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Example 36 with Nullable

use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.

the class ImageJ3DResultsViewer method createAlphaFromIntensity.

private static float[] createAlphaFromIntensity(MemoryPeakResults results, double minA, double maxA) {
    final RawResultProcedure p = new RawResultProcedure(results);
    final float[] intensity = p.intensity;
    final float[] limits = MathUtils.limits(intensity);
    final float min = limits[0];
    final float max = limits[1];
    if (min == max) {
        ImageJUtils.log("No per-item transparency as intensity is fixed");
        return null;
    final double range = (maxA - minA) / (max - min);
    final float[] alpha = new float[intensity.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < alpha.length; i++) {
        // Lowest intensity has lowest alpha (more transparent)
        alpha[i] = (float) (minA + range * (intensity[i] - min));
    return alpha;
Also used : RawResultProcedure( Nullable(

Example 37 with Nullable

use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.

the class DriftCalculator method calculateUsingFrames.

 * Calculates drift using images from N consecutive frames aligned to the overall image.
 * @param results the results
 * @param limits the limits
 * @param reconstructionSize the reconstruction size
 * @return the drift { dx[], dy[] }
private double[][] calculateUsingFrames(MemoryPeakResults results, int[] limits, int reconstructionSize) {
    // Extract the localisations into blocks of N consecutive frames
    final BlockPeakResultProcedure p = new BlockPeakResultProcedure(settings);
    final ArrayList<ArrayList<Localisation>> blocks = p.blocks;
    final ArrayList<Localisation> nextBlock = p.nextBlock;
    if (blocks.size() < 2) {
        tracker.log("ERROR : Require at least 2 images for drift calculation");
        return null;
    // Check the final block has enough localisations
    if (nextBlock.size() < settings.minimimLocalisations) {
        blocks.remove(blocks.size() - 1);
        if (blocks.size() < 2) {
            tracker.log("ERROR : Require at least 2 images for drift calculation");
            return null;
        final ArrayList<Localisation> combinedBlock = blocks.get(blocks.size() - 1);
    // Find the average time point for each block
    final int[] blockT = new int[blocks.size()];
    int time = 0;
    for (final ArrayList<Localisation> block : blocks) {
        long sum = 0;
        for (final Localisation r : block) {
            sum += r.time;
        blockT[time++] = (int) (sum / block.size());
    // Calculate a scale to use when constructing the images for alignment
    final Rectangle bounds = results.getBounds(true);
    final ResultsImageSettings.Builder builder = ResultsImageSettings.newBuilder().setImageSizeMode(ResultsImageSizeMode.IMAGE_SIZE).setImageSize(reconstructionSize);
    final float scale = ImagePeakResultsFactory.getScale(builder, bounds, 1);
    executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Prefs.getThreads());
    final double[] dx = new double[limits[1] + 1];
    final double[] dy = new double[dx.length];
    final double[] originalDriftTimePoints = getOriginalDriftTimePoints(dx, blockT);
    lastdx = null;
    final double smoothing = updateSmoothingParameter(originalDriftTimePoints);
    double change = calculateDriftUsingFrames(blocks, blockT, bounds, scale, dx, dy, originalDriftTimePoints, smoothing, settings.iterations);
    if (Double.isNaN(change) || tracker.isEnded()) {
        return null;
    plotDrift(limits, dx, dy);
    ImageJUtils.log("Drift Calculator : Initial drift " + MathUtils.rounded(change));
    for (int i = 1; i <= settings.maxIterations; i++) {
        change = calculateDriftUsingFrames(blocks, blockT, bounds, scale, dx, dy, originalDriftTimePoints, smoothing, settings.iterations);
        if (Double.isNaN(change)) {
            return null;
        plotDrift(limits, dx, dy);
        if (converged(i, change, getTotalDrift(dx, dy, originalDriftTimePoints))) {
    if (tracker.isEnded()) {
        return null;
    plotDrift(limits, dx, dy);
    return new double[][] { dx, dy };
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) ResultsImageSettings( Point(java.awt.Point) Nullable(

Example 38 with Nullable

use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.

the class DriftCalculator method createStackImageList.

 * Build a list of suitable stack images.
 * @return the list of suitable stack images.
private static String[] createStackImageList() {
    final int[] idList = WindowManager.getIDList();
    if (idList != null) {
        final String[] list = new String[idList.length];
        int count = 0;
        for (final int id : idList) {
            final ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getImage(id);
            if (imp != null && imp.getStackSize() > 1) {
                list[count++] = imp.getTitle();
        return Arrays.copyOf(list, count);
    return null;
Also used : ImagePlus(ij.ImagePlus) Point(java.awt.Point) Nullable(

Example 39 with Nullable

use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.

the class PeakResultsReader method createNStormResult.

