use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class LsqLvmGradientProcedureTest method doubleCreateGaussianData.
* Create random elliptical Gaussian data an returns the data plus an estimate of the parameters.
* Only the chosen parameters are randomised and returned for a maximum of (background, amplitude,
* angle, xpos, ypos, xwidth, ywidth }
* @param rng the random
* @param npeaks the npeaks
* @param params set on output
* @param randomiseParams Set to true to randomise the params
* @return the double[]
private double[] doubleCreateGaussianData(UniformRandomProvider rng, int npeaks, double[] params, boolean randomiseParams) {
final int n = blockWidth * blockWidth;
// Generate a 2D Gaussian
final ErfGaussian2DFunction func = (ErfGaussian2DFunction) GaussianFunctionFactory.create2D(npeaks, blockWidth, blockWidth, GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_ERF_FREE_CIRCLE, null);
params[0] = random(rng, background);
for (int i = 0, j = 1; i < npeaks; i++, j += 6) {
params[j] = random(rng, signal);
params[j + 2] = random(rng, xpos);
params[j + 3] = random(rng, ypos);
params[j + 4] = random(rng, xwidth);
params[j + 5] = random(rng, ywidth);
final double[] y = new double[n];
for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) {
// Add random Poisson noise
final double u = func.eval(i);
y[i] = GdscSmlmTestUtils.createPoissonSampler(rng, u).sample();
if (randomiseParams) {
params[0] = random(rng, params[0]);
for (int i = 0, j = 1; i < npeaks; i++, j += 6) {
params[j] = random(rng, params[j]);
params[j + 2] = random(rng, params[j + 2]);
params[j + 3] = random(rng, params[j + 3]);
params[j + 4] = random(rng, params[j + 4]);
params[j + 5] = random(rng, params[j + 5]);
return y;
use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class LvmGradientProcedureTest method doubleCreateGaussianData.
* Create random elliptical Gaussian data an returns the data plus an estimate of the parameters.
* Only the chosen parameters are randomised and returned for a maximum of (background, amplitude,
* angle, xpos, ypos, xwidth, ywidth }
* @param npeaks the npeaks
* @param params set on output
* @param randomiseParams Set to true to randomise the params
* @return the double[]
private double[] doubleCreateGaussianData(UniformRandomProvider rng, int npeaks, double[] params, boolean randomiseParams) {
final int n = blockWidth * blockWidth;
// Generate a 2D Gaussian
final ErfGaussian2DFunction func = (ErfGaussian2DFunction) GaussianFunctionFactory.create2D(npeaks, blockWidth, blockWidth, GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_ERF_FREE_CIRCLE, null);
params[0] = random(rng, background);
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < npeaks; i++, j += Gaussian2DFunction.PARAMETERS_PER_PEAK) {
params[j + Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] = random(rng, signal);
params[j + Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] = random(rng, xpos);
params[j + Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] = random(rng, ypos);
params[j + Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD] = random(rng, xwidth);
params[j + Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD] = random(rng, ywidth);
if (npeaks > 1) {
// Move the peaks around so they do not overlap
final double[] shift = SimpleArrayUtils.newArray(npeaks, -2, 4.0 / (npeaks - 1));
RandomUtils.shuffle(shift, rng);
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < npeaks; i++, j += Gaussian2DFunction.PARAMETERS_PER_PEAK) {
params[j + Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] += shift[i];
RandomUtils.shuffle(shift, rng);
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < npeaks; i++, j += Gaussian2DFunction.PARAMETERS_PER_PEAK) {
params[j + Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] += shift[i];
final double[] y = new double[n];
for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) {
// Add random Poisson noise
final double u = func.eval(i);
y[i] = GdscSmlmTestUtils.createPoissonSampler(rng, u).sample();
if (randomiseParams) {
params[0] = random(rng, params[0]);
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < npeaks; i++, j += Gaussian2DFunction.PARAMETERS_PER_PEAK) {
params[j + Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] = random(rng, params[j + Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL]);
params[j + Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] = random(rng, params[j + Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION]);
params[j + Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] = random(rng, params[j + Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION]);
params[j + Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD] = random(rng, params[j + Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD]);
params[j + Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD] = random(rng, params[j + Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD]);
return y;
use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class LsqVarianceGradientProcedureTest method crlbIsHigherWithPrecomputed.
