use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class CameraModelAnalysis method cumulativeDistribution.
private static double[][] cumulativeDistribution(CameraModelAnalysisSettings settings, double[][] cdf, final LikelihoodFunction fun) {
// Q. How to match this is the discrete cumulative histogram using the continuous
// likelihood function:
// 1. Compute integral up to the value
// 2. Compute integral up to but not including the next value using trapezoid integration
// 3. Compute integral up to but not including the next value using flat-top integration
// Since the function will be used on continuous float data when fitting PSFs the best
// match for how it will perform in practice is a continuous (trapezoid) integration.
// The simplest is a flat-top integration.
// Compute the probability at each value
final double e = settings.getPhotons();
double[] x = cdf[0];
double[] y = new double[x.length];
for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
y[i] = fun.likelihood(x[i], e);
// Add more until the probability change is marginal
double sum = MathUtils.sum(y);
final TDoubleArrayList list = new TDoubleArrayList(y);
for (int o = (int) x[x.length - 1] + 1; ; o++) {
final double p = fun.likelihood(o, e);
if (p == 0) {
sum += p;
if (p / sum < PROBABILITY_DELTA) {
final TDoubleArrayList list2 = new TDoubleArrayList(10);
for (int o = (int) x[0] - 1; ; o--) {
final double p = fun.likelihood(o, e);
if (p == 0) {
sum += p;
if (p / sum < PROBABILITY_DELTA) {
// Insert at start
double start = x[0];
if (!list2.isEmpty()) {
start -= list2.size();
list.insert(0, list2.toArray());
y = list.toArray();
x = SimpleArrayUtils.newArray(y.length, start, 1.0);
if (settings.getSimpsonIntegration()) {
int c0 = -1;
double dirac = 0;
int minc = 0;
int maxc = 0;
CachingUnivariateFunction uf = null;
if (settings.getMode() == MODE_EM_CCD && isPoissonGammaLikelihoodFunction(settings)) {
// A spike is expected at c=0 due to the Dirac delta contribution.
// This breaks integration, especially when noise < 0.1.
// Fix by integrating around c=0 fully then integrating the rest.
c0 = Arrays.binarySearch(x, 0);
final double noise = getReadNoise(settings);
final double p = settings.getPhotons();
if (noise == 0) {
// Pure Poisson-Gamma. Just subtract the delta, do the simple integration
// below and add the delta back. Only functions that support noise==0
// will be allowed so this solution works.
dirac = PoissonGammaFunction.dirac(p);
if (c0 != -1) {
y[c0] -= dirac;
} else {
// Fix integration around c=0 using the range of the Gaussian
minc = (int) Math.max(x[0], Math.floor(-5 * noise));
maxc = (int) Math.min(x[x.length - 1], Math.ceil(5 * noise));
uf = new CachingUnivariateFunction(fun, p);
// Use Simpson's integration with n=4 to get the integral of the probability
// over the range of each count.
// Note the Poisson-Gamma function cannot be integrated with the
// Dirac delta function at c==0
// Compute the extra function points
final double[] f = new double[y.length * SIMPSON_N + 1];
int index = f.length;
final int mod;
if (settings.getRoundDown()) {
// Do this final value outside the loop as y[index/n] does not exist
mod = 0;
f[index] = fun.likelihood(start + index * SIMPSON_H, e);
} else {
// Used when computing for rounding up/down
mod = SIMPSON_N_2;
start -= SIMPSON_N_2 * SIMPSON_H;
while (index-- > 0) {
if (index % SIMPSON_N == mod) {
f[index] = y[index / SIMPSON_N];
} else {
f[index] = fun.likelihood(start + index * SIMPSON_H, e);
// Compute indices for the integral
final TIntArrayList tmp = new TIntArrayList(SIMPSON_N);
for (int j = 1; j <= SIMPSON_N_2 - 1; j++) {
tmp.add(2 * j);
final int[] i2 = tmp.toArray();
for (int j = 1; j <= SIMPSON_N_2; j++) {
tmp.add(2 * j - 1);
final int[] i4 = tmp.toArray();
// Compute integral
for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) {
final int a = i * SIMPSON_N;
final int b = a + SIMPSON_N;
sum = f[a] + f[b];
for (int j = i2.length; j-- > 0; ) {
sum += 2 * f[a + i2[j]];
for (int j = i4.length; j-- > 0; ) {
sum += 4 * f[a + i4[j]];
sum *= SIMPSON_H / 3;
// System.out.printf("y[%d] = %f => %f\n", i, y[i], s);
y[i] = sum;
// Fix Poisson-Gamma ...
