use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class ImageJ3DResultsViewer method createMesh.
private static CustomMesh createMesh(final ImageJ3DResultsViewerSettingsOrBuilder settings, LocalList<Point3f> points, final Point3f[] sphereSize, float transparency, float[] alpha) {
// Coordinates + color
int stride = 3 + 3;
if (alpha != null) {
// add color alpha
// Support drawing as points ...
if (settings.getRendering() == 0) {
final long arraySize = (long) points.size() * stride;
if (arraySize > CustomContentHelper.MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) {
final double capacity = (double) arraySize / CustomContentHelper.MAX_ARRAY_SIZE;
// @formatter:off
IJ.error(TITLE, TextUtils.wrap(String.format("The results will generate data of %d values. " + "This is amount of data is not supported (%.2fx capacity). " + "Please choose a different dataset with fewer points.", arraySize, capacity), 80));
// @formatter:on
return null;
CustomPointMesh mesh;
if (alpha != null) {
final TransparentItemPointMesh mesh2 = new TransparentItemPointMesh(points, null, transparency);
mesh = mesh2;
} else {
mesh = new ItemPointMesh(points, null, transparency);
return mesh;
final Rendering r = Rendering.forNumber(settings.getRendering());
// Repeated mesh creation is much faster as the normals are cached.
// There does not appear to be a difference in the speed the image responds
// to user interaction between indexed or standard triangles.
// Currently the RepeatedIndexedTriangleMesh computes the normals a different way to
// the super class to preserve the orientation of the normals. So if the coordinates
// are modified through the mesh then the appearance will change. For now just use
// the RepeatedTriangleMesh.
// TODO - check this. It may not be true if the shading mode is flat...
// Also the IndexedTriangleMesh has one normal per vertex and this causes a colour fall-off
// on the triangle plane towards the edges. The TriangleMesh colours the entire surface
// of each triangle the same which looks 'normal'.
final List<Point3f> point = Shape3DHelper.createLocalisationObject(r);
// + normals
stride += 3;
final int singlePointSize = point.size();
final long size = (long) points.size() * singlePointSize;
final long arraySize = size * stride;
if (arraySize > CustomContentHelper.MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) {
final double capacity = (double) arraySize / CustomContentHelper.MAX_ARRAY_SIZE;
// @formatter:off
IJ.error(TITLE, TextUtils.wrap(String.format("The results will generate data of %d values. " + "This is amount of data is not supported (%.2fx capacity). " + "Please choose a different rendering model with fewer vertices.", arraySize, capacity), 80));
// @formatter:on
return null;
if (size > 10000000L) {
final ExtendedGenericDialog egd = new ExtendedGenericDialog(TITLE);
egd.addMessage("The results will generate a large mesh of " + size + " vertices.\nThis may take a long time to render and may run out of memory.");
if (egd.wasCanceled()) {
return null;
IJ.showStatus("Creating 3D mesh ...");
final double creaseAngle = (r.isHighResolution()) ? 44 : 0;
// Used for debugging construction time
final ImageJTrackProgress progress = null;
if (alpha != null) {
final TransparentItemTriangleMesh mesh = new TransparentItemTriangleMesh(point.toArray(new Point3f[singlePointSize]), points.toArray(new Point3f[0]), sphereSize, null, transparency, creaseAngle, progress);
return mesh;
return new ItemTriangleMesh(point.toArray(new Point3f[singlePointSize]), points.toArray(new Point3f[0]), sphereSize, null, transparency, creaseAngle, progress);