentRenderFunctions.contentAsString) QtiNode(

Example 4 with Gap

use of in project openolat by klemens.

the class AssessmentObjectComponentRenderer method renderGap.

	  <xsl:template match="qti:gap">
	    <xsl:variable name="gmi" select="ancestor::qti:gapMatchInteraction" as="element(qti:gapMatchInteraction)"/>
	    <xsl:variable name="gaps" select="$gmi//qti:gap" as="element(qti:gap)+"/>
	    <xsl:variable name="thisGap" select="." as="element(qti:gap)"/>
	    <span class="gap" id="qtiworks_id_{$gmi/@responseIdentifier}_{@identifier}">
	      <!-- (Print index of this gap wrt all gaps in the interaction) -->
	      GAP <xsl:value-of select="for $i in 1 to count($gaps) return
	        if ($gaps[$i]/@identifier = $thisGap/@identifier) then $i else ()"/>
private void renderGap(StringOutput sb, Gap gap, ItemSessionState itemSessionState, AssessmentObjectComponent component) {
    GapMatchInteraction interaction = null;
    for (QtiNode parentNode = gap.getParent(); parentNode.getParent() != null; parentNode = parentNode.getParent()) {
        if (parentNode instanceof GapMatchInteraction) {
            interaction = (GapMatchInteraction) parentNode;
    if (interaction != null) {
        List<Gap> gaps =, interaction.getBlockStatics());
        String responseUniqueId = component.getResponseUniqueIdentifier(itemSessionState, interaction);
        sb.append("<span class='gap' id=\"qtiworks_id_").append(responseUniqueId).append("_").append(gap.getIdentifier().toString()).append("\">");
        sb.append("GAP ").append(gaps.indexOf(gap));
Also used : GraphicGapMatchInteraction( GapMatchInteraction( Gap( AssessmentRenderFunctions.contentAsString(org.olat.ims.qti21.ui.components.AssessmentRenderFunctions.contentAsString) QtiNode(


GapMatchInteraction ( Gap ( AssessmentRenderFunctions.contentAsString (org.olat.ims.qti21.ui.components.AssessmentRenderFunctions.contentAsString)2 QtiNode ( GraphicGapMatchInteraction ( GapChoice ( Identifier (