if (c0 != -1) {
if (uf != null) {
// Convolved Poisson-Gamma. Fix in the range of the Gaussian around c=0
final double lower = (settings.getRoundDown()) ? 0 : -0.5;
final double upper = lower + 1;
// Switch from c<=maxc to c<maxc. Avoid double computation at minc==maxc
if (maxc != minc) {
for (int c = minc, i = Arrays.binarySearch(x, minc); c < maxc; c++, i++) {
try {
y[i] = in.integrate(2000, uf, c + lower, c + upper);
} catch (final TooManyEvaluationsException ex) {
// Q. Is the last sum valid?
if (in.getLastSum() > 0) {
y[i] = in.getLastSum();
} else {
// Otherwise use all the cached values to compute a sum
// using the trapezoid rule. This will underestimate the sum.
// Note: The Simpson integrator will have computed the edge values
// as the first two values in the cache.
final double[] g = uf.list.toArray();
final double dx = (g[3] - g[1]) / in.getN();
final int total = 1 + 2 * ((int) in.getN());
sum = 0;
for (int j = 4; j < total; j += 2) {
sum += g[j];
y[i] = (g[0] + g[2] + 2 * sum) / dx;
} else {
// Pure Poisson-Gamma. Just add back the delta.
y[c0] += dirac;
// Simple flat-top integration
sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) {
sum += y[i];
y[i] = sum;
return new double[][] { x, y };
use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class AiryPsfModel method createAiryDistribution.
private static synchronized void createAiryDistribution() {
if (spline != null) {
final double relativeAccuracy = 1e-4;
final double absoluteAccuracy = 1e-8;
final int minimalIterationCount = 3;
final int maximalIterationCount = 32;
final UnivariateIntegrator integrator = new CustomSimpsonIntegrator(relativeAccuracy, absoluteAccuracy, minimalIterationCount, maximalIterationCount);
// The pattern profile is in one dimension.
// Multiply by the perimeter of a circle to convert to 2D volume then normalise by 4 pi
// return AiryPattern.intensity(x) * 2 * Math.PI * x / (4 * Math.PI)
final UnivariateFunction f = x -> AiryPattern.intensity(x) * 0.5 * x;
// Integrate up to a set number of dark rings
final int samples = 1000;
final double step = RINGS[SAMPLE_RINGS] / samples;
double to = 0;
double from = 0;
final double[] radius = new double[samples + 1];
final double[] sum = new double[samples + 1];
for (int i = 1; i < sum.length; i++) {
from = to;
radius[i] = to = step * i;
sum[i] = integrator.integrate(2000, f, from, to) + sum[i - 1];
if (DoubleEquality.relativeError(sum[samples], POWER[SAMPLE_RINGS]) > 1e-3) {
throw new ComputationException("Failed to create the Airy distribution");
final SplineInterpolator si = new SplineInterpolator();
spline = si.interpolate(sum, radius);
use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class PoissonGammaGaussianFunction method createIntegrator.
private UnivariateIntegrator createIntegrator() {
UnivariateIntegrator in = integrator;
if (in == null) {
// This is the integrator for the Poisson-Gamma when observed count x>=1
// i.e. not at the boundary x=0.
final double relativeAccuracy = 1e-4;
final double absoluteAccuracy = 1e-16;
int minimalIterationCount;
switch(convolutionMode) {
// This is a CustomSimpsonIntegrator that computes 1 refinement
// on the first iteration.
// Number of function evaluations = 2^(iteration+1) + 1
// => 5 for 1 iterations
// => 9 for 2 iterations
minimalIterationCount = 1;
in = new CustomSimpsonIntegrator(relativeAccuracy, absoluteAccuracy, minimalIterationCount, CustomSimpsonIntegrator.SIMPSON_MAX_ITERATIONS_COUNT);
// Not sure how to configure this.
// The integration points are used for each sub-interval.
// Function evaluations = integrationpoints * intervals.
// The intervals start at 1,2 and increase by at least 4 at each stage after that.
// At least 1 stage is done thus 3 * integrationpoints functions evaluations
// will be done for minimalIterationCount=1.
minimalIterationCount = 1;
final int maximalIterationCount = 32;
final int integrationpoints = 8;
in = new IterativeLegendreGaussIntegrator(integrationpoints, relativeAccuracy, absoluteAccuracy, minimalIterationCount, maximalIterationCount);
throw new IllegalStateException();
integrator = in;
return in;