 * Creates the NStorm result.
 * @param line the line
 * @param readPhotons Set to {@code true} if there is a Photons field
 * @return the peak result
private static PeakResult createNStormResult(String line, boolean readPhotons) {
    // Ywc
    try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(line)) {
        // channelName;
        // x
        // y
        final float xc = scanner.nextFloat();
        final float yc = scanner.nextFloat();
        final float height = scanner.nextFloat();
        final float area = scanner.nextFloat();
        final float width = scanner.nextFloat();
        // phi
        final float ax = scanner.nextFloat();
        final float bg = scanner.nextFloat();
        // intensity
        final int frame = scanner.nextInt();
        final int length = scanner.nextInt();
        double photons = 0;
        if (readPhotons) {
            // These are not needed
            // Link
            // Valid
            // Z
            // Zc
            photons = scanner.nextDouble();
        // The coordinates are in nm
        // The values are in ADUs. The area value is the signal.
        // The following relationship holds when length == 1:
        // Area = Height * 2 * pi * (Width / (pixel_pitch*2) )^2
        // => Pixel_pitch = 0.5 * Width / sqrt(Area / (Height * 2 * pi))
        final float[] params = new float[SIZE_TWO_AXIS];
        params[PeakResult.BACKGROUND] = bg;
        params[PeakResult.INTENSITY] = area;
        params[PeakResult.X] = xc;
        params[PeakResult.Y] = yc;
        // Convert width (2*SD) to SD
        final float sd = width / 2f;
        // Convert to separate XY widths using the axial ratio
        if (ax == 1) {
            params[INDEX_SX] = sd;
            params[INDEX_SY] = sd;
        } else {
            // Ensure the axial ratio is long/short
            final double a = Math.sqrt((ax < 1) ? 1.0 / ax : ax);
            params[INDEX_SX] = (float) (sd * a);
            params[INDEX_SY] = (float) (sd / a);
        // Store the photons in the error value
        return new ExtendedPeakResult(frame, (int) xc, (int) yc, height, photons, 0.0f, 0, params, null, frame + length - 1, 0);
    } catch (final NoSuchElementException ex) {
    // Ignore
    return null;
Also used : Scanner(java.util.Scanner) NoSuchElementException(java.util.NoSuchElementException) Nullable(

Example 40 with Nullable

use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.

the class MultiPathFilter method filter.

 * Create a subset of multi-path results, i.e. all those that pass the filter.
 * <p>The results are processed in order. Results are only processed if the fail counter
 * {@link FailCounter#isOk() isOK}.
 * <p>If the subset flag is set to true the candidate Id will be used to determine the number of
 * failed fits before the current candidate, assuming candidates start at zero and increment.
 * @param multiPathResults the multi path results
 * @param failCounter the counter to track the failures to allow per frame before all peaks are
 *        rejected
 * @param setup Set to true to run the {@link #setup()} method
 * @param subset True if a subset (the candidate Id will be used to determine the number of failed
 *        fits before the current candidate)
 * @return the filtered results
private MultiPathFitResult[] filter(final IMultiPathFitResults multiPathResults, final FailCounter failCounter, boolean setup, boolean subset) {
    if (setup) {
    int lastId = -1;
    int size = 0;
    final MultiPathFitResult[] newMultiPathResults = new MultiPathFitResult[multiPathResults.getNumberOfResults()];
    final SimpleSelectedResultStore store = new SimpleSelectedResultStore(multiPathResults.getTotalCandidates());
    // System.out.println("Debug");
    for (int c = 0; c < newMultiPathResults.length; c++) {
        final MultiPathFitResult multiPathResult = multiPathResults.getResult(c);
        // Include the number of failures before this result from the larger set
        if (subset) {
            incrementFailures(failCounter, lastId, multiPathResult);
            lastId = multiPathResult.getCandidateId();
        final boolean evaluateFit = failCounter.isOk();
        if (evaluateFit || store.isValid(multiPathResult.getCandidateId())) {
            // Evaluate the result.
            // This allows storing more estimates in the store even if we are past the failures limit.
            final PreprocessedPeakResult[] result = accept(multiPathResult, false, store);
            // Note: Even if the actual result failed, the candidate may have passed and so
            // the entire multi-path result should be retained.
            // Also note that depending on the filter, different results can be selected and pushed
            // through
            // the store to set them valid. So we must push everything through the store to ensure
            // nothing
            // is removed that could be used.
            checkIsValid(multiPathResult.getSingleFitResult(), store);
            checkIsValid(multiPathResult.getMultiFitResult(), store);
            checkIsValid(multiPathResult.getDoubletFitResult(), store);
            // Fix to only disable shift filtering for the doublet results...
            final FitResult multiDoubletFitResult = multiPathResult.getMultiDoubletFitResult();
            if (multiDoubletFitResult != null && multiDoubletFitResult.getResults() != null) {
                // Note: Only disable shift for the doublet results.
                // doublets = len(multi-doublet) - len(multi) + 1
                final PreprocessedPeakResult[] results = multiDoubletFitResult.getResults();
                final int nDoublets = results.length - multiPathResult.getMultiFitResult().getResults().length + 1;
                checkIsValid(results, store, 0, nDoublets);
                checkIsValid(results, store, nDoublets, results.length);
            } else {
            // This has valid results so add to the output subset
            newMultiPathResults[size++] = multiPathResult;
            if (evaluateFit) {
                if (isNewResult(result)) {
                    // More results were accepted so reset the fail count
                } else {
                    // Nothing was accepted, increment fail count
        } else {
            // This was rejected, increment fail count
    if (size != 0) {
        return Arrays.copyOf(newMultiPathResults, size);
    return null;
Also used : FitResult( Nullable(


Nullable ( Point (java.awt.Point)10 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)6 ImagePlus (ij.ImagePlus)5 Rectangle (java.awt.Rectangle)5 FloatProcessor (ij.process.FloatProcessor)4 ImageProcessor (ij.process.ImageProcessor)4 ConvergenceException (org.apache.commons.math3.exception.ConvergenceException)4 TooManyIterationsException (org.apache.commons.math3.exception.TooManyIterationsException)4 FractionalAssignment ( DirectFilter ( IDirectFilter ( Plot (ij.gui.Plot)3 File ( ConcurrentRuntimeException (org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent.ConcurrentRuntimeException)3 LeastSquaresBuilder (org.apache.commons.math3.fitting.leastsquares.LeastSquaresBuilder)3 Optimum (org.apache.commons.math3.fitting.leastsquares.LeastSquaresOptimizer.Optimum)3 LeastSquaresProblem (org.apache.commons.math3.fitting.leastsquares.LeastSquaresProblem)3 LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer (org.apache.commons.math3.fitting.leastsquares.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer)3