void crlbIsHigherWithPrecomputed(RandomSeed seed) {
final int iter = 10;
final UniformRandomProvider rng = RngUtils.create(seed.getSeed());
final ErfGaussian2DFunction func = (ErfGaussian2DFunction) GaussianFunctionFactory.create2D(1, 10, 10, GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_ERF_FREE_CIRCLE, null);
final double[] a = new double[1 + Gaussian2DFunction.PARAMETERS_PER_PEAK];
final int n = func.getNumberOfGradients();
// Get a background
final double[] b = new double[func.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
b[i] = nextUniform(rng, 1, 2);
for (int i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
a[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] = nextUniform(rng, 0.1, 0.3);
a[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] = nextUniform(rng, 100, 300);
a[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] = nextUniform(rng, 4, 6);
a[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] = nextUniform(rng, 4, 6);
a[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD] = nextUniform(rng, 1, 1.3);
a[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD] = nextUniform(rng, 1, 1.3);
final LsqVarianceGradientProcedure p1 = LsqVarianceGradientProcedureUtils.create(func);
final LsqVarianceGradientProcedure p2 = LsqVarianceGradientProcedureUtils.create(OffsetGradient1Function.wrapGradient1Function(func, b));
final double[] crlb1 = p1.variance;
final double[] crlb2 = p2.variance;
// Arrays.toString(crlb2));
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
Assertions.assertTrue(crlb1[j] < crlb2[j]);
use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class BaseSteppingFunctionSolverTest method getSolver.
SteppingFunctionSolver getSolver(SteppingFunctionSolverClamp clamp, SteppingFunctionSolverType type, ToleranceChecker tc) {
final ErfGaussian2DFunction f = (ErfGaussian2DFunction) GaussianFunctionFactory.create2D(1, size, size, flags, null);
final ParameterBounds bounds = new ParameterBounds(f);
switch(clamp) {
case CLAMP:
case NO_CLAMP:
SteppingFunctionSolver solver;
switch(type) {
case LSELVM:
solver = new LseLvmSteppingFunctionSolver(f, tc, bounds);
case MLELVM:
case FastLogMLELVM:
final MleLvmSteppingFunctionSolver mleSolver = new MleLvmSteppingFunctionSolver(f, tc, bounds);
solver = mleSolver;
// MLE requires a positive function value so use a lower bound
solver.setBounds(getLb(), null);
// For testing the fast log version
if (type == FastLogMLELVM) {
solver = new WLseLvmSteppingFunctionSolver(f, tc, bounds);
case FastMLE:
solver = new FastMleSteppingFunctionSolver(f, tc, bounds);
// MLE requires a positive function value so use a lower bound
solver.setBounds(getLb(), null);
throw new NotImplementedException();
if (solver instanceof LvmSteppingFunctionSolver) {
((LvmSteppingFunctionSolver) solver).setInitialLambda(1);
return solver;
use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class PsfModelGradient1FunctionTest method canComputeValueAndGradient.
void canComputeValueAndGradient() {
// Use a reasonable z-depth function from the Smith, et al (2010) paper (page 377)
final double sx = 1.08;
final double sy = 1.01;
final double gamma = 0.389;
final double d = 0.531;
final double Ax = -0.0708;
final double Bx = -0.073;
final double Ay = 0.164;
final double By = 0.0417;
final AstigmatismZModel zModel = HoltzerAstigmatismZModel.create(sx, sy, gamma, d, Ax, Bx, Ay, By);
// Small size ensure the PSF model covers the entire image
final int maxx = 11;
final int maxy = 11;
final double[] ve = new double[maxx * maxy];
final double[] vo = new double[maxx * maxy];
final double[][] ge = new double[maxx * maxy][];
final double[][] go = new double[maxx * maxy][];
final PsfModelGradient1Function psf = new PsfModelGradient1Function(new GaussianPsfModel(zModel), maxx, maxy);
final ErfGaussian2DFunction f = new SingleAstigmatismErfGaussian2DFunction(maxx, maxy, zModel);
final double[] a2 = new double[Gaussian2DFunction.PARAMETERS_PER_PEAK + 1];
final DoubleDoubleBiPredicate equality = TestHelper.doublesAreClose(1e-8, 0);
final double c = maxx * 0.5;
for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
final double x0 = c + i * 0.33;
for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++) {
final double x1 = c + j * 0.33;
for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++) {
final double x2 = k * 0.33;
for (final double in : new double[] { 23.2, 405.67 }) {
// Background is constant for gradients so just use 1 value
final double[] a = new double[] { 2.2, in, x0, x1, x2 };
psf.forEach(new Gradient1Procedure() {
int index = 0;
public void execute(double value, double[] dyDa) {
vo[index] = value;
go[index] = dyDa.clone();
a2[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] = a[0];
a2[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] = a[1];
a2[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] = a[2] - 0.5;
a2[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] = a[3] - 0.5;
a2[Gaussian2DFunction.Z_POSITION] = a[4];
f.forEach(new Gradient1Procedure() {
int index = 0;
public void execute(double value, double[] dyDa) {
ve[index] = value;
ge[index] = dyDa.clone();
for (int ii = 0; ii < ve.length; ii++) {
TestAssertions.assertTest(ve[ii], vo[ii], equality);
TestAssertions.assertArrayTest(ge[ii], go[ii], equality);