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Example 1 with IsA

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class NotTest method shouldJsonSerialiseAndDeserialise.

public void shouldJsonSerialiseAndDeserialise() throws SerialisationException {
    // Given
    final IsA isA = new IsA(String.class);
    final Not filter = new Not(isA);
    // When
    final String json = new String(new JSONSerialiser().serialise(filter, true));
    // Then
    JsonUtil.assertEquals(String.format("{%n" + "  \"class\" : \"\",%n" + "  \"function\" : {%n" + "    \"class\" : \"\",%n" + "    \"type\" : \"java.lang.String\"%n" + "  }%n" + "}"), json);
    // When 2
    final Not deserialisedFilter = new JSONSerialiser().deserialise(json.getBytes(), Not.class);
    // Then 2
    assertEquals(String.class.getName(), ((IsA) deserialisedFilter.getFunction()).getType());
Also used : IsA( JSONSerialiser( Test(org.junit.Test) FilterFunctionTest(

Example 2 with IsA

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class IsAExample method isAString.

public void isAString() {
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    final IsA function = new IsA(String.class);
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    runExample(function, 1, 2.5, "abc");
Also used : IsA(

Example 3 with IsA

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class IsAExample method isANumber.

public void isANumber() {
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    final IsA function = new IsA(Number.class);
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    runExample(function, 1, 2.5, "abc");
Also used : IsA(


IsA ( Test (org.junit.Test)1 FilterFunctionTest ( JSONSerialiser (