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Example 1 with TimeBucket

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class DeltaLongTimeSeriesSerialiser method deserialise.

public LongTimeSeries deserialise(final byte[] allBytes, final int offset, final int length) throws SerialisationException {
    if (allBytes.length == 0 || length == 0) {
        return null;
    final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(allBytes, offset, length);
    final DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(bais);
    final int bucketInt = (int);
    final TimeBucket bucket = TimeBucket.values()[bucketInt];
    final int numEntries = (int);
    final LongTimeSeries timeSeries = new LongTimeSeries(bucket);
    try {
        final boolean deltaMode = dis.readBoolean();
        if (deltaMode) {
            deltaDeserialise(timeSeries, numEntries, dis);
        } else {
            defaultDeserialise(timeSeries, numEntries, dis);
    } catch (final IOException e) {
        throw new SerialisationException("IOException reading boolean", e);
    return timeSeries;
Also used : SerialisationException( ByteArrayInputStream( LongTimeSeries( TimeBucket( IOException( DataInputStream(

Example 2 with TimeBucket

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class BoundedTimestampSetSerialiser method deserialise.

public BoundedTimestampSet deserialise(final byte[] allBytes, final int offset, final int length) throws SerialisationException {
    if (allBytes.length == 0 || length == 0) {
        return null;
    final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(allBytes, offset, length);
    final DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(bais);
    final int bucketInt = (int);
    final TimeBucket bucket = TimeBucket.values()[bucketInt];
    final int maxSize = (int);
    final BoundedTimestampSet boundedTimestampSet = new BoundedTimestampSet(bucket, maxSize);
    try {
        final byte state = dis.readByte();
        if (NOT_FULL == state) {
            final RBMBackedTimestampSet rbmBackedTimestampSet = new RBMBackedTimestampSet(bucket);
            final RoaringBitmap rbm = new RoaringBitmap();
            final byte[] serialisedRBM = new byte[bais.available()];
            if (-1 == {
                throw new SerialisationException("Unexpected end of stream when reading serialised RoaringBitmap");
            final byte[] convertedBytes = RoaringBitmapUtils.upConvertSerialisedForm(serialisedRBM, 0, serialisedRBM.length);
            final ByteArrayInputStream baisConvertedBytes = new ByteArrayInputStream(convertedBytes);
            final DataInputStream disConvertedBytes = new DataInputStream(baisConvertedBytes);
        } else if (SAMPLE == state) {
            final byte[] serialisedRLU = new byte[dis.available()];
            if (-1 == {
                throw new SerialisationException("Unexpected end of stream when reading serialised ReservoirLongsUnion");
            final ReservoirLongsUnion reservoirLongsUnion = ReservoirLongsUnion.heapify(WritableMemory.wrap(serialisedRLU));
        } else {
            throw new SerialisationException("Unexpected byte indicating the state: expected " + NOT_FULL + " or " + SAMPLE + ", got " + state);
    } catch (final IOException e) {
        throw new SerialisationException("IOException deserialising BoundedTimestampSet from byte array", e);
    return boundedTimestampSet;
Also used : RBMBackedTimestampSet( SerialisationException( ByteArrayInputStream( TimeBucket( BoundedTimestampSet( ReservoirLongsUnion( IOException( DataInputStream( RoaringBitmap(org.roaringbitmap.RoaringBitmap)

Example 3 with TimeBucket

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class RBMBackedTimestampSetSerialiser method deserialise.

public RBMBackedTimestampSet deserialise(final byte[] allBytes, final int offset, final int length) throws SerialisationException {
    if (allBytes.length == 0 || length == 0) {
        return null;
    final int bucketInt = (int) CompactRawSerialisationUtils.readLong(allBytes, offset);
    final int numBytesForInt = CompactRawSerialisationUtils.decodeVIntSize(allBytes[offset]);
    final TimeBucket bucket = TimeBucket.values()[bucketInt];
    final RBMBackedTimestampSet rbmBackedTimestampSet = new RBMBackedTimestampSet(bucket);
    final RoaringBitmap rbm = new RoaringBitmap();
    try {
        // Deal with different versions of RoaringBitmap
        final byte[] convertedBytes = RoaringBitmapUtils.upConvertSerialisedForm(allBytes, offset + numBytesForInt, length - numBytesForInt);
        final ByteArrayInputStream baisConvertedBytes = new ByteArrayInputStream(convertedBytes);
        final DataInputStream disConvertedBytes = new DataInputStream(baisConvertedBytes);
    } catch (final IOException e) {
        throw new SerialisationException("IOException deserialising RoaringBitmap from byte array", e);
    return rbmBackedTimestampSet;
Also used : RBMBackedTimestampSet( SerialisationException( ByteArrayInputStream( TimeBucket( IOException( DataInputStream( RoaringBitmap(org.roaringbitmap.RoaringBitmap)

Example 4 with TimeBucket

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class LongTimeSeriesTest method testGetTimeBucket.

public void testGetTimeBucket() {
    // Given
    final LongTimeSeries timeSeries1 = new LongTimeSeries(TimeBucket.MINUTE);
    final LongTimeSeries timeSeries2 = new LongTimeSeries(TimeBucket.HOUR);
    // When
    final TimeBucket bucket1 = timeSeries1.getTimeBucket();
    final TimeBucket bucket2 = timeSeries2.getTimeBucket();
    // Then
    assertEquals(TimeBucket.MINUTE, bucket1);
    assertEquals(TimeBucket.HOUR, bucket2);
Also used : TimeBucket( JSONSerialisationTest( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)


TimeBucket ( ByteArrayInputStream ( DataInputStream ( IOException ( SerialisationException ( RoaringBitmap (org.roaringbitmap.RoaringBitmap)2 RBMBackedTimestampSet ( ReservoirLongsUnion ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)1 JSONSerialisationTest ( BoundedTimestampSet ( LongTimeSeries (